"hey bernie,You really need to look into why the retired Captain Mill was instructed to stay home from the wreck that night and why the Mayor called the then Commissioner Miller out to handle the issue???
"As far [Captain] Kravatz You really need to take a hard look at how much You believe from Him..Yes the reports go in a bin however isnt it funny that this particular report was put out after the media was in for the day and it was removed before the next day!"
It's pretty likely this comment was posted by a Bethlehem police officer offended at the favoritism shown to Callahan brother-in-law Dino Cantelmi. Three years ago, Cantelmi injured a police officer in an accident involving alcohol, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, and Super Bowl Sunday. The story was never covered by either daily newspaper.
Believe it or not, there's yet another Callahan brother-in-law who's had his own run-ins with the law. In 2004, Callahan brother-in-law Vito Jeffrey Villani threatened cops after being picked up for an incident of road rage, in which he assaulted a Bethlehem resident.
"The mayor is my brother-in-law," bragged Vito. "You can't do anything to me. I'm a Villani."
Vito taunted arresting police officers with remarks like "Just wait. I'll take care of you," and "Just wait. In five years when you're not expecting it, I'm gonna be waiting to take care of you."
Villani was charged with all kinds of offenses, like Fleeing or Attempting To Elude Police Officers, Terroristic Threats, Aggravated Assault, Recklessly Endangering and Driving Under Suspension. You can see a record of the charges here, here and here.
At the time, Mayor Callahan piously told the press, "I've done nothing to intervene, nor will I." But guess what? In an incident involving numerous threats to police officers, Vito was given two years probation. Ordinarily, in any case involving a threat to a police officer, the guilty party goes to jail. But not this time. After all, Vito is Callahan's brother-in-law.
In fact, I'm unsure whether this final disposition ever appeared in a newspaper. I've searched Morning Call archives, and am unable to find any indication that this slap on the wrist was ever reported. I am unable to search Express Times archives in that time period. But if this was kept out of both papers, it sure looks like somebody intervened.
Fast forward three years. Vito was arrested again, after sending someone to the hospital in another fight. This time all the King's horses and all the King's men were of no help. District Judge Gay Elwell sent Vito to jail, where he belonged in 2004.
When it comes to the Mayor and his gang you are only scratching the surface. You will not like everything you find. A tale of power lust and bravado. Some folks you refuse to believe could be involved, are.
Just the tip Bernie, just the tip.
This is looking worse and worse.
It seems like the Mayor of Bethlehem has more power than I knew...telling this judges what to do must be an implied power of the City charter rather than an explicit one.
I find it remarkable that Vito would get off with such a light sentence after some very threatening remarks to Bethlehem police. What amazes me even more is that, even though the original altercation was reported, I can find no evidence that the final disposition made its way to either newspaper. I'm prepared to be proven wrong, but can't seem to find anything.
If the story was important enough to be covered when it first happened, why can I find nothing concerning the slap on the wrist imposed?
Are these posts supposed to sway my vote?
If so, then if this is all that Charlie Dent and his supporters can come up with (smear on toilet paper) then I'm voting for John Callahan!
I always vote straight Democrat.
Allentown Democrat Voter
Shining a light on someone who demonstrates that he will not hesitate to use his office to circumvent the law and for personal gain is a service, not a smear.
Is this really the type of guy you want to send to DC? That's would be like sending a alcoholic to Oktoberfest. The temptation would be just too great, I think.
Oh, that's right, most D's don't care if their rep whets his beak, as long as they get theirs and stick it to the man.
Stick it to the man!
Don't forget to save his seat at th Ho.
As long as Charlie's camp is talking about this through Bernie, they don't have to address being scared enough of Jake Towne that Shawn's peed down his leg every day for the past two weeks. The guy's taken to wearing rubbers - on his feet - in summertime.
Cowards run from debates. Charlie's a coward. And his campaign lackey's socks stink because of it.
So let me get this straight...Did callahan somehow tell a judge to go lenient on this guy?...where is the connection to callahan?...other than that his brother in law is a moron...
"Cowards run from debates."
Really? Well, in that case, Callahan is a cowad. He's the only Congressional candidate who did run from a debate. He refused to appear at ome this Spring, attended by over 500 people.
"?...where is the connection to callahan?..."
I never said there was a connection. I am pointing out that the judge did go easy on Vito and that I can find no record of the final disposition in a newspaper, just like Cantlelmi.
"I never said there was a connection"
that's bullshit Bern. your clear implication is that callahan was somehow involved here as well, although you've got nothing.
I never said Callahan intervened, but it's clear that somebody did. Perhaps it was Vito's rich daddy. Perhaps it was Callahan. Perhaps it ws both. What's clear is that someobody intervened, just like someoby intervened when Dino had his little crash.
Bernie, I think you often uncover stories that deserve uncovering. With that being said, you posted this article with zero proof of anything. Yes, this guy apparently is not an upstanding citizen. However, what does it have to do with callahan?....and you said it is clear that someone stepped in....and that you are not accusing callahan of intervening...but yet you title the article "The Other Callahan Brother in Law"?....come on now...why should people take you seriously?
Vito Villani is a Callahan brother-in-law. He bragged about that and about being a Villani on the night of his arrest. Given the fact that he rec'd a rather lenient sentence, which somehow never made it to the dailies, I think it's very appropriate to point out that somebody intervened on his behalf. If I had better proof, someobody would be charged. But I think it's important that people know that Vito got a probationary sentence for repeatedly threatening Bethlehem police officers, especially since I can't seem to find a record of it in the newspapers.
So two Callahan brother-in-laws got off easy for assaulting cops. How many cops have to get assaulted or injured before it adds up to a problem?
... "Really? Well, in that case, Callahan is a cowad. He's the only Congressional candidate who did run from a debate. He refused to appear at ome this Spring, attended by over 500 people." ...
So your response is that Dent is a coward like Callahan? I agree. But Dent is scared shitless of Towne. The me-too-coward defense is novel, though.
Spadoni represented the defendant on all of those cases. Doesn't he also represent the City?
He represents City Council.
"But Dent is scared shitless of Towne."
Doubtful. Anyone who has heard Towne speak knows he is crazy. Dent is probably just trying to avoid subjecting sane people in the audience to the mind numbing insanity that Towne spews.
this is the fox news approach to blogging
6:30, you mean the network that has nearly triple the viewership of all other networks?
The one that is a thorn in the side of Republicans and Democrats alike?
You probably prefer the Morning Call's style of minimal and poor reporting and attacking conservatives, such as comparing the Tea Party to the Poker Face Band.
OK Bernie you are really grasping at straws and shame on you.
Note the two last names of the people involved. Cantelmi and Villani - two of the power names in town - and you think because they are related to Callahan and his unStar of Bethlehem family roots they were given a pass?
You are being silly and again I have to compare you to Andrew Breitbart on this.
Donald, I'm always silly. I am bothered by the apparent cronyism in bethlehem, and unfortunately, think I've only scratched the surface. I am working on a piece about all the family connections and favoritism.
Is this supposed to be a educated conversation? It reminds me of the movie black Sheep with Chris farely.i thought the movie black sheep was just a comedy and a idiot like this guy bernie, is actually really using a tactic from a 1996 comedy. You would have to be legitimately stupid to think that callahan is going to help Cantelmi or Villani? hey bern i have a great idea, kill yourself.
You bloggers are funny. What do you think this is the Soprano family of the Lehigh Valley? Callahan as Mickey Blue Eyes. LOL! People make mistakes, and they pay for them. Callahan has no power over the court and their decisions. But hey if it helps you sleep at night! Preach on! Maybe write a book. I'll read it. Then put it in my library under the "comedy" section.
Hey Bernie, you should probably become educated before you speak. I am a villani, and the "rich daddy" comment is completely out of line. Just because jeff represented the family poorly on one occasion does not mean that you can make inadequate assumptions. Jeff's "rich daddy", is an honest, classy man, who had a tough life and worked hard for everything he owns. Evidently, you know nothing about that. Lastly, callahan for congress!
Bernie O'Hare said...
" I am working on a piece about all the family connections and favoritism."
This guys a riot, I cant wait to read this "piece" hes been secretly working on.
Just because jeff represented the family poorly on one occasion"
Actually, Jeff represented the family poorly on a few occasions, or is it your contention that sending someone to the hospital and being jailed for it is just fine. Maybe that Soprano analogy, something that you brought up, has merit.
" I am a villani"
Congrats. I am an O'Hare, except I identify myself completely while you are afraid to do so. You may own Bethlehem, but you don't own this blog.
Hey, this message is to BERN!! lol WHAT a shitty name. Anyways this guy Vito Villani. He didnt commit robbery? or arson? or kidnapping? or was affiliated with Latin KINGS lol. He got into a few street brawls? in his late teenage years maybe early 20s? am i right? Come on BERN!!!!! This has nothing to do with John Callahan . You need something more concrete, you look really stupid
better watch out ohare the sopranos of the lehigh valley might run into you as your riding your bicycle and decide to throw a stick in your spokes
Gee, you're spending a lot of time denying any connection, and A FULL WEEK after this blog posted. If this is "really stupid," why would you need to talk about it a week later. And the threates being made here lead me to believe that the Villanis are in fact a bunch of bullies used to stepping on people who get in their way. Unfortunately for you, we're all equal here.
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here bernie. You seem to take way too much interest in jeff's life..creepy.
What's creepy is coming onto a blog thread a full week after the story originally posted, and offering the following remarks:
"hey bern i have a great idea, kill yourself."
"the sopranos of the lehigh valley might run into you as your riding your bicycle and decide to throw a stick in your spokes"
"I am a villani"
Those sound like the very kind of immature remarks that one might make while speaking to cops. The Mayor can't help you here.
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6:14 PM
Way to keep it "EQUAL" on your blog bern.
Just my two cents, not that it matters because "i am a moron" and i am not "a outstanding citizen." i am sorry if i am coming off "creepy" , i just found out about this blog thingy you have going on yesterday.i told myself i was not going to post but i have some free time and thought id share my input on the subject with you. For what its worth i will admit i was wrong back then. i look back at it and realize just how stupid my actions were. however do not believe everything the media says, i did not tell anyone " im a villani" or bring up the mayor.
What would any of what i've done have to do with john callahan? hes a nice guy but hes not that nice!!! for him to jeopardize his career because hes married to my sister is impossible. In what way do you believe that i got a light sentence? 2 years of probation SUCKS!!!
Samuel L Colon. A Gang member in the Latin Kings. The Latin Kings are an organized crime correct? I read on the front page of the morning call that he was released on bail. If his last name happened to be villani would you write an article about how the court system might be going easy on him? you are simply misinformed about a lot of stuff. For instance my "rich daddy."
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