How did they do it?
First, they changed the actuarial method used to compute the County's contribution to the retirement fund. Eschewing recent legislative changes that would lessen the burden even more, the County's actuary recommended this new method, which even received the endorsement of Finance Director Vic Mazziotti. Council member Lamont McClure spearheaded that initiative,
Second, Council member John Cusick persuaded colleagues to eliminate $1.6 million slated for "environmentally sensitive" land. Cusick and Angle had disparaged these as worthless swamps while Dertinger protested they are actually "vernal pools."
Third, the Stoffa administration reduced its proposed funding for Wayne Grube Memorial Park and farmland preservation by $1 million.
Finally, to close the $1 million or so outstanding gap between spending and revenue, Stoffa agreed to take it out of the fund balance. "Will that still give us two months of expenses in reserve," Angle asked. "I can't guarantee that," answered Budget Administrator Doran Hamann.
The decision to reduce, but not eliminate, open space funding, had its share of critics. In a nonbinding referendum in 2003, voters overwhelmingly authorized the County to borrow up to $37 million for open space. John Stoffa was elected on the promise that he would actually raise taxes a half mill for open space. McClure called this reduction and reversal the "death knell. It's over. I don't think you'll ever be able to argue to the next council or the council after that, 'Oh, we preserved that money.' "
Jerry Seyfried, serving in his last meeting on Council, had some sage advice. "If you tell the taxpayers of this County something, and then you do something entirely different, you're no better than the federal government. Marty Bechtel [the County's first Exec] used to say, 'Tell the people, be honest with them, tell the people exactly what you're gonna' do, but follow through and do it.' You told the people of this County you were going to use a half mill taxes for your open space program and the whole bit. I support that. I support that. And you should put the money back in and the main reason is that next year you're going to go through the same thing again. The sixteen years - twelve that I sat here and four as County Executive - every year you have problems with the budget. No time is ever a right time to do these things. ... Don't go back on your word to the people. You promised the people this is what you were gonna' do with that half mill of tax, and if you don't do it, you're just like those people in Washington."
So did Stoffa and County Council screw the people who overwhelmingly support open space? Not exactly, but they sure fondled them.
A petulant Ron Angle complained to County Exec John Stoffa, "You broke your word to the taxpayers and shot me with rusty bullets." Stoffa shrugged, "I need a budget."
With the budget out of the way and everyone breathing a sigh of relief, departing Council members Charles Dertinger, Joe Capozzolo and Jerry Seyfried were awarded plaques the size of postage stamps. Dertinger choked back a few tears and thanked everyone. Joe Cap actually started singing, "I did it my way," which set off the smoke alarms. Then Jerry, impersonating Louis Armstrong, began singing "Hello Dolly." That brought sheriffs into Council chambers with guns drawn.
Seyfried has vowed to have his dog-eared copy of the Home Rule Charter framed and presented to Angle.
Seyfried and Capozzolo had a very positive impact on this Council, something noted both by Lamont McClure and Ron Angle. They will be missed, but not by me. Things got pretty bad for a blog that thrives on chaos. I had to go to Allentown.
Jerry is a great guy, Cap is just an Angle toady.
Well so much for integrity and leadership from Stoffa. The guy is a paper boat in a storm.
Was Ron suggesting higher taxes or additional cuts?
Does this mean the non-union Human Services workers (supervisors) are still getting the 7% raises they budgeted for? They got raises of that amount or more last year as well. It is also nice their health care plan costs are lower than other county employees as well. All this and the County want the Human Services union workers to re-open their contract due to the financial situation of the County.
Permission to change topic.
Did you ever get a response to your health debate / League of Women Voters controversy?
Anonymous 2:20, right on, Cap is under Angle's left and right wing, he is working toward running for Grucella's office, widely known in the Slate Belt.
I'm not a fan of Rich's but to mention Joe Cap's name in the same breath is laughable !
The County will end up paying for this no tax increase budget down the line, as Stoffa said. The state will be slicing Human Services to shreds next year because they'll have no money (they used stimulas funds to prop up their budget this year) The County will probably have to donate more to Human Services and on top of this , the county just gave away hundreds of thousands of casino money to Easton for no good reason. Wait till next year. Ought to be interesting!!
Anon 8:45,
I ws told that cards were used bc some people would not ask questions unless they could write them on cards. I suggested that both cards and audience participation be permitted.
Look Dude nobody really gives a flying fig about what Bernie did or did not do 20 some odd years ago.So get a grip and you only have to hit the publish button once.
And everybody is talking about Easton getting money from the Table games. UH>HELLO They have not even passed the table games law yet and we are already counting revenue...close that barn door Bernie,the horse might get out!
"Was Ron suggesting higher taxes or additional cuts?"
In Ron's world, I think there would have been a tax hike. He would have eliminsated ALL open space money, but that would still leave a half mill, around 5%.
"Does this mean the non-union Human Services workers (supervisors) are still getting the 7% raises they budgeted for?"
So far as I know, non-union raises were 2 1/4%.
Did Jerry and Joe really sing? Or is that just added to the story. You should have taped it
They really did sing. Totally amazing.
Bernie O'Hare said...
Anon 8:45,
I ws told that cards were used bc some people would not ask questions unless they could write them on cards. I suggested that both cards and audience participation be permitted.
9:34 AM
Excellent suggestion. Now, let's see if they do it!
Someone asked about a new possible loophole in the proposed health care bill. Here is part of an article that highlights the issue.
WASHINGTON -- A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates.
The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a tweak to that provision weakened it in the bill now moving toward a Senate vote.
As currently written, the Senate Democratic health care bill would permit insurance companies to place annual limits on the dollar value of medical care, as long as those limits are not "unreasonable." The bill does not define what level of limits would be allowable, delegating that task to administration officials.
Typical thiefs.
Wait till the new County Council of conservative Republicans comes in and Stoffa gives them a 30% tax increase their first year!
Oh, how sweet it is.
"It is also nice their health care plan costs are lower than other county employees as well."
The non-union contributions to health care was also raised, so your attempt to vilify non-union workers failed, just like your lack of knowledge regarding the two and one-quarter percent raise.
Good day !.
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All County employees stop complaining. Stoffa has handed out sweetheart contracts with raises of up to 10%. When other counties are giving no raises or very small, Stoffa is throwing the taxpayer money away.
It is no wonder he bankruped the County and now wants huge tax increases.
Bait and switch
Great job Council... giving your managment/non union employees LESS of an increase than the people they Supervise. No wonder Morale is low at the Courthouse. No wonder it is evident that the union staff's run the place. No wonder there is never a Supervisor to be found. The little you saved on salary increases for non union staff is hardly worth it when it comes to short changing those who are to oversee it!!
Another area where the County ship of state remains adrift. This County has no leadership since it has been on auto-pilot for the past four years.
So Joe Cap is running for Grucela's seat in the house? He wont win. Rich is up for reelection next year, lets start a list of who wants his seat. In no particular order, with odds:
1 Ron Angle 10-1 odds
2 Charles Dertinger 50-1
3 Joe Emrick 25-1
4 Len Gruppo 5-1
5 Nick Sabatine 100-1
6 Kay Bucci 100-1
7 John Brown 200-1
8 Loren Rabbat 50-1
9 Joe Capozzolo 25-1
10 Rich Grucela 2-1
11 who do you think?
Angle more like 25-40 to 1 odds. Once outside of the slate Belt his brand of crazy doesn't sell.
The district is the Slate Belt
Anon 1:43, not all of it. Parts of other area's as well that are not Angle types. They think.
All this crap, singing, dancing, wasting the Tax payers money. These guys take this stuff like a game, a joke . Gimme a break! Ron Angle is for the working man. I don't see Ron acting like a Rock Star. This "Joe Cap" is an effin joke. Beg Rich to stay , we need him. Jerry you are nuts.
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