Northampton County Jail. - Roof repairs are complete. Kitchen equipment is being installed and some work is being done on bathrooms.
Parking Deck. This Spring, much needed repairs to the parking deck adjoining the Courthouse will finally be started.
Handicapped Accessibility. - This Spring, an exterior lift for handicapped people will be constructed at the end of the walkway leading from parking deck to Courthouse. This will enable them to enter the building without walking 1,000 miles.
Courthouse Roof. - This Winter, like last Winter, a portion of the walkway outside the courthouse is cordoned off. The reason? To protect people from falling snow and ice from the slanted roof. "In my opinion, that building was not designed properly. With a flat area, we would have caught that snow and ice."
Four years after getting elected Stoffa is going to help the disabled get into the Courthouse.
What a guy.
Are we sure that this is from Stoffa or did Angle forge this too?
Since they are expecting another major snow storm on Thursday, I will be at the courthouse on Thursday afternoon (because it will still be "open") to conduct business in several departments. My dog needs a new license, I need a permit to carry, I want to file a complaint, and I want to fill out a job application. I will report back tomorrow night as to how successful I was conducting business in a major storm while the courthouse was "open" as per Stoffa policy.
I'll look forward to meeting the 3 AM troll. I have some things I'd like to say to you in person.
3 AM troll, I will not allow posts with sexual references from you.
Point is I will be sure to wait until the storm is at its worst to got to the "open" courthouse to conduct my business. Chances are you won't be there by then, you will have bailed like the rest of them. But if they are "open" I should be able to conduct the business I want to. Time will tell. Provided the storm holds up its end of the bargain.
Stoffa will open the Courthouse Thursday and especially Friday. It is a great photo-op for him.
Ohare has again deleted some pertinent information I gained today. he claims some "sexual reference", which must be in his head.
The point is if you work for Northampton County your life is immaterial when it comes to Mr. Stoffa getting to act all manly.
It is about time that someone did something about handicapped acess to the courthouse Reibman's folly made it impossible for a person to get into the buidling without an escort and/or driver. Having just been temporarily in such condition I can tell you it limits options for handicapped and it is very frustrating. If the poor design is corrected and the maintenence staff allow handicapped people to use the front door after hours it will be a big help.
Recent administrations in both Northampton and Lehigh County are proving to be very "Veterans friendly". While past administrations (Jane Ervin, Reibman) talked a good game about serving veterans, present ones are actually addressing their needs.
Are you actually telling us in the 21st century, the NC Courthouse still does not
have a handicap ramp?
Talk about a valid lawsuit!
Anonymous said...
Four years after getting elected Stoffa is going to help the disabled get into the Courthouse.
What a guy.
1:23 AM
It has ramps and several handicapped features. But the entrance was place at the far western side of the complex and most people have to walk long distances to get to it. This presents a problem for the handicapped. Even w/ handicapped parking spots, they have to walk or roll several hundred yards to get inside.
The $43 MM courthouse expansion never considered that, even though the PJ who wanted this so badly is himself disabled.
So the consequence of this Reibman-Freedberg folly is that courthouse access is especially difficult for the handicapped. You basically have to walk around the building. If the walk does not kill you, the falling snow and ice will finish you off.
Now Stoffa's new lift (it's not a ramp) will probably cut those walks in half for the handicapped. It's still too much, but it's the best solution he could come up with to help them.
Thanks Bernie for updating those of us who don't often get to Easton.
"The $43 MM courthouse expansion never considered that, even though the PJ who wanted this so badly is himself disabled.
So the consequence of this Reibman-Freedberg folly is that courthouse access is especially difficult for the handicapped. You basically have to walk around the building. If the walk does not kill you, the falling snow and ice will finish you off.
Now Stoffa's new lift (it's not a ramp) will probably cut those walks in half for the handicapped. It's still too much, but it's the best solution he could come up with to help them."
8:01 AM
With his background in rehabilitation Stoffa has been a true advocate for people with disabilities his entire life. The design of the new courthouse was a joke. It inconvenienced ALL visitors by placing the main entrance as far away from public parking as possible. Just so that the judges could watch the sun set from their opulant lounge above the rotunda. Visitors with disabilities who park in the garage at least have the option of using the employees entrance which is a help. They don't have to walk or wheel up a dangerous alley and another block to the main entrance. The lift will enable visitors with disabilities to park under cover and use the device to access the employees entrance without being exposed to the elements. Still not ideal, but a big improvement. Give Stoffa credit for trying to make a bad situation better.
Of course Stoffa support people with disabilities, he has no fingers!
Yes, Stoffa is missing a few fingers as a result of injuries he rec'd when he was 7. It probably did give him a sensitivity for the disabled, something you apparently lack.
It can be very helpful to change the handicapped parking on Washington street to head on parking by cutting into the margin before the walway gallery thus giving 12 or so spots instead of 6. A one way drop off throught he paza would amke access easier as wel. Some weather barrier ont he street side would amke the gallery walk less treacherous in winter weather. Along with the proposed Stoffa plan it would also be a cost effective help.
Not So Casual, That's an excellent suggestion. I don't know if it can be done, but will pass it along.
Interesting article on the Express Times website about the courts scrambling to do walk in arraignments because the people didn't know they were canceled due to weather. Question is if the courthouse is open why then why cancel court?? You can't have it both ways.
Stoffa is the County Executive, not God, and even God doesn't tell judges what to do.
It's either open or it's not. That's it.
It's open. Judges canceled arraignments but 100 people showed up for them anyway. Three judges took care of it while Stoffa was out with a snowblower.
I beg to differ with Mr. Casey slamming Jane Ervin and Glenn Reibman. both were in-fact "vetern friendly". In fact both instituted programs helping vet's. Mr. Stoffa demoted Veterans Affairs from being an independent Department to a subdivision of Human Services. Doing that diminished Veterans Affairs clout and didn't add one dime to its budget. The Veterans Affairs Office use to report Directly to the County Executive now they mus go through the Human Services bureaucracy.
Let us please stick to the facts. Thank you!
Yo Dude! How dare you!
Hey Bernie, the 3AM Troll struck at 6:28. I guess he is not living up to your fantasy.
Taxes are not to be used to help the poor, disabled, retarded, crippled, sick, whatever. That is the responsiblity of churches to take care of those people, not the taxpayers...TEA PARTY FOREVER!
Four years into an administration and he is going to help people get in the door. At this rate in 2016 he may have a solution to the parking problem.
Ohare has shut doen comments on his Solictor conspiracy blog.
Waw!! Its all Glenn Reibman's fault. Waw!!!
John Stoffa
*Off topic
Hey Bernie,
What up with the reports that Sands is looking to sell? It looks like were stuck with a stand alone slot box.
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