Sounds like my kind of guy! Despite what you may think, this anonymous comment is not about me. It's that other obnoxious blowhard. His Eminence.
Ron Angle.
It's all the evidence I need to make a prediction. Next week, when Northampton County Council reorganizes, Ron Angle will be its new President. Last time Republicans had a majority, they spent most of their time acting like a deer caught in the headlights. One of their biggest adversaries was Republican Ron Angle.
After ten years, they've finally decided to listen to him.
Uh oh.
What? No Swastikas on Herr Fuerher?
One of his servants is polishing them.
Dispite the disaster this will be I hope he gets it. I want to see how the marriage made in Hell of Angle-Stoffa survives two ego's as big as theirs.
So even though I didn't think the incompetence of Northampton County government could not get any worse, maybe it needs an elecrtic shock to the heart. Angle would certainly provide that.
My guess is the Nose up Main Line Republicans like Dowd and Ferraro will try to pull the new R's with them. Angle should get conservative R's Thery and Deitrich. Dowd, Ferraro, Cusick will wrangle on Gilbert. Hopefully McClure and McHale vote for Angle, they would be crazy not to. Sometimes it is best to give the people what they want, even if it is lead in your water.
I think Gilbert is the swing vote if the Dem's do the politically smart thing and vote for Angle.
Angle won't take it. He shuns responsibility. He likes to point fingers when things don't work.
It will be Dowd or Cusick as President of Council.
God Bless Ron Angle!
Thankfully, Ron's authority will be kept in check by a large majority that he'll attempt to influence, but can't control. I predict Ron will lean with Democrats a lot, because his guiding political philosophy is a little bit of advocating open government and a lot of just being contrary. He's more of a finger in the wind type of guy than he gets credit for. He's demanded fiscal austerity on most occasions, but has supported a substantial amount of waste and has been powerless to stop crushing tax increases during his tenure. I like the 10% of Ron that's a serious watchdog. I don't much like the 90% of attention getting bullshit. Although, that's probably par for the course for most politicians.
Cusick will get pres, Dowd wil get vp, Angle will resign , and then Dertinger can try to get his seat back. Of course Joe Cap will too. Some newcomer is waiting in the wings.
Then Ron Angle will take over the school board, fire half the teachers, and walk on water, at Lake Minsi.
This all came to me in a dream. Gotta stop watchin Nancy Grace before bedtime!
Angle always gives the council president a hard time no matter who they are..So if this is true I guess he'll spend alot of time arguing with himself..Ought to be fun..
God Bless Charles Dertinger! The #1 vote getter!
Wait.....what about the school board?
The schoool board sux!
Would sitting in the big chair cramp Ron's style? I don't see it as he needs to be reactive and the chair has to moderate and steer. I could be wrong but again..would he accept the chair?
Good point about reacting vs. leading; not that correctly reacting is bad. But it differs profoundly from leading. Different people have different skill sets.
Slate Belt gossip has it that Ron the Bulldog will give up County to raise H!! on the schoolboard, set up for Joe Cap to take his seat making his run for Grucella's office.
Dave, I believe Ron will accept it.
Anon 5:01, Angle is certainly one of the best-prepared council members I've ever seen. One does not get that way by being irresponsible.
Bernie, how does Angle know he will be Council President ? Isn't it illegal to not have the meeting in public ? Daisy chain ? Round Robin ? Doesn't this violate the Sunshine Act ?
Ah yes, there you have it - the final act of the theater of the absurd. Joesph Goebbels elected to preside over the Reichstag. This little pocket propagandist will advance the only true agenda known to him, self aggrandizement at the expense of others. Is there anyone who till take his place to destroy decorum with endless childish rants demeaning all who dare to disagree?
Forget the gavel, just give him a shoe to bang on the table. Remember the enfant terrible doesn't anyone to steal the stage. Or just give him some maypo.
stoffa and angle are bed buddies. bunch of douch bags!
Anon 3:43,
I certainly agree that a round robin or daisy chain exchange would be a Sunshine Act violation, although our toothless Sunshine Act provides that a violation can be "ratified" by a vote during a public meeting. There is nothing wrong with one council member individually seeking the support of other council members on an issue or appointment.
In this case, I have made a prediction, nothing more. It is based on discussions with a few people who believe Angle has obtained committments from individual council members, but we won't know that until the votes are actually cast.
Any rumors on who else amongst these giants wants the Presidency? Cusick wants it for his political future. Dowd was a dud! Peg is just not cut out to lead, so I don't know who else.
Angle may be the only real option available.
I think the County needs some time away from pol's who want titles just for their next race. There is a backlog of work to get done without regard to anyones political future!
That is why I wish a bunch of older pol's who aren't trying to make friends and connections for their next future office run would step up in Northampton County, the County desoerately needs that.
Angle may not want the position for his next race, but I can assure you he wants it for his own personal gain. He is a scumbag!!
Will the above comment, referring to Ron Angle as foul slang for a condom be left alone? I think I'm curious as to what constitutes a personal attack.
Statements like that are personal, attackc and at tiles i do delete them. I am more reluctan to delete personal attacks against elected pulice officials than against other commenters.
No worries, I will reiterate my scumbag comment at the next council meeting. After all that is where Angle does all his name calling and personal attack business. In fact I think Bernie has posted some audio of Angle referring to people in a council meeting as "hacks" etc. I see no difference in what was said here and what Angle has said during an official meeting.
Yes he will.
I hope people go to the meeting and call their new Councilmen to vote for Mr. Angle. The Country Club set is putting pressure on the new R's to ignore Angle.
Remind them that the election was not about them and they were elected to clean things up.
Thats,"Mr. Obnoxious Blowhard!"
Love him or hate him,Ron will definitely provide some quality blogging material for all the political junkies out there and I will look forward to the "Workhorse"list next year cause I am sure at the very least we will have more folks at "Council" just to watch the show.LOL
Ms. Weiss I am still offended by your comments about past Administrators!
That's bc you're one of them.
The last time Angle held a County Council office, VP, I think, he was removed by his majority Republican colleagues for making racist slurs against African Americans on the radio.
Angle has not only made racial slurs against African-Americans, he has made anti-semetic comments and thinks women are inferior.
He is a real 21st Century kind if guy. Charles Dertinger will defest him in 2011.
defest him? or infest him
Hey Anon, sorry to piss you off but if the shoe fits wear it if it does not then just let it roll of your back like a duck.If you want to run with the big dogs then you bark or whine and stay at home.I have been tarred and feathered and run out of town only to come back to put my well educated 2 cents in and at the very least I own what I say.That is why I don't hide behind Anonymous
The county should so proud that we have put aside our prejudices and finally elected our first openly gay counsel president. Hopefully Mr. Angle will do as well as Barney Frank has done in Congress. I also think that if Angle were not gay Morganelli would not be going after him.
Ohare did you get your check from Angle yet.
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