Biden was late getting to the Blue because he had seen some kids out at recess at Farmersville Elementary School, and ordered his motorcade to stop. He apparently got out and talked to them. That's very cool.
But I understand one of the little brats said, "Big f---ing deal!"
I'm getting different reports about the actual number of tea party protesters across the street from Blue, but there were enough to be noticed. As mentioned in an earlier post, one of them was carrying a sign calling Callahan a Marxist.
This actually drew a reaction from a fellow protester, Nick Pugilese. He posted this comment on the Tea Party site: "I would ask that we be cautious in the wording we use. Words like Marxist or communist icons only give detractors ammo to marginalize us. Our message of smaller government and responsible spending is powerful & on point without the name calling."
The Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, was there, which annoyed the hell out of quite a few Democrats. Angle told me he really liked Biden's speech, gave him an 8 and stood in line to greet him. Ron actually sounded a little star struck.
Biden wrote a note for Ron's son. "To Max, Keep the faith. Joe Biden 4/15/10"
"This is a big f---ing deal," Angle tells me.
The Express Times has a brief video clip of his speech at Ben Franklin TechVentures.
Among those protesting with the Tea Party crowd was independent congressional candidate Jake Towne.
Actually he stopped at the school after the event at Blue. There was no press and did it just for the kids, say what you want but that was a very cool thing to do.
Ask your boy Angle why he asked for and accepted Bidens autograph?
I'm told that's why he was late. I think I did say it was very cool.
Biden is the VP of the United States and Angle was showing him the respect due to that office. You ought to try that sometime, instead of judging people based on their party.
I understand he's selling the signature on E-Bay for $500.
I don't think anyone was upset that angle was there. It's going to take everyone working together to dig our country out of this mess. I don't care who we blame overall for the mess. What I care about is good ideas to get people back working again. We need to regain our leadership in manufacturing and engineering again.
There were other republicans there. Tony Ianelli was there and he is as big of a poster boy for Dent as Ohare.
Biden did stop after the event at Farmersville elementary. It was not before.
Stop the bullshit Ohare. If anyone but Angle had shelled out the $250 to $2000 to attend you would be ripping the hell out of them.
We hear Angle has helped line up some work for a former Reibman Department head through Stoffa. I guess one hand washes the other. Please Bernie, Angle hasn't shown anyone respect and he sure as Hell isn't going to do it for Biden. Nice payback by Angle, though I am sure Callahan's team appreciated it.
You and Angle are two of the biggest hypocrites in the Valley. Bill White had Angle pegged dead on in his column today. A spoiled brat who wants to be a schoolyard bully but runs when confronted.
Now he contributes to see a VP he has blasted in the past.
The bullshit will sure make dem flowers bloom this spring, donch ya know!
Seamus, as you can see from the two comments following yours, there are those who minded very much. of course, they're nuts.
One man's "working together" is another man's "sleeping with the enemy".
Not all too long after winning back the House in '94, and some initial victories, Gingrich eventually got all caught up in the Clinton persona and the thrill of hanging with the MTV pres.
And then Slick Willy and friends castrated him.
Unable, or unwilling, to learn, the same fate awaits Rodney King conservatives.
I think Ron liked Biden bc they both have a tendecy to shoot from the hip. Dems and Rs need to work together.
Check for your wallets. Biden's a miserly, heartless phony cheapskate:
All in all, he's still the Vice president. By the way, no one has political meetings at Tic Toc diner because there's no booze and I'm sure the waiters, waitresses, and bartenders at the Blue Grill are very happy for the stimulus and the free advertising.
This was mocked by Ohare until his patron Angle told him to cool it. I guess we know who pays the bills.
Interesting how you posted the story on the same day that the VP arrived, but you mention - "Only three things stopped me from attending VP Joe Biden's LV visit yesterday."
What kind of pill did you forget to take, that you write in the past tense? Earth to BO, Earth to BO! Come in BO!
O'Hare, your story is factually inaccurate. Biden stopped at the school after the event at Blue. The kids were lined up on the side of the road to see the motorcade. He saw this and decided to stop and see the kids and speak with some teachers.
"We hear Angle has helped line up some work for a former Reibman Department head through Stoffa."
really? who?
(and what's with the imperial "we'?)
I can't stand Biden.
Having said that, stopping to see the kids was very cool indeed.
Nice job.
1) Why was i writing in past tense? I intended to publish today, changed my mind, but neglected to change the tense.
2) Am I inaccurate? Coukld be. I was not there, and relying on several people who have told me what happened. But it appears Biden did stop at an elementary shool and it was unscheduled.
Biden was not late to the event at Blue.
Additionally, he stopped at the school after the Callahan event at Blue, not before it.
for all your huffing and puffing about holding a fundraiser during teh visit, I'll point out that John Stoffa was at the reception for callahan.
Stoffa was likel there in his official capacity as County Exec, just as Angle was there as Prez of County Council.
I doubt you found many laid off people there.
Yes. McCain-Feingold, No Child Left Behind.
The former guaranteed an amplified voice to the unions, while effectively silencing their opposition.
The latter has been a giant unfunded flustercluck that has districts worried about test scores at the expense of actual student learning.
Just two examples of what working together can do.
Angle and Stoffa owe team Callahan bigtime.
Were the morons shouting down the VP and his secret service protection "showing respect?"
I doubt you found many laid off people there.
All the laid off people were outside protesting entitlement programs ...while accepting payments from entitlement programs.
I suppose Angle and Stoffa will need to start suckling Callahan since they see the writing on the wall. Bye bye Charlie.
Yes. Dissent is patriotic. We started a revolutionary war over the right to dissent ... and taxes.
Love Joe Biden!
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