Over the Christmas holiday, my brother's grandchildren visited. They're from the South. They decided one day that they'd like to ride the bus. And that's what they did. About six little runts, accompanied by my brother, spent a day riding throughout the Lehigh Valley, stopping and hopping back on at various points. My brother tells me that the regulars readily surrendered their seats to children.
On Friday, during Craig Dally's coronation, Courtroom #1 was packed so full I was waiting for the floor to collapse. In the well of the court, seats were reserved for the many dignitaries on hand, from county council members to state reps to appellate judges.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only male in the room who was wearing no suit. I was standing next to some dude who was conviced that Craig Dally's judgeship and that big Republican win in Massachusets were somehow connected. As this 9/12er lectured me about the Constitution and the Ten Commandments, he was silently farting. I thought I was going to pass out, but there was nowhere to go.
Inside the well, a seat was reserved for LV Congressman Charlie Dent, too. Instead of sitting there, I watched him offer his seat to an elderly lady, and then quietly stand off to the side with the rest of us schleps. As a result, when President Judge Kim McFadden began to recognize the big shots, she never noticed that Charlie was there, too, blocked from her view by a mass of humanity.
I'm not suggesting that you vote for Charlie Dent simply because he behaved like a gentleman. But when people tell you he's a nice guy, this is what they mean.
8 veterans die every day because of our healthcare system, but some old woman on "Socialist" Medicare which the Republicans opposed in the 60s got a seat. Go Dent.
Maybe he was the one farting!
Bernie,maybe it was the dude we both know that was eating assburgers!he he
Libs get caught lying, cheating, making racist remarks, and supporters give them a free pass or worse, rationaize, but everything, EVERYTHING Dent does is subject to derision.
I am so tired of comments like Anon 1224. He does a nice thing for an older woman and gets blasted for apparently not supporting Medicare when he was 4 years old....
Charlie is a nice guy, deal with it in a way that doesn't make you look like you do.
The Banker
There are decent people in government, from both sides of the aisle. Those who slam this behavior diminish both themselves and their agenda.
I'm glad Charlie's a gentleman, although I'm not sure what the point of this dispatch is. Hitler was said to be kind to dogs and children. Churchill was said to be a drunk SOB. Best to stick to issues.
Not sure about the point of this dispatch? It is to show that there are stil nice people, in low and high places. And when people refer to Charlie Dent as a nice guy, there is a reason.
Sandra Walters Weiss, aka Sandra Deutsch, aka Sandra Walters, aka Sandra Louise Pigott, aka Sandra Pignott, aka Sandra Lawhon Pigott, aka Sandra Lawhon Pignot, aka Sandra Lawhon Woolsfy, and all the other aliases you've used to defraud and steal from decent well-meaning people over the years,
How dare you continue to cruelly mock a private citizen for his neurological impairment? It takes a sick sick mind to derive joy from someone else's disability. No wonder you and Bernie get along so well.
Here's hoping you OD on your next hit of methadone, you depraved piece of shit.
he he
I'll leave this cowardly Villa shit stand, as it certainly says more about him than Ms. Weiss. She at least has faced her demons.
So Hitler, Churchill and Dent were/are all gentlemen. This is powerful stuff.
Wow, now Dent is being compared to Hitler bc he surrendered his seat to an elderly lady.
It wasn't altruistic. Dent's too short to see anything when he's sitting down.
It's George Bush's fault.
C'mon, get with the program.
Vote for Obama.
He is magical.
Dent knew Ohare would make a big deal about this. It was a calculated political move just like not supporting healthcare for millions of Americans.
Dent never even saw me.
Dent makes Progressive supporters cry. He also doesn't like Progressive Rock! He hates synthesizers. He must be Eeeeevvvvvillll - I tells you!
"8 veterans die every day because of our healthcare system, but some old woman on "Socialist" Medicare which the Republicans opposed in the 60s got a seat. Go Dent."
Those veterans are dying because Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are ineffectual idiots as dumb as their ineffectual useless President -- and not because of Charlie Dent.
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