Of course, the Callahan blogger is blowin' oil. In a post entitled, "Bernie O'Hare Thinks You Are Dumb," Jon Geeting is still calling complaints about this unpaid bill "petty crap flinging" and "corny nonsense."
That's OK with me. He can flap his wings all he wants, but all this "petty crap flinging" and "corny nonsense" reduced the tax burden to Bethlehem School taxpayers by $15,000. That's chump change to Johnny Casino, but it's a lot of money to most of us. It's 50 football helmets. It's 30 laptops.
Geeting also points to an unpaid bill, outside of Dent's district, for an RNC event that was canceled. He demands to know why Dent isn't clamoring to get that bill paid, too. Maybe because it's outside his district, the event was canceled, and involves neither a school nor Callahan. After all, Callahan did help to arrange and appeared at Hillary's visit two years ago.
Geeting claims it would be illegal for Callahan to pay that bill, but I certainly never suggested Callahan should pay it. What I did suggest was that Clinton could find a way. For example, he could ask Callahan supporters to make contributions to Hillary's campaign, earmarked for Bethlehem schools. For Christ's sake, he was the President. I think he could come up with $15,000. And he did, thanks to the pressure started by Charlie Dent.
So who really thinks you're dumb?
Geeting claims it would be illegal for Callahan to pay that bill, but I certainly never suggested Callahan should pay it. What I did suggest was that Clinton could find a way. For example, he could ask Callahan supporters to make contributions to Hillary's campaign, earmarked for Bethlehem schools.
Bernie earlier today: "It will mean a little less money for Callahan, but he'd want to help Bethlehem taxpayers, wouldn't he?"
What does that mean? How would money that is "for Callahan," by which I presume you mean campaign donations, get to Bethlehem taxpayers? It is illegal.
As for the RNC debt, the Palin appearance was cancelled the morning of. The city spent all the money on the arrangements and Palin ditched out. Why shouldn't the RNC pay for that? Is Dent powerless to get the RNC to pony up what they owe? Surely district lines wouldn't prevent a nice guy like Charlie from bringing such a debt in his backyard to Michael Steele's attention. I think it raises the question of whether he actually cares when campaigns ditch out on their financial commitments, or if he was just grasping.
I have an idea: why doesn't he ask popular Republican Sarah Palin to come campaign for him?
Great work by Dent applying the right pressure at the right time. This has been an outstanding issue for quite awhile and it is good that it is settled. Thanks to Dent for looking out for the taxpayers.
If people coming to Callahan's fundraiser were to instead make payments to Hillary's campaign, earmarked for BASD, that would mean a little less money for Callahan. It would also be completely legal. That's what my statement, which you've taken out of context, means.
Like I asked before, who is it that really thinks people are dumb?
As for the RNC in Quakertown, I agree completely that bill should be paid. But it is outside Dent's district, was canceled, and Dent had nothing to do with it.
Your logic makes no sense and your weak attempt to connect Dent to Palin is pathetic. Is this really all the Callahan supporters have in their bag? Calling Charlie a Washington insider and trying to tie him to _______ (Insert national Republican name (formerly George Bush)). That strategy has been used and failed. As long as national Dems are running the Callahan campaign, he has no chance of winning.
Another thing that concerns me is Geeting's "If they actually had any dirt on Callahan that was better than this" statement?
What is he saying? That trying to get a struggling school paid is dirt? That there's thing about Callahan that we don't know?
Actually, I'm happy for all involved - Bill Clinton, Hillary and, most importantly, BASD. But ironically, while the Bethlehem Mayor was claiming he had no authority and his campaign manager was screaming "cheap politics," Dent got the bill paid.
You wasted your day.
Johnny Casino Awaits the next hot issue to address in Bethlehem prior to going to washington.
Also on another note, have you ever considered a article about how u got banned from practicing law? I think that would make a fantastic entry.
I see the trolls are out. When they have no argument, they launch personal attacks.
The troll posting these personal attacks is doing so from a Mac, using a Firefox browser. His ISP is RCN and his IP is He is using a fixed IP, which means he can be traced via subpoena to the ISP.
now maybe he can find the 8.5 million he wasted away
"who is it that really thinks people are dumb"
in this instance, it would appear to be you and dent...
"Dent got the bill paid"
i want to know why it took dent two years to make a big deal over this bill. clinton's campaign came through in the spring of 2008 and only now is dent doing his job. pathetic that he has to send his opponent to do the collecting.
You are spinning. The idea that Callahan could just give money he got from the fundraiser to the BASD is exactly how the Dent campaign wanted people to understand this. That is how the Morning Call interpreted Dent's comments, that is how I interpreted Dent's comments, and that is how you interpreted Dent's comments. Everything coming out of the Dent campaign lately, from this, to the failed attempt to keep Jake Towne out of the debates, to the "scandal" you've been pushing that has failed to materialize, Dent is just tossing random crap out there hoping it sticks. They've got nothing. Plus, if Dent actually cared about the schools, why did he just vote to fire 300,000 teachers?
Pro-abortion, pro-fetal experimentation, pro-eugenics, progressive RINOs like Dent are exactly what vixens like Sarah Palin stand against.
Dent would have had Palin's retarded baby aborted and dissected for the greater good.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie,
Now you've got a new gig if you want it. Bill Collector. You should ask for 10% finder's fee.
They've got nothing. Plus, if Dent actually cared about the schools, why did he just vote to fire 300,000 teachers?
7:07 AM
For the first time in this campaign, really think Callahan could beat Dent.
Just explained to a friend your blog is the best in the Valley.
Whatever happened with that police accident issue? Have you decided to let it go?
Good job by Dent getting Callahan on the front page with positive headlines! That Callahan! He's a doer!
Dent - where's the bridge you claimed you'd get built over the Lehigh 6 years ago?
Ha! The only thing better would be for Dent to get Sarah Palin stumping the valley for him. He should be able to do that since he is apparently powerless to get the RNC to pay their bills to taxpayers.
Dent got the bill paid.
Only in BOH's world would this statement be anywhere near accurate. Bwaahaha!
if Dent actually cared about the schools, why did he just vote to fire 300,000 teachers?
Boom! Game over.
Jon, Callahan was asked to get involved in 2009. This is 2010. Nothing happened until Dent made an issue of it. And Callahan agreed to say something after Dent made an issue of it.
It's clear to everyone except you that this is paid because of Dent's involvement.
Come on Jon, it's ok to admit when something good comes out of politics, even when it's not your guy who did it. You'll feel better.
Bernie, I known this is OT but since the topic of Dent's vote on more state funding came up, I felt a need to responsd.
Here's a thought - teachers sharing the pain we all feel.
In 2009 there were 6.2 million primary and secondary teachers in the US. If each one took a $5,000 pay cut, no teachers have to be fired.
Now of course I'd include administration and other school district employees in this plan. And scale it so that higher paid employees take bigger hits, and lower paid employees take smaller hits.
This approach has been taken in the private sector and it's worked. It sucks, but it's necessary.
It hasn't in the unionized world because senior union members don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves and have voted often to keep their wages while younger union members get laid off.
Now's the time to be responsible for their actions. Show me they're willing to participate and then we'll talk about what else I can do to help.
Ok. Now let's get Dent, Bush and the Republicans to pay back the trillions that their Recession is costing the country.
To the trolls: I like getting on BOH as much as anyone but enough with the personal attacks about his past and personal life. What the hell is wrong with you people? (Or person.)
"You are spinning. The idea that Callahan could just give money he got from the fundraiser to the BASD is exactly how the Dent campaign wanted people to understand this."
Jon, Your comment was addressed to what I said, and I've been very consistent all along. When you take only part of what Ivce sai and twist it to try to mean something else, then that is spinning.
"Whatever happened with that police accident issue? Have you decided to let it go?"
No, I am researching the possibility of an appeal to get those phone records that supposedly don't exist.
" Plus, if Dent actually cared about the schools, why did he just vote to fire 300,000 teachers?"
Maybe because to pay for that bequest, Congress decided to slash food stamps. The nation's most vulnerable citizens were sacrificed in what you call the worst economy in 80 years.
Who is Callahan's campaign manager?
Bernie O'Hare said:
"As for the RNC in Quakertown, I agree completely that bill should be paid."
Bernie -
I think we need more information on the Quakertown situation before making that determination.
Who contracted for the work - the RNC or the McCain campaign? Who authorized the work? Who performed the work - the borough or independent contractors?
In a previous post (under a different heading), it was mentioned that part of the Quakertown bill includes damage to sprinklers.
I'm quite sure whoever contracted for the work did not request that the sprinkler system be damaged. That part of the "bill" would seem more appropriate for an insurance claim (either by the borough or the operator of the machinery).
Of course, the facts really won't matter for those who are trying to make this a political issue and cover for Callahan.
Anonymous said...
"Ok. Now let's get Dent, Bush and the Republicans to pay back the trillions that their Recession is costing the country."
Funny, but things seemed to be going fairly well economically until the Democrats took over Congress in 2006.
Coincidence? I think not.
And remember all those spending bills the Democrats in Congress (including Obama) were trimming back during Bush's last two years?
I didn't think so.
Outside Gregg and Cindy Feinberg's home in Salisbury Township, about 50 people waited for a glimpse of Clinton — half of them children born toward the end of his second term.
Courtesy of Morning Call.
How did people know where the Finebergs live?
Funny how voting to not fund irresponsible school district spending can be translated into firing 300,000 teachers. The unions have been offered alternatives to layoffs, they refuse at every turn. Every single teaching job lost lays at the feet of people like the pot head in Easton and the fat, gray losers at the top of the pay scale, who refuse to look at anything other than their pension calculation.
School districts promise salary and benefits to the extortionists -for which they have nowhere near the money to pay - and then cry to big daddy government and demand more state and federal borrowing so they can continue to be irresponsible.
Dent stood against this, and it will be a winner for him. Charlie was never getting the union thug vote anyway, and the rest of the country sees the teachers' unions as reaping what they have sown. The nation sees how curbing union excesses at Ford and other companies has allowed them to return to productive and profitable enterprises, so much so that Ford is now hiring again. They didn't return to the dark ages, just stopped throwing good money after bad. And we see what Christie has done in NJ. Yet, the teachers' unions continue to play chicken.
But Charlie, and those who will carry him to re-election, are not going to blink this time.
If Callahan believes otherwise, he should walk the walk and campaign on the promise that he will put the nation even deeper in debt because we need to spend even more on teacher/administrator salaries, benefits and pensions.
"Of course, the facts really won't matter for those who are trying to make this a political issue and cover for Callahan."
Did you just seriously write that Bernie??? Isn't that what Dent was doing this entire time. Listen, Dent can whine and complain about things that ought to be done or he can just go out and GET IT DONE ... Callahan took the LEAD and got the money ... key terms here being "LEAD" as in LEADER ... VOTE FOR CALLAHAN .. throw out the compacent guys that sit around and wait for other to do good. That's how everyone sees it Bernie, despite what you and the Dent campaign are trying to spin this week.
So for two years Callanhan is "working on it" and gets nothing. Dent mentions it in a press release and it gets paid in five days.
And Callahan's the LEADER? Right.
"So for two years Callanhan is "working on it" and gets nothing. Dent mentions it in a press release and it gets paid in five days. And Callahan's the LEADER? Right."
What are you talking about ... it was never John callahan's responsibility to get the BASD debt paid ... it was the schoold district's responsibility. Since good ole Charlie decided it should be a campign issue, b/c he simply can't run on his record, then the Mayor got involved and got it done. Your damn right he's a leader. Dent has as much responsibility to get that money as Callahan did & all he did was campaign about it.
Anon 145, BASD asked for Callahan's help in 2009. He didn't help then. And he would not have helped now were it not for Dent.
The problem is, if Callahan does not get elected to the House, then Bethlehem continues to live with him, and if he does get elected to the House, then the country gets to live with him.
Both situations are losing propositions.
This is the biggest non-issue so far. Seriously asinine.
So for two years Callanhan is "working on it" and gets nothing. Dent mentions it in a press release and it gets paid in five days.
And Callahan's the LEADER? Right.
Yes, because the Clintons lay awake in night in fear of Dent's press releases.
The problem is, if Callahan does not get elected to the House, then Bethlehem continues to live with him, and if he does get elected to the House, then the country gets to live with him.
Both situations are losing propositions.
I know!!! Just look around at what a mess the city is in! Hundreds of thousands of people in the streets spending money. A casino which is exceeding expectations. A beautiful entertainment complex being built on former brownfields. Callahan is a freakin' disaster for Bethlehem.
Anonymous said...
"The problem is, if Callahan does not get elected to the House, then Bethlehem continues to live with him..."
Good point.
Perhaps the bigger issue is why didn't Callahan resign as Mayor before running for Congress?
The people of Bethlehem are paying for him to run the City, not to run for another job.
Perhaps if he had been doing less campaigning, the city wouldn't be $8.5 million in debt.
I am glad the Clinton debt has been brought to light and has been paid in full, it was equally push by Dent camp as a way to embarrass Callahan.
Now if we can get the RNC to pay its $43K Debt to Quakertown.
Let’s not get into the details that Quakertown is a whopping 3 miles from the 15th Congressional District or that Dent did not show up for the “cancelled event” or that he has financial backing of the RNC.
Anyway, that “not in my District” argument is lame, especially when the same Debtor to Quakertown (the RNC) has place Dent into their Congressional seat protection program.
That “3 miles outside my District” excuse never stopped Dent from taking credit for the Stimulus Earmark that went to St Luke’s Quakertown for installation of a geothermal system.
That brings to mind another question…. Why is Dent knocking the Stimulus but then taking credit for Appropriations?
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