Local Government TV

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Partial Moderation Enabled Tonight

I've turned on moderation on Blogger comments for the weekend. You can still comment, without moderation, on those posts using DISQUS.

Villa's spam comments tonight include this little ditty, in which he poses as "Ron, The NorCo Bulldog": "I’m hoping, during the upcoming months, which promise to be very stressful for someone as near-morbidly obese as you are, that you’ll pop an aneurysm in your brain or aorta and drop fuckin’ dead." Earlier this week, he had used those exact words in a comment that he himself posted on his own blog.

In addition to wishing me dead, he also began discussing my grandson by name on his own hate blog. He did gleefully post a link to a victory badge the moment I turned on moderation, but I just have no intention of spending my weekend taking out his garbage.

DISQUS remains unmoderated because trolls are afraid of it.

Sunday Update: Unmoderated comments are now enabled. Regulars know that Villa will continue to spam this blog. Please ignore him. Periodically, I will take out the garbage.