That's how Lehigh County Comm'r David Jones, a preacher, explained his opposition to a Dean Browning initiative to webcast meetings last year. Later, in what he called a "stroke of conscience," he proposed filming a budget hearing or two to see "what the public appetite might be." He would bring teenagers from Life Church to do the filming.
But that never happened. You see, he thinks the public has no interest in local government because he himself gives it a low priority. Among the workhorses on Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners, Jones was 2009's "no show" horse. His 47.4% committee attendance record puts him at the bottom of the heap.
Perhaps Jones is also concerned that a public webcast might reveal his all-too-often empty seat.
I know, I know. He's a "behind the scenes" kind of guy, he'll say. But if the recent Commission vacancy is any indication, he has abdicated his responsibility as an elected official. He has also insulted a distinguished group of Democrats who presented themselves for a public interview. If he has any respect for his fellow Democrats or the public who elected him, he will recuse himself from participating in the appointment.
Last Wednesday, all Commissioners but Jones took the time to participate in a lengthy public hearing for the twelve applicants to the Commission vacancy. Jones missed their opening and closing statements, as well as the opportunity to question them. Not being present in person, he really has no way of judging for himself how they looked or sounded. You really had to be there.
Unlike his colleagues, who shared their preferences at the meeting, Jones was MIA. In fact, prior to this interview, Jones had ignored several phone calls from applicants who had reached out to him.
After the meeting, I asked around to see if illness or some pressing matter had detained Jones, which would make his absence understandable. Nope. So I decided to call him, and find out for myself why he missed a meeting that would go a long way toward deciding who will be replacing Commissioner Bill Leiner. When I got Jones' voicemail on Thursday morning, I expressed those concerns.
Just as he ignored the actual applicants, Jones never returned my call.
What's most amazing about all this is that Jones himself was originally an appointed Commissioner. As an applicant, he was treated with much more respect than he is showing to others.
Allentown resident Bob Romancheck has asked, "[W]hy doesn't Jones just quit the commission? The way he treats it is simply disgraceful."
At the very least, he should disqualify himself from voting in this matter, in which he failed to do anything approaching due diligence. But he won't. And I'll tell you why in the post below.
Blogger's Note: Blogger comments enabled.
Love the "What's My Line?" 1950s gameshow look.
He does have a bit of that going on.
Now he can give a good speech, and often does, but his absence last Wednesday was a slap across the face of every Dem who applied for the vacancy. Maybe he is busy with his flock at Life Church. if that's the case, he needs to step down. There is no way that, without having heard from or reaching out to the candidates, that he can make an infiormed choice. But I don't think he'll do that. He'll instead do what he is told.
Bernie -
So who is worse -
1) Jones for skipping the meeting because he is taking orders from the County Executive and will vote for Hansell, or
2) McCarthy and Hamm for acting like they are giving the applicants a fair hearing and then taking orders from the County Executive to vote for Hansell, or
3) The County Executive for (once again) trying to influence who will serve in a (supposedly) separate branch of government.
The truth is that Commissioner David Jones was sworn in as the representative of Lehigh County Commissioner District three ... When he misses multiple Committe and Commissioner meetings our district is not represented .... There is no proxy voting on the Commissioner Board ...
Dennis Pearson
Good point, Dennis.
Anon 9:35,
I'd argue that Jones is the worst. McCarthy and Hamm, by attending the hearing and listening to all twelve, are in a position to vote for someone else when Hansell is rejected, while Jones is not. Cunningham has an interest in having an administration-friendly commission, but need to back off after an election in which his attempted control was the major issue.
Jones insulted every one of these applicants. He insulted the public who just elected him. His decision, and I'm sure he'll still vote for someone, will be poorly ionformed.
Speaking of David Jones and Lifechurch...
...where have all the Haiti stories gone on this blog?
Very Concerned Progressive Liberal
Fortunately, there are many stories from people far better informed than I. They have been linked on the sidebar as they appear.
I was considering one story about the medical journalism in which doctors walk in on some tragedy as doctors and make themselves a part of the story. But there are so many things going on locally i have not had time.
Robert Smith wouldn't miss meetings, and had the voters in Allentown looked past the party they might have representation. Perhaps they are getting the representation they deserve.
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
O'Hare "Tactics" to Research
Here I sit with my chinchilla.
Thankful that I'm not Bill Villa -
As whacky as a dude can be
Without starring on TV
-Ms Stoneknocker
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