Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ron Angle, Cigar Thief

I allow anonymous comments here. It allows people like The Banker and others to share their perspectives, without worrying whether it might damage their business. It also allows some government officials to participate in discussions without fear that what they write will haunt them down the road.

But there's a disadvantage, too. It also allows people to launch vicious personal attacks without accepting responsibility for their words. It enables them to spread disinformation.

Northampton County Executive John Stoffa's nonpartisan approach to government, his emphasis on doing the right thing over what is politically expedient, has rankled some, especially within his own party. So his biggest opponents on County Council have been its Democratic representatives. He's been attacked here since I started blogging.

When he ran for re-election, those attacks intensified, both on and off the blog. Seven hundred of his campaign signs were stolen over the course of a single weekend. His primary opponent, Ann McHale, placed her signs within inches of his, effectively preventing the public from seeing them.

In the end, it made no difference. Stoffa easily defeated McHale, even in her own Bethlehem district. She's been bitter ever since.

Doubt me? Take a look at her petty behavior during Council meetings, which you can now see for yourself.

So it should be no surprise to see Stoffa viciously attacked here for just about everything, even on blogs that have nothing to do with him. But yesterday, when I noted that former Exec Jerry Seyfried agreed that Stoffa was right to keep the courthouse open during our snownami last week, I never expected to see him attacked, too.

I was wrong.

Anonymously, the 3 AM troll went after Jerry, claiming that he had only served on Council so that he could get a $20,000 check to write a "history" of the County. "Nice of the taxpayers to give away $20,000 in taxpayer money to Jerry. Just how much debate was held?" In addition, and completely out of the blue, Council Prez Ron Angle is also attacked.


A few minutes later, someone - probably the same person who posted the first comment - adds this.

"Can you validate that story...if so let me know so we can go public."

In answer, this anonymous comment appears.

"call Cigars International ask for the manager."

Now, I have no idea what Jerry's history of Northampton County has to do with Stoffa's decision to keep the courthouse open. And the serious accusation directed at Angle has no bearing at all on my original story.

This is what I mean by disinformation. These two anonymous personal attacks have nothing to do with my original story, and were posted just to muddy up Seyfried and Angle.

This is the kind of vicious crap I ordinarily delete, but I thought I would check out both of these claims.

1) Jerry Seyfried enriching himself with $20,000 in taxpayer money.

Jerry was deeply involved in preparing a history of the County's first 200 years, but think it's important that we chronicle the most recent fifty years, while those who were present during the decline and fall of Bethlehem Steel and other industry can still remember it.

In his last act as a member of County Council, he introduced a resolution authorizing $20,000 for that history. (Resolution Number 111-2009). It passed unanimously, and contains language providing that any sum not spent on this history must be returned. I have asked for and obtained a copy of the check, dated December 16, 2009, in the amount of $20,000.

The payee is the Northampton County Historical Society, not Jerry.

I know, I know. There must be some secret deal between Jerry and the Historical Society, which we all know is a front for international jewel thieves.

I never called Jerry. All I can say is that it is very sad when someone besmirches his integrity in a twisted attempt to hurt Stoffa.

2) Ron Angle, Cigar Thief

A few weeks ago, cigar afficiando Ron Angle and WFMZ-TV 69 were both present when Cigars International opened its new headquarters in downtown Bethlehem. "I thought I might get a free cigar and I did. And a good one!" is what Angle told reporter Stephanie Esposito.

The film clip does not show Angle stashing three cigars in his pocket, but we all know how tricky he can be. I decided to call the manager as directed.

When I asked him about Ron, he answered, "If that's the case, then everybody stole cigars. I should be charged as well because I lit one up myself, and I gave Ron a cigar." He later added, "I can confirm no cigars were stolen because they were out there for public consumption."

I also called an employee, who told me he had heard no such rumor, either.

I decided to confront Angle, who told me that he lit up a cigar the second he walked into the place, and someone gave him a cigar on his way out. He told me Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan offered him a box, but he accepts no bribes from Democrats.

"Ron, would you steal a cigar?"

"It would have to be a Cuban," he told me.

Now, it's impossible to prove a negative, but I learned enough to know that the 3 AM troll hates John Stoffa so much he's willing to lie about anyone who might be the least bit friendly to our Exec.

I also know that the $20,000 resolution never appeared in a newspaper, so the 3 AM troll learned about this from someone who was physically present on December 10th, when Council authorized this history. This is most likely a member of Council.

Ann McHale, I know you're still bitter about losing to Stoffa, but it's time to call off your goons. You know who they are because you told me they call you.


  1. "Now, I have no idea what Jerry's history of Northampton County has to do with Stoffa's decision to keep the courthouse open. And the serious accusation directed at Angle has no bearing at all on my original story."

    Question is, if Jerry's history of NorCo has nothing to do with Stoffa's decision, then why did you ask Jerry about Stoffa's decision????

    This is in no way attended to be a personal attack on any of the parties mentioned in this blog.

    This is simply a question in hopes of starting discussion on this blog.


  2. I would think that Bernie talked to Jerry to see what a former executive thought of John's actions in the recent storm - you know, get a perspective from someone who may have been faced with the same decision.

  3. Just Wondering, You are the crazy troll and I want you to stop posting your sick lies here. It is obvious to me that a member of Council, most likely McHale, is feeding you half-truths that you further distort.

    I will be deleting any comment you post w/o explanation.

    I asked Jerry about Stoffa's decision because he himself served as county exec.The history of Northampton County that he is helping to prepare, is totally unrelated to this matter.

    I will delete everything you post because you have established yourself as a vicious liar whose mind appears to me to be totally irrational. In short, you're nuts.

  4. I feel much better now that "bought and paid for bernie" has assured us that everything is all mchale's fault.

  5. Jeryy didn't take $20,000 and Ron didn't steal cigars. That's a fact. What will these morons come up with next.

  6. It is very easy to disinform readers. We just had an instance of a supposedly "independent" blog feeding us a Callahan news release as its own work product. Now we have outright lies.

    Most people are bright enough to recongnize this garbage for what it is, but every now and then, it needs to be pointed out.

  7. I have deleted 2 comments posted by the 3 AM troll and will delete anything he posts here.

  8. Hello,

    I just want to communicate to everyone that my e-mail account has been hacked and a fraudulent message was sent out to every address in my in and outbox.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience this abuse of my e-mail account has caused.

    Scott Armstrong

    Scott Armstrong

  9. I got 7 of those emails, Scott. hopefully, no one fell for the scam, which I've seen before.

  10. Bernie,

    I am doing what I can to spread the word. Any assistance on this is apreciated.

    Scott Armstrong

  11. Paid for, or not paid for, they are "zackly" sticks. They make your breath smell zackly like yer ass.

  12. I don't think Angle stole the cigars. And, even if he did, the owner doesn't seem upset. However, there is a more interesting Angle drama playing in Northampton County right now.

    Apparently, Angle's father Fred has recently passed on to the next life. And Fred had a Will. A Will that was drafted by a reputable attorney and notarized by a Notary authorized to witness signatures in the Commonwealth of Pa.

    In that Will, drafted by an attorney, and properly notarized, Ron Angle was bequeated by Fred Angle 75% of his Estate. 25% of the Estate was left to Fred's mentally handicapped 40 year old grandson. The mentally challenged man's father, Fred's son, and Ron's brother, is deceased.

    After the above referenced Will is filed for Probate, another Will shows up at the Register of Wills. This Will was typed by Ron Angle's wife and the signature of Fred Angle was not witnessed by a Notary. Instead, the signature was witnessed by Ron Angle and his wife. Interestingly, this later Will completely divests the intellectually handicapped grandson of Fred Angle of the 25% Fred had previously left him. Instead of receiving the 75% the first Will left Ron Angle and his family, the second Will leaves 100% to Ron and his family.

    So, you have Fred Angle leaving one quarter of his Estate to his mentally handicapped grandson by his dead son. That Will was drafted by a reputable attorney and notarized by a Notary Public. The subsequent Will, leaving 100% to Ron and his family, was drafted by Ron's wife and witnessed by her and her husband.

    Is there a discrepancy between the signature on the Will that was actually witnessed by a Notary and that which was witnessed by Ron and his wife ?

    The issue is currently pending before the Register of Wills. This should be fascinating

  13. Let me get this straight. You claim you don't care about those cigar story posted here by an anonymous troll, but now you are laying the groundwork for someone to suggest that he exerted undue influence on his father?

    In Pa., for a will to be valid, it must be witnessed by two people. A notary makes a will self-executing, but it is the witnesses who matter.

    If the subsequent will is properly witnessed, it is facially valid and revokes the first will, regardless whether it was prepared by an attorney.

    In order to upset the subsequent will, there would have to be clear and convincing evidence of forgery or that undue influence was used. I knew Fred Angle and spoke with him many times. I doubt that anyone could ever influence that man.

    You ask whether there is a discrepancy in the signatures. Well, is there?

    What you also fail to point out is that Ron was a very loving son who saw his dad nearly every day.

    If there is some issue w/ respect to the validity of that second will, why not let the courts handle it instead of subjecting Ron to inuendo?

  14. Sounds similar to what Karoly did after his brother passed.

  15. If this is how you feel, you can ask the US Attorney or DA to investigate. I'm sure they'll jump right on it. Will controversies happen all the time. Only rarely is fraud or undue influence involved.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. All of your hate just ends up making you look bad. And a coward, too, afraid to sign your name, hiding under a rock.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Look, Anon 11:39, who is also Anon 11:14, let's get somethibng straight. Commenting here is a privilege, not a right. You have no First Amendment right to post your hate here. You can do that on your own blog.

    I have a comments policy, and that is to delete anonymous personal attacks.

    You are afraid to identify yourself, an anonymous coward, and think you have some right to spew your venom here? You will be deleted.

  20. Yes, Ron was a loving Son. Just like when Ron was a loving neighbor and drove Mr. Snyder to the bank each time his social security check can in the mail. Ron loving deposited Mr. Snyder's check in Ron's own account. Ultimately, Ron was forced to pay the Snyder Estate the 10K Ron lovingly deposited in Ron's own account.

  21. Yeah, go ahead and keep on smearing the guy. Throw every piece of dirt you can. It must be frustrating that, after having done so for so long, he is now presient of NC Council, having been elected three times. The people have a different view than you, and refuse to buy your smears, even when you robocall them or send out anonymous mailers.

  22. Fred's Will, Ron, Jr. is not mentally handicapped, did well in high school, attended Kutztown, don't know if he graduated from college or not, Ron, Sr. repaid $15,000 not $10,000 per Slate Belt understanding re: Snyder situation, not smearing Ron, Sr., just the facts.

  23. Forget it 8:31, when it comes to Angle, Ohare is not into facts. Angle wins in the slate belt, which just about sums that up.

    Countywide he gets slammed everytime. I hope he runs Countywide again, what with the reports of shoplifting, Fraudulent Wills and some other things to add, don't you think this will make a difference?

  24. So Bernie you going to shut down this blog too so no one else can call out your lies. That is what you did in the Stoffa blog. Man no wonder you were a crappy lawyer the momment you lose an argument you just change the rules.

  25. You lost the argument before you even started. This blog shows that you were lying about Angle and Jerry. Now all you can do is anonymously call people names, like the little coward you are.


  26. Anonymous 8:30, will never understand the Slate Belt, when asked the reply is but he keeps our taxes down, will someone please explain that to me, spoke with a former County employee recently retired, same opinion as mine, he just likes to stir pots, as for shoplifting, how about his episode near his summer retreat or former retreat, at a NJ shore, shoplifted dried beans, socks and a frying pan, check it out Bernie, not slamming, just the facts

  27. I did check it out an it is bullshit. I understand why you are slamming Ron w.renewe intensity. he is being courted torun for grucela's seat, and that scares the hell out of Dertinger and Emrick both.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.