That's what was on one of several signs carried by Gracedale workers at last night's crowded County Council meeting. When I asked Northampton County Exec John Stoffa for his reaction, he just laughed and said, "There'd be no buyers."
One thing is certain. Very few of the 150 or more people who crammed into Courtroom One were buying into any proposal to sell or lease Gracedale. Of course, most of them work there, and were justifiably worried about their jobs.
Complete Healthare Resources, a nursing home consultant, spent eight weeks evaluating Gracedale. It highlighted the following problems:
1. High fringe benefit costs. - In 2009, total fringe benefits at Gracedale amounted to $18.14 million, which is 65.17% of the total wage expense of $27.85 million. In 2011, it will be even higher, amounting to 77.49% of the wages paid. Retirement costs alone will have increased by 1,772.69% (No, that is not a typo) between 2008 and 2011. What's sad is that, even if they wanted to, County workers are unable to modify their fixed benefit pensions, which are set by state law. In the private sector, where fixed benefit pensions are rare, the ratio of fringe benefits to total wage expense is closer to 40%.
2. Decline in residents. - As you can see in the graph above, the number of residents at Gracedale is dwindling, year by year. There are several reasons. People tend to stay in their own homes longer than in previous years. The number of nursing homes has increased. Gracedale is slow to admit prospective residents, who often end up going somewhere else. It's downright lousy at marketing.
3. Reimbursements are declining. - State reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid have plummeted, in both private and public sector, but more so in the public sector.
4. Unpaid bills. - The County is carrying nearly $7 million in accounts receivable beyond thirty days. $2.1 million in accounts receivable is actually over 120 days.
5. Bloated staff. - In Housekeeping (15), kitchen (2.5), laundry (5) and even nursing administration (2).
Could Gracedale enhance revenues and reduce operating costs? Yes, but according to Complete HealthCare, not enough to make a difference. It would still lose money because of the high cost of benefits. They recommended a sale or lease. Twenty-one Pennsylvania counties have sold their nursing home, and thirty-eight of Pennsylvania's sixty-seven counties have no nursing home at all.
Under questioning, Council member Lamont McClure tried to make the case that Gracedale has only become negligent within the last four years, laying the groundwork for blaming everything on Stoffa. McClure also argued that the consultants purposely picked 2009, a very bad year for Gracedale, as their base year. But they replied that they used 2009 because it is the most recent year.
Council member Ann McHale objected to telephone calls consultants placed to individual council members, suggesting that they were committing a Sunshine Act violation. She also noted that the word "mercy," which is part of the County Seal, tells her we must have "compassion for the less fortunate."
Council member Tom Dietrich, who chairs the Human Services Committee, complained he needed more time to review the report.
After Council had finished its questioning, twenty-one people spoke. Most were Gracedale employees, union agents or politicians. It didn't take long for one of them to compare Ron Angle to Hitler. One of them claimed they care so much about the residents that they take them shopping or even bring them home for Christmas. Ironically, another worker complained that workers should not have to take residents shopping and should ask family members to be more involved.
AFSCME President Hector Rivera told Angle, "You want to slap us in the face. ... You just push the elderly aside." Paulette Brown, a 15-year employee, told Council, "My family counts on my paycheck. ... It's scary."
Angle held a copy of a Sheriff Sale Notice in his hand. "I've also got to worry about these 129 people who lost their homes in July." Someone in the crowd asked, "Do you think their taxes are not going to go up anyway?" Angle answered, "For every one of you who works at Gracedale, there's 500 who get a tax bill."
After everyone had spoken, County Executive John Stoffa laid out the options: "1) You can increase taxes for that $10 million shortfall; 2) We pay $18 million in benefits. Cut it in half. Are the unions going to do that? No. 3) lease; 4) sell." He suggested that Council take some time to review its options, "but not too long."
Then Council member Peg Ferraro, who had been sitting quietly all night, decided to speak up. She acknowledged that the County should have made better provisions for Gracedale when times were good, but "we are in the here and now." Noting that "we're all in this together," she suggested, "Maybe we do need a small tax increase." But she added, "Maybe we need some help from the employees."
Since practically every union agent in the country was at last night's meeting, Angle asked them point blank if they'd be willing to talk. "We're always ready to talk," said Jerry Green, who represents the Steelworkers. So Angle asked Stoffa to sit down with the unions, saying he and Lamont McClure would participate, too.
While these arrangements were being made, one union worker shouted out, complaining that it's unfair for her union to make concessions when none of the County's thousand other unions are doing so.
Peg Ferraro had a quick answer, "Somebody has to be first."
After the meeting, Fiscal Affairs Director Vic Mazziotti told me the County could avoid a tax increase next year if workers were willing to give up some of their health benefits and a new management team were inserted at Gracedale to make the cost-savings measures proposed. So this could work. I am very doubtful that the unions are willing to concede anything, and with next year's budget coming loser and closer, time is of the essence. But Peg did the right thing in suggesting that the County and union try to work together.
Unfortunately, when Council next meets, I believe they'll ask Stoffa to sell or lease Gracedale.
For those of you living in Lehigh County and laughing, I am informed that Cedarbrook will lose $2 million this year. Like Northampton County, Lehigh is looking at a hefty tax hike next year.
I am laughing b/c the morning call article pointed out that angle was up to his old ways of trying to bully council and they weren't having any of it. he is a leader without any followers.
bernie, although you provide a chart showing the population of gracedale declining, it omits a very important coming event; the aging of the babyboomers. how ironic that the poor planners of northampton county would exit this esteemed institution when it's greatest need is fast approaching. although you cite other counties getting out of the nursing home responsibility, it's why i refer to most of our elected officials as meatheads. although you have mounted a vigorous defense of stoffa/angle at
molovinskyonallentown this shortsightedness will be their legacy.
From the Morning Call:
"After Angle chided Councilman Tom Dietrich for not looking into the issues at Gracedale already, Dietrich responded: "Then how about this: We don't railroad this through in three days."
Regardless of the stance of the future of Gracedale, Dietrich showed Angle that he is not a "Bulldog" but a bully. With one of the most important decisions that Council is to make in decades, you don't make hasty decisions based upon one report. Dialogue may produce results. These are trying times on taxpayers pocketbook. But newcomer Dietrich suggested the best route of this discourse.
"County workers are unable to modify their fixed benefit pensions, which are set by state law."
And for as long as I can remember, our feckless state representation has done nothing to address the situation. It is long past time for this, and other county governments, to press their case for reform to the state, and time for the do nothings in the state legislature to do their jobs.
It has been all too easy for them to say "We can't do anything about the pensions, the law ties our hands." You want to avoid the kind of decisions like Gracedale now and other asset sales later? Then fix what is really wrong - the massive entitlement program disguised as public employmee benefits.
The county is going about this the wrong way.
It needs to do a RFP for management of Gracedale. Then, it has to assemble a review committee consisting of management, union and public representatives. They need to review all proposals made and make recommendations to council.
You cannot decide to do anything without a proposal in hand. Council could go through weeks of debate and decide to do something and not find any reputable organization willing to undertake the task.
Privatization of any government program is a time consuming and horrendous undertaking. At the end of the day, government jobs will be eliminated. Employees will either retire or move on work fora new organization.
Angle held a copy of a Sheriff Sale Notice in his hand. "I've also got to worry about these 129 people who lost their homes in July."
Yet, Angle is the leech that will sit in the front row of the Sheriff's Sale and buy the homes for his own profit. Please! I've never seen Angle exalting or pontificating about people losing their homes as he is buying them out from underneath them at a Sheriff's Sale. What a hypocrite!
Sounds like one council member played the "My dog ate my homework" excuse to stall the quick vote. Funny.
You are such a "know it all". You have no expertise in Nursing Homes, or anything else from what I can see, yet you have the nerve to blast other who are trying to solve a difficult problem.
You have offered no real solutions. Do you have no shame?
Peg Ferraro should be ashamed to recommend any tax increase in this economy. I guess money matters are no matter at Peg's house. How dare she. It's time she learn a little fiscal discipline. She's one of the decision makers who put the county in this mess. And her answer is to fix her council's mismanagement by sticking us with the bill. Thanks, Peg. Thanks a lot.
Why only 3 days for the public to read the report?
MM, The babyboomers are already hitting nursing home age, so why isn't the census increasing?
" newcomer Dietrich suggested the best route of this discourse"
As someone who's watched hiomin action, it's haed to keep from laughiung at this statement. Dietrich is becoming known to his colleagues as a person who wants to spend a lot of time focusing on himself. He's kinda' like Ron that way, but lacks Agle's intelligence or work expereince. In this case, he was miffed that the study did not first go to his committee.
When McCure, Dertinger and neiper were first elected, they though they alrady knew everything about county government, and as a result, very often sounded like empty cansd. Dietrichhasmuch the same problem. He uses a lot of words to say very little and, as a result, has looked foolish a few times.
No, he won't be bullied by Angle. None of them will be. And Angle was really only teasing Dietrich last night. Stoffa himself suggested Council take more time to come up with a decision.
I would be a lousy councilman bc I was all for ramming this through last night. But there really is no rush.
Angle allowed everyone to peak a long as he or she wanted. He engaged some of them in discussion. So did McClure and McHale.
Ron Heckman, in his "brief" remarks, went on for a good ten minutes. :-) He had some exclellent points. So did many of the Gracedale staff.
One thing was very obvious. Yes, they do care about their jobs, but they really do care about the residents. It's hard to put a dollar sign on that, and an effort tshould be made to keep those workers and gracedale residents together.
So the person who really pulled everyone together is Peg Ferraro. I still think it will have to be sold or leased, but would love to report I was wrong and they worked it out.
"Why only 3 days for the public to read the report?"
You're right. No reason to rush.
It is obvious the one the will benifit most by this will be Ron Angle.
After all he owns a ton of properties in the county.
How people voted him in to make decisions, and expected him to not look out for himself I will never know.
By not raising taxes I would like to know how much this will save Ron personally?
Angle won two elections. If he ran in another six, he'd win those also. The haters are clearly vocal, and clearly a minority.
anon 10:20; actually i do have expertise in few area's, including selling and leasing. i have offered some suggestions. i said i would prefer a tax increase, which is inevitable anyway. i also would suggest the county cut back on some other programs, such as open space and recreation. btw, sell or lease, doesn't sound like they're trying that hard.
bernie, the first baby boomers are now just 63/64, just a few years shy of nursing homes.
New council members are nothing but angle cronies. Gracedale is dead.
to Anon 10:30...I agree with Bernie..Peg made alot of sense here. I am sick and tired of those people who cry about a dollar a week tax increase while they are losing hundreds at the Sands..Give me a break..If people had listened to Peg and stoffa last year and at least passed a moderate tax increase we wouldn't have this mess now. Of course you have to make cuts in a bad economy but you need to increase revenue also..Ken Smith was a good example..he always raised taxes a small amount every year to keep the city in good financial shape..He did an excellent job and bethlhem is the better for it now..He was a Republican..But not a crazy "no tax increase at any cost" guy..Just a leader and a smart one at that..Cut where you can, raise the revenue, and stop the bullshit..Three cheers for Deitrich also for taking Angle on..Hell if I had half of Angle's million dollars worth of properties i wouldn't want taxes raised either..Maybe it's time for him to lease or sell some of his properties and leave Gracedale alone!
to Anon 10:30...I agree with Bernie..Peg made alot of sense here. I am sick and tired of those people who cry about a dollar a week tax increase while they are losing hundreds at the Sands..Give me a break..If people had listened to Peg and stoffa last year and at least passed a moderate tax increase we wouldn't have this mess now. Of course you have to make cuts in a bad economy but you need to increase revenue also..Ken Smith was a good example..he always raised taxes a small amount every year to keep the city in good financial shape..He did an excellent job and bethlhem is the better for it now..He was a Republican..But not a crazy "no tax increase at any cost" guy..Just a leader and a smart one at that..Cut where you can, raise the revenue, and stop the bullshit..Three cheers for Deitrich also for taking Angle on..Hell if I had half of Angle's million dollars worth of properties i wouldn't want taxes raised either..Maybe it's time for him to lease or sell some of his properties and leave Gracedale alone!
to Anon 10:30...I agree with Bernie..Peg made alot of sense here. I am sick and tired of those people who cry about a dollar a week tax increase while they are losing hundreds at the Sands..Give me a break..If people had listened to Peg and stoffa last year and at least passed a moderate tax increase we wouldn't have this mess now. Of course you have to make cuts in a bad economy but you need to increase revenue also..Ken Smith was a good example..he always raised taxes a small amount every year to keep the city in good financial shape..He did an excellent job and bethlhem is the better for it now..He was a Republican..But not a crazy "no tax increase at any cost" guy..Just a leader and a smart one at that..Cut where you can, raise the revenue, and stop the bullshit..Three cheers for Deitrich also for taking Angle on..Hell if I had half of Angle's million dollars worth of properties i wouldn't want taxes raised either..Maybe it's time for him to lease or sell some of his properties and leave Gracedale alone!
Angle points out the homes in sheriff sale..You really think a dollar or two a week increase would force them into forclosure..Very doubtful..It's the crazy school taxes that are killing everyone! So stop the political theatre Angle...No doolar or two increase a week is going to force a foreclosure..Seriously!!
Why not just privitize everything.Local county,stae,federal.I'm sure all those workers wouldn't mind cutting there benefits in half.The post office hasn't made money in years I'm sure they still get there benies.And how is that they just raise taxes.A toll taker and a nurse at gracedale make about the same amount of money.Which job would you take MR.angle.
The unions sat on the pampered butts during the last election and did crap..Now they are paying for it..They need to wise up and start getting involved..
Anon 354:
What are you saying?
The unions only have two stooges on county council - McClure and McHale - because they did not help to elect more such stooges who pander to the union members? And you think it would be good if the county had more such council members, members who only represent the 1,500 union members and not the 300,000 county residents?
I ask again...how much does not raising taxes save Ron a year??
No question that Ron pays plenty of real estate taxes. No question he owns plenty of real estate. If it is your position that this disqualifies him from voting, then no one who owns any real estate would be able to cast a vote.
I must say I am disappointed by the tone of the comments posted here. Instead of looking at themselves, it appears to me that greedy people will continue to be greedy. This is why Gracedale will be sold or leased.
Angle gave everyone ample opportunity to speak last night. He listened. Peg Ferraro had a great suggestion, but it depends on everyone working together. Angle is actually willing to sit down with the unions. But you do not appear to be willing to sit down with him.
Your benefits package is obsene, especially when compared with the private sector. You are even paid more than equivalent positions in the privae sector. Unless you are willing to make some concession, and I doubt that you are, those concessions will be made for you when Gracedale is sold or leased.
If you think the public will have any sympathy for unreasonable people, you are sadly mistaken.
And the truth is that even the Dems think you are pampered. That's the precise word used by some asshole who complained they lost the last election bc of you.
What happens is up to you, and it's clear to me that you think you can bully and yell your way out of this, as you have done with previous administrations. Not this time. Not with this crew.
Like you, they care a lot about the residents. But they have no sympathy for workers who try to hold the taxpayers hostage.
One, Stoffa has made sure his multiple public pensions and taxpayer sponsored healthcare is covered.
Two, his numbers particularly regarding healthcare are bullshit.
Third he knows damn well there is no $6 million to be had with Gracedale employees, the majority of whom make $11 an hour. Far less than his hall-walking no-job buddy and fellow multiple public pensions guy Tom Harp.
third, this is the no win solution Stoffa and Angle always wanted. Stoffa in league with Angle let admissions drop, kicked out those hired to make money, allowed incompetence to reign and now he has the sale he and Angle always wanted.
So much for fair and balanced. You see many people know the true story and it is a shame he is the first County Executive who is not been called on his bullshit by a compliant press and complacent Council. Instead let the sick and elderly eat nothing but bullshit.
Again I ask the question how much money will this save Ron Angle? Or do I need to file a "right to know?"
Two years from now there will be a tax hike even if Gracedale is sold or leased. I figure that 2 years without a hike will save Angle at least 6 figures.
Although most at the meeting said they will accept a tax hike in order to keep Gracedale.
I want numbers Bernie!!!!
"No question he owns plenty of real estate."
Angle held a copy of a Sheriff Sale Notice in his hand. "I've also got to worry about these 129 people who lost their homes in July."
I will reiterate, Angle is the leech that sits in the front row of the Sheriff's Sales and buys the homes for his own profit. I've never seen Angle exalting or pontificating about people losing their homes as he is buying them out from underneath them at a Sheriff's Sale. Again, he is the biggest hypocrite in Northampton County!
I want numbers Bernie!!!!
i was at the meeting last night i was very suprised of the turn out only about 150 came out to keep there jobs. we have over 600 employed there what a shame for the ones that were not there guess you dont care about your job, or keeping the home.i do agree if we would have better managment there we wouldsnt be where we are today ive been there 10 years and back when we had mr russel there it was fine then all new ones come , we need to stay toghter as a team whether you are in union or not we all need our jobs and dont want the elderly to hurt if they sell. so please come out and help fight for home at next meeting the more the better......
Maybe the others were working their regular shifts, or second jobs to support their families.
I want numbers Bernie!!!!
Mr. McClure was dead on, "I don't accept your numbers Mr. Stoffa". The Angle Stoffa conspiracy took a hit. What will the next BS strategy be.
These two haters want the distinction of destroying the one decent thing the County provides for all its citizens equally. Stoffa even feels it is okay to spend more to take care of prisoners than the elderly taxpayers at Gracedale. They are like the Stalin and Tojo of Northampton County.
Maybe Stoffa will ask his Cabinet members to cut there pay and benefits in half. By the way, nice no show by the Director of Human Services. No wonder the place is falling apart the guy in charge can't even make the most important meeting in his Department's history.
Incompetent on display
Ross Marcus was at the entire meeting. You are a blind idiot!
Who chose the company to do the assessment? Why was it not known until last night that the company also buys nursing homes?
And the NA's who are the bulk of the employees do NOT make more than the private sector.
When is Morganelli going to start his investigation on the forged will Angle produced? While he does it he can investigate Angle for
with the assessment company.
When the Hell will the controller come out of hiding and investigate the outrageous heathcare increase and see if their is price gouging by the Insurance company,
There is talk that Capitol BlueCross is making grossly obscene increases in their Administrative costs. This is being blamed on Gracedale employees but the fault is a lax Administration.
Stop posturing Mr. Barron, investigate.
The cruel, covetous nature of those who advocate any level of tax increase amid justifications that taxpayers are lounging at The Sands, etc., is simply shocking. Look at population statistics vs. Sands visitorship. Most NorCo taxpayers don't, and never will, go to The Sands.
My wife was downsized 22 months ago and has been working two jobs for 2/3 of her former salary. She collected unemployment for exactly three weeks for the first time in her 30 years of working life.
I sell for a manufacturer in an industry that's lost half of its unit sales since 2006. My benefit premiums have increased 150% and my deductible has doubled. My commissions have been shaved to trim proposals to gain any of the fewer contracts out there. We're struggling to keep our modest house (we put 35% down in '93) and retirement savings. The guys in my plant are working 30-hour weeks with rolling layoffs to keep benefits for their families. Have you seen what's happened to 401Ks just this week?
We've never been to The Sands. We don't buy lottery tickets. We work too hard to gamble a dime. We tithe no matter what our situation. Our secret indulgence is paying college tuition for two kids at state schools.
The unmitigated gall of those who assume cold hearts in those who oppose tax increases to fund a terribly inefficient and wasteful approach to caring for our elderly is appalling.
I am sorry you have that story to tell, 7:54 a.m. but, well said.
The publicly funded employee would have you give even more, so they are not even slightly subjected to the same.
They can spin all they like, they truly are the takers in our society. Whether R or D, from the POTUS to judges to county executives to the lowest ranking orderly, they believe you exist to provide for them.
The meeting was a farce. There was no civil decorum whatsoever. Angle allowed the mob to hoot, cheer and boo after each speaker. Real class act union and workers! Then Queen Ann pandered to the crowd with her "mercy and justice" and other smug comments. McClure presented a good line of questioning although he and the Queen missed the whole point regurgitating the "profits" that Gracedale has made over the years. That was then, this is now. The revenue trends are clearly going downhill and expenses are soaring. DUH!! Why did the consultant use 2009 as a financial base year? DUH!! Because it is the most recent complete fiscal year and reflects the CURRENT operational challenges. What is with these people? Who should Norco have hired to do the study, someone with NO experience owning or operating a nursing home? A council member was on the committee that selected the consultant and had the opportunity to be invllved in all of the meetings with them. And council was aware of who was doing the study from day one and raised no opposition. So in that forum with 150 Gracedale supporters presesnt to call into question the motives and integrity of the consultant was hypocrisy at its worst.
Excuse me Mr. Mr./Ms. DUH. The only hypocrisy is that it may be a deliberate attempt to sway the decision to what Mr. Angle/Mr. Stoffa aways wanted and that is to dump the Nursing Home. The only reason the trend is down is because the Home won't take new admits. Well if you set yourself up to fail, you will probably fail.
This is a necessary service for the County. This is a hissy fit from an Executive who didn't get the tax increase he wanted last year. Now this year he needs 20%, Really???
Many question his numbers but many realize he and Angle have one agenda. Dump the home for the elderly sick.
They arte sitting on millions of tax dollars over and above what is necessary, why not question that?
Forget the union, this is about what the County is all about and the trends in Nursing Home care are not all pointing down, another half truth. Oh and DUH!!!
Anon 12:34
Gracedale will take all the new admits they can find!
You are either not informed or a liar! (Or in your case, both!)
When you wait a week to fill out the forms as opposed to an hour where do you think the new admits will go. I have more knowledge of the "inside" scoop on this mess than you could ever hope to have.
But keep insulting, it is all you can do. This entire issue is an orchestrated farce courtesy of Angle/Stofa Productions.
When you wait a week to fill out the forms as opposed to an hour where do you think the new admits will go. I have more knowledge of the "inside" scoop on this mess than you could ever hope to have.
But keep insulting, it is all you can do. This entire issue is an orchestrated farce courtesy of Angle/Stofa Productions.
A few points:
1) Ross Marcus was at Thursday night's meeting, sitting about two seats from me. he was at Monday's meeting, when Stoffa made his announcement. As recently as December, he was fighting to save the county operation of Gracedale.
2) Gracedale does accept new residents. In fact to combat a declining censyus, Gracedale began accepting out-of-county residents some time ago.
Ross Marcus has previously acknowledged tohe new for a better marketing plan at Gracedale. That's something better left to private industry. Government should govern, not advertise its services.
Let's assume you're right and the baby boomers create a demand for nursing home services and the census trend suddenly reverses. Gracedale will still be there. The recommendation is not to close or downsize the nursing home. And if it is a lease as opposed to a sale, the County will maintain ultimate control. Even if it is a sale, reversionary and other contract language can be inserted to protect the residents of Gracedale.
Still waiting on the numbers....How much will Angle personally save by closing Gracedale?
That is the only valid question here!!
You can't put all those clauses in a contract. Even Angle's attorney Lauer agreed with the Human Resources head. You cross the line into subcontracting.
Stop aiding and abetting bullshit Ohare.
As one speaker said this is the same thing as selling only dressed up to confuse the crowd.
Yes, you can. Phil said he did not know how he could craft the remedies for a violation, but there are all sorts of ways that could be done, from a liquidated damages clause to an outright reversion.
Also, the argument that Angle should be barred from voting on this because he owns a lot of real estate, is complete and utter nonsense. He has no personal interest in this matter, and if his real estate tax bill were a basis of sdisqualitifcation, he would not be able to vote on anything. Nobody who owns real estate would be able to vote on anything.
Bernie said:
"Also, the argument that Angle should be barred from voting on this because he owns a lot of real estate, is complete and utter nonsense. He has no personal interest in this matter, and if his real estate tax bill were a basis of disqualification, he would not be able to vote on anything. Nobody who owns real estate would be able to vote on anything."
Actually, this is kind of ironic to a student of history. Originally, only property owners could vote, because the founding fathers believed you had to have a stake in society...that if you did not have anything to lose, that you'd make irresponsible decisions. We have become much more democratic the past 220+ years, but.....
Anyway, the posts on Gracedale the past few days have been interesting and informative. Personally, I am looking at this differently than I was a week ago.
The sad fact is the newspapers are printing the Stoffa press releases as they have for five years. The days of investigative reporting in Northampton County ended with Stoffa's election. The facts are Gracedale is not a "money pit", it is poorly managed and some could argue with facts on purpose. There was a clear agenda by Angle/Stoffa to dump Gracedalle three years ago.
Unfortunately only the slanted nonsense passing as facts are being released.
County Council must hire their own independent auditor to review the operation and the numbers.
Just the Facts
"He has no personal interest in this matter"
Actually he has the most personal interest in this matter, you just would never admit it.
Bernie's benefit numbers are doctored and completely inaccurate. If they are not then the County is being fleeced by Capitol blue Cross.
That was the firm Stoffa demanded when he took office. The pieces slowly come together.
The benefitr numbers are not mine and come straight from the online report. They were specifically covered on Thursday night. Of the 150+ Gracedale employees resent, not one person questioned the accuracy.
1750% increase. Enough already. If that is not bullshit which I doubt. Then your Healthcare administrator is raping you.
On a percentage basis, the number should be the same across the County but it is not.
There is over @00% more in the cash reserves than is necessary, Gracedale can be save.
Stoffa says save land and prisoners but lets dump the tax-paying elderly of this County because Angle and I want to make a big payday and cut staff. What a guy.
Stop the "Big Con".
ealthcare costs have nothing to do with the rising costs of a defined benefit pension, which the employees themselves are unable to control.
anon 12:56 am:
that's funny...Ann McHale has publicly, and several times taken full credit for Capital Blue Cross coming to the county.
and michael molo-nobody thinks his opinions are important how? stick to allentown...
People didn't know Mr. Marcus was at the meeting because most don't know who he is. He rarely goes to Gracedale and when he does he just sits with the managers. Get out on the floors.
The County must pay the pensions even if they do sell. This is a tragic shell game being played by Angle/Stoffa. Oh I forgot, Stoffa has his multiple taxpayer pensions in the bag.
Who is Mr. Marcus?
So how much does Angle stand to save or make by selling Gracedale anyway??
Michael Molovinsky:
You are the only one who understands the situation. Everyone else is a "meathead". Right?
You think quite a bit of yourself, don't you?
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