Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Permitgate: Pawlowski Gets Two More Permits

Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's failure to obtain permits for his home improvements is certainly no Watergate, but it does reveal an elected official who thinks he's above the law. Let me give you a Permitgate chronology, which does include a few recent developments.

July 23: I tell you Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski has just built a new "mancave" in his basement without getting the required permits, an offense for which he has had others shot. I'm called a meanie who has endangered the lives of Pawlowski's children, and am universally condemned. My "deep throat," incidentally, is Lisa Pawlowski's Facebook page.

July 23: Muhlenberg Professor Jeff Pooley, in response to my revelations, writes an essay entitled "O'Hare's Petty Mudslinging." I take great offense, insisting it is Major Mudslinging.

July 23: While Muhlenberg Professor Jeff Pooley and I exchange insults, Pawlowski sneaks out and gets a permit (AP66178) for his mancave.

July 26: After 50 pizzas are delivered to his home, Muhlenberg Professor Jeff Pooley posts an essay entitled, "An Apology to Bernie O'Hare."

July 27: 50 pizzas are mysteriously delivered to Muhlenberg Professor Jeff Pooley by a rotund deliveryman who refuses to give Pooley any change and runs off, laughing, "You'll never get in my mancave."

July 28: Lisa Pawlowski "defriends" about 60 people from her Facebook account. Unfortunately for her, she dumps the wrong people.

July 30: Thanks to Lisa Pawlowski's Facebook account, I tell you about additional work Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski did on his home. I include pictures of some very cedar siding installed by Pawlowski contributor and city contractor Stellar Construction way back in December. Once again, Hizzoner failed to obtain a permit. It's good to be King.

July 31: Lisa Pawlowski kills her Facebook account.

August 1: A beleagured Edwin Pawlowski invites his secret advisor, blogger Michael Molovinsky, to get down on his knees and pray with him. "Who the frick do you think I am, Henry Kissinger?" asks Molovinsky. "Let's hit the hot tub."

August 2: In a late response to a Right-to-Know request, Allentown City lawyers send me one permit ... dated in 1984 ... before Pawlowski even owned a castle.

August 2: While I'm hand-delivering a second Right-to-Know request to City lawyers, Pawlowski sneaks out and gets a permit (EP 72268) for some electrical crap around his mancave's hot tub.

August 2: His hot tub leaking again, Pawlowski sneaks out and gets another permit (EP 72269) to bring it up to code. The last thing we need is another flood, with King Edwin body0-surfing down Hamilton Street.

August 3: Pawlowski rents Hot Tub Time Machine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. bernie, readers of both our blogs may realize that you have most likely interjected me into this post, because over at molovinskyonallentown , i condemn the casting off of gracedale patients favored by angle and stoffa, and defended by you.

    since you have interjected me, let me state my opinion; although i will criticize policy by any politician, i will generally not cross over into their home or family.

  4. "I take great offense, insisting it is Major Mudslinging."

    Although I disagree with about half the stuff you post here, the fact that your self depricating is what gives this blog charm. Good for you.

  5. Molovinsky proves once again that he has no sense of humor. I could understand why he is confused with Kissinger.

  6. Smells Like ChickenAugust 4, 2010 at 4:31 PM

    Admittedly OT, but Bernie's likely been instructed to ignore this embarrassing issue for his candidate. Another day of Charlie Dent hiding from a debate with Jake Towne. It would be the most covered debate in recent LV history. And a real debate of the issues. Not a mudslinging contest between two major party candidates who largely agree.

  7. Speaking of smells, I smell Callahan's camp in that comment. Now that Towe has done the right thing and distanced hmself from anti-Semitic Poker Face, ent will debate Towne. The only candidate to duck a debate so far is Callahan.

  8. Pawlowski could go down as being Allentown's worst mayor.

    Somewhere, Roy breathes a sigh of relief.

  9. Keep up the investigation! Oh by the way, is it true you had the lead story in a local very popular weekly? They'll hire anybody. Congrats. Good Story.

  10. Thanks. Yes, most of the real reporters were on vacation.

  11. While you have a very wonderful writing style and we enjoy these comments, it is disgusting that an Allentown city worker contacted the Mayor behind the scenes so the mayor could run down to city hall and get a permit when no one else in the world would have been allowed.

  12. Since we're talking about honest politicians, what ever happened with the phone logs?

  13. Do you mean Charlie's had a change of heart and will debate?

  14. That request was denied on the basis that they don't exist. I find that hard to believe and am considering an appeal.

  15. "I did. His name is Prior, too. Thomas Prior. Prior & Prior. Are these priests or a law firm?

    Ya gota get on the Leno Show.

  16. As far as Charlie debating is concerned, that is what I understand. I do think he was right to refuse to debate Towne so long as he was willing to embrace Poker Face. Now that Townwe has done the right thing, I am informed Dent will agree to debate Towne. He is always invvolved in 6 or 7 debates every election cycle. He debated Mat Benol against his political interest and will debate Towne. The only candidate who has really duckeda debate is Callahan. he refused to debate with Dent and Benol this Spring. It was a Tea Party debate and I understand that he felt he wouldn't be treated fairly, but it was a very respectful group that included over 500 people, the most I've ever seen at a debate anywhere.

  17. I'm willing to concede that maybe the Mayor was BUSY with more important things and just forgot to get a permit. After all, he does have a city to run. Seriously, is this the worst thing you can dig up on the guy? Embarrassing, but hardly much of a big deal. Now, go get some real news.

  18. "After all, he does have a city to run."

    Newsflash: Ed used our tax dollars to hire a professional to run the City. You should have said that he was too busy tending to his political career to get a Building Permit.

  19. King Edward is a joke, Mike you are his poppet. your always there to cover his butt from this bs to the cell phone ban which is still a joke nobody pays attention to it not even your city workers,Ive seen plenty driving city trucks while talking seen officers using it as a walkie talkie rather then a phone while driving the patrol car.I say lets not trash Allentown remove Pawlumpski

  20. Now THIS is a story. Hard facts and hilarious results. Good job on this one. What a weasel this guy is.

  21. the truth about bernie o hare



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