Not so long ago when Allentown's community groups consisted of independent, altruistic residents who involved themselves in the city's civic affairs in order to advance the greater good, the Presidents' Council was an important vehicle of that expression. That was then, this is now. How far the level of intellect and involvement in community organizations has declined in Allentown was apparent last night when the city's biggest stooge, Ernie Atiyeh was elected by fellow "community leaders" to be the new president of the "Presidents' Council."
I could reminisce for many pages the instances when Ernie went to extraordinary lengths to publicly and shamelessly please and laud administration officials. Kissing the butt of anyone and everyone in a position of power in Allentown was and remains his specialty. Ed must be pleased as punch to have this lackey at his beck and call, ready to fetch and heel on command.
Yes, not so long ago the idea that this person would be voted into this position was incomprehensible. But that was then and this is now. Well done Ed, well done city Democrats. Your mission is complete, your control is now total.
The truth about the Atiyeh-Stoffa connection make you uncomfortable Ohare.
Afraid you won't get your rent check if you don't delete the truth.
wrong atiyeh ding-bad.
But I am sure scott feels real good about slamming a man who volunteers being elected by his peers. the disdain for civic participation that scott supposedly lauded for years is evident and shameful.
Get a clue.
Scott Armstrong
scott, your tirades of late have given me all the clues I need. You are a bitter man who, after not getting his way, resorts to calling community volunteers toads. You created your reputation. now enjoy it.
pawlowski is slimy. I get that and agree. but calling volunteers toads and lamenting how civic associations don't do what you want them to do is neither the solution nor is it acceptable outside of your hyper-nasty ideology.
how 'bout them clues...
i'm with the anon 7:10. I'd venture to guess that if Ernie Atiyeh was a conservative, Scott Armstrong would commend him for his community activity and service.
I don't know Mr. Atiyeh personally, but my impression is that he has been dedicated to working with his neighbors and been a long-active volunteer in his neighborhood group - why would you slam someone for this? Hard as it is to believe (and it IS hard to believe), there are some good, smart people in the city who support Pawlowski. Should they all be banned from volunteering their time in the community?
If you are so sure of your view why not use your name? I call them like I see them in Allentown, take a drive in sometime and see for yourself. As for Ernie he is just one of many who is, or is attempting to profit from an association with Allentown’s Democratic Party structure. This sort of “activity” is not generally laudable, and it is only “civic” in that he is “connected” to the city administration.
Scott Armstrong
anon 8:12,
You are correct you don't know Ernie and therefore your anonymous commentary is uninformed. So you agree with anon 7:10 do two wrongs opinions make a right judgment?
Scott Armstrong
I wonder when "then" or the good old days actually were. Scott has been crying about these times for 20 years now.
If your not happy do something about it. If your not willing to do that, then move. Despite his rants, I'm certain his home has appreciated during the long period he has been there.
Anon 8:45,
Wow! What ignorance. The good old days were when community groups passed the “Rental Inspections” initiative. The Muhlenberg Overlay District zoning ordinance, the Storage of Municipal Waste ordinance…
It is a general rule that one should have some insights before passing judgments or making charges.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, I do live in Allentown (in a center city neighborhood plagued with more crime than your neighborhood). I am active and have worked with Ernie. Would you care to say how he is trying to profit from all of this? He is retired! All he does is volunteer. Are you saying he is taking kick backs? I have volunteered with him and not once has he raised political matters. Is there some motive that you have knowledge of that perhaps the rest of us don't. If so, please tell us what it is and get specific. Saying he is a Democrat, that he has supported Pawlowski and other Democrats and is now the elected leader of a group of other leaders to justify your claims is on the light side of the evidence scale. What evidence do you have that he is trying to profit? Get specific. Bernie, I can't believe you would publish this without pointing out the fact that Scott seems more concerned with party registration of people who volunteer.
For the record, I won't disclose my name b/c you have a track record of attacking other people who have cared enough to volunteer in the community but who disagree with your political ideology. I didn't vote for Pawlowski in the last election, but I take great exception to the attacks on other people who may or may not have voted that way but who are still giving their time to the community. You wonder why people dismiss you. It is b/c you claim to speak the truth but you do it out of a position of nastiness, not out of compassion. Forgive me for saying so, but after seeing your comments about being interested in taking down all Democrats in future election, I don't think you call them as you see them. You call them as you call them for the sake of winning elections. Shame on you for trying to act as a moral authority on the truth. No political actor can make such claims.
anon 9:37, kay pickel, from the jackson school neighborhood group, stated on the commentator site that the rules were suspended for atiyeh's election, and she considered it much less than proper. if you know her, you must realize that she is very dedicated to the neighborhood association concept, and is not a partisan.
i see several issues here. one issue is the election; was it fair and did it represent the wishes of the various associations?
if others do indeed share her outrage at the process, and she said they did, was the election engineered to bring the groups more into support with the administration?
MM, that's a different matter and should be pursued. However, that isn't what scott is attacking here. He is attacking somebody b/c he has supported Pawlowski, effectively saying that the person is not fit to serve b/c of that support. Let's not confuse the two things here.
I have asked Mr. Armstrong to place his name at the top of his posts, instead of "Anonymous" and then signing them at the bottom, to save me the mistake and the waste of time of reading his comments. Bit he must know that if his name appears at the top, no one will read any further.
Are you kidding me? Ernie is a wonderful man who has volunteered untold hours to Allentown. He is a true community servant, and one whose heart is definitely in the right place. Go pick on someone somewhere where there is some real muck to rake.
Anon 9:37,
if you are so proud of your association with Ernie why not post your name. Then perhaps your comments will have some gravity.
Scott Armstrong
Anonymous Testimonials, what are they worth and why are they anonymous? Should the words of those who refuse to sign their name be given the same weight as those backed with a signature? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Scott Armstrong
Ernie has always been a great guy, I can still remember how nice he was to Chief kuhn, he gave a glowing testimonial for Roy and even threw in how good looking the new chief was. That was some good volunteering.
Allentown Democrat Voter
Sorry, have to do this in parts.
I contemplated as to whether I should post anything about this incident or not. I am going to try to lay a foundation for those to form their own assessment of the situation described in brevity in the post above.
The Allentown Crime Watch Presidents' Council is an organization comprised of active presidents or their designees. Its design was to support, promote, and to try to advance the crime prevention message, support one another, host our annual Leonard Buck Awards Banquet (which celebrates those members which have given greatly to their community), and to run a police appreciation lunch / dinner for all Allentown Police Officers and their families. Not all crime watch/ neighborhood groups are a part of President's Council. We are fine with that because all maintain their independence.
Generally, our elections are held in December. However, due to many holiday events I spoke with many and it was determined that we would transfer December's business and push it forward to January. Our meeting was held last Thursday.
To preface the details of Thursday's meeting, Ben Gress started Allentown Crime Watch Presidents'Council close to 30 years ago. Ben Gress died suddenly last March leaving a vacancy with our Executive Board - vice-president. For the first time at the meeting following Ben's death Ernie Atiyeh showed up at the next Presidents' Council meeting to solicit support to run for Vice-President. We denied him the ability due to defaulting on many of our bylaw requirements -
1. He does not live in the neighborhood which he claims to represent.
2. He no longer runs a business in the area of the neighborhood which he claims to represent.
3.The group where he claims presidency is the 4C's Neighborhood Group. He hasn't had meetings regularly - as required by our bylaws.
4. He hasn't maintained his group's bylaws with the Allentown Crime Watch or with the City of Allentown's Crime Prevention office.
5. He doesn't attend any Allentown Crime Watch President's Council Meetings.
6. He does not have elections.
7. He is a member of Midway Manor- where he resides) but is not the President.
Mr. Atiyeh decided to leave the meeting that night with no interest in running for Secretary which he rightfully could have filled an open vacancy. (cont'd)
Kim Beitler
All this, above, deemed Mr. Atiyeh inactive by our organizations standards. Therefore, he could not gain benefits of belonging to our organization. Ernie did not return to our meeting until this January. He along with 2 other organizations, who never attend our meetings, showed up - one which we also do not deem active; and therefore not allowed voting priviledges or the ability to run for officer in our organization.
I knew I was being somewhat railroaded but I also knew that there was an ability to suspend the rules which allowed for voter privledges where none existed and also to allow for an inactive member to run for an elected office - in this case President.
In hindsight, I probably should have only allowed a motion to suspend the rules from an active member. Not thinking, I allowed this push to happen.
Having said all that I think what happened last Thursday was wrong. It circumvented process. It violated our bylaws whose committee Ernie served on years ago and helped create. It didn't protect the organization as it should have. I bowed out gracefully because I respect greatly almost everyone in that room - even those that didn't vote for me - because of the committment they have made to their neighborhoods and to our city. And yes, I felt the decision was a poor one.
I would have rather supported anyone else in that room sooner than violate our bylaws. But, as Ben Gress would say, that's water under the bridge. I'm a great believer in accountability. So, I say, hold him accountable. He said our organization was a "do nothing organization". Well, now he's president of it. Where was he to help before. I have advised him that he can not speak on behalf of Presidents' Council without the support of its' members. He can not lend credence to anything without our approval. Spending any monies from our organization is protected by double signatures. I expect and hope that our members keep him in check. We are not a political organization, and I, as a member do not want it to be used as such. I support efforts to address issues which promote quality of life for our neighborhoods. We support each other.
I have interjected opinion when I tried not to. Forgive me. I'm a woman with strong opinions but I also know I am fair in by beliefs. I have reasons to believe as I do; but perhaps that's substance for another post. I believe in due process. If you don't like rules, you fight to change the rules, you shouldn't circumvent them. If bylaws can so readily be thrown away - why have them? I ask these questions although the outcome does not change. It applies to everything.
Well, thank you for allowing me to rant and I hope I have provided some substance in order for you to make an informed assessment.
Allentown Volunteer
Allentown Lover
Allentown Critic
Believer and Supporter of Strong Neighborhoods,
Kim Beitler
Your account is appreciated. Thank you.
It still begs the point made earlier: Scott Armstrong made this about political affiliation. By your account, that has no bearing on the situation. Hopefully the leadership gets this squared away, but hopefully it also distances itself from the very heated political rhetoric Scott has thrown around. I know you and other leaders have tried to keep the politics at an arms length distance, which is needed (hey, someday there will be a new mayor). I wish others would respect those efforts and keep their political agendas away from organization's such as your own.
Oh, and I answered the question that you posed again about my decision not to post my name. You are clearly trying to be a bully and I'm not going to allow you that chance with me.
It is an act of cowardice to argue anonymously unless the disclosure of one’s name could jeopardize one’s safety or employment. That does not seem to be the case here so one may draw their own conclusions as to why a poster lacks the courage to sign an opinion.
By the way, I think it is clear why Ernie was brought in to be a candidate for the leadership of the President’s Council. Please, it’s Allentown.
Scott Armstrong
Thank you Scott Armstrong for instructing us on the proper and allowable methods of using an anonymous ID.
Scott, quit the inuendo. You said Ernie is profitting from all of this. How? Why was he brought in?
Give us evidence. How is this guy profitting from his new position? Spare us the baseless accusations and political rhetoric. We want tangible information.
Why one takes on the position of lackey can only be answered by those who do it, others can merely speculate as to why.
Why not ask Ernie yourself? There is plenty of evidence already presented to back up my original post.
Scott Armstrong
I think Scott and Bernie are way out of line. I just posted about this on my site, Allentown Afterthoughts, copied below (without links):
Two weeks ago, Bernie O'Hare of Lehigh Valley Ramblings defended Dennis Pearson, the East Allentown community leader, from a vicious Bill White slam in the Morning Call. Complaining that "Dennis is getting batted around like a piñata," O'Hare wrote:
"What I find most offensive about Bill's recent column is that its effect is to discourage any private citizen from taking an interest in local government. As newspapermen like Bill become less numerous, the Dennis Pearsons of this world will often be the only people left to keep an eye on local government excesses."
O'Hare was right to condemn Bill White's callous takedown of Pearson.
That was then. This is now. Today O'Hare re-posts an equally nasty rant from Scott Armstrong, which mercilessly skewers Ernie Atiyeh, a center city Allentown civic leader. O'Hare's headline? "Armstrong: A-town Community Groups Elect Pawlowski Toadie." No disclaimer, no distancing from the Armstrong comments. Instead Armstrong is introduced as "My Favorite Allentown conservative."
Armstrong proceeds to label Atiyeh "the city's biggest stooge"--"this lackey" whose "specialty" is "kissing the butt of anyone and everyone in a position of power in Allentown."
I know Atiyeh well. He is a good man, an unpaid volunteer who donates hundreds of hours a year to helping out his struggling center city neighborhood. Anyone who has talked to him more than five minutes would realize that O'Hare's slanderous headline ("Pawlowski Toadie") is absurd. As president of the 4 C's neighborhood group and chair of the Seventh Street Development Committee, among many other volunteer roles, he is often critical of the Pawlowski administration.
I expect this kind of rant from Scott Armstrong, who is articulate and intelligent but also deeply bitter. He's wrong most of the time, and he's more and more often resorting to unrestrained invective.
I am more disappointed by O'Hare. He plucked Armstrong's comments from the Allentown Commentator message board, lending them his far larger platform. He offered them up with no distancing language. My own guess is that the idea of a "Pawlowski toadie" was too tempting to O'Hare to pass up--even if the Pawlowski potshot, in this case, landed on a good man who volunteers as a civic leader.
What was it that O'Hare wrote two weeks ago about Pearson, the other pilloried Allentown volunteer?
"What I find most offensive about Bill's recent column is that its effect is to discourage any private citizen from taking an interest in local government. As newspapermen like Bill become less numerous, the Dennis Pearsons of this world will often be the only people left to keep an eye on local government excesses."
4 C's meeting was scheduled for this evening and I wonder if there was a meeting??? and center city is NOT Ernie's neighborhood. What is civic minded about representing a neighborhood you don't live in. I would say it's more like suppressing the opinions of those he claims to care so much about. People in center city are TIRED of having people talk for us. Do you want to know what we think? Just ask. Most would say, who's Ernie Atiyeh? Ernie Atiyeh looks out for Ernie Atiyeh and desires to have his opinion heard no matter what the end result.
" Do you want to know what we think? Just ask. Most would say, who's Ernie Atiyeh? Ernie Atiyeh looks out for Ernie Atiyeh and desires to have his opinion heard no matter what the end result."
I live in center city myself, and in my seven years of volunteering in various initiatives down here I can state that there is _no one_ I have encountered who puts in more time and energy. 99 percent of citizens of any area do nothing but pull the lever, if that. This man actually gives up evening after evening for no pay and no personal gain. And he deserves this?
Well then you don't know too many of the volunteers. Many don't have to sit in on meetings to be active. There are many unsung heroes who don't beg for praise. Many have committed much and sacrificed much for their neighborhoods. Ernie has good talk but no follow through. Road to hell is paved with good intentions. If he's such an honorable man why the tax evasion issue? Ernie looks good on paper but that's where it stops.
"... who don't beg for praise"
I've never seen him beg for praise. And my comparison isn't with other volunteers or "unsung heroes." It's with the vast majority who, often for very good reasons, don't do anything for the community. I'm not criticizing these people--we all lead busy lives. I am, though, praising Ernie. He volunteers his time for no other reason than a desire to help the neighborhood. Does he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? No. Does he deserve to be savagely attacked on a major LV blog? No.
You are free to think and write as you please. You haven’t been in the city as long as I have and therefore your experiences and insights are limited. Readers of this site would be wise to keep that in mind.
A little FYI, tonight my son who plays in the Allen band was assaulted, beaten, and robbed on the two block walk home from the game by a gang of six people. Yeah Jeff, I’m a little bitter, but who can blame me.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, I am very very sorry to hear about your son. That's tragic regardless of anything else.
This is just the latest so please spare us your idealist preaching about Allentown. There was a time when there was a chance for the city. Roy Afflerbach, Ed Pawlowski and those who have collaborated with them took that opportunity away from everyone who loves in the city.
Choose your associations and associates carefully because they do matter, take some time to learn from those who have been around the block ahead of you to learn a thing or two.
Scott Armstrong
I write of Ernie from experience, one on one he is amiable enough, he shows up at community events and perhaps volunteers, but too often he allowed himself to be the tool of those whose interests aren’t for the greater good. Is this not a problem? If one allows himself to be used in such a fashion repeatedly isn’t it fair to conclude the obvious.
I need not prove Ernie is evil to make my point and likewise your argument that he demonstrates good qualities from time to time does not disprove it.
As the assault on my son demonstrates there are real consequences to our civic actions, Ernie has been an enabler of two deeply flawed administrations.
Scott Armstrong
Hi Jeff,
I saw your blog as well as your email to me. Let me repost my comment from your blog.
Your blog is fantastic and I enjoyed your well-written essay.
There are times when I agree with Scott, times when I disagree and times when I have no opinion. In this instance, I really know very little about Ernie Atiyeh.
I published the essay simply because Scott Armstrong's views receive scant attention. I don't understand why. He is an excellent writer and his short essays always provoke a lot of interest.
So I published a Scott Armstrong essay without really forming an opinion on the matter. That came later, from Kim Beitler. After reading what she had to say, I do think Ernie Atiyeh was improperly elected.
As far as the Bill White-Dennis Pearson comparison goes, Scott Armstrong is not exactly Bill White. Rather than being a media pundit with nearly 100,000 readers, Scott is a civic activist taking on another civic activist.
I do think it would be inappropriate for me to attack Atiyeh, and I did consider exactly what you raised, but decided in favor of publication.
Your points and objections are well taken."
Scott, very sorry to hear about your son, I hope his injuries are not serious and he recovers quickly.
The Banker
Scott, Let me join the Banker and Jeff in offering my best wishes for your son. I hope he wasn't injured.
Kim, Thanks for your account. It explains why Ernie Atiyeh, nice guy or not, was improperly elected.
I have deleted an OT rant that converts Ernie Atiyeh into Abe Atoyeh and then claims Stoffa is a crook.
I too found Kim's account troubling, though it is hard to follow how the actual vote went down. Perhaps Kim could elaborate? So it seems the election itself is perhaps an issue. But Atiyeh as Pawlowski toadie, the subject of the original post? That just isn't true.
Thanks for the civil reply, Bernie.
"I write of Ernie from experience, one on one he is amiable enough, he shows up at community events and perhaps volunteers, but too often he allowed himself to be the tool of those whose interests aren’t for the greater good. Is this not a problem? If one allows himself to be used in such a fashion repeatedly isn’t it fair to conclude the obvious.
I need not prove Ernie is evil to make my point and likewise your argument that he demonstrates good qualities from time to time does not disprove it.
As the assault on my son demonstrates there are real consequences to our civic actions, Ernie has been an enabler of two deeply flawed administrations. "
My only point is that I do not--from very frequent, up close observation--think there is any basis to say he's an enabler or "toadie." All you have to do is talk to him about, say, the city's efforts related to the Seventh Street initiative to realize that he is mad as hell when it's warranted. He's no toadie.
"You haven’t been in the city as long as I have and therefore your experiences and insights are limited. Readers of this site would be wise to keep that in mind."
Ah, there's the ultimate, "get in your place young one" comment. News flash: the city has been going down hill for 30 years or more. Yeah, it was a great city in the 1980's and before, but the last time I check, the big stores downtown and the big industries across the city largely shuttered in the 1990's. Sure things are bad now, but the people who have been "leaders" over the last 30 years could easily (and unfairly) have this one flipped on them to say they are complicit in the decline. So, spare us the outrageous "you have only lived here a short time" and recognize that we are in the same ship together, whether we have been here for 6 years or 60 years.
By the way, our best to your son and your family Scott. Let us know if you have any needs that we can help you meet. That's what neighbors do.
I will spare no one “my outrage” when outrage is warranted. It is well within the rights of any individual to call out, comment, or complain about the incompetence and/or corruption of elected officials and their cohorts. Outrage is surely warranted in Allentown.
Your view that Ernie is not a “toady” is your view. Would you however deny that this is the view of someone favorably disposed to the current administration? Readers may therefore draw their own conclusions as to the objectivity of your statements on this matter.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, I am, on balance, supportive of the administration, but also disappointed by many of its first-term actions.
All I mean, though, is that the views that Ernie expresses--unless he is lying in public, for no obvious reason--show him to be anything but a "toady". On many matters, he's critical of the administration. That's just a piece of factual information, that I am reporting as a witness.
Yes you surely have the right to call out and complain and express outrage...
And people have every right to assume your point of view is influenced by your associations with the administration. Some may in fact conclude that your defense of Ernie as “not a toady” is in actuality a defense of your own claim of disinterest.
Scott Armstrong
Fair enough, though I don't claim to be disinterested; I have opinions about the administration, for example. On my claim to witnessing Atiyeh's criticisms: there I do say that I am reporting. I can't claim anything further: you either trust me or you don't.
Scott, if you want to see where Ernie was livid with the administration, one only need to go as far as the lighting on 7th Street. Several city staff mucked up that project substantially in 2008 and led to a major argument between volunteers like Ernie and the city staff. Also, Ernie was able to identify funding sources from outside the city to get round the clock foot patrol coverage by the police by the mayor ended up pulling a stunt to secure that funding but put it somewhere else.
Scott, I have a HUGE problem with your insistence that Jeff and others prove that somebody is NOT everything you said Ernie is to Pawlowski. How the hell do you prove a negative? By that judgement, my insistence that you hate all volunteers should be proven wrong. Go on Scott, prove that you don't really hate all volunteers. It's absurd and from what I can tell, not true. YOu claimed Ernie is profitting from all of this and still haven't substantiated that claim. You tell us to go ask him. Well, I am asking you to substantiate that claim b/c I am telling you right now that I will not disprove it b/c you are the one making claims, not me.
My guess is that you don't have the evidence to substantiate what you have claimed. It is reinforcing your reputation as wreckless and untrustworthy.
There is plenty of corrupt behavior in this city to be rightfully highlight that any unsubstantiated claims only detract from that reality. Bernie points out substantive examples of that corruption, and from what I can tell, only substantive examples. It would be nice if you stuck to the same MO b/c everytime you pull a stunt like this, the people who are trying to really clean up the mess in other quarters of the city, get labled as naysayers or liars. So do us a favor, please.
I have a huge problem with unsigned testimonials of support. One may rightly wonder why the support is anonymous if the writer’s safety or employment isn’t threatened by the disclosure of identity. It think it is safe to assume the identity is masked to obscure an allegiance to the administration.
Scott Armstrong
I enjoyed the exchange.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, I just gave you confirmation of a story where the administration pissed off a boatload of volunteers and wasted around $1 million b/c the staff was incompetent. Did you miss that? How is that allegiance to the administration? If I cared about the administration, I wouldn't have shared it. See, that is your problem: you lack credibility b/c you view everything in either for or against Ed Pawlowski. We agree on most things concerning the guy, the difference being is that you damage my efforts to challenge him and his staff b/c I get labeled as a naysayer or a partisan simply b/c my views are the same as yours. Don't you get it: you have become the reason the non-partisan opposition has failed to gain traction. By making this a clash on ideology and party affiliation, you structured the argument so that you would lose before you got started. My God, with all the bad stuff going on in Allentown, the guy won 75/25. I would think it was apparent that you might need a new strategy to undermine the guy.
And again, you have yet to answer the question posed: how is Ernie profitting from his work? Are you going to answer that question?
and you have yet to sign your name.
Scott Armstrong
and you have yet to sign your name.
Scott Armstrong
well, scott, I will sign my name when Ernie sues your butt for the malicious claims that you have made about him profitting through his activism. My name will be signed as a witness on all kinds of court documents. Since you have presented no evidence and done so wrecklessly, this is how it will be. Good luck with that. The only toadie I am seeing here is you and you have provided a great deal of evidence.
Oh, and keep fighting your style. It is sooooooooooo effective. I now read everything in your name as "crap" and cringe at how much more difficult you have made it to actually challenge the corrupt administration. your discredited reputation has probably set back meaningful reform in the city until after pawlowski leaves city hall.
I'm unsure what you may mean about the voting process, but I will try to elaborate.
At the meeting where this election took place, 11 groups were present. Seven groups had voting privledges according to our bylaws. A motion was made by a non voting member and seconded to suspend the rules.
A motion was made again by a non voting member to allow all there the ability to vote. Seconded.
Another motion was made by a non voting member to nominate Ernie Atiyeh as President, even though the group he claims to represent is not recognized by the Allentown Crime Watch - due to reasons stated previously. This was seconded.
A motion was made by a voting member to nominate myself and seconded. Our bylaws state we shall have a paper vote.
Of those votes - 6 votes (5 of the 6 came from groups without voting privledges due to our bylaws) were for Ernie and four were for myself. There would have been one additional vote from our executive board if a tie vote existed.
Hope that clarifies. May I say, I respect those that voted for me or against me; however, I have NO respect for the way of which it was done. In my mind, it was sneaky, underhanded, and didn't protect the best interest of our organization. Ernie helped compose our bylaws years ago and should have been fully aware of what was needed to run for office or to vote. Ernie took the easy way out. I have NO respect for that because it's a slap in the face to those who showed up every month - to work; while he got by doing nothing for our organization. If I sound angry it's because I am. Ernie has a lot to prove and I will hold him accountable for everything he does or doesn't do. Everyone else should do the same.
Thanks again, Kim Beitler
Thanks for this follow up, Kim.
If a non-voting member made the motion, then the motion was out of order. If it was seconded by a non-voting member, it was still out of order. Anything that is out of order can be challenged on legality. It sounds to me like you have an election that was out of order. I would encourage the board to re-examine the motions as out of order and perhaps even consult an attorney. If your concern is the health of the organization, I would argue you would have that responsibility.
See Scott, Kim argumed the circumstances surrounding the election and she sounds right to be concerned about the election. And she did so without calling Ernie a Toadie or accusing him, without evidence, of profitting from what he is trying to accomplish.
Yes, I remain anonymous. Get used to it.
I have no desire to post a separate blog about this, but want to insert a comment here concerning the back and forth among Jeff, Scott and the Anon.
Today, I was sent a packet of information concerning Mr. Atiyeh. I don't think he'll be suing anyone.
There are numerous MC accounts in which Atiyeh acts as a cheerleader for whomever happens to be in power. In addition, it appears that he has a background that should exclude him from being on a Crime Watch, let alone its President.
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