Young politicians can bring lots of fresh ideas, energy and a different perspective than you'll get from old farts like me.
But in some cases, they also bring immaturity. Will Barron learn from his mistakes?
Stay tuned.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
This was blown out of proportion. he misspoke and he admitted that it was taken out of context. shame on you O'Hare for playing into this blame game.
I hope the day comes when you are sorry for attacking Mr. Barron. He will win in a landslide next year and you know it.
"he admitted that it was taken out of context."
Excuse me, but how the hell can he "admit" that others are taking his words, which appear on two separate videos, out of context. he can admit he screwed up, but he can't admit what others are doing.
Admit it.
"Get in my belly!"
Barron is not a "kid", if he is he should resign as Controller for Christ's sake. Barb Thiery is right, this isn't some youthful indiscretion, this is out and out corruption. He literally tried to use his public office to strong arm a company president.
I realize he is doing some pr fence mending now. I understand he has said he needs to get back in Bernie's good graces but how can you trust someone who shows such a slimy side.
He lied about Gracedale just to pander for votes. He strong-armed a private citizen and taped it for union audiences to pander for union money.
As Controller he has spent more time campaigning for future offices than handling his Controller duties.
He is a corrupt Long Dem and as far as many are concerned he used up his 15 minutes of fame.
We don't need another Dertinger and McClure. Enough with the phony pols.
"Will Barron learn from his mistakes?"
Does it matter? I mean are things that bad, that corrupt, that he still has a future in politics?
why can't we all just forgive, forget, and get along? This poor man has dedicated his life to public service and all we can do is torture him.
If you see a problem with what he has done, you are against ordinary working people
This guy has dedicated his miserable political life to taking a paycheck while pretending to work. And when he does work, he provides faulty financial information that contributes to poor decision making.
1. he's a dumbass
2. he did something stupid, not illegal
3. let's give him a little time to see if he learns, shall we Bern?
"...dedicated his life to public service..."
If I hear that phrase one more time I'm going to puke.
The Banker
he did something illegal and stupid
"Get in my belly!"
With Celtic Fest coming up maybe Barron should enter the haggis eating contest. Along with a big side order of crow.
Anonymous 5:03 PM said...
With Celtic Fest coming up maybe Barron should enter the haggis eating contest...
He wouldn't have a chance, he'd have to beat me...
Your boy Angle said this about the selection of Keystone over Berkheimer by the Northampton TCC:
"Berkheimer has been faithful to Northampton County, but when it came time for Northampton to be faithful to Berkheimer, Easton and Bethlehem sold them down the river," he said. "When Easton and Bethlehem want something from the county, I gotta start thinking, 'Why should we give it?' "
Can defend his threat to Bethlehem and Easton?
BTW, I believe he means the school districts, not the cities.
Correction, apparently he does mean the cities. However, I fail to see how their combined 13 percent swayed the vote.
I want the baby!! Put the baby in ma belly!!!!
Give me ma baby back, baby back, baby back ribs.
Get in ma belly!!!
I agree with Wayne. Why do Democrats have to "wait" for Barron to "mature", what the Hell is this, a political kindergarten.
There are no honest, smart Dem's out there? So we have to get the "New Reibman". What the Hell is going on?
Holy Crap. It isn't often you get a second chance with these slimy politicians and this one showed his true colors early. There is an old saying that you can tell what a person is really like by giving them a little power. Well, this clown got a little power and he showed that he is an arrogant little thug. If the voters and the union people think he gives a crap about anything but himself then they deserve each other. Just don't force the rest of us to foot the bill for his training to be a better bullshitter.
"When Easton and Bethlehem want something from the county, I gotta start thinking, 'Why should we give it?' "
Sounds almost exactly like the "threat" Barron made....Spin away Bernie...Spin away!!!!
"Barron may be standing in front of Angle again this Thursday. The Bulldog is considering asking Council to censor him."
The above is a quote from Bernie O'hare after Barron made his "threat"
I eagerly await the response from Bernie on a stunningly similar threat from the Bulldog himself........
"Berkheimer has been faithful to Northampton County, but when it came time for Northampton to be faithful to Berkheimer, Easton and Bethlehem sold them down the river," he said. "When Easton and Bethlehem want something from the county, I gotta start thinking, 'Why should we give it?' "
To me it sounds like someone abusing his office.
I am sure this has nothing to do with the fact that Berkeimer is from the Slate Belt.
You don't get it, do you? Angle is threatening pwople wno, just like Barron, are trying to drive business away. Berhkheimer is a mjor business in Ron's District and in the County. It is perfectly logical that he would wantr that business to stay and he's made no bones about that. In fact, in another context, the Long Dems intoroduced legislation requiring the County to giver preferential treatment to businesses from inside the County. And in this case Berkheimer is cheaper or the same.
"Berhkheimer is a mjor business in Ron's District and in the County"
Which is why he was so pissed. My point is there is absolutely no reason for any threats by public officials. Not Barron, or Angle. Threats are threats. You publicly bashed Barron for the same thing you just explained away for Angle. We all know you two are buddies, and yes you have a right to write what you please, but as much as you want to try and make Angle and his threat seem less than Barrons, there is no difference.
Do you find it ethical for public officials to threaten people to get what they want? We already know the answer. YOU DON'T this it is right, and there are about 3 or 4 articles written by YOU that bash some one else for doing what your friend did. At least try to be fair with your criticism.
And the fact that "Berhkheimer is a major business in Ron's District and in the County" raises even more flags about Angle and his actions and threats!!!!
Like I said, you don't get it.
"Like I said, you don't get it."
The problem for you is I totally get it. That is why you choose not to engage in this topic. You are what we call a hypocrite.
I get it more than you will ever know.
I know your game...you will not enter into a big discussion on this because you want it to go away. I will not let it go away.
The only reason Angle wants Berkheimer is because they are a Slate Belt business that will provide him with the kick backs it takes to deal with him. Why else would he be so angry?
Actually, I did engage in this topic, but you have some weird notion that a Councilman elected to serve the interests of a district within his county should not do so. You seem to think elected officials have no obligation to try to retain a local business that employs well over 300 people.
Like I said, you don't get it.
"You seem to think elected officials have no obligation to try to retain a local business that employs well over 300 people."
And that makes it ok to threaten anyone?
The issue you had with Barron in not why he threatened people, but the fact that he threatened people.
You don't get what I am saying, so let me break it down for you.
I am saying that a threat is a threat, and NO ELECTED OFFICIAL should be making threats no matter the circumstance!!
Also I am saying that Angle is so angry about this because it hits close to home and in his pocket book.
I guess you now think it is ok for elected officials to make threats depending on circumstances? That is not how you felt a week ago, do you remember or shall I refresh your memory?
"D'Amore stood by as Barron threatened retaliatory action by Northampton and Lehigh Counties over a VP's refusal to see them without an appointment."
This is your quote!! Angle threatened retaliatory action also.
Ron Angle: "Now he's rose to the point where he's catering to the unions because he wants Stoffa's job and he believes they will get him the job. It's not complicated. ... He went out there, and he clearly said to them, 'If you don't do what I want, then when you come to Northampton or Lehigh County (and I still don't follow the Lehigh County), we're going to remember that in doing business with you.' I don't believe that's what a Controller says. ...What saves him across the street is some damn fine employees, and they've been there a long time. ... If T-Mobile wants to bid on something we have, they should be treated as fairly as anyone else."
Even better...above is a quote (provided by you) from the bulldog himself. The best part is where Angle says "we're going to remember that in doing business with you."
The dumbass did the same thing just yesterday!! (You won't admit it, but he did.)
Above is a link to an apology letter from Stoffa to T Mobile...remove Barron's name and replace it with Angle, and remove T Mobile and replace them with the people of Easton and Bethlehem. Pretty similar huh?
"If you're an elected official, the last thing you should do is shake down some local business. And if you're gonna' do it anyway, you should at least be sneaky about it"
Above is a quote from you when you "broke" the Barron story. Instead of local business Angle is (in YOUR OWN WORDS) "shaking down the cities of Bethlehem and Easton.
(Question to you)"So because you say he did something illegal (arguable at best) he should resign."
(YOUR ANSWER)"Yes, he should. If he wants to be a union agent, he can apply for a job with them. He is abusing his office by throwing his official title around and dictating terms to a private business on behalf of a union."
If Angle wants to represent a private company such as Berkheimer he can apply for a job with them!! He is abusing his office by threatening the very people that he represents.
Shall I go on....or do I still "not get it?"
You Barron apologists are reaching. Angle didn't threaten anyone directly or indirectly with extortion.
Barron went out to shoot a union film to get union financial support. He thought the President would melt when he announced his presence. Instead the guy said, who the Hell are you. Barron in a fit showed his true thug credentials and made a threat to a private citizen and this private company.
Angle who represents the rural North-lands made a statement in public, not trying to hide it for campaign purposes. He let the cities know that like Philly and Pittsburgh in the state, that the way they try to rig things for their own benefit is nonsense and as an elected official who actually represents county residents, he knows their game.
Completely different, up front and and honest.
I realize Big Belly Barron has a lot of people looking for the good times of big Reibman corrupt contracts to return but your attempt to compare these events is bullshit.
Barron is a sleazy corrupt pol who tried to strong-arm a private company in order to get union money for his future political exploits. Angle let other political entities in the County know people are aware of their political bullshit.
Bernie you should post another entry on ethics in government and let these turkeys again publicly show how they don't get that what Barron did was nothing short of the mob enforcer letting a business know that it better buy "insurance", if you know what I mean.
Keep this going Barronista's, your boy is sinking and you are wrapping him in more chains.
I love the old, "our sins are no worse than your sins" defense. Turn him over the Pillsbury dough-boy is done!
The End!
"He let the cities know that like Philly and Pittsburgh in the state, that the way they try to rig things for their own benefit is nonsense and as an elected official who actually represents county residents, he knows their game."
So this is why he personally fields phone calls for the sale of Gracedale?
I never once said what Barron did was right. I don't even know the man.
Bernie on the other hand will bend over backwards to protect Angle.
Threats are threats, and threats by public officials shouldn't be tolerated no matter what.
It seems as though you area a Bernista and an Anglite, and you too are fooled by their underhanded tactics, and "reporting."
And I must say this again, I never once said I agree with what Barron did or said.
Wow! Barron has the Fleckster rallying the troops to defuse this bombshell.
Deflection is the word.
If the baby is not on ma belly, I will send my union goons to get it.
I repeat, "Put the baby in ma belly"!
" I don't even know the man", thank you St. Peter. Has the cock crowed yet?
Atty. Brennan is on guard duty today.
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