Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sestak Gets VodVarka Kicked Off Senatorial Ballot

Joe VodVarka is a plain-spoken, down-to-earth man who wowed the 500 plus crowd at a LV Tea Party candidates' night on Friday night. He mentioned he had been in court just that day, trying to fend off a Joe Sestak nomination challenge. His tired wife was sleeping in the car outside.

Looks like Sestak has succeeded in knocking VodVarka off the ballot, forcing Democrats to choose between Arlen Specter and the Rear Admiral.

I think I'll vote for the Democrat who supports small d democracy.


  1. would this be the one who is running with the complete backing of the party establishment? who is the "small d" in this race?

    specter is on his way out.

  2. I don't consider myself party establishment and will vote for Specter.

  3. by all means, vote for him. But spare us the "supports small d democracy". Specter supports himself and only himself. Sestak was wrong to try and get somebody knocked off, but Specter is no grand champion of small d democracy. the latest flap about the endorsements from Santorum and other conservatives indicate that Specter has a history of very self-serving political moves. Good or bad, they weren't democratic.

  4. Why wasn't his wife allowed in?

  5. and why was she so tired? I don't understand the significance.

  6. I am a champion of the underdog, and I wish Vodvarka could have stayed on the ballot. But his signatures were bad, and that can't be overlooked. The two pages I was able to see were full of obvious errors. I would never have submitted them. Mr. Vodvarka has no one to blame but himself. and I cringe at how this makes Sestak look, but it was the right thing to do.
    I write this even as I staunchly defend Rick Orloski and am glad that Pat Browne's people dropped their challenge.

  7. Anon 1:25-6, His wife was tired bc she had been on the road all day. She would have been allowed inside, but chose to sleep.

  8. "Sestak was wrong to try and get somebody knocked off,"

    Yeah, from what the Inky reports, I'd say so. Some signatures were illegible while others had the wrong address. Not exactly the wholesale fraud that I've seen with many candidates.

    Sestak is a one-term Congressman who is saying and doing what he can to appeal to the left, and you're buying it.

    I'll stick w/ Arlen. I voted for him when he wasan R and will vote for him as a D.

  9. Does "small d" democracy allow invalid petitions? I don't get it.

  10. Sure you do. This was nitpicking. Let the people decide, not judges.

  11. Not so Casual ObserverApril 14, 2010 at 2:51 PM

    I like VOD VARKA I Met him Friday evening and he has a real gritty pro American can do attitude. The fact that Sestak actually felt threatened and got him off the ballot underlines how petty he is. I had heard that about Sestak from other sources.

    Vod Varka is a good man! He deserves the chance like everyone else in this country.

  12. This is part of running for office. Collecting petitions forces candidates to get out and talk to the public. If candidates are doing that, they easily get way more than enough signatures. Vodvarka was sloppy and didn't, so he deserved to get kicked off the ballot.

  13. I can't wait for the special prosecutor to investigate the Obama/Sestak job-for-withdrawal criminality. It's Obama's ticking time bomb. What did he know and when did he know it? Sestak knows.

  14. Arlen's way of returning the favor to Santorum was to have meetings with people from different areas around the state, asking what he could do to help, and it ended there, at least in our area. He just made it look like he was trying to help. That's the Arlen I know.

  15. Hey 3:59, I agree real high crimes there. I mean no-bid contracts to Cheney's old company Halliburton for billions pales in comparison.

    Besides racist,you folks have hypocrite tied up as well, good job Brownies!


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