"If Charlie Dent doesn't take a clear, immediate and principled stance against Mr. Malek by calling for his group to stay out of this election, then his silence can only be interpreted as approval,” huffed Callahan.
Never mind that Charlie Dent has no connection, directly or indirectly, to either Malek or his group. Or that the founder of the American Action Network - the group Callahan wants ostracized from this election - is Minnesota Guv' Norm Coleman, himself a Jew. Or that Malek actually apologized for his actions. Or that ADL National Director Abe Foxman is proud to call Malek a friend. Or that Senator Diane Feinstein said that she has “great trust, respect and admiration for him.” In fact, Jewish Week's James Besser laments, "Am I the only person who's really, really tired of the Fred Malek story, which resurfaces every few years when Jewish Democrats think they need some new ammo to use against their Republican foes – as if they needed any, given the fact Jews continue to vote overwhelmingly Democratic?"
Six weeks later, John Callahan has done a complete 180.
Callahan has stressed his willingness to appear at debates with Jake Towne, a candidate for Congress who recently hand-picked the band Poker Face – a group labeled as anti-Semitic by the Anti-Defamation League – to perform at a campaign event. The ADL notes that the group’s leader has denied the Holocaust occurred, called the ADL “a terrorist organization,” and believes that a conspiracy of "Satanic Jews" runs the world.
Jake Towne, the Manchurian candidate, insists that Poker Face is not anti-Semitic. They just go "overboard."
“This is who John Callahan wants to share a stage with to debate public policy? Shame on him.” said Shawn Millan, Congressman Dent’s campaign manager, in a news release issued yesterday afternoon.
ADL Regional Director Barry Morrison told The Express Times that candidates should steer clear of hate groups because they risk inadvertently supporting them. "Anybody who is identified with a person or group that has a record of bigotry must put distance between themselves and that record. They must speak to the bigotry, call it for what it is and condemn it."
Instead of doing that, John Callahan will share a podium with Towne.
“Why won’t John Callahan agree to a one-on-one debate with Charlie Dent? Because Callahan is unable to defend the Washington agenda he supports and he wants to hide behind Jake Towne’s podium at a debate,” Millan said. “Mayor Callahan needs to stop listening to his Washington-oriented advisors who tell him to either condemn or condone anti-Semitism based on what’s politically convenient.”
“John Callahan can still do the right thing here,” Millan said. “He can admit that someone with Jake Towne’s extremist views is so far out of the mainstream he doesn’t have a place in what should be a serious discussion on the issues facing the American people.”
The debate was not set up for Dent, Callahan or Towne. It was for the constituents of the Lehigh Valley to hear the candidates. Dent doesn't own the debates. The people do. The people should get to say who is on or off. Not Dent.
Here here, anon 2:12. We all agree. This is not about political shenanigans. We the voters can think for ourselves. We don't need master mudslinger Milan to think for us.
I realize the Republican patrician class do like to "protect" the little people from scary people. I think we can handle it.
We also realize that Callahan thinks this will somehow help him and his desire for an inclusive debate is politically motivated rather than a desire for open discourse. You see we really don't need you "professionals" to take care of us.
You do realize most of us already see the bullshit, in that both Bernie and Dent enjoy the company of Ron Angle who was also called on his anti-semitic views as well as his racial views. Some how that is Ok. It must be as Tony Iannelli has him as a frequent guest. I guess we should ask the local Chamber of Commerce about their views on anti-semitism. hmm?
We really don't need your selective sensitivity filters. Who ever is on the ballot debates. If that is not done I ask all libertarians and all tea-party members to boycott the election in the 15th congressional district and let the chips fall where they may. A voter revolt. It is time we sent a clear message to the manipulators of the system.
The Cardinal
Callahan Supporters/anonymous posters,
Keep up the good work of making yourselves and your candidate (Callahan) look real crass.
Nice job.
Scott Armstrong
Dent was trying to keep Towne out of the debates before the issue with Pokerface came up.
Callahan was for allowing Towne in the debates before the issue with Pokerface came up.
Dent is scrambling to find anyway to keep Towne out of the debates, Pokerface is just his latest excuse. Dent had previous excuses, too.
Last commenter is exactly right. Bernie and Dent want to push the prior two news cycles down the memory hole, but nobody's buying it. I haven't seen one other post in the blogosphere taking the Dent position seriously. Media strategy FAIL.
no one can stretch an issue like you, bernie.but at least you add some comic relief
Scott Armstrong said:
"Callahan Supporters/anonymous posters,
Keep up the good work of making yourselves and your candidate (Callahan) look real crass."
Scott -
I am sick and tired of the political games that go on during elections. This includes incumbents who try to dodge debates with their opponents and major party candidates who try to exclude independents.
I'm also sick of the mudslinging that goes on - especially if it involves smearing one's opponent as a "racist". As a conservative, people I support are often UNFAIRLY labeled as such.
If such a charge is going to be made, it should be made in person by the candidate and not by campaign surrogates. That is only fair. If Charlie Dent wants to make the racism charge let him do so there at the debates, where Towne can counter if he desires.
The debates are there for the candidates - all of them - for the 15th District Congressional seat. Even if one candidate were wearing a KKK outfit, it is an opportunity for the other candidates to publicly repudiate those views in person.
I am a Republican super-voter in Lehigh County and I see this as nothing more than the usual game-playing that goes on at election time.
Charlie Dent has lost my vote over this. There is no way I will vote for Towne or Callahan, but I couldn't be more disappointed in Charlie. These tactics should be beneath him.
I'm still waiting for you to post a statement - ANY statement - that the candidate has made that is anti-semitic. What an extremely weak way to bail out of a losing situation.
Armstrong - It speaks volumes that you would support the tax and spend Republican over the the candidate with true conservative principals. They call people like you "posers."
If Towne removes PokerFace from the rally, will Dent then debate? After all, Towne has made no statements that Dent can show are offensive. Of course he won't because he's scared and he knows he is going to lose. Millan is scared too. It's comical.
I use Scott toilet paper to wipe my ass. I hear Charlie uses Charmin so I'm not voting for him.
"Towne has made no statements that Dent can show are offensive."
Towne has claimed that Poker Face is NOT anti-Semitic, just a little overboard. I find that offensive.
"I haven't seen one other post in the blogosphere taking the Dent position seriously."
Geeting, Do you honestly think this is a legitimate counter to an argument against anti-Semitism? In fact, it is precisely this kind of behavior that makes it all the more possibble. There's more than politics involved here.
"Bernie and Dent want to push the prior two news cycles down the memory hole"
Who the hell talks like this? Who the hell even thinks like this? Jonathan, this is a LV race. It's not some frickin' presidential election and you're not exactly James Carville. Did it ever dawn on you that sometimes, people do things bc that is what their conscience dictates?
"Dent camp says....about Callahan". "Callahan camp says....about Dent."
I know I previously wrote about Dent focusing on character as a positive. I guess the only comment I'd make is that the danger of being predominantly negative is that there is a point when it can backfire. Being nothing but negative on your opponent's personal integrity can tarnish your opponent (which is why its done), but it can also speak of a candidate's own character. I have known people who voted against candidates (rather than for their opponent) simply because they got tired of the negative.
Now, I am not saying some good questions haven't been raised. But voters would prefer, "elect me because....." rather than "don't elect him because.....". It would be nice to hear more of the first from both the Dent and Callahan camps.
Dent should have made the same request and asked Towne to distance himself from the Band. Instead, he decided to use the band as his excuse not to participate in the Mcall sponsored debate.
Yes it does appear that Dent's desire not to be in a debate with Towne pre dates the Concert venue.
Bernie O'Hare said...
Towne has claimed that Poker Face is NOT anti-Semitic, just a little overboard. I find that offensive.
Bernie -
Being offended is fair. Being labeled a racist or anti-semetic by a politician's campaign because of a band is not.
I'm not a Towne supporter, but at the end of the day Towne is a person. When the campaign is over he will go back to doing whatever he does. I think there should be something a bit stronger before I give a guy a label he will carry for the rest of his life.
It's simply not fair to impugn someone's character based on such flimsy evidence. Personal attacks such as this are why so many good people don't want to go into politics.
Maybe I expect a higher standard from Charlie Dent, but I feel let down by his actions in this case.
Just because you do not like a view held by a candidate for public office does not mean that he or she should be out of a debate. Last I looked the 15th District is located in the USA and that, according to the Constitution, we have a 1st Amendment Right to hold AND state our opinion, no matter how repugnant it may be.
I happen to be Jewish, and I find his stance to be repulsive and I would never vote for him. And I am glad you do as well. But ... he not only has the right to that opinion, but he has the right to express that opinion.
As one of the three candidates who has qualified to be listed on the November election ballet, he has a right to be invited to ALL the debates that are held between the candidates.
I suspect that if Ron Angle was running as an "independent" or 3rd party platform you would be all about him having the right to be in the debates. I use Ron Angle and not Ron Shegda or Gretta Brown as my example specifically because he has made blatant anti-semitic remarks (I was listening live to the broadcast on WAEB before he was kicked off for said remarks).
I find it sad that you cannot step back from your man Charlie and look at the big picture. The price of freedom is listening to some horrible things. It doesn't make them right, but it is the price of freedom.
A LV Jew
Towne has claimed that Poker Face is NOT anti-Semitic, just a little overboard. I find that offensive.
Exact quote please. Not the Millan-infused version.
Geeting, Do you honestly think this is a legitimate counter to an argument against anti-Semitism? In fact, it is precisely this kind of behavior that makes it all the more possibble. There's more than politics involved here.
If Dent were running against PokerFace, you'd be absolutely correct. As it stands, you just sound foolish.
Dent is running against Towne, who is allowing an anti-Semitic band to perform for him, knowing the things that have been said. The best message he could send is to refuse to share a podium with Towne and urge his Democratic counterpart to do so as well.
"highly acclaimed local affairs shows examine the diversity that is the Lehigh Valley."
I have used Towne's exact word, and this is my writing, although I did get a Dent news release.
Yes, Bern. That's also what a coward throwing scurrilous accusations would do. That the bigot bomb is being dropped by you and Sean is indicative of how much Towne is feared as Callahan's onlt shot. One possess a good reputation to be shamed. Your reputation is borderline evil. That's why you have no shame about Sean's and your tactic.
Anon 8:40,
Get some guts and sign your name. Otherwise few will see your words as merely more anonymous Democratic propaganda. I am happy however that Callahan supporter is now advocating allowing even a KKK candidate to share the stage with their candidate.
Scott Armstrong
Anon 9:09,
So I’m a “poser” for pointing out the hypocrisy and crassness of the Democrats and their candidate for the 15th congressional district. It seems a stretch to write that my efforts to defeat Democrats this fall are “affected”. I don’t think many would share your view on that.
I will write that it is clear that you are a coward in your attempt to insult me anonymously. I think on that point many would agree.
Scott Armstrong
Correction tp post 5:43,
"otherwise few will see your words as anything but mere Democratic propaganda."
another long hot day
Scott Armstrong
Anon 8:40,
Get some guts and sign your name.
Scott -
We've been through the whole list of valid reasons to post anonymously. Stop acting as if you're a tough guy because you chose to sign your name.
If you want to believe I am a Democrat and a Callahan supporter, go right ahead. I am neither.
I am a super-voting Republican in Lehigh County who has had enough of the typical political games and personal attacks. I expect that from Democrats, not my own party.
I was planning to vote for Charlie before the smear campaign on Towne began. Now I'll just sit it out.
Believe it or not, I am not the only Republican who feels this way. If you and others in Charlie's camp want to dismiss that, go ahead.
Many will sit this one out because the drive-up abortion lobby has already won this one. But Charlie Dent is associated with one of the most sinister racist organizations in American life. Charlie enjoys solid support from Planned Parenthood, which was documented in a sting last year, taking targeted donations to support abortions in specifically African-American neighborhoods. Dent is a typical Progressive, Rockefeller Republican who approves of a thinning of the minority herd. Jake Towne's associations are absolutely reprehensible. Dent's are just as troubling to many of us. Abortion (called "a sacred right" by Ted Kennedy), however, is the ultimate inoculation against ANY leftist criticism. Even Bernie won't touch Dent's "Black" problem as it relates to targeted abortion funding to eliminate black pregnancies.
Bernie asks "Did it ever dawn on you that sometimes, people do things bc that is what their conscience dictates?"
Not ever in politics my good man. Not ever.
Scott I don't recall you ever complaining about fellow Republican anti-semite Ron Angle. should he be condemned as well.
some of us are not kept men and have things to lose if identified.
The Bishop
Scott and Bernie are very selective when supporting anti-Semites. Angle gets a pass. Towne's a problem. One has said bigoted things and is widely known to hold those views. And that's their boy.
Anonymous 6:17,
Anyone can make any claim anonymously, so what? Without a signature it lacks credibility. I too could claim what I pleased whenever I felt the urge to do so and allege complete sincerity. Then I could act offended whenever someone challenged my anonymous claim.
Scott Armstrong
If Angle said something that was reprehensible he should be held to account. I live in Lehigh County and don’t know the alleged offence. I don’t have the time to keep up on Northampton county stuff.
Hiding behind your pseudonym is more of your typical cowardice. It is small, real small.
Scott Armstrong
Abortion, fetal tissue experimentation, war, war, war. Charlie's most consistent position is death. No wonder he doesn't give a shit about health care. That Florida Congressman has him pegged. 1) Don't get sick. 2) If you do get sick, die quickly. Did Charlie attend the Whitehall kid's funeral? Did he even send a note? Does he really care about a few more bodies? The record indicates he doesn't.
O'Hare owned by the Express-Times and Callahan this morning. And now if it isn't evident that this was a Dent-Millan hatchet job orchestrated by this blog, I don't know what is. Dent feeds O'Hare unsavory info then points to the blog and says look what O'Hare uncovered! Cheney did it with the NYT. Sleazy.
Get some guts and sign your name.
Why? Are you going to go rough him up, tough guy? Way to support the Republican-lite candidate Armstrong. You have no convictions - at all.
I'm voting for Callahan.
Scott Armstrong
(so much for "signing your name)
Scott, you would cut off your arm before you would vote for a Democrat.
The Bishop
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