“I’m saddened at the passing of Congressman John Murtha. Jack devoted himself to public service, as a decorated Marine who saw active duty in Vietnam, and as the longest-serving Member of Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation in history. He greatly loved his country and the community he represented for 36 years. And he was a hard-working advocate for Pennsylvania and for our men and women in uniform.
“My thoughts and prayers go out to Congressman’s Murtha’s family and to his many friends.”
Within moments of receiving Charlie Dent's statement, another came from President Barack Obama:
"Michelle and I were deeply saddened today to hear about the passing of Congressman John Murtha. Jack was a devoted husband, a loving father and a steadfast advocate for the people of Pennsylvania for nearly 40 years. His passion for service was born during his decorated career in the United States Marine Corps, and he went on to earn the distinction of being the first Vietnam War combat veteran elected to Congress. Jack’s tough-as-nails reputation carried over to Congress, where he became a respected voice on issues of national security. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife of nearly 55 years, Joyce, their three children, and the entire Murtha family."
oh well - time to move on - condolences to the family
He falsely accused Marines of atrocities for which he had no knowledge or proof. The Corps members I know consider him a traitor. He took principled opposition too far. That, and he was so crooked they'll have to screw him into the grave. He was a rotten politician. May he rest in peace. And may we never see his ilk again.
I see the "Chicken Hawks" are already picking at this brave man's corpse. I guess you fought in the same war as Cheeny and Bush!
7:53 -
Well said.
In many ways Murtha represented all that was/is wrong with Democratic Party. He was unprincipled and totally partisan. Like the rest of his party he was all for the war until the going got rough and the calculations indicated that a political advantage could be gained by going after the commander in chief through the active military, all while steering pork barrel military-related spending to his PA district. Rest in peace? Perhaps an honor guard of disgruntled marines that he impugned will greet him at the pearly gates.
Scott Armstrong
Semper Fink.
Hi Scott, For what it's worth, I believe there was no military or stategic reason to have ever invaded Iraq. It created a power vacum that will be filled by Iran. So Murtha was wrong to have supported the decision to invade.
Once we had been there and had lost a number of American lives, however, we had to see it through. Leaving would have resulted in a bloof bath against the Sunnis. So Murtha was wrong to have supported a withdrawal.
Sop in my book, he was wrong twice. His statement about having already lost, when we had 130,000 troops there, was reckless and irresponsible.
I won't hold the pork against him bc those are the rules we play by. It's not right, but he did help his district.
Overall, I'd say his last 3 years in Congress were his worst.
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
A Villa triple-header - demonstrating again how He Of Te Small Mind cannot maintain even a shred of civility and sanity!
I wonder if he's as impotent as his continued rabid postings?
Look for a post from the missus tomorrow about what a paragon of manly virtue he is!
- Ms Stoneknocker
Murtha was entirely consistent in his war policy. As a "real" veteran he understood the meaning of "sacrifice". Unlike all the neo-right "chicken hawks', that squawk about fighting on all fronts, he put his life on the line for America.
Real combat veterans have no rosy pictures of war and see it as an extreme to be pursued when absolutely necessary. Anyone who loves or glamorizes war is psychotic.
Damn, you punks piss me off. It is times like this I wish they would bring back the draft. It would be great to see all the posturing "tough guys" from the right scrambling for their deferments. Then you would have something in common with Cheney and Limbaugh besides just being big-mouthed bullshitters.
You aren't worth Jack Murtha's spit!
Rolling Caissons
Thanks, RC.
Bernie said:
"I won't hold the pork against him bc those are the rules we play by. It's not right, but he did help his district."
Bernie -
That's part of the reason why the country is in the mess it's in. Too many of us are willing to accept what goes on in Washington as "playing by the rules"; reasoning that "they're all doing it", or being satisfied that "it helped his district."
The fact is that not all members of Congress accept pork, not all members of Congress have ethical issues, and ALL members do have a responsibility to look at how their actions affect the ENTIRE country - not just their district.
Until we the voters realize this - and elect representatives who realize this - little will change.
Thanks for illustrating the thoughtful progressive perspective here.
Scott Armstrong
Oh and I almost forgot to mention how name calling is de rigur for the progressive’s these days and in that regard you pay homage to Jack, after all he excelled at that in the recent past, calling his own constituents “racists” and “rednecks”. I have family out there, they weren’t amused.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, Jack Murtha knew something you don't understand and it resulted in his winning elections (when was the last election you won in Allentown?). He was a straight shooter. His district loved him for it.
Are we to the point where we have to piss on a guy when he's dead?
I disagreed with Murtha on nearly every single position he took. I think he was wrong to go after the Marines like he did.
However, I ask you to consider that maybe Murtha, having served in Vietnam, was keenly sensitive to how the accusation of attrocities can harm servicemen and servicewomen for generations.
I don't know. I wasn't John Murtha, but I certainly don't think he hated the Marine Corps or are personnel in uniform because of his stand.
I do know that he was awarded the Bronze Star, with Valor device (that means he received it for heroism in combat) and that he received two Purple stars, which means he fought and bled for our country.
With that in mind, I'll spare him the invective and hope he rests in piece.
Weekend Warrior
Agreed. I think he failed us in the end, but his service shoud be acknowledged and I won't trrash the guy.
Writing the truth is not “trashing” someone. One’s record of failures in judgment, slanders, and misappropriations are not erased by death and it does no service to forget or absolve when the sins are committed by public servants.
Furthermore, do Democrats consider a straight shooter one who slanders the active military and insults his own constituents? Or perhaps being in the same league as Robert Byrd with pork barrel projects makes him one? You tell me.
FYI, losing the elections in Allentown was bad for the city and all who reside there. The city’s Democratic voters threw out of office the best city council person the city had in years and re-elected proven incompetents. I am flattered to think anyone believes I had the power to affect that dynamic.
Scott Armstrong
You are wrong on Murtha's record Armstrong. Like Ohare, just yellimng something over and over doesn't make it true!
Murtha had cojones. I admired him for standing up against two wars that wasted human lives and valuable capital. He did it before it was politically expedient. He was the first to mention that the Emporer had no clothes.
One does not engage two nations in war then back out before the job is finished. To do so would have led to even greater bloodshed.Murtha voted for the war, then wanted to leave when the going got tough. Is that the model we should follow.
Scott Armstrong
anon 6:42,
I believe it is you that is yelling.
Scott Armstrong
God Bless Jack Murtha a real American!
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