Those are words my father said, when as a POW during WWII, he and writer Kurt Vonnegut hunkered down, in a slaughterhouse, during the firebombing of Dresden.
VP Joe Biden and Congressional wannabe John Callahan might utter a similar refrain from within the exclusive ambiance of the Blue Grillhouse on Thursday, except that Joe would probably say, "I wonder what the f---ing poor people are doing tonight." Perhaps they'll savor the $37 Colorado lamb chops or visit the wine cellar to view the selection of 270 different wines.
In case they haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a recession. Our LV unemployment rate hit 9.8% in February. But while we're scurrying around to file our tax returns, Callahan and Biden will be living large, holding court with Fat Cats who look down their noses at their lessers.
If you have between $250 and $1500, you can "network" with the rich and beautiful. For $250, you get a baked potato. For $1,500, Biden will give you a lap dance.
Andrew Jackson, the American Lion, would sure be proud of their disdain for the common man.
If they were Republicans they'd spend just as much money, just at a lesbian strip joint.
I can't think of many things more tone deaf than an exclusive fundraiser at a posh eatery on Tax Day.
Why not Tic Toc?
Ohare only spent $10 on a lap dance but it was Angle's lap.
oh give it a rest. its a freaking fundraiser. Charlie dent has never thrown a fundraiser for more than 10 bucks? I don't think so.
I have to say, Blue is one of the best restaurants I've ever dined at, and that includes my time in NYC and San Francisco. At least Biden will be sampling some of our valley's best! However, Biden seems more to me like a Tic Toc kind of guy - although, I don't think a fundraiser at Tic Toc will gather nearly the funds the Blue will fetch.
"oh give it a rest. its a freaking fundraiser"
On Tax Day ... at a swanky restaurant ... in the middle of a recession.
Who gave you this idea, Shawn Millan?
Tax day is considerably more painful for the type who will attend a $250 fundraiser than those who won't.
It doesn't matter which Party these guys are with, to dine at
Blue, one of the most expensive restaurants in town, and then say "we're for the "everyday"
guy simply will not work.
What. Are we suppose to stand at the window and glance in, thinking to ourselves...if only...
Also, I'd say that Blue (which is locally owned and operated) probably has hurt much more during this recession than the Tic Toc, so good for Callahan for hosting this at an excellent restaurant that likely needs the business.
Bernie O'Hare said...
I can't think of many things more tone deaf than an exclusive fundraiser at a posh eatery on Tax Day
" good for Callahan for hosting this at an excellent restaurant that likely needs the business."
Ah yes, snobbery and exclusivity should be subsidized at all costs. Fox hunting, anyone?
"Tax day is considerably more painful for the type who will attend a $250 fundraiser than those who won't."
Well, it's very nice of Callahan and Biden to throw a party for the rich and powerful to ease their pain. It must really be tough for them, but it's nice to know who Callahan really cares about.
Two weeks ago, Andy Daub threw a fundraiser for Charlie Dent at The Pomfret Club - a MEMBERS ONLY dining club! The cost per plate? $250! Where was your outrage then?
For: Rep. Charles Dent (R, PA-15)
Hosted by: Andy Daub Carolyn Daub
When: 2010-03-29 (11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Where: The Pomfret Club - 33 South 4th Street, Easton
Type of Event: Fundraising Luncheon
Contribution Information: $1,000 PAC; $500 Host; $250 Individual
Capri or LOLV or whatever you call yourself these days,
I'm not particularly bothered by fundraisers. I don't like them, but they are a necessary evil. For the most part, I don't hear about them, mostly because I have no funds. Had I known about Dent's Pomfert club fundraiser, I likely would have said nothing. I have not written about other, similar fundraisers conducted by Callahan. I have not been outraged by the previous fundraisers by Dent or Callahan.
But I was outraged a few months ago when I discovered a Republican fundraiser at some swanky country club, featuring something goofy like lobster and cigars. That's arrogance, and I did write about it. So did Pam Varkony. So did Bill White.
And I am equally outraged by the arrogance of a fundraiser at an exclusive place like Blue on TAX day, of all days. Unilke most other fundraisers, this is very well publicized and sends a very clear message to the people that they don't matter unless they have money to burn.
Seriously, what the hell were they thinking? Is this a message Dems want to send? How can they claim to speak for working Americans with bullshit like that?
Nice of Vice President Biden to stop by. I wonder if he can give another speech endorsing the behavior of Former Treasury Secretary and Citigroup board of director Bob Rubin while he's in town.
You know the Bob Rubin who campaigned vigorously to create Too Big to Fail and prevent derivative regulations while in office than profited monstrously at Citigroup as a reward the day he left office.
Maybe he can give some tough talk as he's taking bribes I mean campaign contributions.
BTW how much is the Valley paying for the VP to roll out the red carpet for a fundraiser in emergency services?
I think you're grandstanding and you know it. If this were a campaign "meet and greet" event or an issues forum, etc... I would 100% agree with you that this is the wrong venue, but its a fundraiser and I think that supporters of either candidate understand that fundraisers ARE a necessary evil.
Tax Day is merely the END of a 4-month long tax-season. Most people I know have already gotten our tax refunds or put our checks in the mail, tomorrow is just another day at the office, so to single that out as the reason THIS fundraiser deserves outrage as opposed to other fundraisers just seems... petty.
THIS fundraiser deserves outrage as opposed to other fundraisers just seems... petty.
Welcome to politics.
It would be nice of the VP to maybe give a speech on why he loves him some Bob Rubin while he's in town. He could bring Larry Summers with him to give a lesson on investing. I mean he only lost $1 billion at Harvard of their endowment trust. Not too bad.
First, I get the old moral equivalence argument. When I point out that I did in fact condemn similar activity by the Rs (It was cognanc and cigars), I get accused of grandstanding and of knowing it, too.
Both of these attacks come from a person who justified Pawlowski smacking down some poor seventy-year old lady who was conducting conducting yard sales so she could pick up a little extra cash.
This well-publicized fundraiser, conducted on tax day at a posh restaurant, during the midst of a recession and in an area with high unemployment, is a slap across the face of every person who has no job. It is a slap at the working poor.
You are out of touch. So, apparently, are Callahan and Biden.
I expect to see this kind of nonsense from the right. I expect Dems to at least pretend they care about the little guy.
Guess not.
Thers gonna be picnic tables with hot dogs and PBR and El Productos in the Blue parkin' lot,
so the werkin' man can join in the fun.
They were gonna give 'em a special foodstamp for the regular admission price, but Biden and Callahan were worried they might drink too much and start fightin' over the Iggles and the Stillers...
Maybe he'll have another one on 9/11.
At a mosque.
I'm a conservative Democrat and this visit makes me want to puke. It sends the wrong message entirely and wins no votes among those struggling to survive todays economic downturn. What the F are these guys thinking? Clearly they don't think at all. Biden has turned into the Ed McMahon to Obama's Carson.
If I'm giving a grand to a politician, I want a decent steak. Sorry, not all of us are Perkins' slop eaters.
Perkins? That's high brow for me.
Does this mean Blue will be closed tomorrow? Or are they going to be in the Candlelight section?
Only their hairdressers know for sure.
Dave -
After you get past the caricature of the Tea Party as painted by the MSM and blog trolls, and do your own research into who those folks really are, you'll see you've much more in common with them that either established party.
Agree with 11:50. Rich folks aren't going to fork over their money for a Yocco's dog.
Nice to see Democrats defending extravagance.
Yeah drink a little beer in a tavern,
Cry a little bit of these working man blues
Won't be on the playlist tomorrow, I'd wager.
Remind me not to get near you when you're hungry.
What a bunch of underachieving, covetous whiners. Blue is a good business that employs people and pays taxes. Their Filet Mignon is better than any big city steak house and they're not afraid to put some liquor in their drinks. The service is outstanding. You're the same bunch that would be impressed by a Kennedy, born with a silver bottle of Chivas up their ass, stooping to choke down a hot dog to appear like one of the unwashed. It reminds me of when Kerry went to Pat's Steaks in Philly and asked for Swiss on his cheese steak. Don't be fooled by appearances. And stop the envy disguised as concern for the common man.
"I can't think of many things more tone deaf than an exclusive fundraiser at a posh eatery on Tax Day."
How about spending tax payers money fighting to keep 2 posts and a forged will case...I guess you feel that is a better thing to do on tax day? Of course you do you hypocrite!!!!
Anon 4:27 attempts yet another Democratic defense of extravagance. It's as bad as the first one.
"Callahan and Biden will be living large, holding court with Fat Cats who look down their noses at their lessers."
will you make similar comments about high-end dent fundraisers?
Anon 4:34 attempts vainly to change the subject, focusing on a political persecution.
"will you make similar comments about high-end dent fundraisers?"
Have you read the other comments here or do you just purposely choose to ignre what has already been asked and answered?
"Anon 4:34 attempts vainly to change the subject, focusing on a political persecution."
I simply stated the facts which clear Mr Bernard O'Hare does not like to face. He runs his blog on hear say and rumor, yet ignores the facts.
"Have you read the other comments here or do you just purposely choose to ignre what has already been asked and answered?"
just re-inforcing it. you have long since shed any guise of objectivity re this race. i just feel comnpelled to remind you of that from time to time
In other words, you feel compelled to find any excuse you can to justify this disdain for ordinary people. In the meantime, there are three LV blogs that do all they can to hurt Dent, even to the point of callling him a liar or human "shitstain." Do you talk about their "objectivity"? Finally I make no claim to being objective. I try to be fair, and honest, but I have my point of view.
Several Anonymous posters criticized my remarks conerning a Republican fundraiser at the Melt. One even suggested that I couldn't afford the Melt, (they are probably right)and someone should buy me a meal there (even though I was invited to the grand opening dinner and gave my tickets to the event to someone who I thought would enjoy the evening). Sadly, politics has become all about money and its influence. Maybe it always has been that way. I think our VP and Mayor Callahan might have done it a little better. Doesn't anyone get it? People are hurting. People are without work. If Mayor Callahan would eat at Yoccos would that change. No. If Republicans would have had there fundraiser at Ice Cream world, would that change? No. Protesters would still be there. I just think it was poor judgement then, and it reflects poor judgement today. That's just this man's opinion. Most people have just given up on these expensive sideshows and just want to work to make ends meet. It's not about the Melt or Blue. It's about jobs and the economy..keeping them and creating them.
Anon 12:31 again.
I can't afford to go to Callahan's benefit, unless they hire me to work it. But I am paying to go to a "swanky" cancer benefit this weekend. Does that mean the Cancer Support Community is elitist as well?
I think we can distinguishe between a swanky event for a noble cause and the stupidity of hosting a fundriaser like this on tax day and pretending to be for the common man.
"In other words, you feel compelled to find any excuse you can to justify this disdain for ordinary people. In the meantime, there are three LV blogs that do all they can to hurt Dent, even to the point of callling him a liar or human "shitstain." Do you talk about their "objectivity"? Finally I make no claim to being objective. I try to be fair, and honest, but I have my point of view."
2 points:
1. i have no disdain for the common man. i am uncommonly common. i'm just pointing out your bias. and it's ok to have a bias (i'm obviously pro-callahan). i just like tweaking you.
2. i don't read those other blogs. those blogs, to put it charitably, suck.
Your pro-Callahan bias is fine by me. Just so we're clear, I make no claim to being objective and frankly consider that an impossible ideal. And I am pro-Dent and critical of Callahan as a congressional candidate, but won't be calling him names. I will stive to be honest and factual, and think Callahan is a good man, but think Dent is incredibly gifted and will continue to support him.
People like you will keep me honest, which I appreciate.
"People like you will keep me honest, which I appreciate."
just returning the favor, my friend.
chilly in here, isn't it?
Get a room! Oh, never mind.
This blog sucks, so whats your point?
Yet here you are, at 3 AM, commenting on a blog that sucks.
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