Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

AP Economic Stress Index Lists Norco & Lehigh as Stressed Counties

AP's Economic Stress Index is a visual guide to the state of the economy, county-by-county, based on factors like unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies. The higher the number, the more stressed the county. A county is considered stressed once the score is greater than 11. The nationwide average is 11.5.

Northampton County's stress index is 11.22. In October '07, it was just 4.72.

Lehigh County is only slightly higher, at 11.56. In October '07, it was just 4.80.


  1. County Executive John Stoffa has destroyed Northampton county's economy. It is truly a sad thing.

  2. Stoffa is as responsible for the state of Northampton County's economy as Cunningham is for Lehigh. They are responsible for their own budgets and both have done exceptional jobs considering the sad state of our local economy. Other local leaders have not done so well.

  3. Cunningham has things under control and a plan in place. Stoffa, as always, is adrift hoping to bump into something helpful.

    They are not even close. Look in the dictionary under incompetence, there is a picture of john Stoffa.

  4. Bernie,

    The dreadful national economy has filtered down to the local level and daily media pep talks won’t redress the harm the current administration has done to any potential long term recovery.

    Scott Armstrong

  5. How are county governments, responsible for the jails, county nursing homes, Courts, and Social Services, responsible for driving the economy too? Was there a billion dollar County stimulus package I missed?

  6. Cunningham, Stoffa, Rendell. All asses with the same head. Thanks for wrecking the economy. Job well done. Now let's raise more taxes and keep spending! After all it's Bush's fault!

    Economically stressed. No shit.

    And where's Freeman on the new tax bomb proposal to close the $1B shortfall? Likely under his desk avoiding serious issues, where he's been for years.

  7. Concerned in NorCoMay 4, 2010 at 10:50 PM

    I think it is time Stoffa hires a consultant to see what the problem is!!!!

    And then he should hire a consultant to find a consultant about the problem!!

    This is his track record after all.

  8. Bernie,
    get a job.
    get a life.


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