Those are the words that greeted me when I walked inside the Star Chamber for last night's Council meeting. I had no idea what I could have done wrong ... lately. I was quickly told it was the post I had published earlier that day, telling everyone that last night's festivities would be webcast. My facts were wrong, I was told. There would be no live broadcast.
To make matters worse, my post itself was highly offensive. In my teaser, I had asked, "Will Peg Ferraro take off her shirt and start flexing?"
Once the meeting got underway, I spotted Al Jordan. He runs the County's IT services. When he saw me, he shook his head and started shaking his fist at me.
Uh oh.
Then I got a text message from a friend, telling me he could see me on his computer. So they were broadcasting after all.
After the meeting, I went up to Peg and apologized, explaining I thought it fit in nicely with my comment about Rev. Dowd. She laughed, forgave me, and told me that Ron Angle had once told his radio audience she came to a meeting in a yellow, polka dot, bikini.
"What a sexist pig!" Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm the person who said that, when I once guest hosted Ron's now dormant radio show.
No wonder he was fired.
While I was running my mouth with Peg, Al Jordan snuck up behind me and put me in a headlock, and I was soon thereafter thrown off the courthouse roof. That hasn't happened since the Jim Hickey era. Fortunately, some deputy sheriffs caught me. I wonder if that's on the webcast.
Everyone wanted to know who blabbed last night's meeting would be publicly broadcast. Al, you told me yourself a week ago. Dude, I had no idea a public webcast was supposed to be top secret. Silly me.
So I have no apology for telling you this meeting would be livestreamed on the web. But my remarks about Peg, although intended as a joke, were in bad taste, even for me. I'll try to do better.
Blogger's Note: Blogger comments enabled.
Here is a very good recap of Northampton county's first web cast meeting. I have copied from an entry that was made by a poster on another Ohare thread;
'First broadcast County Council and Pres. Uberfuhrer Angle was already being the bully.
He illegally stop a motion which can be proposed and seconded by two Council members. He violated the rules Council has abided by for 40 years.
Ohare will cover up but the proof is now on tape and being preserved by a group determined to foster truth and transparency.'
We will be doing as the above blogger did. We will monitor all Northampton County web casts and are keeping the video/audio copies. Even though Ohare deletes and censors the truth, you will be able to judge for yourself. As tonight when he exceeded his authority and had his handpicked personal attorney agree with him and the Clerk of council who always agrees with him. Now we the people can see the truth. We no longer have to rely on his and Stoffa's mouthpiece Ohare to "sterilize" the truth. Coming soon a site that gives honest, fair and balanced reporting on the Angle/Stoffa regime, in their own words and actions.
Legions United in Values!
The best record of what happened will be the webcast itself. That's why I have publicly advocated webcasting for years, while council members dragged their feet. And this webcast will corroborate everything I write about what is happening. It will show McHale as poetty and ostentatious, interruptong and trying to overrule the person who was elected Council president. it will show him dealing with her behavior very appropriately. It will show that he correctly called her out of order, and was backed up both by the council's own lawyer and its very nonpartisan clerk.
If I had no interest in people seeing the truth, why on earth would I have posted a blog telling everyone about the webcast?
Rather than appearing like a bully, Angle was temperate and McHale was goofy.
Can't wait to see the new site, "I hate John Stoffa." Please start it and stop trolling here.
Where are the umlauts?
No umlauts - use extra 'e' after vowel in question.
I think Peg's haaawt!
Dear Legions of head up your ass,
Say whatever you want about Angle, Ohare, Lauer and all the other nimrods, but DONT criticize the Clerk of Council! Mr Flisser is a gentleman, and is more knowledgeable about the county than all of them put together.
You lost any respect you may have had!
DantheMann, You mean you don't love the rest of us, too? Actually, your point is very well taken. Frank Flisser is a class act who does not need to be savaged.
Frank Flisser is haaawt!
Easy, there. At the next meeting, I think he's going to take off his shirt andstart posing.
Mr. Flisser is a great guy but Angle is a bully. Mr. Flisser knows Angle could coral the votes to get him kicked out of his job.
I feel sorry for Mr. Flisser but he has to deal with a sneaky, mean spirited ego maniacal untrustworthy Council President.
Unlike Angle, Flisser is 'loved' by many council members. He's there forever. Kinda like Walt Disney.
Hey Anon 4:23, so Flisser is a coward who rells people what theyu want to hear out of fear of losing his job? The reason Frank lasts is bc he is honest, even when it hurts. He's nothing like you, who posts anonymous hate at 4AM on a weekend. God, with people like you in her camp, it is little wonder McHale was creamed.
This is really not about Frank. He is a good man who knows what it takes to last 30 years in an appointed job with nutty egomaniacs getting elected all the time.
This is about Angle you idiot! Frank was indeed right that either an ordinance or resolution was necessary to give the Executive the go ahead on the policy.
Everyone knows that you biased numb nut. Angle played on McHale's consistently confused state. Her "motion" to get a "sense" of the feelings of Council on the issue at that time was proper and while unnecessary, appropriate and legal.
Did it have the force of law? Of course not. But it was not intended to have that. McHale herself said non-binding.
Stop trying to skew the truth Ohare. Angle is an egomaniacal bully and people must know that if he can crap on the law with McHale he will do it to anyone he disagrees with. That has been his life's story. Hopefully McHale will demand that Angle be censured. Even if she loses the vote the "motion" will be on record.
You are not only a pathetic loser but a liar as well.
Not really about Frank. A little while ago, you had Flisser and Lauer in Angle's pocket. It most certainly is about Frank. Because his view differed from yours, you attacked him personally.
Ohare as usual the "you" refer to are different people whim know you are full of shydt. Angle is the kind of person who would get someone fired in a heartbeat if he was crossed. Angle is a person with no decency. His history is a sad story of duping widows and taking advantage of people. It is small wonder you are captivated by him. Since you work for him you sing his praises.
You can deflect the issue all you want. The tapes and the law does not lie, Angle stoped a legitimate action by a Council member.
Hopefully members of Council will grow a backbone and see this fraud for what he is.
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