Local Government TV

Monday, February 01, 2010

Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Seek $ From Hospitals and Colleges

Has anyone considered hitting up local colleges and hospitals? Lehigh Valley Hospital could probably fund the bi-county state department without any county contributions.

Blogger's Note: I will enable Blogger, instead of Disqus, comments on this post.


  1. As a matter of fact Jersey thinks it's a great idea too!

    New Jersey's local leaders think they have a great idea to drum up revenue: Tax students who attend colleges and universities located within their municipalities.

  2. Ein andere Sprach brauchen Sie?

    Bitte schoen, macht die Verbindung geschlossen.

    Vielen dank,

    Der Verfasser frueher bekannt als IRONPIGPEN.

  3. Bernie,
    So glad you went back to this format. Don't like that other format at all.

    We think Pittsburgh is actually taxing each student a set fee for attending school in the city.
    Now, we could have this wrong but thought it was about $300.00.

  4. It is controverial to say the least but might require some tinkering with state legislation to ensure. But it does raise an interesting point about the county health bureau: why haven't hospitals stepped to the plate with a funding commitment. Wouldn't such a body help to reduce some of the costs associated with hospitals.

  5. Anon 1:48,

    I'll be going back and forth between DISQUS and Blogger until everyone gets used to both systems.

    Blogger is quicker, but DISQUS gives me a little more control over the blogs trying to destroy meaningful discussion.

  6. "why haven't hospitals stepped to the plate with a funding commitment."

    Hospitals have offered in-kind servicews, but since they are the main beneficiaries of a public health department, they should also provide the cash needed for it.

  7. Bernie,
    We're regulars here so we know all about that couple's conduct. It is
    very sad indeed. We understand why you are using this new format
    but we like the other better. Still, it is your blog.

  8. I will go back and forth and we shall see if we can all adjust to DISQUS. If not, I'll stay with Blogger.

  9. Love this blog. It's the closest thing to the immediacy and passion of the unwieldy public square. You deserve much credit for that. I also think trolls should be tortured, slowly. But I must say I hate DISQUS. It turns this contributor into a spectator. I choose to be anonymous because I work in a public position in this community. I appreciate the fair shake given different views. I wish you luck in your ongoing battle against the forces of idiocy.

  10. Ich lebe aber "es lebt"

    Aber, hab kein Angst.

    Am meisten waehrend die Klass, ich habe AUCH geschlafen!


    Are you sure, O'Hare?

    There will never be baseball there ever again.

    I'm just a fucking racist bastard, don't you know by now ???

    Hell, I can't even read (I am supposed to be out building a school so I can learn to read, remember that?)

    Why do you want to link to a blatant illiterate fucking racist bastard?

    Won't that negatively impact your street cred?

    Just trying to look out for you...


  11. the tax on students would have been $144 for 4-year colleges and about $22 for community colleges. one day itll probly happen

  12. "I choose to be anonymous because I work in a public position in this community. I appreciate the fair shake given different views. I wish you luck in your ongoing battle against the forces of idiocy."

    I understand and respect that reason for anonymity. Disqus is slower, and requires commenters to supply a name and email, even though both can be bogus. I think I'll be going back and forth between the two systems for the next few days to see how people feel, and to give them a chance to get used to Disqus. They may end up liking it. From my perspective, it's a Godsend.

  13. Pig Pen,

    I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'd like some of what you've been taking.

  14. I have a few comments regarding your new system.

    First, please stop the German iron pig. germans have enough problems without your anti-Obama racist remarks in their language.

    Second, Please use the new"discus" program Mr. Ohare. You will see your comments drop dramatically. Just like the msm no one except head nodding agreers will blog.

    Example, if someone wants to shimne a light on some Stoffa hankypanky, you will immediatedly declare tham a troll and boot them. You have done it already. You now delete and censor many posts that "you " determine are wrong. Funny how they are mostly about the pol's you love.

    You claim you don't care about e-mail addresses but no one believes you. You have and will out people if you declare them "troll" You are a mean and vicious bastard and you know it.

    Please keep your "discus" enabled because you need a lesson in humilituy and your blog will dry up.

  15. If it makes people like you disappear, so much the better. You are one of the people whose hatred for Stoffa permeates everything. I could tolerate the "I hate John Stoffa" crap on a post about him, but you do it everywhere. Instead of using this blog to engage in a rational discussion, assuming that you are capable of that, you use it to DISinform readers. That's why I end up deleting you. When Iron Pig Pen goes over the edge in his hatred of Obama, he gets deleted, too.

    You can sscream censorship all you like, but I will not tolerate the mind-numbing hatred that spews forth from people like you.

    My decision to load DISCUS is partly based on trolls like Villa, but he's by no means the only troll here, as you've just demonstrated. And like the cowardly troll you are, you choose this thread to post a comment about DISQUS.

    By the way, if you think people come here to read how much you hate Stoffa or to claim he's responsible for Afghanistan or work him into a post about Ernie Atiyeh, you're out of your mind.

    Most people like Blogger bc it's easy, not bc of your hateful comments.

  16. 1. Yes you do - do you not remember challenging me to change the format of my blog and / or start a new one?

    (we can look it up here if you forgot)

    Well, I took your advice - I changed the format.

    2. IronPigPen hat gestorben. Ich habe gedacht, dass Sie lesen koennen? Ich heisse Rolf.

    (I hear the IronPigs are furious that half of your readership wants to boycott this or that because they don't like my political opinions, so I killed the IronPigPen.

    Now your readership can just go ahead and boycott this or that because they don't like me and everyone will be happier.)

    3. What I have been taking? ---

    Too much shit for too long from race-baiters at YOUR blog. Or was it your hypocritical lefty crowd calling me a closet faggot. Or calling me this or that.

    Because I have known since day one Obama is no centrist. Period. End of story.

    But, whatever. Your anonymous lefties win - nobody insults me anywhere with the effectiveness YOUR readers do by TEN country miles.


    People ask me why I don't write about baseball anymore.

    I tell them to go see your crowd, O'Hare.

    Now that I know how Democrats truly feel hiding behind anonymous ---

    Why on Earth would I ever want to entertain even a moderate Democrat for FREE ever again?

    No 1,500 IronPigs baseball articles from me this year --- I'll leave that kind of work up to a Progressive Liberal who knows better, anyway.

    Hell, the Morning Call has a sportswriter who thinks signing the national anthem before every game is tedious and a waste of time, apparently...

    This country sure is changing.

    Sooner or later, you'll change that link.

    When you do, remember, it's George Bush's fault.


  17. Iron Pig Pen,

    Just so you know, I will delete the link to your blog if I see more articles with an obscenity-laced headline like you had this weekend. That really bothered me. There's no call for that. It's like junior high. Aren't you better than that?

  18. "Aren't you better than junior high"

    Apparently not.

    6:42 accuses me of bashing Obama in German.

    Obviously, they do not read German.

    Do you want to translate or should I for 6:42?

    It is for people like 6:42 that I feel another headline coming on that you might not like.

    I hate Obama's policies.

    I understand you and your readership must smear.

  19. The Loyal Order of Moose is a fraternal and service organization dating to 1888. Their latest fund raising efforts are aimed at Haiti relief. The depiction of Bullwinkle, presumably to poke fun at a politician, is an unfortunate slight to over 1.5 million women and men who are proud to do serious good works as members of The Loyal Order of Moose.

  20. True, true. Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.