John Callahan's congressional campaign has invited me to its petition kick-off rally on Wednesday, February 17 at 5:30pm. The party will take place at International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers Local 375 (IBEW), 1201 W Liberty St, Allentown, PA.
Among those who will be attending is none other than Rylock, aka Mr. Independent, aka Ryan O'Donnell. It's great to know Callahan has such unthinking support before he's taken a position on a single issue.
For shits and giggles, SEIU has promised to drop by and burn a few boy scouts in effigy.
You are scum Ohare. They should not have invited you. They think you can be objective. Anyone who knows you told them you are a pig-headed opinioned jerk who will push Dent regardless of the facts.
A waste of time and effort by the campaign.
Callahan obviously has a very big tent to include you.
Key to this eludes you....this is the kick off of the campaign.
The use of a scouting image without the written permission of the BSA is a no-no. I strongly suggest that you remove the photo.
Well if you believe the polls Dent has this in the bag. Oh wait Coakley had a 30 point lead and lost by 5. If Dent is up 27... Then he will lose by 8! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
"The use of a scouting image without the written permission of the BSA is a no-no"
Oh oh. This sounds very serious.
The Boy Scouts are a paramilitary organization, I hear.
Bent on destroying the unions, I hear.
Are you one of those right-wing, gun-toting Bible freaks or something who just pretends to be a bleeding heart?
"Celeste," You deleted your comment, but I wanted to respond to a point. I was not invited as a member of the press but simply got a facebook notice.
O'Hare you are scum. Daily making cogent points and providing some humor at the same time.
How dare you provide some insight, some intellect and some laughs regarding local politics.
Now, I'm going to watch my re-runs of the Ed Asner show.
Your Pal,
Cryin' Ryan
This is the picture on the wall in Ohares bedroom. Why do you think an old man like Ohare prowls the boys basketball games.
You are real pathetic, Anon 3:26.
Bernie, you state:
"John Callahan's congressional campaign has invited me to its petition kick-off rally"
Yet in a comment on here you admit that the above really isn't true, the Callahan Campaign didn't acctually invite you, right?
The campaign did invite me, from its facebook page, but not as a member of the media.
Since when is a blogging buffoon considered media?
When morons like you find it necessary to do everything you can to negate my message. You make people more interested, so thanks.
Hey Bernie, Tisk-tisk, no name calling, not even in retaliation. It's unbecoming and negates your no personal attacks policy.
BTW, what IS yoru message regarding the Callahan event, except to be snarky about an invitation extended to you?
My message is that it is ridiculous to expect people to support him when he refuses to state where he stands on anything, except to saddle up to a union that trashes boy scouts.
Go to a house party someone is hosting for him or a public event or go to his website for that matter and you will find out how he stands on many of the issues. Stop being too busy looking up some poor slobs rap sheet and stop being snarky about an invitation, IF you really want to know the info it is out there. Hold your snarky comments until you have the knoweldege base behind them.
I've looked at his web page. I've read everythin I could find about him. He says nothing, trying to portray himself as all things to all people.
And I will continue to look at the records of people that Pawlowski sends into A-town neighnborhoods. You can hide your head in the sand.
Have you looked at it lately> I have and it has been updated with more content. Oh please, "all things to all people"? Really, you are saying that? Charlie Dent does nothing but that, and then votes true to his party ONLY...
BTW, I don't stick my head in the sand, I just to what any resonable person would do and look at all sides. You hate Pawlowski so you are willing to throw everyone around him under the bus, that is not right.
Yeah, I've looked at it lately amd it is full of vague generalities.
As far as revealing just who Pawlowski uses to knock on A-town doors, consider it a public service. He obviously has no regard for the safety and security of A-town citizens, and demonstrated that by sending a person wanted for escape to puff his campaign. he sent people convicted of theft. he sent people recently released from prison. What he did is a disgrace. I had to point it out, and am proud to have done so.
Easily I acquiesce in but I dream the list inform should prepare more info then it has.
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