Now with all these voiceover gigs, book sales and operation of an "almost famous" blog, you might think Scott Ott is too busy to immerse himself in mere County politics. But Lehigh County Republicans, the same group that decided to bail out on the Allentown Fair this year, have appointed him their "Executive Director," whatever the hell that is.
What has he done? Well, he's named Captains. He's also raised a lot of money. But it's for him. According to 2010 campaign finance reports, ScrappleFace has pulled down $13,545 between 1/15/10 and 5/28/10, which is over $700 per week.
Maybe that's why LC Republicans have no booth at the Great Allentown Fair.
If an election were held today, Scott Ott would trounce Don Cunningham. And he likely wouldn't need a dime to do it. Mercifully, Scott derailed Don's bigger political ambitions by tagging him with the "barely-beat-a-penniless-unknown-challenger" label. Don had all that money and all those impressive, connected donors. And half the county's voters couldn't run fast enough to the polls to throw him the hell out for being a fiscal incompetent and shameless Rendell toady. Scott Ott's is such a great political story. Don Cunningham's is so old and typical and crooked and inside and connected it's sickening. I bet Don couldn't get elected dog catcher this November. I bet he wouldn't survive a recall vote. What are LC's procedures regarding recalls?
bullshit. ott got about the same number of votes as ervin did in the cycle cunningham trounced her. bottom line is democrats stayed home last year, and ott was almost the beneficiary of it. he is a fluke, nothing more.
Bernie loves Don hates Scott so the arithmetic is easy. Time to attack Scott Ott.
With O'Hare predictability is, well..predictable.
donny boy is DOA. he has found his peter principle
next in line to all is johnny casino
Scott Ott is one extreme dude. Our own local Sarah Palin. If people knew what he really represents, they would never consider him as an alternative to dog catcher.
BTW, Let's not forget that if the likes of Charlie Dent, Pat TOO-extreme-for-MEY Toomey, and Scott Ott had their way, we would have killed the last major manufacturing sector in the US. We now see auto manufacturers making a huge turn around and with the upcoming IPO, will make bigger strides by paying back the taxpayer bailout with interest.
This is still Bush's and the GOP's recession. The just hope it can carry for two more years.
Scott Ott is a very talented and capable person, he is also a conservative. Time will tell whether he is the right person for this difficult and often thankless position. I for one am excited to have a person of this caliber willing to take on this task for our county organization.
I am glad he is on our(Republican)side.
Scott Armstrong
Anon 5:43,
Try as you might your words cannot hold back the tide that is rising against your party. I suggest you brace yourself for a very sobering November. Been there done that myself.
Scott Armstrong
Perhaps they aren't spending money at the Allentown Fair because, for once, a political party actually evaluated the wisdom of the expense instead of just doing what they have always done.
People don't go to the fair to get their politics on. The R's won't be missed, nor would the D's if they stayed home.
Much ado about nothing. Meanwhile, an evil rethuglican raises a whole $700 a week. What's your point?
Its all about demographics. Bill Heydt was the best administrator we ever had as mayor and he lost.Sam beat Dent in allentown city and she lost.Dent only wins cause hes a moderate.The republicans lose because they have no organization on the street, all chiefs and no indians.You can say what you want about Sam, she could organize the troops like no other.This year is the best opportunity for local republicans,so where are the local candidates.
Scott is certainly an interesting character. Definitely a fun personality to have on our political scene, however his high vote count against Cunningham is a fluke. It was the Republican backlash against Obama. Democrats stayed home, Republicans came out. The GOP gained all kind of ground....in fact, Cunningham is one of the only Democrats to have won anything at all on a national level. Hell, you may not like it, but Cunningham pretty much won a republican primary last year. Although it may not fit the GOP talking points, everyone sees it for what it is.
Keep telling yourself that.
In November you're going to be fluked out of office. Cunningham could be recalled today; no doubt about it. He's hated.
A very nice photo. Didn't even recognize him with facial hair. Very nice image. Good to hear he's doing well.
Don't remember the vote count but Scott nearly beat Cunningham. If he had, it would have been a huge D defeat. Huge! It just may happen soon. Hope Scott runs again. All folks want is honesty in office. HONESTY!
Anyone hear about the Congresswoman that sent more than 20 relatives to college on a scholarship program earmarked for children in need.
Anonymous said...
Bernie loves Don hates Scott so the arithmetic is easy. Time to attack Scott Ott.
With O'Hare predictability is, well..predictable.
2:21 AM
But we thought Bernie loved Dent.
You mean he's a two-timer.
This year is the best opportunity for local republicans,so where are the local candidates.
6:49 AM
Gota admit. This is an issue.
Justin Simmons is a good candidate.
He wowed voters with his door-to-door campaign and fresh appeal.
Thanks for telling us about Scott.
Didn't know what he was up to. Thanks. Where did you get that photo? He looks like a magician.
He looks like an evil magician
Scott's a nice guy and I certainly don't hate him. I actually like the guy. he and I get on pretty well. I do think that county parties paying that kind of money for executive directors or whatever is ridiculous. It's a total waste of money that should be used to promore cadidates and drive up registration.
if this was a D, the local R's would be pointing out how he couldn't get a real job and how he's living off of party favors. Since he is an R, he is a great guy and doing thankless work.
It must be great to wake up in the morning as a party loyalist (D or R) and see the world as you want and not as it really is.
I got the picture from Scott's blog. He does look a little like a magician, now that you mention it.
"his high vote count against Cunningham is a fluke."
We voted for Ott because we heard less than flattering things about his opponent and we're not flukes. We're the flukettes.
We don't resent this guy getting a salary and from the little we know of you, we doubt you do too.
But your point about voter registration and Rs candidate support is valid. The local Rs should set up tables at every sidewalk event from now through the end of registration to encourage voter registration. This would be a positive and community-minded thing to do.
What is most discouraging is that there is such a thing as organized registration effort in the first place.
Throughout history, so many have sacrificed so much to provide and protect the freedoms we enjoy, one of the most important of which is the right to choose our leadership.
Enough with the outreach, the bakesales and other such nonsense. When you have to beg and bribe people to participate, it is not really their vote, is it?
Anonymous said...
But your point about voter registration and Rs candidate support is valid. The local Rs should set up tables at every sidewalk event from now through the end of registration to encourage voter registration. This would be a positive and community-minded thing to do.
Or setting up a booth at the fair.
Unlike what another poster tried to represent, the party booths at the fair see a good amount of traffic - and you meet people on their terms. If they don't want to talk to you, they can just keep walking.
Perhaps the GOP is too full of themselves to pay for a booth at an event that the "fat cats" don't attend.
Hope Scrapple Face got to copy the UTube videos circulated today that showcase local government officials "in bed" with union organizers at the new T-Mobile site. Now these videos apparently have been removed. By whom?
Attn: Scott Ott
This is what worries me. The GOP
should have done anything to get a presence at the Fair which opens today.
"Perhaps the GOP is too full of themselves to pay for a booth at an event that the "fat cats" don't attend.
11:15 AM:"
"Unlike what another poster tried to represent, the party booths at the fair see a good amount of traffic - and you meet people on their terms. If they don't want to talk to you, they can just keep walking."
We agree. Almost everyone likes the fair and it does afford an opportunity to speak with politicans and candidates in an informal setting.
Perhaps this is but one reason
some Americans have become disillusioned with Washington:
"WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson awarded eight scholarships last year to her grandsons and a top aide's children – bringing to 23 the number of awards she handed out since 2005 in violation of Congressional Black Caucus Foundation eligibility rules.
The Dallas Morning News reported Sunday that over the last five years, the Dallas Democrat has awarded up to $20,000 in 15 scholarships to two grandsons, two great-nephews, and aide Rod Givens' children between 2005 and 2008. The 2009 awards – reflected in a previously undisclosed list provided Monday by the foundation – push that above $25,000."
Scott Ott is indeed a busy man. You can go online to Pajamas Media and see Scott with two others on the Trifecta portion, doing pointedly humorous commentaries.
Rs should engage the services of a racist community organizing group to illegally register voters with the intent to commit voter fraud. They should give it a catchy name as well. Something like walnut or chestnut, or maybe acorn.
On this picture he almost looks as dreamy as Cunningham, what do you think Bernie?
Lots of conflict here. Laughing at Obama.
But doesn't the author wear a ring with a cross on it?
Could he run a county? Maybe not before but now there is the LC Rep Chairman behind him.
What is this all about Bernie? Are you working with the Allentown City Chair to get Donovan to jump on the Rep bandwagon and run for mayor?
If I do not see Laughing at Obama selling in the dollar stores within the next six months during a two for one special maybe I will reconsider.
Scott Ott's hypocrisy is amazing. He leads a Republican Party that loves to quote Jesus but doesn't want to get down and dirty with the unwashed masses at the Allentown fair. If you want converts Scott, that's where to find them.
And I'm going to give you anon Ott water carriers a news flash.
You can brag all you want about how well Ott did against Don, but that's like me bragging that I got almost ten thousand votes against Reichley. I got my total in 30 precincts in 2006, OTT just broke 20,000 in 2009 in 154 predincts. It's like comparing Apples to PEANUTS. WE BOTH still LOST.
Quite fooling yourselves, because that is all you are fooling. You think November 2010 is in the bag, and one thing I know for sure, is that nothing is for granted.
I am disgusted that your group is so proud of your "laughing at Obama" publication.
I disagreed with much of the Bush presidency's direction, but I never disrespected my PRESIDENT. Yes, I never voted for him, but he was MY PRESIDENt.
Your bunch whimed and moaned everytime Bush was criticized, but you think it is hilarious to carry Monkeys around and shoot targets that mock our President's skin color.
That is some hih moral ground your wing of the Republicans has taken, it's not on some hilltop, but looks more like the bottom of a septic tank.
And before you scream I am blanketing all Republicans with my brush, I am not. MY MOM WAS A LIFELONG REPUBLICAN. She took Foster Children of all races in our home and treated them as equals, and taught her children to do so as well. She would be repulsed by your attitudes.
Nothing wrong with the Bush Guillotine at the Obama Presidential Campaign rally in Denver?
Of course there was something wrong with the guillotine.
Isn't excusing a bad act because "they did it too" a bit childish? And we wonder why people are losing faith in BOTH major parties.
WSow, "We aren't as bad as they are' is powerful recruiting slogan, huh?
Chris Casey's words are offensive and repulsive.
Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. I do know he identified himself.
Voter registration shouldn't be a partisan thing. Sure, party organizations have every right to solicit people to register to vote, but I think people are more likely to register when there's no implied support of a particular party or candidate.
That's why the Lehigh Valley Tea Party Group has voter registration forms at OUR booth at the Allentown Fair, inside the Farmer's Market Building at the Mary Ann Donut booth. Our volunteers are telling people we don't care how you register, or even how you vote, as long as you're informed and participate in the process.
We've also got pocket Constitutions on hand and a special line of red, white and blue jewelry, hand made not only in the USA, but right here in Allentown.
Please stop by and visit us - but don't ask us political questions or which candidates we support, because that's not what we do. We're a non-partisan and non-political educational not-for-profit.
More information available at www.lehighvalleyteaparty.org.
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