Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dent Scores Stunning Upset Against Tea Party Favorite

Who'd have thunk it? With Joe Hilliard plotting campaign strategy, 5,000-page mailers, and LV Tea Party Queen Kim Schmidtner blabbing about "principled" Republicans, I thought this would be a lock for Mat Benol. But Charlie Dent won 85% of the vote in Lehigh County and 76% in Northampton.

Sic transit gloria Lehigh Valley Tea Party.


  1. The numbers are a particularly bad sign for Callahan. Looks to me like Dent (who was in a contested race) almost received more total votes than Callahan. And this is even with the Specter-Sestak draw. Really bad sign for Callahan.

  2. Primary numbers never translate. 6 months is a
    long time to determine who will win that race in November. Stay tuned. Callahan and Dent will be a dog fight!

  3. "Primary numbers never translate." What is certainly true though is that Dent consistantly outperforms national trends. Look for that again this fall.

  4. Nothing surprising or interesting.

  5. Have to agree with MM. Especially after your complaining that his campaign was so poor. You, or anybody else, had never "thought this would be a lock for Mat Benol". You know first hand that there was no unanimous pro-Benol feelings in the 9-12/Tea Party group.

    And a "nobody" with not much of a campaign made double digits against a popular incumbent.

    I'll be the 1st to claim that my primary prediction came true. Mostly party endorsed candidates winning, "We Are Doomed", with the same old, same old...

  6. Agreed, this is just another attack on Hilliard and Schmidtner.
    You have to admit Bernie, that a double digit showing is huge, considering the amount of money that was raised. Imagine what he could have done with just say another 5 grand?
    And while you count this as a total loss against the tea party. Look at some of the other races that involved tea party members. Justin Simmons skated to an easy win over Beyer and Ron Shegda knocked off his opponent before she even got on the ballot.

  7. it's sarcasm. Tea Partiers ran around talking about how they were going to sweep elections all over the place... every incumbent was in trouble. Don't you remember this language?

    Dent easily wins. Critz wins in the 12th. Where are the Tea Party wins? Simmons? He still hasn't been elected.

  8. These folks have a rough time understanding sarcasm.

  9. I have deleted a comment from MM. It's not a particuliarly nasty comment, but it will lead to them. I'd rather not give him a forum here. He can complain all he wants on his own blog.

  10. " Ron Shegda knocked off his opponent before she even got on the ballot."

    Are you out of your mind? Shegda beat another wing nt who wa waging a write-in campaign. He'll be crushed in the Fall.

    As a political organization the LV Tea Party is useless.

  11. A guy using lunch money got a quarter of NorCo's Congressional votes without mustering a campaign.

  12. Actually, that's 1/4 of the R votes in a primary. Those voters are not going to support a Pelosi Democrat in November. The reason Benol ran on "lunch money" is bc nobody will spend serious money on a nonserious candidate. Dent's election was never in doubt, but his margin of victory is quite a surprise, especially considering the mean-spirited attacks from the right.

  13. Attacks on Dent's record were mean-spirited. But Specter's cruddy campaign was worthy of your support? OK.

  14. The Specter-Sestak race certainly was nasty, on both parts. I believe Sestak made his military record an issue, and part of that record is the demonstrable fact that he was relieved of command for creating a poor command climate. For his part, Sestak resurrected pictures of a bald Specter undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Nasty, but demonstrably accurate.

    I respect the voters' choice.

  15. "especially considering the mean-spirited attacks from the right."

    mean spirited?!! are you kidding me? what was mean sprited? pointing out his voting record is mean?? your kidding right?

  16. Mat Benol ran a dignified campaign is defeat. Republican opposition to Dent is less about the Tea Party and more about abortion and stem cell testing. Dent is right on most fiscal, Tea Party issues. Dent should always expect principled opposition from social conservatives within his own party. And PA is traditionally a strong pro-life state, even among Democrats. It's not about tea. It's about respect for life.

  17. "You have to admit Bernie, that a double digit showing is huge."

    Dent won with the highest percentage in any major (federal and statewide) contested primary in Pennsylvania. Huge? Seriously, this is the spin that the Hilliard crew is taking?

  18. "mean spirited?!! are you kidding me?"

    Calling him unprincipled was an attack on his personal integrity.

  19. You, Obama, Biden, Rendell, local mayors played us for fools. "I'll just tell them how to vote, Arlen, and you'll be a shoe in." We are a lot smarter than what you think. Lots of sour grapes. Relieved of command=really Join the ranks of George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, and hundreds of generals from all wars. It happens in the military because of disagreements on how the job should be done. It is never a commentary on the person.

  20. I agree that there could be many reasons why he was relieved of command. That's why he should have released his military records.

  21. Please don't confuse the Philadelphia TEA Party group which created its own PAC and endorsed candidates with the Lehigh Valley Tea Party group.

    Bernie noted that "As a political organization the LV Tea Party is useless."

    The LV group is NOT a political organization - that's probably why it wasn't effective as one.

    The Lehigh Valley group is an educational not-for-profit, as as such, may NOT BE a political organization or legally engage in any political activity.

    Bernie, after attacking the group for what you perceived to be inappropriate political activity, I think it's a little odd that you're now attacking it for not being an EFFECTIVE political entity - since it isn't one.

    As an organization, the LV group didn't support ANY congressional candidate. As individuals, group members, including many of the leaders of the group, speaking ON THEIR OWN and not for the group, supported both Charlie Dent and Mat Benol - some even support Jake Towne. That's our right as individuals, and the members of the local group - and its leaders - were not in agreement about this race.

    But those individuals did not and could not draw on the resources of the group for ANY candidate, and even though Mat Benol was identified as one of the group's leaders, he resigned that position, as he should have, before announcing his candidacy. Mat wasn't the "TEA Party candidate" because there wasn't a TEA party candidate. The group's website and mail functions and listing of events wasn't used to promote Benol at all. He didn't campaign at meetings, although he attended them - Charlie Dent would have been welcome, too, as long as he didn't do any "politicking."

    The purpose of the local group is education about the constitution, the issues and the political and legislative process. It isn't ABOUT electing specific candidates.

    So, I suppose Bernie's comment is accurate, if misleading - as a political organization, yes, absolutely, the LV Tea Party group is pretty useless - because we ARE NOT a political organization.


  23. "The purpose of the local group is education about the constitution, the issues and the political and legislative process."

    11:13 AM

    And it is amazing that you have to, seeing as we pay through the nose for our vaunted "professional public education system" to do that.

    Oh, wait. They're busy putting in astroturf, giving out laptops and building leaky pools.

    Thanks for covering for their sorry asses.

  24. Donna - So O'Hare's comment "As a political organization the LV Tea Party is useless" was completely accurate given your response.

    It's curious that your group became interested in "The Constitution" soon after January 2008.

  25. Anonymous said...

    It's curious that your group became interested in "The Constitution" soon after January 2008.

    3:54 PM

    You're right, this movement is long overdue.

    Quite a few of us were very interested in the constitution and limited government for years and were active in 3rd parties, conservative & libertarian organizations/publications, and activism in our own respective fields. Now we're allied together.

    And quite a few of the rest were "asleep at the wheel" until the spending of the current Congress made GWB's extravagances look thrifty in comparison.

    LV Project 9-12/Tea party

  26. Donna said...
    Please don't confuse the Philadelphia TEA Party group which created its own PAC and endorsed candidates with the Lehigh Valley Tea Party group.

    Bernie noted that "As a political organization the LV Tea Party is useless."

    The LV group is NOT a political organization - that's probably why it wasn't effective as one.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I rec'd a comment from lvtp912 asking this" "Were my posts deemed to be personal attacks or off-topic remarks? Just curious..."

    For some reason that comment did not post, even though I received it. I have deleted 2 comments from this thread, one from MM and the other from his sidekick, Pigpen. I have not deleted any other comments and the tea party is welcome here.

  29. So were my posts deemed to be personal attacks or off-topic remarks? Just curious...

    It's your sandbox, I'll play by the rules as soon as I can figure out what they are!

  30. The silence from the liberal blogs is deafening. Geeting...Kwiatek...anyone...? They must be struggling to find positive spin.

  31. Tea party activists came from nowhere and no organization, nine months ago. No wonder they don't toe the organizational line Bernie would prefer (never had Bernie figured for being the man). They quickly mobilized as disjointed rag tags. Some groups are more organized than others. Some are more political than others.

    The homogeneous depiction of the groups is largely a construct of mainstream media and left-leaning detractors. Now, they are a major portion of the debate. The NYT claims "they're" more affluent and better educated than average Americans. Taking them lightly or dismissing them as wing nuts is a risky strategy. People are genuinely pissed off that the new guy replaced the old guy and upped the corporate giveaway game to a whole new level. Bush is really the impetus of the Tea Parties. Obama just gave a booster shot to a smoldering anger. As for Dent, he's pretty much in lock step with the Tea Party. Benol's opposition was more about abortion. Most Tea Party types are likely very comfortable voting for Dent. And he's been proud to flash his credentials to them.

    Once again, Bernie, your analysis re: the Tea Party is dog shit. But congrats on your guy's victory. He wins easily in November. That is, your guy whose name is not Arlen.

  32. Dude, My analysis is confined to the LV Tea Party. I even specified that in my blog. As a political organization, it is pretty much useless. That's why Kim Schmidtner should not get involved in congressional races. As an educational group, it's fantastic. The candidates' night it ran was among the best I ever saw.

  33. Bernie, your lack of the grasp of the situation generally astounds me. LVTP isn't involved with any campaign, you goober!

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Wayne - So you agree your movement is a direct result of the election of Barack Obama. I suppose you stood idly by as GW Bush entered the country into two wars costing trillions of dollars. Meanwhile, the current President spends to SAVE the capitalist system you so desperately support but all of a sudden, THAT is out of control.

    The tea party is hypocritical and has very little integrity as a movement.

  36. The silence from the liberal blogs is deafening. Geeting...Kwiatek...anyone...? They must be struggling to find positive spin.

    Positive spin? Funny! The tea party movement lost the 12th district of PA. Now THAT is embarrassing. If they cannot win that district in this year, they won't win anything in the fall.

    And say goodbye to Rand Paul. He;s already committed political suicide by stating he'd like to abolish the Civil Rights Act. What a clown!

  37. "The silence from the liberal blogs is deafening. Geeting...Kwiatek...anyone...? They must be struggling to find positive spin."

    Can somebody tell me what there is to spin for liberals? Tea partiers had very few victories in PA. Rohrer lost. Argall won. Simmons just ensured the district goes D (did you see that bill white called him unemployed and living with his mom and dad, even citing his refusal of meatloaf as his sole basis for independance). Fitzpatrick won. Marino won. Buchanan lost, but that was inevitable. Crawley won.

    For liberals, Sestak won. Critz (no liberal, but certainly a better option) won. It sounds to me like the Tea Baggers have to do all the spinning in order to stay relevant right now. Perhaps they'll tell us another gem about lying about the number of supporters you have to look powerful.

  38. MM comments here will be deleted. They just lead to pissing matches, and i have other things to do.

  39. "It sounds to me like the Tea Baggers have to do all the spinning in order to stay relevant right now."

    The comment was about the liberal spinsters vs. Charlie Dent. It appears that they have struggled to find any silver lining in the numbers. Dent outperformed all contested primary elections on the federal or statewide level. By contrast, Callahan had an extremely high drop off rate, especially in Northampton. If Democrats in his home county arent even voting for him, then who will?

  40. Marino won.

    Unbelievable that Louie's Consigliere may end up in DC.

    Even the redneck T has lost its soul.

  41. "For liberals, Sestak won. Critz(no liberal, but certainly a better option) won."

    It is interesting to hear the number of liberals (not you specifically but generally) tout the Critz win. The guy ran as far away from the liberal wing of his party as he could (some say he basically ran as a Republican). He opposed health care. Didnt want Obama to come campaign for him. He's pro-life, pro-gun. If Im not mistaken, that district has many more Democrats than Republicans. So if a Dem candidate has to flee his party to that extreme in order to win in a Dem district, how does that play for progressive candidates like Callahan? How will it play statewide for Sestak? It will be interesting to see the strategies that the progressives take.

  42. "Marino won. Unbelievable that Louie's Consigliere may end up in DC."

    Cant you just see the devastating "Casino Marino" ads now? Crazy that Republicans couldnt find a better candidate.

  43. The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, a federally registered political action committee organized in the tri-state (PA, DE, and NJ) region, endorsed Charlie Dent in the primary and shares in his victory.

    Like it or not, Dent was the only viable conservative running in either primary--hence our endorsement.

    Don Adams, President
    Independence Hall Tea Party PAC


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.