Call me crazy, but that sure reads like an indictment of Republicans. If those words were published in the Lehigh Valley, they would be a stinging rebuke of all local Republicans, including Congressman Charlie Dent. They would also be a tacit endorsement of the candidacy of independent Jake Towne.
It just so happens that those words were published locally, in Saturday's Morning Call. The person quoted is Kim Schmidtner, identified in the account as the Lehigh Valley's 9/12 Tea Party leader.
Dean Browning, a Republican who chairs Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners, certainly believes that Schmidtner's remarks are a slam at Dent and endorsement of Towne. "Kim's comments in Saturday's article gave no indication that there is any separation between any of Towne's views and those of [the LV Tea party]. On the contrary, one of Kim's quotes gave the distinct impression that Towne was 'principled' and that his third party candidacy was a necessary response to Congressman Dent's decision to seek re-election."
All this got me thinking. Just who the hell is Kim Schmidtner, anyway? Every time the local tea party is mentioned, her name pops up as their "leader." She's also identified on their web page as their organizer. But who is she? How did she become their leader and local spokesperson? Should she be panning Republicans and endorsing third-party candidates when her group is supposedly a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) corporation?
Kim Schmidtner, Queen of the Tea Party
Schmidtner is no Lehigh Valley native. She's actually from Pittsburgh, and only moved here from Pipersville in 2002. She quickly became angry when I asked her about her LV roots yesterday.
"This is personal. What difference does that make? Should I organize in Pittsburgh?"
I explained it does make a difference to readers, who would be interested in the background of the LV's Tea Party Leader.
Then I got even more personal.
"You're a Republican, aren't you?"
After getting another blast, I explained to Kim that her voter registration is a matter of public record. When she moved into the Lehigh Valley in 2002, she registered here as a Republican. She fessed up, and admitted her interest in politics was sparked by the 9/11/01 suicide attacks on the U.S.
That sounds very noble, but it must have been a slow-burning flame. Kim failed to vote at all in 2002, 2003 or 2005. In 2004 and 2006, she did vote, but only in the general elections. Kim explains that primaries were somewhat meaningless at that time in her life, but now she knows better. For the last three years, she's voted in every election.
I'm sure the 9/11 tragedy had an impact on Kim, as it did on us all, but an $83,000 federal tax lien filed against her in 2003 probably got her attention, too. Little things like that would make a Communist wish for more limited government. That lien, incidentally, was just satisfied.
So how did Kim, who has no LV roots, end up in command of an 1127-member group? I reviewed the minutes of all their monthly meetings to answer that question. They did vote to follow Robert's Rules of Order, but never conducted elections. All of the people who hold themselves out as Tea Party leaders, from Kim Schmidtner to Joe Hilliard, are self-anointed royalty.
How ironic that a group interested in restoring democracy and "We, the People," could never be bothered to conduct one election.
LV Tea Party Violates IRS Ban on Political Activity by 501(c)(3) Nonprofits.
Schmidtner told me yesterday that her group incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in January.
Nonprofits are barred from endorsing or panning candidates, whether done explicitly or implicitly, or from participating in political campaigns. But that's exactly what they've been doing all along.
In addition to her implicit Towne endorsement, Schmidtner has organized a tea party protest to President Obama's LV visit and has promoted independents over major political party candidates.
The local tea party has sent out an exhaustive questionnaire top candidates and elected official. One of the questions, at least initially, was "Do you believe Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?" If this group has no political agenda, then why ask candidates and incumbents to answer 28 pages of questions?
"So we can rate them, just like the League of Women Voters," answered Schmidtner. No LWV does that anywhere.
But the best examples of political activity come from their meeting minutes:
"Scott Ott. Is running in Lehigh County Executive. ScottOtt.org. Scott’s message is 'Government should be limited, effective, frugal and totally focused on the customer.' We are a strong 'Constitutional Republic.' People in communities are coming together. We need to take things off the books to get back our Liberties. 9/12 Tea Parties are making things happen. Defeat them with 'We the People'."
"Guest Speaker: Jake Towne Spoke on sound money and our economic future. Jake is running for Congress as an independent for the 15th District against Charles Dent. Learn about Jake at TowneForCongress.com"
"Mat Benol Announces he is stepping down as an Executive Board Member as he is running for Congress in the 15th District against Charles Dent in the Republican Primary. It’s not about Repubs or Dems. It’s about right and wrong, not politics and let’s get back to The Constitution."
"Introducing Joe Hilliard who speaks on our Precinct plan, stating it’s most effective starting at the local level. Building and informing from the bottom up, one person at a time. We are organizing and developing people to campaign in their precincts. It takes 10 signatures to get put on the ballot to run for committee person. Counties are broken down into municipalities. Precincts are the smallest voting neighborhood entities that vote at the same voting place. We are organizing and developing people to campaign in their precincts. . You must be a registered party member to run for committee person in your precient.[sic] Party leaders make decisions on who they indorse [sic] and put on the ballot. School taxes up 30% in the near future. We are making great strides across the country. In Fla. The State Chairman was asked to step down as he did. The higher up in government you get the less they care about the little guy."
That sure sounds like political activity to me. Self-anointed leader Hilliard even has them organizing in precincts, building the tea party movement from the bottom up.
There's even advice on how to deal with snoops like me.
"Supply no target to the opposition. No leaders. No group names. No money exchanging. No meeting minutes. Share ID information with no one. Learn the art of effective communication.."
Name, rank and serial number, eh? Too late!
I've been highly critical of my party because I believe our current party chair was illegally elected. But that's better than no election at all. So if you're a local tea party member, you're being led around the nose by people you never elected. You are being organized, from the bottom up, as their personal political machine. You are no nonpartisan group, despite all the protests to the contrary.
We the people? Bullshit.
These tea partiers are going to be the end of the Republican Party if the Republicans don't control them. There's no better way to scare away the Independents you need then to constantly have white ignorant confused racist extremist violent people on the TV every night that seem to be protesting the very services the consume in quantities greater than the general population (unemployment, Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.) THey are God's gift to Republicans. How I miss the cloth coat Republicans and William F. Buckley.
"Every teabagger that accepts a government pension, social security, medicaid, SSI, disability, medicare including retired military pension and healthcare is a hypocrite.
Enough bullshit, you want purity fine, give up every governmental perk you receive. Otherwise keep your ass talking bullshit up your anus where it belongs.
This is about a Black President that some of you racist shitheads can't deal with."
I posted this on the earlier thread about the teabaggers. I am sorry to sound so mean but I firmly believe this is all rooted loosely on anger at government, which we all share at times.
Do I think both Parties are arrogant, yes. Anyone who lives in Pennsylvania and has watched Harrisburg politics understands the arrogance and incompetence of government. So, do I support any movement that wants to question the practices of our major parties, you bet.
However, this anti-government bullshit seems to spend more time proclaiming President Obama is not an American, is a terrorist, is a communist, is a socialist, is a murderer. You whackjobs could have had a bigger following, including conservative Dem's but the bullshit is coming through the cheap paint over your movement.
Many of you get government subsidies in one form or another but some how every other subsidy is bad.
You just became the arrogant bullshitting Party you claimed to fight.
So much for the moral high ground!
Terry Schoal!
Terry, What blows me away is that their leaders aren't even elected.
They don't need to be elected. After all, they are God's chosen.
Was Moses elected?
Bernie -
I disagree with your assessment that the group's activities (cited in your post)violate the law. Just because a group deals with or discusses political issues does not automatically create a violation of the law.
Many well-recognized national organizations (organized as 501(c)(3)'s) deal with issues - and take politicians to task for disagreeeing with their issues - but that does not violate their tax-exempt status.
While the endorsement of candidates would violate that status, I certainly wouldn't take the quote at the top of your post as an "endorsement" of Towne. I'd call it more of an assessment of where many people are at nationally. In addition, I would be very surprised if it were an endorsement of Towne since Matt Benol - a Tea Party member - is running against Congressman Dent in the republican primary.
I realize it is the current goal of the Democrats (and apparently some local Republicans) to smear and degrade the Tea Party movement. While I don't think you are knowingly part of that effort, I find the personal attacks in your post unnecessary.
No matter what you think about the Tea Party, Schmidtner is not a politician. Personal attacks like this are why good people don't get involved in politics, and part of the reason why our country is in the mess it's in.
There have been people in the Republican Party for many years, asking people to get involved Where have they been all those years while we toiled away looking for interested citizens, warning them about the cost of public apathy ?They have awakened on their couches and decided to take over the world. After all these years of working for good government while they have slept we are now labled corrupt and foolish by uneducated edict of those who have been completely unconcerned for years.
Good Government required good candidates with SOME experience in legislation and management.
If we simply vote for the guy down the block becasue he is new , we will be powerless on the world stage as our newly elected "offcials" learn the job.
Tea Party people who simpoly assume that anyone who is in office is corrupt are way off the mark. We have some fine people serving and running for office. The assumption that since they are not totally inexperienced, or that since they have been elected by people while the tea partiers slept is absolute hubris.
Some of their candidates may have a future, but they need to know what is involved in running local state and federal government in order to manage any of it.
Unless, of course, they all stayed in Holiday Inn Espress last night!
IT IS ILLEGAL FOR A 501 C 3 to work on behalf of candidates and to participate in politcal activity. I am on the board of 3 501 c 3 organizations and if I did what the 912/ tea party people are doing I would be in jal! Someone please save them from themselves. It proves the point that they are not ready to serve, they do not know or wish to follow the rules!
oh please, you wouldn't be in jail, your 501c3 would be revoked. ...as should be theirs.
725, both could easily happen. allocation of resources away from the charitable purpose could turn into allegations of money laundering, misappropriation of resources and fraud. some of those things could land you in jail.
Nobody would ever imagine this Pittsburgh-based resident was brought into town as a calculated plan to damage the reputation of the local Republican Party. Naaaaaah.
I think these folks need to learn the rules before getting in the game. It is clear by her statement about LVW that she believes voter guides are ratings guides.
This is what happens with political movements in their infancy, as opposed to the black churches and environmental groups who regularly endorse and break the law with not even a peep from the lefty kooks because they believe they are correct.
As for every official being corrupt, there are those that literally break the law and those who are morally corrupt and sell out there votes to the highest bidder or endorse the bailout of megarich financial operatives, etc. Between the two types, we have only and handful of politicians on either side who actually put the country first.
That is the position of the Tea Partiers regarding "corrupt" politicians, even if they don't state it as eloquently as you might require.
Bernie-I think your discussion of the group's activity is good- 501.c.3's are not permitted to engage in political activity.
I do object to your using her "auslander" status as a basis for criticism. That distrust of outsiders is one of the less positive characteristics of this region. "She's not one of us" is not a legitimate basis for attacking her political views. She has been here 8 years, and came from another part of our state. There are a lot more non-valley non- Pennsylvania natives here, so I suspect "us" is a minority at this point.
I completely disagree with the Tea Party and have no respect for them. They are like gum on the bottom of my shoe.
But, I like Jake Towne. He is anti-war. For one, he says we can't afford it.
He doesn't sound like a right wing fringe to me. He believes in equality,that we are ALL created equal, also.
Is this some sneaky attempt on your part Bernie to discredit Jake due to your fierce loyalty to Dent?
Anon 8:20,
No, I'm being pretty blatant, and my goal is to discredit the LVTP because its leaders are unelected, it is improperly engaged in political activity and encourages hiding information about the group.
I'm not too keen on Jake Towne either, to be sure. I thouight his politicking at last week's WWII event was disgusting, and how phony is he to drop by that group and pretend he loves the military. But this post is not about him.
Politicians are always politicking. You should know that.
"I do object to your using her "auslander" status as a basis for criticism. That distrust of outsiders is one of the less positive characteristics of this region"
Catharine, I've lived in Nazareth for 25 years and am an Auslander. I get your criticism.
My point was to get her background. Where is she from, why did she move here, etc., and I tried telling her people are interested in that sort of thing. But you are right. It's not all that important.
I agree with Terry. Also, teh tea baggers should not travel on highways, use local cops and firefighters...the list goes on and on....
"No matter what you think about the Tea Party, Schmidtner is not a politician. Personal attacks like this are why good people don't get involved in politics, and part of the reason why our country is in the mess it's in."
Whether she admits it or not, she is running a local political party, and a pretty powerful one at that. She claims to be all about "We, the People," yet is herself unelected. Her hatred of our government might be motivated just as much by an IRS lien filed against her as by 9/11. But if truth be told, she has only been an active voter for three years. Her group is clearly engaged in political activity, yet claims tax exempt status. Most disturbing of all is the advice for people who get too snoopy. That's not exactly transparency.
If I had written that she or other of the unelected leaders were having wild affairs or have drinking problems, then I would be getting personal. I believe her voting record, her IRS lien, her meeting minutes are all fair game.
" Also, teh tea baggers "
I would not use that disparaging word to describe them. Most of the members are little different from you or me, although they are much more conservative.
I have nothing against a conservative or liberal movement. That's good for democracy. I have something against demagoguery, which is bad for democracy.
I'm not a tea party activist, but they seem to have all the right enemies. And the intensity of the criticism indicates they're striking a nerve. That one of Charlie Dent's most loyal defenders has devoted so much time discrediting them, is telling. The fire is most intense when over the target.
Bernie -
I really don't think you're correct on the 501(c)(3) issue. Her "endorsement" is not really an endorsement. There are many organizations that deal with political issues. You might want to research this further.
Also, I find it interesting that one day after chastising politicians for using surrogates to challenge the nominating petitions of political opponents, you are chastising her for the fact that she wasn't "elected" and might not be following Robert's Rules of Order.
In the spirit of your petition post, why not let the people (in the group) - the members - decide if they have a problem with it?
Actually, Charlie Dent has acceptd an invitation to appear at the candidates' forum next week. He has not hidden from them, even though one of the unelected leaders of that group, Joe Hilliard, has made it his personal quest to unseat Dent.
My criticism of this group is directed at its unelected leadership, its blatant political activity and its cult-like advice for discouraging too many questions.
Yes, I am a fierce defender of Charlie Dent, but I am an even fiercer defender of democracy over demagoguery.
Bernie -
If I didn't know better, I would swear Dean Browning is trying his best to have Charlie lose this election.
What possible gain can come from Browning - the former Chairman of the Lehigh County Republican Party and current Republican elected official - attacking a group of limited-government conservatives? Browning is too smart to be doing something so stupid.
This is a group whose members Charlie needs to be winning over. Having such a visible Republican leader (Browning) attacking the group gives the appearance of coming from Dent's camp and makes Charlie's job that much harder.
Please check John Callahan's campaign report for payments to Browning :).
Anon 9:47,
Any group that has a "precint plan" and that is building from the bottom up is not just engaged in political activity, but is actually a politcal party. It's a blatant 501(c)(3) violation. Schmidtner's statements to TMC also cross the line. As the spokesperson for the local tea party, she claims there are no prinicpled Rs running for office.
She's welcome to her views, but should not be able to claim tax exempt status.
Frankly, I don't follow the logic, if any, in your claim that there is sime inconsistency between my post about petition challenges and my complaints here. In both cases, I favor democracy.
For all the claims by the local tea party that it is interested in returning democracyy to the people, I fid it incredible that its own leadership is unelected. It's hypocritical and anti-democratic.
Anon 9:56,
You now threaten Dean Browning and Dent, claiming they both need the local tea party to get elected. And that is the weapon that the unelected demagogues of this group will use to pursue their agenda. People like Joe Hilliard have been threatening people like Dean Browning for months.
He was even threatened by Hilliard for daring to support a Dem for Vice Chair in a spirit of bipartisanship that sets LC Comm'rs apart. He has been threatened for pointing out that the tea party litmus test is unworkable.
Dean is concerned about what the tea party members need, not himself. They need elected leaders. They need to act like a 501c3 or a political party, but not both.
In the end, it's about democracy, and the local tea party is anti-Democratic.
Browning has engaged you on your own web page. If anything, you should appreciate a leader who is willing to do that. Dent will face his doubters. That's what leaders do. But your group is being led by people who themselves are unelected, and you need to do something about that.
Bernie -
You write about Schmidtner's "hatred of our government" and another poster writes that Tea Party members "should not travel on highways, use local cops and firefighters...".
I find both comments to be slurs about those who believe in limited goverment, whether the slurs were intentional or not.
Just because you believe in limited government does not mean that you hate the government or want to stop funding the legitimate functions of local government (such as police and fire departments or road construction). On the contrary, it means you want your government to focus on those core functions and leave that which can be accomplished individually to the people themselves.
Unless you can provide a solid example of Schmidtner hating our government, I think you owe her an apology.
Also, while I can see where you're going with the tax lien issue, I think it's still a stretch without knowing all the circumstances. Personally, I don't think it is any more relevant than some of the charges Villa hurls against you.
In the end, I see both you and Schmidtner as doing something you both believe in to the best of your abilities. I'll judge you both by the work you do, not by blemishes in your past.
Bernie - Anon 9:56 here
I'm not a member of the Tea Party group, and I'm certainly not threatening Browning or Dent.
I'm a Republican, and I just have to wonder about the wisdom of the attack. Has Browning run out of county issues to deal with, or is everything now rosy?
If Dean is concerned about what Tea Party members need, let him go to their meetings and present his case to Tea Party members. I would think that would be the appropriate format to address his concerns.
While I can't speak for Tea Party members, I suspect that what they "need" has little to do with formal elections or Robert's Rules of Order.
I suspect that a group that advocatesd democracy and that has 1100 members does need to conduct elections. Dean has gone to their meetings and has engaged the tea part of their web page.
Anon 9:56,
I mention the IRS lien, not to demean Schmidtner, but to provide another reason for her hatred of our current government. And I stand by my accusation. Just this morning, she posted the rules for radicals on her web page as a way for tea party members to counter some of the "provocative Posts" on their message board.
Here's Rule 1: "Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do."
This encourages deception and a lack of transparency.
As we've been going back and forth, someone has posted on the LVTP web page about a list of vulerable House Democrats for local tea party members to work against.
Political activity?
You betcha'.
"Here's Rule 1: "Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do." "
Great digging. It's right out Saul Alinsky's playbook and recently perfected by heavy weight Obama advisers David Axlerod and Rahm Emanuel. And just now you've decided the tactic is worth looking into. Better late than never, I guess.
perhaps somebody should pass along LVTP info to the IRS compliance division and the PA Dept of State. This is a PAC by every measure. I wonder if they are registered as such.
Regarding transparency, this dishonesty is just remarkable but not entirely unexpected. The lies and half-truths about death panels and socialism certainly suggest that the TP has a loose affiliation with the truth. Honesty and truth shouldn't stand in the way of power. Shameful. Any politician who seeks support from this group or its followers will never get my vote.
Nice piece.
Schmidtner doesn't have a pilot's license, does she?
on her web page
What web page is that?
These teabaggers are all beaucoup dinky dao.
"Supply no target to the opposition. No leaders. No group names. No money exchanging. No meeting minutes. Share ID information with no one. Learn the art of effective communication.."
What are they conservatives or Scientologists. Weird.
When I refer to her web page, I am referring to the local tea party web page. I have linked to it, and it is at www.lvtp.org.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to read any of the discussions unless you join, so I did. Don't know how long that will last. Right now, Dean browning is challenging the leadership, and they don't like that. They're hitting him with their rules for radicals or whatever they call it.
in response to Bernie -- Rules for Radicals
My God! They are Scientologists!
WOW! I can't believe that you went so far as to dig into Kim's personal finances and when she moved here. I don't care if she moved her last summer, she owns a home here, and is making the lehigh valley her home. So what if she owed money to the gov't? She PAID her dues, unlike some of our congressional friends?
I also love the fact that you left out that LV912 project just RECENTLY got incorporated (like within the last 6 weeks or so)...
There has never been an endorsement of ANY candidate since their incorporation (Jake spoke prior to incorporation status), and the mission of the 9/12 group is to EDUCATE- so why wouldn't they reach out to our friends and neighbors, our PRECINTS, and discuss local politics? Why wouldn't they EDUCATE people on HOW to run for office? Why wouldn't they sponsor a candidates night so that people can make informed choices?
Sounds to me like you are worried about people becoming educated that Dent is not the messiah?
You're making the mistake of thinking that Kim Schmidtner speaks for all of the Tea Party members.
People get involved inspite of her and Joe, not because of them.
(Jake spoke prior to incorporation status)
Jake, hmm. You're on a first name basis with a guy who speaks ill of American servicemen and women?
As a vet -- I invite you and Kim Schmidtner to kiss my ass.
Anonymous said...
(Jake spoke prior to incorporation status)
Jake, hmm. You're on a first name basis with a guy who speaks ill of American servicemen and women?
As a vet -- I invite you and Kim Schmidtner to kiss my ass.
12:52 PM
goto his website, and read his platform on the war before making judgement... he wants to end the war- but does NOT speak ill of the people serving our nation....
ooo thats another thing that Bernie left out of his 'report' how the 9/12 group has done NOTHING but support our service men and women in the field. They take up collections and mail out care packages EVERY month to LOCAL service people serving overseas.
Anon 12:45,
I did not dig into Kim's personal finances. I pointed to a publicly recorded $82,000 IRS lien, filed in 22003, and just satisfied this year. I did that to suggest that may be one of the reasons why she promotes limited governemnt. Many people have IRS liens and I don't hold that against them. That's no reflection on her as a person.
Where she comes from is relevant, too. She is the unelected leader of an 100 member LV group, so I thuink it's imortant to know just how deep her roots might be. I'd agree with Catherine, who notes this is not all that big of a deal, but it's something that I and most of my readers always want to know.
You claim that the LVTP only recently incorporated, and I still am unabe to find a record of it. But the fact is that it has held itself out as a nonpartisan group since its inception, while doing everything it can to bash some candidaes while promoting others. It has not changed its style.
The most damaging piece of political activity is your precint plan, promoted by unelected leader Joe Hilliard after you supposedly filed for nonprofit status.
Therre is much more than education going on. The word I would use is brainwashing.
As far as Dent is concerned, he will be speaking to your members next week. So for once, your members will have the perspective of someone who actually is an office holder. This is bad news for unelected leaders like Joe Hilliard anfd Kim Schmidtner, but very good news for the people in that group, who will get to see and listen to an elected leader for once.
"goto his website, and read his platform on the war before making judgement"
Don't condescend. I've been to Towne's website. It's crazy ass statements like America is imperialist that feeds the folks our troops are fighting.
Maybe you should look at his website and take off your blinders?
Kudos to the 9/12 group for their efforts on behalf of our troops. But, they shouldn't do something good on the one hand and then embrace something bad (Towne) on the other and they should get rid of any of their leaders who can't see that.
Obama, with lots of help from Soros and ACORN raised community activism and 501(c)(3) flaunting to an art form.
And you endorsed him.
"goto his website, and read his platform on the war before making judgement... he wants to end the war- but does NOT speak ill of the people serving our nation.... "
This is what that "unprincipled" Republican, Dean Browning, told the Tea Party about Jake Towne in a message posted on their site last night. Deam questions how they can promote someone like Towne while simultaneously claiming, as their first principle, that America is good:
"Afghanistan - Since 2001 and under two presidents, this war has been characterized as both necessary for our defense and for the Afghanistan. Towne's view is that our country is engaged in an 'unconstitutional war of
aggression against Afghanistan'.
Military Bases Overseas - Bases such as those to defend South Korea or Taiwan (Kadena Air Base in Okinawa) are characterized as part of a 'military empire'
and said to be indicative of 'imperial overstretch.
In my opinion, terms like 'war of aggression', 'military empire' and 'imperial overstretch' are more in line with what you would hear about the United States
from Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez and not from someone who believes 'America Is Good'. Anyone else see it that way? If so, why do we need yet another person ready to apologize for our country? For those that support Towne, why does his perceived 'fiscally conservative' positions outweigh his apparent lack of commitment to this group's first principle?"
Dean has been hit with the Rules for Radicals for daring to question the Tea Party leadership.
"Obama, with lots of help from Soros and ACORN raised community activism and 501(c)(3) flaunting to an art form."
I voted for Obama but have been highly critical of Soros and ACORN. Also, I am no longer certain my vote for Obama was the right vote.
The Tea Party United -- will never be defeated.
Their just the other side of the Organizing for America coin -- just another way to keep Democrats in power.
Part 1
I think the best way for anyone to figure out what's "really going on" with the Lehigh Valley TEA Party group is to simply come to a regular monthly meeting and participate. They're generally held the first Friday of each month, at the Chrin Community Center. ALL are welcome, regardless of political persuasion or agenda. In fact, Charlie Dent attended the last regular monthly meeting, since ALL of our elected officials are welcome at any time -he didn't say anything, he just listened. His Democratic opponent would be equally welcome, although I suspect he'd never have the guts to show up.
If you come to a meeting, you'll discover that the meeting is far less about its leaders than it is about its members, who are regular people who love their country and fear for its future. Most of them have never engaged in issues advocacy before - the vast majority have never picked up their phone and called an elected official. Several people posting on this forum seem to think that's a BAD thing, which is ludicrous. How can it be a bad thing for American citizens to participate in their government? One might suspect that the people who have a problem with that just don't want anyone taking a different side than their own....
The 501c3 status only became a reality for the group within the past two months. From the MOMENT it was announced to the group that we were incorporated, all of the leaders, including Kim, made it clear that the group itself COULD NO LONGER engage in political advocacy, would not at any point endorse candidates, and that political activity could no longer be engaged in at meetings. Prior to that, it wasn't uncommon for candidates to pass out information before and after meetings - which was perfectly OK at the time. Mat Benol resigned as one of the group leaders before announcing his candidacy, and when he resigned, he made a point of telling everyone that the group would not and could not endorse him. Of course, what people do on their own is obviously up to them, and I don't doubt that many folks who got to know Mat, or even Jake Towne through the group are working on their campaigns, as are other members who are working on Charlie Dent's campaign. But they ARE NOT DOING SO as representatives of the group.
The tax status is new to the group's members, so someone might misspeak from time to time as they learn the new rules. The main rule, which has been stressed over and over again by all of the group's leaders, is that the group, AS THE GROUP, cannot engage in political activity. Anyone who's ever been involved with a
501c3 knows they simply can't ENDORSE candidates. That doesn't mean they can't urge people to vote or even conduct a voter registration drive, or hold candidate forums so their members can see and hear the candidates. That doesn't mean they can't send out a candidate survey and publish the results so their members can read exactly what the candidates say about the issues that matter to them. That doesn't mean they can't discuss ISSUES upon which elected officials will vote, or urge their members to call those elected officials to support or oppose specific legislation. That doesn't mean that members of the group can't use the group's message boards to discuss political candidates they like or don't like. That's INDIVIDUAL activity, and we're guaranteed that by the Bill of Rights. The group won't cross the fine line between legislative and political advocacy UNTIL IT ENDORSES A CANDIDATE - which it will not do.
Part 2
This is a fine group of citizens, many of whom have never spoken their minds before. The leaders were simply the first people to get involved in organizing the Lehigh Valley's first event just ONE YEAR AGO. There were few folks involved at the time, and as people volunteered to carry out specific tasks they became "leaders" almost by default.
Maybe at some point in the future, as the members figure out the whole Roberts Rules thing, they will want to elect leaders. No one has seized "power" or crowned himself or herself. The first meetings were extremely casual, but required a little more structure as the group grew at an unbelievable rate. Did anyone expect there would be over 1,000 members? I sincerely doubt it.
All of the TEA Party groups are experiencing some level of growing pains, and the people who jumped onto the bandwagon first are doing the best they can, considering that most of them have NEVER done anything like this before. So they're novices - so what? Instead of attacking them for lack of experience in running a 1,000 member group, maybe they should be congratulated for taking on the challenge, for not waiting for someone ELSE to take charge. Oh - and for being able to attract over 1,000 people to join a group, at a time when every service or volunteer organization in the nation is losing members.
Personally, I am offended by unwarranted attacks and personal insults on this well-meaning, patriotic group of individuals, which has registered Republicans, Democrats and independents as members. In urging members to run for local committee seats, the leaders mentioned BOTH major parties.
You can't judge the members of a group by discussion group postings - if that were true, I'd have to assume that everyone who reads Bernie O'Hare is a rude, foul mouthed moron who can't make a point without cursing and regularly engages in hate speech. Yes, there have been postings on the website dealing with some opinions that are pretty "out there." But there has NEVER been a discussion of the President's birth certificate at a monthly meeting, nor do the members advocate anarchy or elimination of federal programs. Obviously, anyone who says that doesn't attend the meetings - and therefore, shouldn't presume to speak on what happens there.
Clearly, SOMEONE is petrified at the prospect of thousands, no, millions of Americans finding their voices. So I ask again....how can that be a BAD thing?
Oh....one other thing I forgot to mention. I am almost CERTAIN that Kim posted "Rules for Radicals" NOT as instructions for members of the group to follow, but as an explanation of the tactics being engaged by the OTHER SIDE.....
Bernie -
Just curious. How much more do you need to see before you can be certain your vote for Obama was the wrong vote?
As for whoever that is at 1:01 a.m., I've concluded that his obsession with shit and anus and asshole are evidence enough to grant him an exception to use the slur "Teabagger".
Kind of like when a black guy uses the N word.
1) The Rules for Radicals is being used as a two-edged sword. Joe Hilliard himself advocated its use.
2) As fine as your people may be, you are an undemocratic group that has failed to elect your leaders. Before you decry the lack of democracy in government, you might want to look into your own affirs.
3) Political activity includes much more than endorsing a candidate. The precinct building advocated by Joe Hilliard, one of your unelected leaders, is clearly political activity. The statements made by Kim Schmidtner to TMC, are clearly political and amount to a tacit endorsement of Jake Towne. This both happened after January, when the group supposedly filed for nonprofit status.
4) When one purports to lead an 1100 member group, one should expect to be challenged.
5) I am informed that one of the questions in your original flyer to candidates asked whether they believe barack Obama is a U.S. Citizen. Is this untrue? Would you be willing to send me the questionnaire you have submitted to candidates?
"How much more do you need to see before you can be certain your vote for Obama was the wrong vote?"
I thought the student loan package was a pretty good thing. That helps students while saving the government money. Just when I'm ready to give up on Obama, he does something like that.
It may prove to be. I think the part about using the commission formerly paid to banks for additional "grants" will be used for wealth redistribution, buying votes and targeted to people who "think the right way". The way something like this got stuck into the healthcare legislation gives one pause to think about the actual motivations: Is this really about helping students or just one more power and control grab?
The old way of federally guaranteeing loans and subsidizing the interest while a student is legitimately enrolled and for six months after seemed a lot more equitable, and didn't put the government in the lending business.
Time will tell.
It is true to say that there are good people in the group.
It is also true to say that the group's leadership is nuts.
There may be "good people" in the Tea Party group. That doesn't preclude them being pretty d**m stupid though.
Bernie said -
"There is much more than education going on. The word I would use is brainwashing."
Really Bernie, brainwashing? I guess it just didn't work on you.
Bernie said:
"I pointed to a publicly recorded $82,000 IRS lien, filed in 22003, and just satisfied this year. I did that to suggest that may be one of the reasons why she promotes limited governemnt."
No, you said "Her hatred of our government might be motivated just as much by an IRS lien filed against her as by 9/11".
Are you now backing off your accusation that she hates our government?
"Really Bernie, brainwashing? I guess it just didn't work on you."
I have an unusually thick skull.
Anon 5:38, I am backing off nothing. I do think she hates our government, and I think the $82k IRS lien is one of the reasons she does hate our gov't.
Well now we know what Kim Schmidtner has in common with Tim Geitner and Tom Daschle.
Leader of the Tea Party one day, high-ranking Obama cabinet official the next.
The number and passion of responses here indicates they're on to something and have unnerved their opponents. Party on.
Do you really believe the government can run the student loan program more efficiently than private banks? Really ? Honest?
Do you think the government running this program will save tax dollars and/or cut expenses?
The Dem’s want to have a hand on who gets aid and at the same time have the power to tell private institutions of higher learning what they must do and how they must comply so that their applicant will be able to qualify for government student loans.
This is all about empowering the federal government.
Scott Armstrong
For the record, I freely admit that I hate "this" government, that being the triumvirate of Obama Reed and Pelosi.
So what?
Scott Armstrong
I don't know that you can love a "government."
I know that you can love our country.
Which makes Schmidtner's embracing the Ron Paul wackiness of Jake "The Flake" all the more disturbing.
The local Tea Party is just anti-Charlie Dent because he votes reasonably and you can't be a centrist Republican and win their stamp of approval.
They want candidates who pledge to get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Dent won't do that.
It would be like if Callahan caved into the Far Left of his party who wanted the government to take over health care.
Oh . . .
"The local Tea Party is just anti-Charlie Dent because he votes reasonably and you can't be a centrist Republican and win their stamp of approval.
They want candidates who pledge to get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Dent won't do that."
The tea party movement is not ANTI any certain politicain. Their are certain very vocal members that do not like Dent, based on his voting record. When you claim to be a 'fiscal conservative' and then vote for expansions on programs like SChip 4 times, your bound to be called out.
I would like to see proof that the LV9/12 group has asked ANY candidate to get rid of medicare or social security.... You can't cuz it hasn't happend.
Stop assuming what you read in the MSM is true, come to a meeting, find out what really goes on.
Yes, it is true that we have not elected our leadership. Yet, you continue to go on and on about it like it is not on the agenda. The ink isn't even dry on the non-profit status yet.
You say that we endorsed Jake Towne? Really? Show me where can you find a statement that says it has endorsed ANYONE? You Can't, cuz it hasn't happend.
Yes, we have encouraged people to run for committee spots on both the D and the R ticket. Why, because we know that a third party isn't the answer. It's time that the government work the way it intended, which is from the bottom up. Stop being lap dogs of the party, make the party work for you!
1) I have already pointed to several very specific instances in which you have engaged in political activity. I have since that time gone thru your web page and have found even more very specific examples in which you have done so. It is very clear to me that you want to be able to be a nonprofit and a political party at the same time, promoting some while panning others. You can't.
2) You claim to have filed for nonprofit status. Just who do you list as your officers? You have to name them when you file, so who are these people?
3) You have been conducting meetings for nearly a year, and in that time, itr still hasn't dawned on you to elect your leaders? You do that while piously pretending to be restoring democracy to the people? Bullshit. What this "tea party" is, is a political machine designed to carry out the agenda of a very few.
"You say that we endorsed Jake Towne? Really? Show me where can you find a statement that says it has endorsed ANYONE? You Can't, cuz it hasn't happend."
If Dent defeats primary opponent Mat Benol, a tea party member from Palmer Township, she [Schmidtner] thinks most of the people who vote for Towne in November will be Republicans or fiscal conservatives.
''The whole reason that there is so much impetus to get a third party candidate on the ballot is because many people don't believe the Republican Party is running principled candidates,'' Schmidtner said. ''If the Republican Party was running, supporting and endorsing principled candidates, there would be no need for a third party.''
Wait a minute? Is this Schmidtner your group leader or not?
When she says dumbshit stuff like this -- is she talking for her own dumbass? Or is she making all of you look like dumbasses, too?
Maybe get less of a dumbass leader who doesn't jump onboard the candidacy of the first Ron Paul nitwit she sees and you won't have people questioning your group's bona fides.
Donna - Is it purely coincidental that this group formed only 3 months into the Obama Presidency? Seems a bit like sore-loserism, does it not?
Donna and Scott, you both are 100% correct! Bernie is the one who has been "brainwashed"! In fact, all liberal Democrats are brainwashed or they would be Conservative Republicans as a matter of self preservation.
The LV Tea Party - are they all birthers? I didn't know that. Their questionnaire contains that question? Wow.
Are you now backing off your accusation that she hates our government?
Isn't that the premise of the Tea Party? Words like "revolt" and threatening the government with provocative signs (Pennsylvanians are armed and ready) seems like hatred to me.
The number and passion of responses here indicates they're on to something and have unnerved their opponents. Party on.
So did one of your ringleaders, Sarah Palin. She was onto something alright.
Don't Tread on Me -- or I'll read some Skousen at you!
Hey Lady, two points.
1. You guys came up with "teabaggers" not me. If you are mad that your titular head Glenn Beck picked a sexual innuendo, blame him, not me you teabaggers.
2. When will you confirm that no teabagger, especially officers, receives any governmental money. That would be Social Security, SSI Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, government pension or subsidies. That would include any monies from the government to veterans of the armed forces. Those currently enlisted are exempt of course. Once your service is over it is a government handout. There may be some others I missed but you can let me know what they are.
Only when your group does this will you prove the moral and ethical high ground you claim is honest and not a smokescreen for another anti-Obama, anti-Democrat organization like Fox News.
Are you truly, what you claim to be? If so, I heartily congratulate you. Otherwise yours is just another racially based bullshit group that is a straw dog for far right-wing whackjobs.
If that is the case I hope both Dent and Callahan stay away from you and expose your fraud to the people.
Don't tread on this! Bullshit is Bullshit sister, even if you wrap it in the American flag!!
Anon 12:14 -
Keep hitting those talking points - no reason to let the truth get in the way.
Your ignorance is enlightening.
As a Dem, I can't wait for the tea baggers to hit the Nov. races supporting taking away health insurance tax credits for small businesses, taking away insurance from people with pre-existing conditions, sick children,....bring it on. Only Republicans would fight against their own interests. Teabaggers are really cheerleaders for corporate American and against the average American, the middle class.
No party has fleeced the middle class more than the Democrats. All under the guise of helping the "average American".
Might I remind you that the income tax was originally only supposed to apply to the wealthiest 1% of the country. And social security was only supposed to take 1% of workers' (also known as the middle class) wages. How are those working out for you?
Don't worry about November, enough people are waking up to the truth of what the Democrat politicians are - and that you can't trust a word from their mouths.
As to health care, I can't wait for all Americans to see the paltry health benefits they'll receive in comparison to the staggering costs and permanent damage to the economy.
Receiving a health benefit that you might use is no substitute for losing a job that you need.
So hows that government benefits listy thingee coming? so far we haven't heard any confirmation that teabaggers or teabagger leaders so not receive any government benefits.
I am sure you will get to it after you are finished making more racist Obama signs and supporting militia's. Yea, you guys are just concerned citizens opposed to government waste.
Hypocrites, Don't tread on the Truth. Your bullshit is still bullshit. Another racially oriented anti-Democratic straw dog group. It is really sad you are so blatantly hypocritical.
Anon 1:13 -
Your comment is so full of mischaraterizations that it is laughable. Keep sticking to those democrat talking points
Smear, lie, and keep the truth from coming into play. That's what we call the democrat way.
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