Local Government TV

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Onorato Has More $, But Wagner Draws Most Votes at State Committee

Allegheny County Exec Dan Onorato was hoping to have this wrapped up today. He expected to pick up the Democratic State Committee's endorsement for Governor. After all, he's the money man.

But when the snow dust settled in Lancaster today, Auditor General Jack Wagner was the one on top. He led both in ballots cast; and on the second ballot, he earned 153 out of 304 votes. That's 50% of the vote, and twice the total of his nearest opponent. He also earned the majority of votes in 43 different county caucuses.

How the hell did that happen?

"Our party must stand for reform and that is why so many members of our party - the party of small business and working people - gave me their support today," said Wagner. "People want change. People want reform. The status quo is not acceptable. The back room deal is not acceptable. People matter to me and to this Democratic Party and that is the message delivered today."

Looks like money can't buy everything, not even the Democratic State Committee. Go figure.

Maybe next time he makes promises to the Democratic candidates for Attorney General or Supreme Court, he'll consider keeping his word.

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