Local Government TV

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sam "Shiobhan" Bennett on Hardball?

After running for Allentown Mayor twice, and never making it out of the primary, Sam "Shiobhan" Bennett set her sights on Congress in the last election cycle. During a time when virtually every other Democrat was riding Barack Obama's coat tails to an easy victory, Bennett was trounced. The highlight of that campaign was when her comments during a televised debate had to be bleeped out. Incredibly, she had to make this request herself, after irresponsibly and falsely claiming that a local bank had failed.

These days, Sam is now Executive Director of The Women's Campaign Forum, where she gets to send out letters asking for money. She signs them like this. --->

She's also apparently a pundit, too, having appeared on last night's Hardball. I don't watch TV so I don't know what pearls of wisdom she imparted to her grateful viewers. But fortunately for me, I have a Sam Bennett email sent out right after that "devastating" loss in Massachusetts. Strangely, her magic touch failed to pull Martha Coakley over the finish line. "It is with deep sadness that I report to you that Attorney General Martha Coakley, a WCF-endorsed candidate, did not win tonight's special election for the Massachusetts Senate seat." Imagine that! Sam then asks for money.


  1. Sam is practically a clinical case. Her self-aggrandized signature reflects her unstable personality. As a "champion" for women in politics she will surely do her best to contribute to their losses in upcoming elections. Nancy Pelosi is the next one to fall on her party's sword and Sam will be right there to twist it.

  2. She was actually very coherent. And I think Matthews liked her.

  3. Nancy Pelosi in trouble? Funny. She may not be your cup of tea but she has been highly effective as Speaker.

  4. Although Pelosi is safe, she is very divisive. When she spoke in suipport of the stim, she blamed Rs for everything during her floor speech. She wanted them to vote against it. She's ass partiasanas they came, and good Speakers are better able to work with both sides.

  5. Two comments:

    Sam should go the Prince route and change her name to an unpronoucable symbol. Either that, or go third person and refer to herself as "The Sam."

    Chris Matthews had a warm feeling down his leg during her appearance. It's suspected that he overfilled his Depends.

  6. Pelosi highly effective?

    At what --- destroying the country?

    Oh, I get it --- you mean Botox surgery.

  7. The Central ScrutinizerJanuary 21, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    ironpigpen - I suggest you familiarize yourself with the legislative process. You obviously just speak with vitriol without any real understanding of what you are saying.

  8. The politician formerly known as Sam, formerly known as Shiobhan.

  9. Bernie,

    It's clear that you hate Sam and will sink to any low to insult her. (Including misspelling her name and mocking her signature? Very mature.)

    But when attempting to snidely criticize someone, perhaps it would behoove you to get your facts straight?

    I'm on the WCF email list, and there was no fundraising ask in the Coakley email.

    See for yourself: http://womensphilanthropy.typepad.com/stephaniedoty/2010/01/a-disappointing-loss-in-massachusetts.html

  10. Dear Emily,

    Then perhaps you can explain the big fat red CONTRIBUTE button on the copy of the email I rec'd. In fact, it's at the bottm of your own damn link. She was playing on the cloak croak to grab a few bucks.

    The politician formerly known as Shiobhan is a blatant opportunist who has been rejected by voters three times.

  11. Is there a Hardball soccer team?

  12. Oh, you mean the contribute button that is built into the template of most nonprofit and candidates' email messages?

    But even if there was a direct fundraising ask - what's the problem? Certainly we all know that fundraising is a major part of how nonprofits exist. If you're on any kind of political list you know that they always use current events to try and increase donations. That's how they survive.

    And even if she was still a candidate asking for money - isn't that what candidates do? Raise money or fail. So how can you criticize either a candidate or a nonprofit for doing what is necessary?

    The term opportunist has gotten old and certainly doesn't apply here.

  13. "Oh, you mean the contribute button that is built into the template of most nonprofit and candidates' email messages?"

    That would be it. I get lots of emails from candidaes and nonprofites and no, they do not have CONTRIBUTE buttons in every one. Sammy was playing on someone's loss for a money grab. She is a well-known opportunist in these parts.

    This may shock you, considering that you're from the non-profit world and are trying to get a degree or something in it, but most of us resent being asked for money every second.

  14. Berns,

    You're really stretching here. The existence of a button does not equal "being asked for money every second." It's an extremely common thing to include in a wrapper - easily used or easily ignored.

    And thank you for again making my point that your insults are nothing above a 3rd grade level by calling her Sammy. Very patronizing. Really knocks her down a peg, eh?

    This may shock you, considering that you're from a world apparently completely disconnected with politics and reality, but fundraising off of good or bad news is extremely common, and effective.

    If Sam is an opportunist, then so is every other candidate, political organization, and nonprofit in existence.

  15. Emilie,

    I'm a bit confused. You simultaneously claim Sammy is not fundraising while justifying the fundraising that she is so obviously doing.

  16. Bernie I suggest you educate yourself on the world of politics and nonprofit organizations before making such false accusations about Sam asking for money.

    I'm sure you have a personal vendetta against Sam but whining about it isn't going to get you anywhere.

  17. I think it's funny that on the top of your site you say "do no harm," then proceed to bash a woman based on an appearance that you didn't even watch.

    It's pretty clear to me from just this one post that you have some kind of vendetta again Ms. Bennett, and it makes you sound pretty silly.

  18. Bernie- don't you know that wrath hath no fury like a woman scorned? You are taking on this coven of Sam worshipers and will never win. They will Bobbittize you before they're done!

  19. "...a WCF-endorsed candidate,"

    Kiss of DEATH!

  20. Seriously? "Coven of worshippers" and "Bobbitize"? WCF is the "kiss of death?" What's with the women-hate?

    It's abundantly clear than blatant sexism is rampant all over this site, and there's no sense in having a conversation with people whose minds won't be changed.

    I've personally never understood sexism or racism or any kind of discrimination, but I've learned it's best not to engage people who refused to engage rationally.

    As a note, the line is: ""Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned," and the quote - specifically in its entirety - seems to be particular relevant to this display of misogyny.

  21. Looks like WCF's candidates are actually pretty successful.


  22. I like women. I think Sammy does women a disservice. Her record here is a well-earned one as a vapid opportunist who actually ignored an old man who was mugged and beaten outside her home. Behavior like that is why voters have rejected her three times. It has nothing to do with her sex.

  23. Sam Bennett was extremely succinct and was able to communicate most effectively. The WCF is and will be instrumental in supporting women candidates. Personal attacks and ignorant comments only display an utter arrogance and disregard, not only for Sam Bennett, but for all advocates of women.

  24. I was asked to review your comments against women and I find them appalling. You are obviously a pathetic little man who has nothing better to do with his time then take your pent-up insecurities out on good women like Sam Bennett. There are too many people like you in this world and 2012 may not come soon enough.

  25. Keep revealing Bennett as the fraud she is, Bernie. She is a disgrace to women everywhere.

  26. Cathy I stand corrected on the quote but not the sentiments. You are a man-hating banshee and deserve to be in that covenous group of political hacks. WCF is an irrelevant joke who couldn't get a dogcather elected.

  27. Ladies you must remember that Ohare is a disbarred alcholic self-denying gay man who harbors hatred of intelligent women.

    He has shown his sexist ways throughout his blog over the years. Like Angle, he sees women as objects to be used.

  28. You people have to be kidding. I'm sure you've never even heard of WCF before - but your insane misogyny is causing you to blindly attack anything associated with Sam. "Couldn't get a dog catcher elected?" Really? Do you know anything about this organization?

    Ah yes, and then you turn to insult someone you don't know at all with the classy term, "man-hating banshee." Exactly what about Cathy's comment screamed man-hating to you?

    Nothing did - but you woman-hating chauvinists can't stand when women make you look like the idiots you are. Standing up against sexism does not equal man hating. Give it a rest.

  29. Emily,

    Take it from someone who knows “Sam” (me), Bernie is correct in his assessment. She is completely shameless in her dedication to herself and her own interests. If you spend any time in her company you will come to see this for yourself, it is not subtle, or nuanced, it is plain as day.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. Emily,

    I know Sam as well and Scott is correct in his assessment.

    The Banker

  31. Who the hell is Sam Bennett?

  32. "Bernie I suggest you educate yourself on the world of politics and nonprofit organizations before making such false accusations about Sam asking for money.

    I'm sure you have a personal vendetta against Sam but whining about it isn't going to get you anywhere."

    Friend, I suggest you educate yourself on learning how to think. Your arguments has more holes than substance to it. It is quite obviously a fundraising e-mail.

    Please drop the know-it-all attitude. Bernie has a solid point. You, however, also have a solid point.

    Bernie's point is in his argument. Your's is on your head.

  33. Why did this WCF hire Bennett in the first place? Do they know her past failures and how incredibly ineffective she has been in local politics?

  34. Actually, that really is Sam's signature. It's just like the rest of her: loopy, undecipherable and useless. She's a very personable woman who happens to have friends in the right places, but she is looking out for herself first and foremost.

  35. Kudos to WCF for posting this on their website. Respect for freedom of speech is recognized, and one could wish that facts and factual content along with sources were used rather than emotional and generic personal bashing by Bernie and friends.

  36. Sam Bennett was trashed for her blatant opportunism and terrible campaigns That has nothing to do with her sex. Right now, I have another blog about a woman running for office, Pia Varma, and she is being trashed precisely because she is a woman. Why aren't you defending her?


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