Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Owe Morganelli a Morganelli

Let me tell you the two best-kept secrets at the Northampton County Courthouse. The first is its cozy law library, which is open to the public. But the best secret is its bright and cheerful cafeteria, managed by head chef Richard McInerney for Susan's Catering.

One of McInerney's creations is The Morganelli, a great Italian sandwich named after our District Attorney. Now that Joe Sestak has defeated Arlen Specter in the Senate primary, I owe John Morganelli a Morganelli.

I had a sinking feeling I'd lose my bet over the past few days. But I never would have guessed that Sestak's margin would be that big.


  1. You mean you will buy John his deserved sandwich in the political payoff cafeteria. That is the caterer that Stoffa gave the deal to. They were friends of Brackbill and Bradt from Nazareth. Stoffa threw out a poor blind woman to take care of some good old political patronage.

    It is a shame and the cafeteria should be closed.

  2. Still making those stupid and false claims. Look up the bidding process and claims...

    Anyone can go to purchasing and see the bids that were forwarded. The previous owner of the business did not wish to participate; Sodexo wanted to be subsidized, but the County said "No"; that left Susan's Catering. This was open competition. Your conspiracy bullshit fails. Next time, look at the facts.

  3. No told you so's but..Anti incumbent feelings are out there right now and will continue to be. Lots of people fed up with the present residents of the house and senate in DC. Sestak/Toomey should be a hell of a fight! Congressman Dent will have no cake walk either. Can't wait for November to arrive.

  4. Maybe now..Callahan will open his mouth and tell us where the heck he stands! We can only hope..

  5. So Bernie, Not a word about Justin Simmons beating Beyer. Thank goodness we didn't listen to you!

  6. Please post the bids on the cafteria contract. It would end this current speculation.

  7. Watched Callahan on the 11 o'clock last night news. Tripped over his own words. Couldn't keep on message. Good luck in debates.

  8. Anon 7:34,

    I posted a blog about it, congratulating Mike Horton on his victory as the next state rep.

    Anon 7:35,

    I'll spend te time to gather and post those bids when you identify yourself. These anonymous allegations have been debunked several times.

  9. Specter invented the "Magic Bullet Theory" after JFK was shot. I'll never get over that.

  10. Yeah, I heard that several times from several people. Well, the people have spoken.

  11. Just GOOGLE "Specter Magic Bullet Theory" and you'll find hundreds of articles. He was being confronted on and defending this theory that defies physics as recently as 2008

  12. Maybe Susan's Catering should come to downtown Bethlehem and replace Dave's Deli that recently took over operations in the Moravian Book shop.
    Rude staff, significant price increases and just an overall blah atmosphere.

    I sure could go for a Downtown Morganelli sandwich about right now!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Maybe Susan's Catering should come to downtown Bethlehem and replace Dave's Deli that recently took over operations in the Moravian Book shop.
    Rude staff, significant price increases and just an overall blah atmosphere.

    I sure could go for a Downtown Morganelli sandwich about right now!

    9:22 AM

    Please contact the store's manager and tell her how you feel. She needs to know folks are not happy. No where should a counter staffer be rude to a paying customer. They need to be fired. There are lots of Bethlehem residents looking for work.

  14. The Moravian Book Shop has to be one of the nicest places on the nicest street in the LV. I doubt that rudeness will be tolerated for long.

  15. http://www.moravianbookshop.com/

    Dana DeVito is manager

    Please call her. It's only fair to let her know your feelings. Then, if she does nothing about the poor staffing at the cafe, she has no one to blame but herself but poor sales.

  16. So much can happen between now and November. I look forward to watching the Toomey/Sestak campaigns.

    I voted for Toomey when he was a congressman and in his primary challenge to Arlen Specter last time around. However, I think he has vulnerabilities in this race. Considering how Wall St. and the derivatives played their role in bringing about this recession his background might become an issue. Also, he was a strong proponent of privatizing Social Security to encourage putting personal retirement funds on the stock market....imagine where those folks would have been when the market tanked. Also, Club for Growth targeted moderate Republicans (RINOs)---just like Specter and Dent have been accused by Tea Partiers as too moderate. In a blue-leaning state you need to appeal to the middle....ask Rick Santorum.

    I agree with him on many social issues, but people will more concerned about their wallet than guns, gays, and immigrants.

  17. Breakfast is good - free breakfast is fantastic!

    The Banker

  18. Yes, I owe you, too. I'll be in touch.

  19. Banker,

    Wasn't I included in that free breakfast, as well?


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