Local Government TV

Friday, May 14, 2010

A-town Rumor: Pawlowski Asks Thiel to Run for City Council

This is the place for completely unsubstantiated gossip and outright lies, so I might as well share the latest rumor. It's that Mayor Edwin Pawloski is begging Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Thiel to run for City Council. Apparently, Hizzoner has had just about enough from Council members Michael Donovan and Jeanette Eichenwald, who actually question him. They're apparently unaware that King Edwin graduated from Moody Bible College, damn it.

Thiel's CSI is the city vendor that installed all those surveillance cameras with the flashing blue lights. He has posted testimonials from King Ed's mayoral campaign to his business site. Running for City Council might jeopardize his business relationship with the Queen City. Or it might enhance it.

Is this rumor true? Maybe so, maybe not. I kinda' doubt that Thiel has the time. But it's no secret Pawlowski is trying to get rid of Donovan and Eichenwald.


  1. Doubt Thiel would run but getting rid of people has always been the pastime of Mayors and County Executives. They try to dump some folks and try to get others elected every cycle. Cunningham tried and failed, however Stoffa tried and succeeded.

    I have no doubt Pawlowski is looking to pack the Council, it is common and not limited by location or Party.

  2. Although Thiel seems like a good guy his business connection to the city would seem to compromise any independence from the mayor.

  3. Bernie,

    I guess total obedience isn’t enough for Ed; he apparently will not tolerate any expressions of doubt. No more public handwringing followed by acquiescence from his council minions.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. that troll that used to run the muhlenberg college dems is running around telling everybody that he is going to run. I don't trust him.

    Politically speaking, if Pawlowski wants to knock Eichenwald off, he runs a woman. Eichenwald wins if she is the only woman.

  5. I think Allentown needs to continue electing leaders like Ray O'Connell. Like Julio Guridy, Mr. O'Connell, never questions the Mayor, never really does much of anything and he also helps the Mayor's state committee campaign and helps distribute Dan Onoronto signs. That's the type of team player I've come to expect in Allentown government. If Mr. Thiel will follow in this fine tradition, he'll make an excellent camdidate.

    Allentown Straight Ticket Dem Voter


  7. I hear Michael Jackson is alive too!

  8. Elvis is going to run against Angle next time.

  9. I like Charlie Thiel, but his company's ties to the Mayor would taint any run for office. He would not get my vote.

    I hope Charlie has the good sense - and still has the ethics - to avoid running.


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