It's the thought that counts.
Right around the time that Callahan was hanging with his peeps from SEIU, they were bullying a 17 year-old Eagle Scout candidate, who had the nerve to clear a pathway at a local park. They made sure their voices were heard at Allentown City Council, where a local union rep declaimed "there's to be no volunteers." He's mad that the city laid off 39 of its members, although they refused to agree to wage concessions. "We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails," the union rep threatened.
Amazingly, the very next day, Callahan was telling he press how proud he is of these bullies.
By the way, how many cub scouts does it take to do the work of 39 SEIU members?
Yesterday, Congressman Dent sent a strongly worded letter to SEIU, suggesting that an apology to the Scout and the public is warranted. You can read his letter below.
Instead of posting this letter as soon as it fell into my hot little hands, as I'd usually do, I decided for some reason to try to be fair. So I called Callahan to ask if he is still proud of SEIU. His secretary, who was very nice, took my phone number. I even gave her my email address. I laid out what had happened and told her Congressman Dent had already condemned this greedy interference with a boy scout. Callahan and Dent may be on opposite sides in a congressional race, but I actually expected a bipartisan condemnation of this kind of union thuggery.
While I sat by the phone, waiting for Callahan's call, that no-good bastard, Scott Kraus, managed to beat me with this story at Pennsylvania Avenue. He even posted Dent's letter.
As you may have guessed, and as I should have expected, Callahan ducked me. Perhaps it's beneath him to speak to a blogger, although he did a blogger interview some months ago. More likely, he's afraid he may alienate the very union he praised the day after they bullied a boy scout. He might have to answer why scouts do no community service in Bethlehem's parks.
Are you beginning to see a pattern? Rather than leading from the front, Callahan hides in city hall, with a wet finger in the air, checking to see which way the wind is blowing. He's already refused to take a position on Pelosi care. Now, he's afraid to speak up for a 17 year-old boy scout.
Is this what you want in Congress?
Hard to not vote for a Republican that shares your values.
Callahan didn't duck you dick brain. The guy is smart enough to know there is no value in talking to a Dent loyalist like you.
That is about as fair as an Iranian Court trying a Isreali National.
Why the Hell would he not want to talk to a prick who has been bad mouthing him for months and will twist whatever he says to suit his boy Dent.
bernie, the pattern is clearly by you. although i support dent, i realize that the bethlehem union is not responsible for words from the allentown representative, or the detroit representative. you know that also, but it doesn't fit your agenda. ironically, until callahan announced he was running against dent, you supported him. imagine, if down the run cunningham runs against dent? which one would you throw under the bus?
I think the Democrats are going to need a lot more money to win this race.So far Callahan seems to be picking up where Sam left off. It is at least amusing.
Scott Armstrong
I know that Millan would somehow link Callahan to this. It must be nice just to copy and paste your posts.
Dent not supporting the working man is nothing new. We have had years of it from him. 39 workers from Allentown are laid off. And Dent is up in arms about the leader of the union of those workers complaining about it. What a joke of a representative.
How do those 39 workers feel? How are they going to give their kids Christmas gifts?
Dent fails to consider that. Dent saw a hot button issue and grapped it. That is not leadership...that is following!
We need a real leader for the 15th!
Molo's right. These were comments of a local union leader, not the rank and file or their state or regional associations.
We should be thankful that we have two good choices-not Dertinger. Most congressional races don't even have one choice. Cherish the moment. I look forward to the election and real issues-not Eagle scout projects. Besides the Boy Scouts are becoming more and more a has been organization. Membership numbers continue to fall and America's population continues to increase. There are communities in the Lehigh Valley that use to have lots of troops-that don't have any today.
Callahan has a lot to do, but Dent represents a party that has been out of touch.
As I said before, I look forward to the election
Where is Dent's Bethlehem headquarters?
Think Dent and Callahan are good choices. Far better than that guy who moved into townhouse
for the duration and thought we were so dumb we wouldn't notice.
Unless Callahan has a problem with blacks, he'll be standing next to Barry on December 4. At that time, he'll officially own the entirety of Obama's agenda.
Obama made a bad economy exponentially worse and there are no signs of improvement. Obama is Jimmy Carter redux. And Callahan will have to wear the Obama/Carter disaster like an anchor around his neck.
Dent is inoculate from the deepest lefty hatred by his support of abortion. He enjoys tremendous D support. He simply can't be beaten in this district in this election year.
"How do those 39 workers feel? How are they going to give their kids Christmas gifts?"
They feel like 10.2% of us who've also lost our jobs in this economy: awful, and with lots of company.
I'm not blaming Boy Scouts, though.
Anon 7:16, Congressman Dent's LV Office is at 701 West Broad Street
Suite 200, Bethlehem, PA 18018. I don't know the location of his campaign bunker.
"i realize that the bethlehem union is not responsible for words from the allentown representative, or the detroit representative."
MM, Callahan did not qualify his endorsement of SEIU, nor was it the bethlehem SEIU at that demo. The entire union bears the responsibility fo and should be ashamed by the public statements of one of their elected presidents.
Your comment is motivated primarily by personal animosity.
"How do those 39 workers feel? How are they going to give their kids Christmas gifts?"
Pawlowski, as I understansd it, did not unilaterally make this decision. he asked for some kind of wage or benefit concessions. The union not only refused, but would not even allow their members to vote on the proposal. So if you want someone to blame, you might start with that union president.
"How do those 39 workers feel? How are they going to give their kids Christmas gifts?"
Those 39 workers can ask their union brothers that question.
Here's what happened - the City asked the SEIU for contract concessions (defer 1/2 of the contracted 8.9% pay raise) in return for no layoffs. The members with seniority screwed over their younger members by voting no, keeping the larger raise for themselves and causing those 39 layoffs.
That 8.9% was not a typo. Jeez, they would have had to limp along with a 4.95% raise instead, and kept their members working.
Pawlowski made the right call. He gave the union a choice which was permitted under the contract, the union chose layoffs.
So lay the blame where it belongs. Right on the union.
The Banker
Wow. Within just fourteen posts we had the obligatory "what about the poor laid-off government workers' Christmas celebrations."
I would say that they could hope for charity and support from volunteers but that's against union bylaws.
I obviously disagree with SEIU on this one. Their point about needed jobs is completely understandable, but there was no reason to act so childish. If it was a necessity for the city, they should have taken the pay cut and to save their workers.
That being said, Bernie, do you really think that Callahan is dodging questions because he didn't respond to you? Dude, come on. I like you and all -- but come on. Callahan not calling you back for comment on your blog is almost no different from Callahan not calling me back for a comment on my blog.
Seriously, man. Watch the ego.
Gotta love how the children were once again used as political props
Boy Scouts a has-been organization?
Kind of like the United States of America is a has-been country?
Good leaders try to be responsive. This has nothing to do w/ my ego. It has to do with accountability and transparency. It has something to do with my readers or your readers, too.
I have noticed that good leaders try to respond to questions, or if they are too busy, will have a staffer handle it. If you had called Callahan, i think he or someone in his office should speak to you. Even if i call Lisa Boscola, who has no love for me, someone in her office will get back to me.
That's the way it works in a democracy. Now maybe in your world, we should all genuflect as an elected official walks by and just hope he answers our supplications, but I have a different view.
So what we have is a Congressional candidate unwilling to state his position on Pelosi care, unwilling to state his position on the boy scouts and unwilling to have someone answer a few questions that might have actually helped him. Not very impressive, my man.
I don't think this is the way to get elected.
Wow, whoever defended this self-serving and obnoxious gesture on the part of SEIU by claiming that the BSA is a "has-been organization" is making a desperate argument. Organized religion is this country is "has-been". Two-parent households has become "has-been". Service organizations like Rotary, Kiwanis and the Lions Club are a bunch of "has-beens". Volunteer service is only for "has-beens". Anything that has made our country great is now a "has-been". Instead of admiring BSA for building character, community service and love of country, a minority of morons consider them to be "has-beens". Any wonder why this country is headed in the wrong direction?
None whatsoever.
Liberals are in chargen now.
What did you expect?
The point is that the scouts are not a prominent issue for this campaign.
Yeah, all those things: Honor, Duty, God and Country and the moral code are relevant and not forgotten.
On the other hand, the organization that sponsors these thoughts has failed to keep pace with the times: no minority members, decreasing membership numbers in face of increasing population, little or no service to many communities and regions.
To combat these problems: lies about membership numbers, inadequate review of leadership and abuse of children, redefining morality, butting heads with United Ways and communities. This is an organization that is becoming a has been.
I can't admire an organization that has forgotten what it was originally all about.
Beautiful -- Union goons stop a volunteer project and a-holes like Anon 1:39 try to run down the Scouts.
No minority members? Are you aware of all the efforts and support that the Boy Scouts of America give to City Scouting?
You know what? Why don't you improve the overall state of humanity and shut up for the like next year? You've lost your "I'm allowed to interact with other humans" card. You're ready for SEIU membership, you turd that walks like a person.
I hear next week Dent will stand with Car owners on their right to use their cars. he may even have a Proclamation.
Don't worry Ohare will have a blog dedicated to the event.
Anon. 4:49
I hear that next week you'll learn how to use a potty instead of crapping on the internet. Dent will issue a proclamation and maybe Bernie will blog about it.
Just call you Ron Obvious.
Oh, when you look for
The Union Label
Then you will find one
Who is not able
Who cannot make, his value known
Who cannot stand out, on his own
Working man my ass. Everyone works, just some use their hands, and some use their heads.
Union "Brothers" throw 39 of your own under the bus to get your nonsensical raise. You think you are "a working man", but you did exactly what you accuse managers and owners of doing. You put your own benefit first.
And BTW - Just whose responsibility is it, anyway, to create a business that meets the needs of a viable market, and then put their capital at risk to start a business that provides 7am-3pm jobs (and then off to the bar with no worries until tomorrow, or call in for an accumulated sick day) for "a working man"? Moreover, since when is it the duty of the taxpayer to provide for the comfy living of "a working man"?
Dent is way out in front on this one, while Mr. Callahan panders to ThugNation.
Cally is gonna get thumped good.
Anon: 3:41
City Scouting: At best an oxymoron.
Trexler Trust funds that program for Allentown kids. Forget Bethlehem and Easton and all the urban kids hiding in between. Easton just turned down a request for funding the program. So, BSA relies on donations and does not pay for the program out of pocket.
And, by the way, if you really want to save this organization. i call attention to your last comment. If you ignore everyth ing Scouting is about, the organization will die.
A Scout is Courteous.
A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along. (The fifth point of the Scout Law)
You have an opinion, I'll respect it, but name calling is for people who never made it to Tenderfoot.
I guess I'm just the Dirty Harry of scouting.
So I'll call you a union suck-up, with courtesy on top. All better?
As I stated before:
"a has been organization"
This is dumber than dumb. If our leadership was doing anything at all to save jobs, the SEIU would have nothing to complain about.
Here's a simple litmus test for Charlie Dent, Callahan or Jake Towne. The first one to come out and promise to use their office to break the backs of the SEIU and the NEA have my vote, and if none of them will, maybe I'll jump in too.
First they came for the Boy Scouts . . .
Why the caps? Upset?
If you want to support someone who has yet to even take a firm position on the Bethlehem hot dog gude, be my guest.
Anon 5:28 regardless of who pays for it the urban scouting program, Socutreach has done a tremendous job in the Allentown SD trying to provide young boys with an alternative to gang membership. Just ask the principal at Cleveland Elementary. It is insensitive louts who refer to scouting as a "has-been" organization who are the problem. They are probably living in their cushy yuppie farms far away from the society that BSA is trying desperately to effect in a positive way.
The problem is that I don't live in the cushy suburbs on a yuppy farm. I live in the city, and I can testify that Scouting left the city and moved following its rich, endowed supporters to the suburbs. There is no scouting program for urban kids. Yeah, there's a couple of stories, but, by and large, most urban kids are victims of their environment. I met too many kids who wanted to belong, but those affluent, suburban scouts had no room. No one is paying for the programs to impact the number of kids who need the help. It is becoming a has been organization
Stop whining and do something like the people you criticize have long done. Why not get the dads involved? That's how it's done.
"Why the caps? Upset?"
Caps just seemed to convey the sarcasm better.
"If you want to support someone who has yet to even take a firm position on the Bethlehem hot dog gude, be my guest."
I won't support a candidate until I know 100% of what I want to know about them. Right now, we are slightly under a year away from the election...
WHOA! Maybe I just figured it out.
Do you think the election is in a few weeks, or something? If so, I apologize for all my previous remarks. The congressional election is actually Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010.
Man! Glad we cleared that up and we can move off of this ridiculous topic finally.
Oh, I have. I ran a unit for years.
Problem is the organization. Has this hang=up with all kinds of urban people. They use to have a problem with people who could be illegal aliens. Now, they dropped that problem.
It's all the same. You point out the problems. You get shouted down, called names and no one wants to understand your position.
Look at the posts on this website. With all your venom, do you really think that you are going to survive? As I said, scouting is no longer relevant. It lacks vision and purpose. It forgot what it was all about.
Ryloc, I didn't start this campaign early. That is Callahan. Rememeber he announced how all these burning issues compel him to enter the race? And he's been fundraising and taking his shots at Dent.
I'd just like to know where he stands. I know he supports a sales tax increase. I know he supported the stim package. That's about it.
If these burnng issues forced him into this race so early, why shouldn't he share how he feels?
When is Dent going to focus on somehthing important? He's the czar of irrelevant obscure issues. I hear they found a 150 year old veteran of the Spanish American War in a cave in Hawk mountain he needs to give a laser printed certficate of appreciation to.
Well said. His letter to the union was his first major piece of legislation.
It was legislation, wasn't it?
I mean, why would an elected official express personal views on government stationery unless it was a bill. Right?
I always thought that elected officials used the mail and their office for official business.
Anon 5:05, hope you are not missusing the provisions of the Patriot Act for political purposes. That could really be embarrasing.
Oh, oh. The Liberal Terror From the Planet RYLOCK sounds cranky tonight. Somebody better give him his bottle.
Again the joke hear is that RYLOCK and all his Democrat pals keep on pissing in our ears about how great their health care bill is. But if it is so great, why don't more Democrat candidates like Callahan endorse it. If this is really going to fix health care instead of turning it into a messy diaper -- we would expect Callahan to be supporting the bill.
Politico recently did an article on Democrat candidates that just can't commit to Nancy.
"When is Dent going to focus on somehthing important? He's the czar of irrelevant obscure issues. I hear they found a 150 year old veteran of the Spanish American War in a cave in Hawk mountain he needs to give a laser printed certficate of appreciation to."
Thanks for denigrating my father's service in the Merchant Marine. Good post for the Callahan supporters.
I like Rylock. He's young and energized. I wish more young people cared like him. I love arguing with him, and he wrote a great piece defending Pelosi care. I will be linking to it. Now I think he's wrong, but as I told him, let the better argument win.
"I'd just like to know where he stands. I know he supports a sales tax increase. I know he supported the stim package. That's about it."
What about on your golden ticket issue of health care? John said that he thinks health care reform is urgent because the status quo is unsustainable, he thinks that any proposed bill shouldn't cut patient-care from Medicare, he thinks that the bill should reduce the deficit over the long-term, and he thinks that a public option is an essential component of health care reform, because it is a mechanism for lowering cost and reduces the deficit.
Look at that! Now you know more.
And you are welcome.
"I always thought that elected officials used the mail and their office for official business."
Actually, Dent's letter was official business. He represents the people of the LV, and has the right to admonish a public union rep for bullying a service organization.
Rylock, Are you trying to tell me now that Callahan has taken a position on health care? Well, you better tell him bc I don't think he knows it. He has yet to say whether he supports Pelosi care.
Gee, for someone who hasn't decided to support him, you're going way out of your way to defend him. Why don't you let him defend himself?
"John said that he thinks health care reform is urgent because the status quo is unsustainable, he thinks that any proposed bill shouldn't cut patient-care from Medicare, he thinks that the bill should reduce the deficit over the long-term, and he thinks that a public option is an essential component of health care reform, because it is a mechanism for lowering cost and reduces the deficit."
Wow. It is clear now. Don't vote for Callahan.
Thanks for cutting through all of John's "maybe I do, maybe I don't" gobbledy-guck.
I've got to hand it to you -- you cut through John's political waffling like a hot knife through frozen mayonaise.
Sure he should! Call or write and ask him. Just wait for his response and don't freak out when he doesn't answer a year away from he'd be elected -- well over a year from when he'd actually be inaugurated.
You are allowed to ask whatever you want, big guy! Ask away. Just don't grab a hold and run with whatever talking point Dent leaves you with.
No, no. I agree with you. That would certainly push up the time period for when we'd actually have to make a decision. Just saying, though, you and I both know there won't be a primary challenge.
When did this turn into a referendum on asking questions? Asking tough questions of my elected officials (Democrat or Republican) is what I've based the most recent 10 years of my life on! The fact is, me, you and Bernie all know that Callahan didn't have to vote on HR 3962 and he will never vote on HR 3962, but it's a great talking point for Dent and Republicans, so I'm just suggesting that you act rationally and not write him off as a candidate because of such a silly accusation.
If you follow politics at all, you know it's politically smart not to come out one way or the other, for or against, the House's health care reform legislation. Not because it's a bad bill, but because (A) the Republicans have done a much better job of describing it to Americans, (B) most people straight up don't understand the bill at all and (C) the final bill will be extremely different from HR 3962, so what does it even matter?
Instead, he provided principles that the bill must meet (which are described in a post above) in order for him to support it, but he's not answering the questions of an up-or-down vote, because (A) that would dominate the headlines and (B) he seems to feel that the legislation would be much different if he were in congress (specifically with regards to further lowering the deficit), so he feels he would be voting on a different bill.
I mean, it's obviously politics, but we all know that Dent (and/or Millan) will play politics any chance they're given, so why wouldn't Callahan lay out principles instead of saying that he would vote 'yea' or 'nay' on a piece of legislation that he'll never vote on?
I'm standing up for him simply because I don't want to see him get constantly slammed on LV blogs for a ridiculous, pointless Dent press release.
"I like Rylock. He's young and energized. I wish more young people cared like him. I love arguing with him, and he wrote a great piece defending Pelosi care. I will be linking to it. Now I think he's wrong, but as I told him, let the better argument win."
Big fan of arguing with you, too! I think you're a really smart dude -- which is why I get upset when I see you divulge yourself in meaningless talking points.
Also looking forward to the HR 3962 contrast post! Sorry mine was so ungodly long.
"Gee, for someone who hasn't decided to support him, you're going way out of your way to defend him."
I would hopefully not consider myself a "blind partisan." While I admit, I've never voted for a Republican, there's also Democrats that I haven't voted for as well. And -- liberal alert! -- if I was old enough in 2000, I probably would have voted for Nader... just ask my parents.
With all that said, I like a vast majority of what Callahan's done as mayor and I disapprove of a vast majority of what Dent's done as my representative. There is a 100% chance that I will be voting against Dent in this election. In order for me not to vote for him, Callahan would somehow has to prove that he would vote against my (and what I think are the district's) best interests more than Dent would -- and I don't see that happening.
I obviously agree that being mayor is way different from being a congressman, so we'll see. But, right now, I'd say the chances of me being a supporter of his are extremely high.
I also like both Callahan and Dent personally. I would say that I get along with both very well.
Who knows. Is Greta Browne running?
Rylock, Your post did not seem that long. it flowed nicely. I will be posting it, sans editorial snark. Next week, I will post my own argument, which I'm sure will convince you of your werror.
"Rylock, Your post did not seem that long. it flowed nicely."
Thank you!
"I will be posting it, sans editorial snark."
Haha Understandable.
"Next week, I will post my own argument, which I'm sure will convince you of your werror."
We'll see! Just to give you a step-up on my post, you would have to convince me that the final bill will make our health care system worse, which I think is largely impossible given the start that we have. The status quo is completely unsustainable -- and all other alternatives that aren't being considered (despite Wyden's Free Choice Act), have already been proven not to do enough (like Texas and tort reform) or interstate portability's apparent extreme cost-control (ask the CBO -- they don't seem to agree with that one).
" Not because it's a bad bill, but because (A) the Republicans have done a much better job of describing it to Americans, (B) most people straight up don't understand the bill at all and (C) the final bill will be extremely different from HR 3962, so what does it even matter?"
Ahh, yes. The old "The Public is Too Stupid to Understand How Good the Democrats' Ideas Are" bromide.
I always thought that elected officials used the mail and their office for official business."
Actually, Dent's letter was official business. He represents the people of the LV, and has the right to admonish a public union rep for bullying a service organization.
I don't know but something is not right. The letter shows a Capitol Dome which is the recommended form for congressional members for political communications and not official business. He does have a right to his opinions. But admonish can only be done by the legislative body as a whole or a judge. He is being political and avoiding the following:
"a provision of the federal criminal code, 18 U.S.C. § 713, prohibits the use of certain governmental seals on, among other things, stationery, “for the purpose of conveying . . . a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof.” As amended in 1997, the statute applies to not only the Great Seal of the United States, but also the Seal of the House of Representatives and the Seal of the United States Congress."
The Capitol Dome is in the public domain and is suggested for all political communications. His letter has the dome and not the congressional seal. Far from official, more like unofficial and political.
You may be right. I'll look at it more closely. but my impression is that this is an official communication. I was unaware that a different set of stationary was used for political missives.
House rules:
In summary, a letter sent by a Member on behalf of either the Member’s campaign or another political organization may not have, in the letterhead or on the envelope, either –
The institutional names “Congress of the United States” or “House of Representatives,” unless clearly in the context describing the office for which the candidate is running, as discussed above;
The term “Official Business;” or
Any likeness of any official seal, including the Seal of the United States, or the Seal of the House or the Congress.
Accordingly, such a letter may not be sent on a letterhead that resembles official stationery, even if the stationery was not printed at government expense and bears a disclaimer to that effect.
However, the letterhead and envelope of a campaign or political letter may use –
Personal titles such as “Member of Congress,” “Representative,” “Congressman,” or “Congresswoman;”
A Member’s title as a chair or ranking member of a full committee, or as a member of the House leadership, as those are considered personal titles as well;
The district served by the Member, and the Member’s committee assignments; and
A likeness of the Capitol Dome; the Dome is in the public domain and is therefore not protected in the same manner as official seals.
and one more:
see "not printed at government expense" at the bottom
that was the give away
You are right. I stand corrected, and owe you a pop tart.
"Ahh, yes. The old "The Public is Too Stupid to Understand How Good the Democrats' Ideas Are" bromide."
Not really, dude! It's just that -- you know, this bill is 2,000 pages long! The only reason why I know as much about it as I do is because I read everything I can with regards to health care (liberal and conservaive) at one of my jobs, because there's a whole lot of downtime. And I really can't see how anybody that doesn't have time to put in the hours of scouring over the legislation each day like I do would actually understand it. It's probably not a very high percentage of Americans.
I would love to see a poll of support where people stated whether or not they supported the bill only after they were quizzed on different aspects of it.
"I would love to see a poll of support where people stated whether or not they supported the bill only after they were quizzed on different aspects of it."
Umm, and then would only those people be allowed to vote . . . because that's not what you're meaning to say, I think?
"Umm, and then would only those people be allowed to vote . . . because that's not what you're meaning to say, I think?"
No, no. Obviously not.
Just a poll showing people for and against the current health care reform legislation, but limit the poll to people who pass a series of questions to prove that they understand the bill. Just because I think it would be interesting.
It would take forever to get a decent sample-size, though. By that time, the bill probably would have either passed or failed.
Again great job ryLock, hang in there. This is a wingnut zone. You will never "win" in this faceoff with Ohare, as I told you in the past, he is nuts and is a mean old bastard to boot.
He has never let the facts get in the way of his political crushes.
To thoose who attack you on the old "elitist" agrument over the length of the Bill. Let us review the facts.
The first to use that as a reason to do nothing was good old Fox Noise who screamed and moaned that "regular" (not constipated?) and "real" Americans are having the wool pulled over their eyes with a long and difficult Bill to understand.
In fact it was the King of the Greeseballs, King Limbaugh himself who bellowed,"Don't bother reading the Bill, I have already read it for you and will explain it for what it is".
You do realize, you folks came up with the apt term Dittoheads all by yourselves.
Keep up the intelligent posts ryLock, it is like water in the desert on this blog. You are a pleasant break from the partisan rants of Banker and Scott.
Look, we should cut to the chase and save the long posts.
John Callahan is extremely liberal. He will appeal to the portion of the electorate that is extremly liberal. He is not a moderate. He is not a conservative.
As Rylock recognizes Callahan can't afford to be honest with you and me about just how liberal he is because we wouldn't elect him to the position of Charles Dertinger's butler (yes, for the purposes of my rant, it's an elected office) if he were.
Therefore, it falls to surrogates for Mayor Callahan to carry his water for him and attempt to convince us that his refusing to take a position is a super-smart political strategy instead of political weaseling of the first order.
Can we all agree on this?
As far as I'm concerned Bernie's blog is "like water in the desert" compared to the local newspapers which let the John Callahan's out there go unchallenged. So thanks, Bernie.
Nice 12:41, now that we have established and agree that John Callahan is a calculating politican very much unlike Charlie Dent who is not a politican, back to the real point.
Not one Democrat I have talked to really gives two cents what Callahan thinks about Healthcare in November 2009, his opinion means no more in the scheme of things than your opinion or mine. Frankly he is irrelevant to the issue. This issue of Health Care reform is deadly serious and the normal political bullshit won't stick as well this time.
What Mr. Dent does is the only thing that matters. Many of his constituents are concerned with Healthcare reform. He has shown no real leadership on this issue and is up to now just parroting the Republican position of do nothing.
You wings are good at misdirection regarding Callahan and of course the old "Pelosi Care". Make fun of the topic or try to minimize it.
I think you will find that Charlie can count on the solid 35% of Fox anti-anything wingnut vote. His problem will be the 10-30% of undecided thinking folks who see through the bullshit and understand that now the only Congressman we have is Mr. Dent and how he votes and handles this very serious issue will be judged on its own merits and not who his opponent may or may not be in 2010.
"As Rylock recognizes Callahan can't afford to be honest with you and me about just how liberal he is because we wouldn't elect him to the position of Charles Dertinger's butler (yes, for the purposes of my rant, it's an elected office) if he were."
Man, come on. I keep being nice, but these responses just keep getting dumber-and-dumber.
The only thing that I admitted was that the Republicans did a far better job of smearing this bill than the Democrats did at explaining and promoting it. Because by no-means will the legislation take us in the wrong direction, Republicans just came up with better/simpler/scarier talking points that left the Dems swinging back with the truth -- which rarely works in politics.
And, trust me. Callahan's not a super-liberal. This is coming from a guy that wishes he was.
Obama made a bad economy exponentially worse
As usual, the vitriolic right loses all credibility simply by speaking.
Do you think the election is in a few weeks, or something? If so, I apologize for all my previous remarks. The congressional election is actually Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010.
Yes, O'Hare is salivating at the prospect of doing Dent's bidding, he can't even wait until the actual campaign begins. Why would Callahan campaign this early when he can simply take out Dent with a short and sweet campaign? Dent is so vulnerable, all it takes is one guy with positive name recognition to take him out. Bye Chuck. The epitome of career politician.
Again the joke hear is that RYLOCK and all his Democrat pals keep on pissing in our ears about how great their health care bill is. But if it is so great, why don't more Democrat candidates like Callahan endorse it.
Are the Repubs here really that lacking in general knowledge of the legislative process?
I'll take this slow. THERE IS NO BILL. There is a House Bill and there is a Senate bill. The Senate bill has not been passed. When it is passed, it will go to conference where the two bills will be MERGED. Then and only then is there "A BILL."
The ignorance of the desperate right is really embarrassing.
As Rylock recognizes Callahan can't afford to be honest with you and me about just how liberal he is because we wouldn't elect him to the position of Charles Dertinger's butler (yes, for the purposes of my rant, it's an elected office) if he were.
Here's a little wake up call.
- Northampton County elected President Obama by a 12% margin.
- Lehigh County elected President Obama by nearly a 16% margin.
- Northampton County elected Senator Casey by a 17% margin.
- Lehigh County elected President Obama by nearly a 15% margin.
- Northampton County elected Governor Rendell by a 27% margin.
- Lehigh County elected President Obama by nearly a 27% margin.
Where do you live that you think the 15th is waiting for conservatives?
Sorry, copy and pasted the wrong text:
- Northampton County elected President Obama by a 12% margin.
- Lehigh County elected President Obama by nearly a 16% margin.
- Northampton County elected Senator Casey by a 17% margin.
- Lehigh County elected Senator Casey by a 15% margin.
- Northampton County elected Governor Rendell by a 27% margin.
- Lehigh County elected PGovernor Rendell by a 27% margin.
He Central, scrutinize this. When you spend this much time explaining, you've already lost.
Try to stream this data -- Dent collected more votes in 2008 in the Lehigh Valley and in the 15th District than Pres. Obama.
So what did Dent correctly vote "NO" on then?
Just out of curiosity.
--There is no spoon --
"And, trust me. Callahan's not a super-liberal. This is coming from a guy that wishes he was."
Ahh yes, because Rylock has earned our trust over the years we've known him or at least the couple of blog posts he's made.
Callahan = Pro Card Check
Callahan = Pro Cap & Energy Tax
Callahan = Pro Stimulus
Callahan = Pro Government-run health care
Callahan = Anti-Second Ammendment
Callahan = Extreme Liberal
Rylock = Dope
Try to stream this data -- Dent collected more votes in 2008 in the Lehigh Valley and in the 15th District than Pres. Obama.
Against a rake and not a golden boy. Nice one though!
So what did Dent correctly vote "NO" on then?
The House bill. Last time I checked, Dent had to vote and Callahan did not. And apparently it was not correct since the No's lost.
Rylock = Dope
The sore loserism is laughable here. When we lose yet another Repub from the Valley ranks, it will be even worse.
Try to stream this data -- Dent collected more votes in 2008 in the Lehigh Valley and in the 15th District than Pres. Obama.
I had suspicions from my anonymous friend. Unless the finger into Montgomery County skewed these numbers, here you go:
# of Votes in Northampton County 2008:
President Obama - 75,255
Representative Dent - 74,985
# of Votes in Lehigh County 2008:
President Obama - 87,089
Representative Dent - 85,665
"I had suspicions from my anonymous friend. Unless the finger into Montgomery County skewed these numbers . . ."
Yes. Your suspicions are wrong. The Montgomery numbers put Dent over the top.
Montgomery County
15th District Precincts
Dent -- 19,408
Obama -- 16,925
You also forgot the Berks County results:
Dent -- 1036
Obama -- 743
Also, you added a Ward in Lehigh County that isn't in the 15th District.
Final correct vote tallies:
Dent -- 181,386
President Obama -- 180,123
Dent beat Obama in his Congressional District.
"The House bill. Last time I checked, Dent had to vote and Callahan did not. And apparently it was not correct since the No's lost."
So by your logic Callahan is foolish for not saying he supports the popular Democrat bill that passed the House -- which is where he wants to serve.
Thanks for making my point. You're not very swift, but you are obliging.
Thanks for making my point. You're not very swift, but you are obliging.
I'm the one who understands campaign tactics but I'M not swift? Good one. Here's a quarter kid, go get your Captain Obvious comic.
Dent beat Obama in his Congressional District.
Wow! So the Republican strongholds of the 15th voted for a Republican. Wowee Zowee!!!!
"Wow! So the Republican strongholds of the 15th voted for a Republican. Wowee Zowee!!!!"
Yes, but there are about 50,000 or 60,000 more Democrats than Republicans in the District and Dent still beat Obama. Dent even nearly tied Obama in the Democrat stronghold county of Northampton.
I'd tell you to do the Math, but you would just stare at me with a dumb look on your mug.
Just out of curiosity, when someone throws a blanket over your head, do you eventually get out from under it -- or do you just pee yourself?
"I'm the one who understands campaign tactics but I'M not swift? Good one. Here's a quarter kid, go get your Captain Obvious comic."
Golly Mister, by "campaign tactics" do you mean that John Callahan is being a cowardly dork face?
In my Captain Obvious comicbooks, Captain Obvious fights a Super-Villian just like John Callahan. He's called "Pander Man."
Now stop driving by me in your van and trying to give me quarters.
Nice deflection. More wingnuts who have Rpublican self-induced ADD. You guys can deflect and deflect. By the way my barber has not taken a position on the "BILL" and i think he is a Democrat. I told him he is a worthless prick for being so cowardly. Oh wait, he can't vote.
If Dent's position is leave me alone ask Callahan maybe he should resign and then we can have a special election and be concerned with the winners position.
Last time anyone checked Dent is still our Congressman and he is the one who gets the vote.
"By the way my barber has not taken a position on the "BILL" and i think he is a Democrat. I told him he is a worthless prick for being so cowardly. Oh wait, he can't vote."
He would be a "worthless prick" if he was running for Congress and was too chicken to give you the common courtesy of a straight answer.
So that means Dent voted "NO" on Healthcare reform.
Good now I know my Congressman's position.
Dent nearly lose to Dertinger for christ sake. Bye Chuck.
"Dent nearly lose to Dertinger for christ sake. Bye Chuck."
But he didn't. And then he won during the Obama Tide.
And now the political mood of the Country is anti-Democrat.
Scrutinize this:
Nov 20, 2009
27% "strongly approve" Obama
41% strongly disapprove Obama
So how many morons in the Lehigh Valley voted for Obama again, Mr/Ms Vote Counter?
For further scrutiny:
"Obama Job Approval Down To 49%"
Nov 20, 2009
Obama is failing miserably to match the hype of his campaign.
Has been failing miserably pretty much since day one, since the time he put his first tax-cheat in his administration...and then allowed all those earmarks and lobbyists!
Spin cycle, please!
Can you say VAN JONES and ANITA "Mao is one of my two favorite philosophers" DUNN?
Sure, I knew you could.
Wow. You mean the 50% who elected Obama still support him! Eye opening. The silly Repubs want that anti-Dem wave SO BADLY!
I'll step back in for a second. Mostly to help push the comments on this over 100.
"But he didn't. And then he won during the Obama Tide. And now the political mood of the Country is anti-Democrat."
Obviously, you're right that Dent won both races. But look at his opponents. Bennett was even worse than Dertinger -- and he ran a write-in campaign. It's not a real big accomplishment.
Also, I certainly wouldn't say the 'political mood of the country is anti-Democrat.' The Democrats are still consistently winning on generic 'Dem vs. Rep' polls and the American people also constantly look to Democrats for being able to fix the country significantly more-so than Republicans.
It is definitely true that Democrats aren't as popular as they were from 2006-2008, but I would hardly say that the mood of the country is 'anti-Democrat.'
"Scrutinize this: Rasmussen..."
I don't even need to go further than "Rasmussen." Look at any poll from now to before the 2008 election. Rasmussen is a Republican pollster and, even unlike some other Republican pollsters, consistently skew far to the right.
His poll numbers are dropping: certainly true. But I would never look to Rasmussen for correct polling. Pollster averages out hundreds of polls and has Obama's job approval rating at 49.8% and disapproval rating at 44.7%. That's far more unbiased. (For example, Rasmussen's had Obama's last job disapproval rating at 52% when the average is 44%.)
And, for poll numbers, these are standardly pretty normal-to-high for a President almost a year into the presidency.
Also, weirdly enough, with the Research 2000 pollster (who is arguably the most respected pollster of the 2008 campaign) has Nancy Pelosi at a two-year high.
To be fair, her two-year high is 40% favorable and 51% unfavorable. But compare that to her Republican-counterpart, John Boehner, who has a 13% favorability rating and a 65% unfavorable rating.
"Anti-Democrat" political mood? I don't think so.
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