Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Should Stoffa Give a State of the County Speech, Too?

Next Wednesday (Feb 17), at high noon, Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham will deliver his annual state of the county address at Coca Cola Park.

The Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, called me up when he got his invitation last week. That might surprise you, because he and Don are miles apart philosophically. But he likes the way Cunningham reaches out to other local leaders, and intends to be there. I'll be his Valentine that day.

It's just platonic.

Last week, Ron was hammering Northampton County Exec John Stoffa about reaching out, both during and after the County Council meeting.

"Why don't you deliver a state of the county address like Don?"

"I do, Ron. Every year I give a speech to the Chamber of Commerce."

"That doesn't count. It's a budget message at 7:30 in the morning, when O'Fatman is still rolling around in bed. Who the hell is even awake at that time?"

They bantered back and forth like that, poking fun at each other. But all kidding aside, I think Stoffa should consider an annual address, setting forth the direction of the County, as well as his plan and hopes. Stoffa has called that his "If I were King" speech.

All employees should be invited, too. It could quell rumors, decrease gossip, and help them understand what drives John. It might motivate them. And seeing them might inspire John.

Angle is already looking for a band that can play "Ruffles and Flourishes."


  1. For some unknown reason, every time I think about Angle; I hear Stars and Stripes Forever, playing in my head. Does anyone else have the same condition?

    Should I get that checked out?

    Peace, ~~Alex

  2. Sousa-itis is a common affliction in the A-town area

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  8. Dady and Villa - an idiot's delight!!!

    What a super way to start the day!

    -Ms Stoneknocker

  9. Vile villa the ass clown supreme

  10. Stoffa should give the speech. The more communication the better.

    The Banker

  11. Political speeches that are not associated with an election campaign are disingenuous and self serving. These "state of the (blank)" addresses are cases in point. The election is passed. Just do your job.

  12. Anon 12:53, Under LC's Home Rule Charter, Cunningham has an obligation to report to the Comm'rs within 60 days after the close of the year. So his speech is mandated.

    I undertand what you're saying about frilly speeches, but I think they can be very positive. They can tell us how the Exec proposes to deal with looming problems. They open up a dialogue about local issues that enhance the quality of government.

  13. Thank you Bernie for only allowing the Truth on here. All trolls beware this is a "truth" zone. All offenders go away.

    Again, thank you Bernie!

  14. More like the "Twilight Zone"!



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