Actually, they were very nice boys who played hard and deserved the win in a well-officiated game. Even their parents were classy. So we couldn't even complain about the other side or the refs, our usual scapegoats.
I pretty much stopped paying attention, and instead spent lots of time talking to wincing Steeler dads. Two of them work for the City.
"How 'bout that Callahan?" one of them asked me, blissfully unaware that I am the most Evil Blogger in the Lehigh Valley.
"What do you mean?" I answered, unsure whether he liked or disliked the guy.
"He's talking about a job creation plan. But Bethlehem has a hiring freeze under him and he's threatening layoffs. Who the hell does he think he's kidding?"
There's one union Democrat from Bethlehem who will be voting for Dent, not Callahan.
You trot out your pretend non-related "grandson", as a smoke cover to attack decent people like Mayor Callahan and Mr. Barron.
shame on you
all levels of gov't are cutting excess, including Lehigh and Norco. are you ready to rake Stoffa, Angle and cunningham across the coals. how about dent for his repeated no votes to save teachers and state workers from the ranks of unemployed. this is a sad attempt at a double standard. very transparent.
Another example of "all that matters is that I get mine"...
As if no other employer has a hiring freeze and/or layoffs. And if his budget is in the red he should be responsible enough not to hire more people.
So when he does the right thing he loses what should be his base, city workers. But fearing he would not be as responsible as a member of congress (where the blame can be spread around) he's not convincing the rest of us either. Tough break...
ideally, job creation involves the private, and not the public, sector,
"all levels of gov't are cutting excess, including Lehigh and Norco. are you ready to rake Stoffa, Angle and cunningham across the coals."
They're not running for Congress and did not hypocritically call a nwqs conference one week to announce a job freeze and possible layoffs, followed by a news coference the next week to tout a job creation plan.
Wayne, No, and as the City Wiorker pointed out, it is an example of Callahan talking out of both sides of his mouth. He can't have it both ways.
"ideally, job creation involves the private, and not the public, sector"
Agreed. But it is hypocritical of him to claim to be able to create any jobs when he is freezing city jobs and threatwening layoffs.
wow, a municipal employee complaining, now that's ironic. They all complain. They complain if they have to work, they complain if they have to forego anything less than a 4% annual raise, they complain if they have to contribute 1/5 of what I have to contribute to my healthcare. Let's face it, they have it made and now finally people are talking about staff cutbacks, layoffs, hiring freezes and the like. Uh oh, Callahan, you better not look out for me Joe Taxpaying Citizen but looki=out for the greedy, well-paid city employees. NOT! Keep up the good work John, Bethlehem is better becasue of your leadership.
Yeah, he's doin' great. $8.5 MM in the hole. Firetrucks ad police cruisers sitting in the garage. Stealig EIT owed to other municipalities. Touting a "job creation" plan while threatening layoffas wheree he is the employer. If this is a good job, I want some of whatever you're drinking.
"You trot out your pretend non-related "grandson", as a smoke cover to attack decent people like Mayor Callahan and Mr. Barron.
shame on you"
Actually, shame on YOU for making what should be a policy argument personal by bringing up the handsome young man and accusing Bernie of using him. And who are you to call him pretend or non-related?
Nice one Callahan and Barron fans, bring up Bernie's grandson.
Stay Classy!
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