What I've learned about John Callahan campaign manager Justin Schall is very revealing. He's a hired gun. Instead of using local talent, Callahan has apparently allowed the DCCC to send a journeyman completely unfamiliar with the LV. What's more, this mercenary has a reputation for playing dirty.
In 2004, Schall was Howard Dean's Advance Director in Iowa. Remember The Howard Dean Primordial Scream?
Fast forward two years, and you'll find Jonathan in San Jose, where he ran Cindy Chavez' mayoral campaign. (She lost). While there, he tossed the press out of an election night party. "This may go down as one of the only cases in local election history that a working member of the local press was unceremoniously plucked from a media event filled with TV cameras because the publication failed to write nice things about a campaign that refused to talk."
Sound familiar?
What's really fascinating about that campaign is that Schall was involved, at least peripherally, in setting up a now defunct hate blog called "San Jose Revealed." This anonymous blog actually posted maps to the residences of its targets, including a deputy district attorney. In one instance, it resulted in vandalism and swastika graffiti. Schall and Phillip Bump, the actual blog administrator, were tagged as the "dynamic duo of political dirty tricks." The blog was apparently funded by unions.
Someone purporting to be Schall denied this accusation, even though the blog's registration went right back to his then Florida fax number. We find these very mature remarks, ostensibly from him. "Bahahaha…i find this entire thing sooooo funny i am actually choosing to post for the second time on this silly site. I haven’t read this site since 06 and i forgot how humorous it was….RICO…bahahahaha. ok. laughing too hard to type now. bye bye san jose inside. thanks for the chuckles.
oh yeah. ps. i have never had any invovlement in ANY blog. losers. "
After striking out in San Jose, Schall surfaced two years later in Corning, N.Y., where he actually ran Eric Massa's successful congressional race in Corning, NY. He had bragged that a Massa loss would be a "statistical improbability," but then watched this supposedly insurmountable lead vanish on election night. Massa squeaked by 129,775-125,709.
Last Spring, Schall signed on as the campaign manager for Steve Israel's U.S. Senate campaign against Kirsten Gillibrand. But Israel pulled out, so Schall instead managed Eric Goia's campaign against Mark Green and others for NYC Public Advocate. Not surprisingly, that race turned nasty. The Goia camp accused Green of hiding his wealth. Despite raising more money then any of his opponents, Goia finished third with 18.40% of the vote
Before being hired by Callahan, Schall was rejected as a campaign manager by NY Governor David Patterson in September.
Maybe Patterson googled Schall. That's probably something Callahan should have done, too.
Now I'll wait for a new blog, "Lehigh Valley Revealed," that posts maps to all of my secret estates.
Did you bother to proof any of this libilous Milan smut before you put it on your disgusting blog?
My good man. I proof all my posts. Incidentally, this is an O'Hare original. I have links to every allegation.
"....working member of the local press was unceremoniously plucked from a media event filled with TV cameras because the publication failed to write nice things about a campaign that refused to talk."
Sound familiar?
No. It doesn't. What are you referring to? Surely you can't be talking about any event that you were tossed out of? LOL
One last time Bernard - you are NOT legitimate real press. You are NOT a real reporter.
No one would hire you. All you do is google articles all over the WWW and post your insane opinions.
You DO entertain. That I will give you! :)
How do you afford to do this anyway? Last I heard you were a disbarred attorney who washes up in the Northampton County Courthouse rest room. Are there ads on your site that pay for your living expenses? Do you have a real job?
Will you answer that question please, or just delete the post? I really am curious how one can find the time to run a site like this and still maintain a job.
Glad I entertain you. When have I ever claimed to be legitimate press or a "real" reporter? I am just a blogger.
In case you missed it, there are links to every claim made.
What sounds familiar to me? Not being kicked out of a party, although that has happened to me many times before I ever started blogging. What sounds familiar is a campaign that refuses to discuss issues. It did not work for Chavez and will not work for Callahan.
How do I support myself? I've read I'm on the take, and would like to know where the money is so I can spend some of it.
Blogging is my passion, but I make my living by searching titles. Even Fleck could do that.
Try researching better next time. Israel wasn't challenging Schumer, no one below J.C. is challenging him. Israel was challenging Gillibrand. To even be considered to manage someone running statewide in NY is ridiculously hard to get into the mix for. You also fail to mention his stint as a staffer on the Clinton campaign at a very senior level, or that Massa won in a formerly dead red-seat. This doesn't make the rest of your case look great.
Yea, dude. This post is ridiculous. We all know you're not a reporter or a journalist, but I didn't know that you could make bloggers could look so petty and insignificant with bullshit like this.
I like how you talk about campaigns "slinging mud" in a negative light -- like you don't do that on here with every post you make.
Bringing down blogger credibility? That is something to be proud of. You call the dude from WorldNetDaily. Maybe you two can hang out.
I bow to your superior knowledge of NY politcs. I checked my link and realized it was indeed Gillibrand. I've corrected my post, thanks to you. I did not mention the Clinton connection because I could not find anything more than a notation that he was involved in two off-site events. Massa did win, and I think I noted that, but was surprised to see such a close race in a campaign in which Schall had been bragging.
But what really boggles the mind is San Jose. That's just nuts. Unfortunately, I found several sources linking Schall to what appears to have been a dirty campaign.
He's had like - one win. This is a heavy hitter? He may have worked one of Hillary's US Senate races, but I can't nail that down and don't have his resume. I'm sure he didn't manage it.
What bothers me most about these guys is they are all outsiders. They do not have a clue about the LV, and as a result, make big mistakes.
Sure, I believe in negative campaigning. But there's a difference between that and getting involved in a blog that posts directions to someone's home. You don't get personal. I have criticized Callahan, and it is negative, but you won't see me get personal.
My stuff is going to annoy the hell out of you, especially since you oppose Dent. But what I've posted is accurate. I did have one factual error about the US Senate race in NY, and corrected that, thanks to Rich. He made my post a little better, although he won't like that.
You folks snark Shawn Millan repeatedly, but don't like it when someone looks at your hired gun's record. Oh well.
Don't pretend like you're the least bit concerned about the effectiveness and overall efficiency of the Callahan campaign.
You would love nothing more than to have people leading Callahan's campaign to make "big mistakes," so that Dent will have an easier ride -- despite all of the awful mistakes he's made on behalf of his constituents as our congressperson.
I think I might just organize people to donate to Callahan's campaign every time you post a mud-slinging article towards his campaign or a blind-following talking-point post for Dent. Also, I'm going to write an op-ed to the local papers about a different terrible thing that Dent has done to the Lehigh Valley with every one of these posts.
Keep them coming!
And I would just like to point out that I would never make a post about Shawn Millan solely based on hearsay.
rylock, this is how he reports not only about Dent but other mancrushes like the frauds Angle and Stoffa. Most of his soft-ball love pieces about them are balanced by his vicious attacks on their opponents.
He is well known around the Courthouse for the unbalanced whack job he has always been. So many people feel sorry for him they throw him some jobs now and then. Most of his bills are paid by Angle and Stoffa who subsidize his political site.
I have no problem with some combat, so I'm glad to have helped. In general, I think going after staff is kind of out of bounds. I moved around the country a lot in 2007-2008 working the Presidential race, and in every place I went, I was the outsider. I'd like to think that wasn't such a bad thing, and I know it was good for me to see. Ultimately, these races are not about staff members anyway, but about records, and what you're going to do for people.
I don't pretend I'm the least bit concerned about the effectiveness and overall efficiency of the Callahan campaign. But a candidate who is ineffective and inefficient will result in a Congressman who is ineffective and inefficient. Has that crossed your mind?
Write your op-eds. Raise your money. That's the First Amendment, dude. That's the way it works. I'm exercising my First Amendment rights, too, and will not be bullied by you or anyone else into telling me what I may and may not choose to write about.
As far as hearsay goes, gee, what am I supposed to do? When I've called Callahan, I've been ignored.
Anon 2:55 is bob Daday, a former Glenn Reibman hallwalker, who lost his marbles after Stoffa cut off his unemployment. A very bitter man who will lie.
Rising Sun, I think Callahan's personal life is off limits and so is his wonderful family. But I think the people he chooses to run his campaign reflect the kind of people he will choose as staffers in Congress. I am not impressed.
That is fine, and certainly if they make statements on his behalf, it's open game. I hit anything Shawn Millan says regarding the campaign. My point is that the two guys running are the issue here in the end.
I'm not bullying you into anything! If you've ever seen me, you'll notice quickly that I'm 5'8" and 140 lbs. I'm not much of a bully.
Just trying to point out two things:
1) I'm not going to allow all of your negative propaganda to adversely affect Callahan's campaign.
2) And maybe you should spend your time actually researching and blogging about things that are relevant and factual.
Just a crazy suggestion.
"My point is that the two guys running are the issue here in the end."
Agreed, Rich.
"1) I'm not going to allow all of your negative propaganda to adversely affect Callahan's campaign."
If this is perceived as nothing more than negative propoganda, you won't have to lift a finger. I will have done myself in. The real danger is that it's not. In this case, for example, I am not regurgitating talking points. I independently researched Schall after one of you posted a comment claiming that Callahan's campaign is some spontaneous grassroots effort.
"2) And maybe you should spend your time actually researching and blogging about things that are relevant and factual."
Um, This post is both. It's relevant in the sense that it shows the kind of people Callahan has chosen to run his campaign. And it is factual.
But thank you for telling me what I should be writing about. Geez.
Have you met the local talent? Going outside the Lehigh Valley seems to only make sense.
Pretty easy job...you don't really have to do anything....kind of like Dent's record.
Sorry for this sidebar…but since were talking about hired guns……I will ask that Dent campaign to finally pay one of his campaign workers from the last election the same amount ($100) that was paid to the real estate group that helped him wage a Dem Write-in during the May 2006 primary. I suspect Charlie does not know about this women but some of his first tier workers should know who is passing out lit at the polls for them on Election day.
This very nice and needy women from center city Allentown was approached by a guy named Gino to work ALL day for $50 (maybe Gino kept the other $50). She worked from at least 7:30AM until 8PM when the poll closed. She was given a packet with someone else’s name on it.....an apparent no show. She did not know anything about Charlie and was doing it strictly for the money. Albeit, she did her job.
Later that spring, I ran into this same women walking Hamilton Street pushing a cart. I asked her if she got paid $50 or $100 like the other workers. She said NO, I never got paid at all......can you help me?
I would trust that campaign would find her (through the hired gun named Gino) and pay this women a respectful $100 for standing out in the cold on November 4, 2008.
Her name was Gladies.
Didn’t the Dem’s bring in outside help with Cunningham’s first campaign for county exec? The Levi fellow who ended up on the payroll after the victory. He left after a year or so for greener pastures.
If one compares the political contests in the valley between the D’s and the R’s it becomes clear one side is almost all local while the other is all outside money and talent. The result of the outside help is the obligation on the part of the Dem beneficiary to be a good team player once elected.
Remember while Callahan may or may not be the best thing since sliced bread the goal of the nation in 2010 should be to defeat Democrats. His(Callahan's) party has put people with extreme views into powerful government positions, is writing extreme legislation, and willing to enter into extreme treaties based on fraudulent science. They will drive this country off a cliff unless they are checked in next falls general elections.
The Republicans were guilty of not living up to their principles, the Dem’s are now guilty of living up to theirs and more.
Scott Armstrong
With all due respect Mr. Armstrong. Free-greed policies from the past threw this Country of course. Make no mistake about it.
After campaigning for and supporting for George W. Bush twice, you'd think you'd shut your mouth about a political party being a disaster. I'm not happy with some of the policies of this administration, however they'd have to try really really hard to top the Bush crime syndicate that you so adamantly supported and defended for 8 years.
Your political party is pretty much 75% responsible for all the awful that plagues this nation right now. The other 25% is the responsibility of the DLC.
There hasn't been a liberal in the oval office since Richard Nixon. Since Carter, the embrace of the private sector, which has always failed to do the right thing without government intervention has been embraced.
It seems that Callahan has been a popular mayor. Why would he go outside the district.
Sounds like a poor decision. Reminds us of that Philly guy vs. Dent.
Its funny, because when your golden boy Don Cunningham brought Levi Price (of questionable moral character and plenty of scandal) on board for what he thought was going to be the run up to a gubernatorial campain, I don't recall you making a post getting into all the dirty details.
That's probably because (a) I was not blogging then, and (b) there are no dirty details.
Scott Armstrong, the only man who could make staffing campaigns into a partisan issue on the internet. Go figure. Hey Scott, please do continue preaching to us, your record as chair of the Allentown Dems really makes you look like an expert
Bernie: Based on the number of mean spirited attacks on your article, I'd say you've done a fine job exposes a very relevent angle in this race. Nice work!
I invite and encourage people to disagree. That's fine. I am glad that many people care, but am not glad that i went into the wee hours arguing various points when I belonged in bed. Too many late nights.
Rail against me all you want that won’t change the facts. The Democrat Party is now an extremist party. The Republicans were betrayers of their own principles; the Democrats, however, are rashly attempting to fulfill all of their socialist big government dreams without public input, public notice, public disclosure or even careful consideration.
These actions are alarming and the public is taking notice. Many will no doubt view as dubious the wisdom of adding another Democrat (Callahan) to the extremist team that now controls our federal government.
Scott Armstrong
Rising sun,
You are so right about Armstrong, what a loser. Thank god we knew better than to support any of his candidates.
Allentown Democrat Voter
Scott is delusional, most on the left in this country are mad at the President for not being more liberal. President Obama on a lot of economic issues is to the right of Nixon and Eisenhower and yet Scott is whining about extremism. Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan would both fail the modern GOP purity test and think you Tea Baggers were nuts.
Jacob, Feel free to take Scott on for his views, but why would you want to use a disparaging sexual term?
As the previous hired gun in the Valley, let me say John has done the right thing. With much, love let me say the Valley doesn't have anyone with the experience to run a targeted congressional (partly because you ostracize anyone who would leave to get experience, but that's another rant). Which left him with options of looking elsewhere in the state or out of the state. This is why he made the right choice:
To pick someone up with the experience in the state you're getting someone from another politicians "camp" Rendell, Casey, someone. That person will always be thinking about their own career in PA. If things go well you can count on them to take credit, if they go poorly they will be the first ones to leak it "to save their own creditability".
By going with an outsider he's getting someone whose only connection to PA is him. People can say a lot of things about me, but no one will say I was anything but loyal to Don. When things didn't work out I quietly came back to Colorado, didn't try to flip to Onorato, or Pawlowski, or even John. I showed up for Don, worked for Don, and when I was done, I left.
Let me say if the Valley had a native daughter or son, who had the level of experience in the variety of locations (yes, amazingly you can learn things traveling and working in other areas) that Justine appears to, then of course they would be the best choice; the Valley simply doesn't. Shawn Milan is a no-holds-barred bare knuckle campaign manger who like to go negative quick and end the race. John needs someone who know how to fight back (including how to set up "independent" websites).
In thirteen years I've worked on campaigns in eight states ranging from school board to presidential, I'm 35, single and rent. I have given up a lot to pursue the goal of getting democrats elected, I have given my heart, my soul, and my years to the cause. There were many in the Valley to whom that mattered nothing because I wasn't born there. Not only was their resistance hurtful personally, it hurt democrats politically. I can only hope in a year the democrats finally have a real chance to win the 15th, people will embrace the fact that John Callahan has decided to do what gives him the best chance of winning in November.
Um, This post is both. It's relevant in the sense that it shows the kind of people Callahan has chosen to run his campaign. And it is factual.
You can't assume that something is factual. Facts don't work that way.
But thank you for telling me what I should be writing about. Geez.
I apologize for asking for a blog -- that a surprising amount of people get their information from -- make sure things are true before posting them to try and serve a politician that you have a crush on.
And you've told me specifically what to write before! And I've done it! And I enjoyed it.
Weren't they calling themselves Tea baggers for a while? Fine Tea Partiers. I apologize to people who engage in the sexual activity for comparing them to the loons on the right.
I never told you what to write about. I made you an offer, and you tok me up on it. I will keep my end of the bargain.
Are you suggesting that Schmall did not work the NYC public advocate race, that he did not work for Dean, that he was not involved in all those goofy antics in the Chavez race? If this were true, there would be no need for links. As I indicated several times, I am quite comfortable with the accuracy of what I wrote.
Believe it or not, I like some Republicans and like some Democrats. Perhaps that is why a "surprising" number of people do read this blog. When you discover that I like Dent, you claim I have a "crush" on him. How infantile is that? Would you make the same claim for Cunningham or Clinton or even Al Gore, three other Democrats I happen to like. Frankly, that remark is insulting and slightly homophobic, not the best attitude in a supposed progressive. But I notice that supposed progressives have no problem making homophobic and even racial commentas when it suits their purposes.
Since you're going to start fundraising and writing op-eds every time I post something about Dent, you better quit your job now. You have inspired me.
Thanks for your POV, Levi. Much appreciated.
Jacob, So far as I knowm, these right-wingers never called themselves tea-baggers. When I first heard that comment, i laughed. It was funny. But now it is so old it's growing hair and it is a disparaging reference.
You are welcome! I'm glad you're finally inspired. I'm here to help!
And I fully admit the crushes that I have on some politicians! Why don't you? Barack Obama, Sherrod Brown, and, oh man, don't even get me started on Anthony Weiner. I could talk about that stud all day. I think the fact that you think using the word "crush" to describe another man is homophobic, it says more about your own insecurities.
I appreciated your "offer!" I'll make you a similar offer to try and not perpetuate rumors (like the blog that you claim Schall was a part of) and try and have them come off as fact. Some people on here might think that you do real research! I'm just asking you to be fair, whether you hate somebody, or have a crush on them.
Can't we all just get along?!
Great posts( for those of us on the right). Keep up the good work.
Scott Armstrong
Levi....you introduced logic into the conversation....
thank you....
Good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.
My Howard Stern listening has taught me that "teabagging" is the description of the sexual act of placing one's scrotum over another's face.
It was first used derisively by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, whom "Out" magazine ranked second of fifty in its 2007 "Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America.
The left's obsession with the term is juvenile, but understandable.
Bob A. Booey.
Levi's primarily right, but in my experience traveling the country, having some local folks around is a good thing. I would have to generally second his points though.
Your party gets anymore extreme, Mussolini would think you guys have gone to far.
I know, tax cuts, decreased regulation, and increased military spending will save the empire...of course that is what got us into the mess in the first place.
Levi is partially right ... except that the Lehigh Valley is a very tough environment for an outsider to navigate on the Dem side. Callahan would be better off finding a local person who knows how to manage a campaign, knows the District and knows how to operate in DC and not let the DC people take over the campaign. Of course there are no "young guns" who meet those qualifications so he will have to go with the best he can get.
Didn't used to be that way in the Valley. We used to have some fairly competent political consultants but they got old and left or, like Jack Pressman, moved on to other lives or died too young.
Isn't supporting Wall Street bonuses with taxpayer money a bit extreme and irresponsible?
Check out the guy in the background of the photo that Rylock uses.
The fellow is rubbing his fingers against his temples and he's wearing this expression on his face like he's unable to believe that someone could possibly be as stupid as the fellow rocking the mic.
I feel the same way whenever I read a Rylock post.
So in a way, thanks to Rylock for providing some unintentional comedic relief to counterbalance the drearily self-important posts he plasters here.
"I think the fact that you think using the word "crush" to describe another man is homophobic, it says more about your own insecurities."
Ahh, the old switcheroo ploy of a true homophobe. Well-volleyed, Rylock!
Anon 6:57,
I love when young people take an interest in politics, so I really enjoy the give and take w/ Ryloc, Jacob or Jonathan, or Rich (Rising Sun). Callahan supporters are welcome to try and convert me as I try and convert them.
Bernie, You've been around for a while. Is there really any local Democratic consultant who knows how to run a successful Congressional campaign? I don't know of any. We haven't even had a Democrat in that office since McHale. If there is nobody around locally who can run a winning campaign then I can't blame Callahan for going outside the area to hire a campaign manager.
I've been around too long. There are some decent local Dem consultants like Bar Johnston, Rob Hopkins and Steve Shaak. I know Steve is out of the game, Rob may be out temporarily, and I don't know about Bar. I do see your point. I know of some gifted young folks who are thinking seriously about consulting, but it's too soon for them to work a race of this magnitude.
Wid all do respect, God Father of the teabagging movement, Glenn Beck used the term, "Teabaggers" multiple times on his show.
If you get angry over a word best not to run around in such haste to attack a Democratic President. It could be worse your first idea of the, "Cunning Linquists of the Constitution" was a good one to pass up.
Every one of these young turks think they are a consultant because they saw the film "Primary Colors". Most are legends in their own minds.
I'm having a fantastic time!
Bernie, Did any of the Dem consultants you mentioned as having talent run a winning Democratic candidate for Congress in the 15th? Just curious.
No wonder the fool got elected President...
Anon 8:37 am
Bernie probably doesn't know the answer to your question but Shaak worked on McHale's first campaign in 1992. He was not the manager, though. That post was held by some union guy or union lobbyist who was, I think, a local guy or had local connections.
It was so long ago but that was the last time a Democrat won.
Who cares if a campaign manager is local? That's absurd. Shawn Millan could be from Birtmingham AL for all I know. Who gives a rat's ass?
I appreciate the nice things you say about me, but I could not even think about running Callahan’s Congressional campaign; even if I were still in the “political hack business”. To run that level of campaign successfully you need experience and contacts that my local races do not provide. Most of my experience working on national campaigns was over 15 years ago and I have not maintained all of those skills or contacts.
Folks like Levi and Justin do make great sacrifices for the races they work on, they needed to dig up their roots and instantly cultivate new relationships in their campaign districts; certainly not an easy task in any area. My choice many years ago was to stay rooted in the Lehigh Valley, and I’m glad I did. I must say that Levi did a great job on the Don’s campaign, providing an aptitude that a local might not have been able to impart. Likewise, I trust that Justin will bring a distinctive flavor to John’s campaign for Congress. In politics, an outsider’s perspective is often necessary to see the whole picture.
Rob you bring reason and logic to a place it is not usually found, an Ohare blog!
You do realize that the "statistical improbability" quote was made after election night. What he referred to as a statistical improbability was Kuhl regaining enough ground on absentee ballots and ballot recanvassing to overcome Massa's election night lead. As Massa did win, it looks like Schall was right.
Thanks for the self-serving explanation Schall.
Who is "Massa"? The only Massa I know are the islanders who work on Angles sugar plantation. That is how he makes them address him, "Massa", the crops are harvested.
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