Local Government TV

Thursday, May 13, 2010

DA John Morganelli to Endorse Joe Sestak

This just in:

Northampton County District Attorney John M. Morganelli, the Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania Attorney General in 2008, and a past President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association will formally endorse Congressman Joe Sestak for US Senate at a campaign event in Bethlehem on Friday May 14, 2010. Morganelli is a 5 term district attorney in Pennsylvania and one of the state's longest serving district attorneys. Morganelli is scheduled to introduce Congressman Sestak at the campaign event.

John and I have actually placed a friendly wager over the outcome of the Specter-Sestak race. I'm looking forward to eating a Morganelli, the sandwich named in his honor.

If he wins, I'll report him to AG Corbett for gambling.


  1. you bet that Specter would win? man, you aren't smart at gambling are you? Sestak is going to win with 53% of the vote to specters's 45%. No way does specter crack 50%.

  2. "you bet that Specter would win? man, you aren't smart at gambling are you?"

    No, I'm not and you won't catch me rolling in the dough at any casino. But I still say Specter wins in a squeaker.

  3. Arlen appears to be a dead fish in the water right now. Without Obama as a partner on the trail..he has nowhere to hide. He had his day and those days are gone!

  4. Even the unions can't rescue Arlen this time. The ads showing him with Bush are a devastating indictment of his win at all costs mentality and self promotion. Sestak no bed of roses but he can beat Toomey.

  5. As a retired union member..our group/local has been asked to vote for Arlen and I can tell you that they as a group can't stand him and will not vote for him. Loyalty is prized by members and Arlen has none!

  6. Specter lost the race when he attempted to destroy Sestak's military record. Such a good feeling, Arlen, when one legitimately serves your country to see some two bit politician like you take snipes. Much of this country's problems are in the incumbents. time for change

  7. As a retired union member..our group/local has been asked to vote for Arlen and I can tell you that they as a group can't stand him and will not vote for him. Loyalty is prized by members and Arlen has none!

    And the President himself has asked Pennsylvanians to vote for Specter. As a support of the President, he is just plain wrong on this and an obvious player in political quid pro quo. Sorry, Mr. President, I vote Sestak.

  8. Bernie, this is outside of my normal realm of understanding and I'm not going to place any bets, but I think Sestak wins this one. I'm not a gambling man, but I like bragging rights so I'll either be back the day after the election to say "told ya so" or "crap, you were right." If my day after answer is "crap, you were right," then I expect to be calling Pat Toomey "Senator" next January.

    I have a feeling that we will have a concession from Specter by 11 PM 5/18.


  9. Unfortunately what Specter said about Sestak's military record is true. He was demoted becasue he mistreated the people serving under him. Now as a Congressman he has the highest turnover of employees of anyone in the Congress. I do not like Arlen SPecter at all. But Sestak's full truth has yet to come out.

  10. Bernie when Sestak beats Specter in the primary does that mean our breakfast bet is off, or do I win since Specter couldn't even get to Toomey?

    The Banker

  11. This will be interesting. For all those years, Specter could not win without the secret Democrats voting for him. It is hard to believe these secret democrats will not support him again.

    I really hope people vote who they think will best represent PA. It is unfortunate an add that really does not address an issue has had such impact. His registration switch was no secret three weeks ago.

  12. Machine Democrats like Casey, Callahan and Barron have their orders and are supporting Specter but it is Sestak who will win.

    All the BS the "in-crowd" has thrown at Sestak has backfired. It has shown Specter and the "democrats" that support him to be untrustworthy political opportunists.

    Where is the event in Bethlehem going to be held and what time?

  13. Banker, If Specter loses, I will owe you breakfast bc there is no way he can beat Toomey.

  14. I support Specter in spite of, and not because of, the usual bullshit from the party. Barron made clear why he supports him, and posted an essay about it here. And Casey takes no orders from Rendell.

  15. Bullshit, another apology for your mancrushes Ohare. It is sad you are so unable to see the truth. You are being played. You are an emotional person who is easily fooled.

  16. Who cares about Morganelli endorsing someone? He, like me, can only vote once. Just like the rest of us.

  17. Can someone please just tell us where and when this event will be held?


  18. Morganelli told me it's a the rest room at Easton Library. I'll be there with my flip cam.

  19. At 5:30 Friday at the Steelworkers Hall in Bethlehem. Shame on you for not sharing Bernie.

  20. I would have shared it had I known it.

  21. Great. A thug who hangs with convicted criminals who threaten to stab people at old ladies' funerals is telling us for whom to vote. Sestak must be a real POS if Morganelli likes him.


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