Local Government TV

Friday, April 09, 2010

Name That Thug

Over the past week, I've been highly critical of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party. But I was really impressed by the huge turnout of at least 500 people at tonight's candidate's forum for senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial candidates.

Both daily papers sent their elite reporters to cover this event, so I expect you'll find informative stories about the candidates. But this story is about what happened during the debate, just as LV Congressman Charlie Dent and challenger Mat Benol began exchanging views.

As the audience listened to the candidates, two people - a man and a woman - began going up and down the aisles, passing out a flier that smeared Dent as he was speaking. Captioned "Top Ten Reasons Charlie Dent is not a TRUE Conservative!!!", it contained no disclosure. Most of the audience were put off by the intrinsic unfairness of this smear tactic.

As the male passed out fliers on my side of the room, Tea Party organizer Tom McFadden approached him, and asked him to leave. At the conclusion of the debate, Tom apologized for the disruption, called these smear tactics "rude", and asked the audience to discard the fliers.

Mr. McFadden also spoke to me (you can see that interview here) and made it very clear he was very upset by what had happened.

I captured this thug on video as he made his way out of the building. He tried ignoring me and also tried to hide his face, but I got him briefly.

Does anyone out there know this slimeball? Who is he working for? You can post his name here anonymously.


  1. That is Ron Angle. Yes, it definitely is him!

  2. What was the content of the flier that was a "smear" ?? True facts about someone running for office is NOT a "smear"-- they are just the facts.

  3. Probably the same guy that yelled the slur at John Lewis.

    Or maybe the troll who screams teabagger and obsesses over feces.

    Or, all three are he?

  4. "they are just the facts."

    Actually, I'm looking at it and there are plenty of inaccuracies. If you want to defend the smear, name the person making it.

  5. Thank you for reporting, I couldn't make it out.

    And thank you for referring to the Tea Party organizer as an organizer...

  6. Those pesky teabaggers.

  7. The thug in that video goes by the name of O'Hare. Nasty little creature who lives in a hovel above the Army/Navy Store in Nazareth. Used to be an attorney till he was disbarred for forgery and having severe emotional problems. Now he spends his days shilling for Ron Angle and Charlie Dent in exchange for rent checks and laptop computers.

    The 3AM Troll

  8. Anon 12:15 -

    It really doesn't matter whether what was in the flier was true or not. It was not appropriate to hand out such literature inside a candidates forum.

    Bernie, as to the photo it's a bit tough to tell. My first thought was that it was Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid.

  9. Bernie,

    Years ago a group of civic activists held a similar candidates night in Allentown. One of the candidates was Emma Tropiano, a landlord, and former council person who vociferously opposed our efforts to pass Rental Inspections legislations. We had a well researched handout ready for the event that detailed the public information regarding her rentals (it wasn’t pretty). When the time came to pass them out everyone chickened out. I ended up passing them out myself and took a lot of heat. It was worth it. We gave out facts and exposed her real agenda.She lost her bid to get back on council.

    Scott Armstrong

  10. Is the Tea Party afraid of a little grassroots movement? Have their unelected leaders issued rules and protocols for these events? Bernie wants the movement to have openness. But didn't like a private citizen attending and attempting to get his point across via perfectly legal means. Then, he makes his own attempt at information control with the very amusing, 60 Minutes, up-the-nostrils close-up, complete with baseless accusation (i.e. who are you working for?). Breaking news: many conservatives don't like Charlie Dent. Oh the horror! It's funny that Charlie has flipcam carrying hall monitors serving as rapid deployment agents to quell or denigrate any criticism on the spot. Bernie's more the "thug" here, in a genuinely funny, pretending sort of way. Funniest post in a while. I love this blog. Thanks.

  11. Democracy is such an unwieldy wittle wascal. Everybody should just behave.

  12. scott, i must take exception with your comment, in respect to the memory of emma, a dedicated allentonian. although she was a landlord, and her properties were distressed, that was not the basis of her opposition to the rental inspection law. she inherited the rental property from her husband and was not experienced enough to deal with difficult tenants and the maintenance they can create. frankly, i thought it was unfair the way you attacked her at that candidates forum with "designer questions" meant to embarrass her. you did succeed, with the help of a Morning Call reporter, who did the research on emma's code violations. opposing the rental inspection act for personal gain was not her "real agenda". she felt that you cannot effectively legislate business practice and pride of ownership. the current apartment situation in allentown indicates she may have been correct. I think the real agenda that evening was to punish her for opposing your point of view. lastly, how ironic that you attended a landlord meeting last week, supporting landlords concerned with the 600 % increase in the rental inspection fee. this is not meant as an attack on you, but as a defense of my friend emma. as a disclosure, i am also a landlord. i did NOT attend the meeting last week, and have recused myself from landlord issues. like emma, i never put my business interests ahead of my concerns for allentown, but wish to avoid being falsely accused of that, as scott's comment just did.

  13. Bernie,
    How does one become an "elite" reporter?

    Thanks for being there and letting us know what really happened.

  14. Molovinsky wrote: "thought it was unfair the way you attacked her at that candidates forum with "designer questions" meant to embarrass her. you did succeed, with the help of a Morning Call reporter, who did the research on Emma’s code violations. opposing the rental inspection act for personal gain was not her "real agenda". she felt that you cannot effectively legislate business"

    We attended this event, and while we admire Scott's willingness to be "out there" for the community, it was clear to all, Emma was very ill. She was frail and shaking and could hardly complete an answer. The duplicity of a Call reporter also is in question. Is he still with the paper? We hope not.

  15. Bernie,
    Can you tell us more about this McFadden guy?

  16. "I ended up passing them out myself and took a lot of heat. It was worth it."

    "Bernie wants the movement to have openness. But didn't like a private citizen attending and attempting to get his point across via perfectly legal means."

    There's something inherently deceitful about handing out information attacking a person while he or she is talking during a debate, and has no idea he is being slammed. It is even more underhanded when there is no disclosure.

    I've been to lots of these events, and never saw anything this undemocratic until last night.
    Open? That must be why the guy tried hiding his face.

    Most of the people in the audience were turned off, from what I could see, and the purpose of this post is to promote transparency and accountability by identifying the thug and finding out who sent him. I doubt he acted alone.

  17. Folks, you may experience a slight delay between posting and seeing it appear. Rest assured, the comment will appear. It is happening to me, too. Blogger gets goofy like that sometimes.

  18. "Can you tell us more about this McFadden guy?"

    I think he's from Helletown and is the person who put this event together. As you can see from his video, he is a dignified, quiet, no-nonsense sort of guy. I'll try to find out more.

    He stopped the dlime campaign as soon as he saw what was going on, and made it very clear he considers this behavior "rude."

  19. "How does one become an "elite" reporter?"

    By writing well. Sarah and Nicole are both very good, and both have way of seeing the story behind the story. There are other grat reporters, too, who deserve a little credit during what mut be tough times for them. The other day, thebest reporter I ever saw was telling me he's looking for a job to sell real estate just in case. That's very sad, not just for him, but for all of us.

  20. Although I happen to agree with MM, for once, I am mostly concerned about the thuggery last night.

    He does look a bit like Andy Reid.

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  22. It's Michael Moore! And the stuff he handed out was about as accurate as a Michael Moore film.

  23. bernie made it clear that the topic here is the meeting the other night, however, once again i must defend emma. she was very politically incorrect, and that's an open door for being labeled a racist. i knew emma, and she was NOT a racist. emma served on city council for 16 years and lived on n. 9th st. please consider the amount of white flight this city has experienced. although the population remains 100,000 plus, we have 40,000 plus hispanics. that means 40,000 white people have moved out of allentown, but emma didn't. until which time you wish to call those 40,000 racist, please refrain from smearing her.

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  26. Boonie,

    Congrats, dude!

    We haven't seen intrepid reporting like that since your expose on the missing "Paid for by:" disclosure on Abe Atiyeh's giant John Stoffa banners during last year's Dem primary.

    Oh, wait, you never wrote about that. Weird.

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  28. The guy must be a Callahan toady.

  29. Mike,

    Before I posted my Emma comments this morning I wrote down your response, put it in an envelope and gave it to a third party. He now confirms that I have ESP.
    Emma was in fine form that night as were her supporters. She was tough as nails and gave as good as she got. I still have the death threat condolence card she sent me. So many cherished memories.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. Unfortunately, when you hold a public event, you risk having people do inappropriate and unauthorized things, like the jerks who took advantage of the event to attack Charlie Dent last night.

    I had a little confrontation with the woman who was passing out the unattributed attack like she was passing out test papers in school. She'd handed me one in the hallway, so I knew what she was peddling when I saw her in the gym. She actually had the NERVE to hand the people sitting on the end of each row a stack of her slimeball papers to pass down.

    I refused to take them once I saw what they were and told her loudly that what she was doing was "tacky." She ducked her head and hurried out of the room. I have no idea who she was or who put her up to what she was doing.

    I heard a lot of crumbling papers, but I also saw a lot of people reading the unsubstantiated attacks WHILE Congressman Dent was speaking.

    I was glad Tom McFadden, whose committee organized a wonderful NON-partisan event, was alerted to what was going on and had a chance to condemn the behavior, which was in NO WAY authorized by the organization.

    If the creeps who dissed the group, and event AND the candidates had any courage of their convictions, they would have set up their materials at one of the many tables surrounding the room which were there for THAT purpose. They would have put their names or the name of their organization on the flyer. They might even have offered source material or some proof for their claims, which I didn't dignify by reading carefully after I figured out what it was.

    Perhaps they thought they were helping Mat Benol, but since I heard people wondering if Mat had anything to do with it (which I DO NOT believe), they only succeeded in smearing HIM too.

    I hope they're identified, and if they are members of the TEA party group, I hope they're tossed out for their rude and inappropriate - and COWARDLY - actions last night. People like THAT will give those who oppose the TEA party movement ammunition with which to smear us.

  31. Donna,

    While some may disagree on the propriety of handing out literature/flyers during candidate debates or forums I think we can all agree the information must be sourced and the name of the group or person responsible included and apparent.

    Scott Armstrong

  32. anon 11;29 aka 11:44 aka many sock puppets, i recognize your repetitive, compulsive attacks against me. you should stay on your own blog, moderating your velvet robe with all the comments you get.

    scott, yes my response was predictable. to say that she took a position for self interest in 1998, during her last term, after serving the city for 16 years, demeans her selfless devotion to the city, and the thousands of constituents she served.

  33. This response is for the REAL Scott Armstrong....

    There were MANY opportunities to pass out campaign literature at last night's event. There were tables for candidate materials. Some people stood by the doors and passed things out as people were arriving or leaving or congregating during the breaks.

    I don't have a problem with ANY of that. But NO ONE else had the temerity to walk up and down the aisles while the candidates were speaking to pass out negative materials intended to make people question what one of the candidates was saying. It was inappropriate and unconscionable to do so.

  34. How dare we question our elected officials!

  35. Let me guess. Government isn't moving in the direction of limiting free speech criticizing Congressmen, just requiring it to be registered?

    Then followed up by an IRS agent's visit I guess?

  36. Some people just have no idea what the words "tacky" and "inappropriate" mean.

    And how about sneaky? If the jerks who passed out the campaign materials had any courage of their convictions, or if they had any proof of what their flyer said, they wouldn't have sneaked in, passed it out WITHOUT attribution, and then rushed out the doors.

    They KNEW they were doing something sleazy - otherwise, they would have been proud to stand by it.

  37. Donna,

    You're absolutely right. I haven't seen such anonymous cowardice since the Federalist Papers.

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  39. My aren't we a bit bored today? So much time to apparently do nothing of substance.

    Scott Armstrong

  40. Who elected Tom McFadden?

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  42. Mike,

    Let’s focus on what we can agree on first. Emma loved the city and in her heart believed she was acting in its best interests. That being said it was worthwhile to point out that her record as a rental property owner was “extraordinary”, or shall we say exceptional from the norms of responsible landlords. This was pertinent as a candidate for city council she was advocating against the Rental Inspections Program.
    But Mike in light of what has transpired these past nine years wouldn’t you love to get back to those Allentonian versus Allentonian days again? Back then the words “Democrat”, “Republican”, “partisan” never came up. I’ve run into old adversaries and we all agree that those were the good old days, the time before the “occupation”.

    Scott Armstrong

  43. Anonymous Imposter,

    What a small, petty, and gutless coward you are. Take a look in the mirror and see if you feel proud of is what is starring back. If you don’t feel embarrassed by your actions then you need to seek help because you have a very real problem.

    Scott Armstrong

  44. Woah. Woah. Wait a second. You mean to tell me that pro-abortion, pro-corporate pork, pro-endless war Charlie Dent isn't a "true conservative?" Bernie, we all know how you protect your friends, but Jesus Christ dude, it's obvious that only Jimmy Olson Renshaw himself could have broken a scoop like this. He'll probably fess up to it after he collects his Pulitzer.

  45. Let's see....someone who identifies him or herself as Anonymous (1:37 p.m.) calls ME a sleazy coward and demands MY credentials to have an opinion?

    I represent myself, but I also have the honor to serve as the head of the health care committee for the local TEA Party group - so go and look it up.

    Nope, I wasn't elected - I VOLUNTEERED to take on the extra resonsibility of keeping members informed about health care reform - exactly like all of the OTHER group leaders. You should try it - it's good for the soul.

    Bernie, you have some really NASTY people posting here, and some of the language seems inappropriate for a public forum....because like last night's sleazy attack on Charlie Dent, there's LEGAL and then there's appropriate, polite and decent.

    Some of you ought to be ashamed of your inability to debate without personal attacks and profane language.

  46. Donna,

    Someone with the intellectual temperament of a third grader is posting under my name. Welcome to the blog world where those who lack the courage to sign their names are emboldened to name call and slander as anonymous, or worse yet do it with a purloined name.

    Scott Armstrong

  47. I welcome your thoughts and love to argue. Feel free to disagree. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks. I especially resent attacks launched at other readers.

  48. Donna, MM & Scott, Pleae accept my apologies for not stopping the troll before now.

  49. Bernie,

    One of my kids helped me sort out my google account. Some good came of it.


  50. Being Republican has become some kind of dangerous, scary, fringe, wacko thing....spooky stuff....identifying mysterious men handing out unapproved fliers, threatening the lives of Congresspeople. It's like Godfather IV

  51. I would not conclude the person is a Republcan basd on this evidence. He could belong to some fringe group or could even be a cyical attempt by Dems to persuad conservatives to vote for Towne.

  52. I'm telling you the guy is Angle!

  53. It might take awhile, but I will find out who the person was. As near as I can tell, he is not a tea party regular.

  54. I was there last night. I think Mr. McFadden and many of those organizing the fun had their hearts in the right place.
    (Upcoming Pun intended) The political bent was not my cup of tea. I respect the participants for having a position, but I find the idea of repealing the HCRA a pipe dream. Amend it? maybe, but there will never be a complete repeal, no matter who controls Congress.

    I wonder who thought it would be beneficial to do something like the thug was? it would be easy to say Benol was involved. You just never know what motivates peole, or especially WHO motivates them.
    I hope you get a hit on him, he has some explaining to do. I almost wish I had realized what was going on, and obtained his license plate # when he left.

    Charlie Dent is not going to lose the primary and he showed Matt Benol a great more deal of respect than was showed him. Agree or disagree, Passing out literature slamming a candidate while he is debating is pretty juvenile and if a campaign tactic, extremely misguided.

  55. For those of wondering what Chris Casey looks like, take a gander of my video of Tom McFadden, to which I link on this blog. Chris is behind McFadden and appears to be taking notes.

    Chris, we're bloggers, we don't take notes. We just make shit up!

    As near as I can tell, this caught the tea party completely by surprise. McFadden was upset. I confronted Hilliard and Chris Miller, and they both denied knowing anything about it. I spoke to several people in the tea party that I know, and they never saw the guy before.

    After the debate, I spoke to Benol. He seemed genuinely shocked to hear about what had happened, and seemed disgusted by the video.

    I could speculate all kinds of things, but I'd really like to identify this person so we can learn what really motivated him.

  56. Absolutely, no question about it. That is Ron angle!!

    I would know him anywhere!

  57. This guy should be knighted and made to show up at every event Dent attends, especially ones where Dent tries to look conservative or libertarian. He clearly got under the very thin skin of the Dentheads.

    I get it, Bernie. All opposition to Dent should be registered and approved in advance. Democracy is such a drag for arrogant incumbents and their lapdog defenders.

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  59. Anon 6:48 a.m.....

    So....if people were passing through the crowd of an Obama event passing out "birther" materials with unattributed "facts", and then sneaking out the door, in the name of democracy, you'd be OK with that?

    Bernie, I don't hold you responsible for juvenile delinquents who use your forum to demonstrate their immaturity and inability to have an intelligent conversation.

    I applaud your effort to find out who was behind the attackson Charlie Dent - and for the record, I would have been JUST as upset if someone had passed out materials attacking Mat Benol or any of the other candidates. Inappropriate and disrespectful are wrong, no matter who's the intended victim.

  60. Has anyone thought that this might be some of Callahans goons?

  61. That is another distinct possibility. But before making accusations, I'd like to ID the guy. That's why this blog has been posted and why the video is on my sidebar, too. I'd like to determine if this guy is really just a "private citizen" or whether he is doing the bidding of some political campaign.

  62. Democrats Attack Republicans.
    Tea Party Members Attack Republicans.

    If A = B and C = B, then A = C. The Tea Party is a secret branch of Democrats.

  63. Well, I don't want to point fingers at anyone until I figure out who this guy is. Thay's why the video is posted here.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.