County officials have finally agreed to allow Lorena, a female inmate with medical problems, to be examined by the doctor of her choice. Of course, she must be accompanied by two deputy sheriffs. As you might have guessed, doctors aren't crazy about that idea unless word comes directly from the prison. In the meantime, Lorena has been placed in a cell with a glass door and camera, so they can determine whether she is faking.
One of her friends, recently released, tells us more about the indequate medical care at Northampton County's jail.
Hello, I am a former inmate of Lorena Hackers. I served 60 days on a dui charge. In those 60 days I have witness the suffering that Lorena has gone through, not just emotionally and physically but mentally... As an inmate At NCP it's emotionally draining to know that you have a medical problem but yet you cannot get help for it. It's physically draining because when incarcerated you have a lot of time on your hands to think about all the things you have done, or haven’t done in life, and you try to reform yourself into the person that you always wanted to be so when you do get released you can live the life "God" intended for you. But in Lorena's case how can she begin to want a good life for herself when she feels that "No one" cares... Isn’t healing and building self esteem apart of rehab recovery? Isn’t this why NCP implemented the IBM program? The answer is "YES" according to NCP, but the truth is it's all a joke. Instead of buying new plasma TV’s for the inmates. Don’t you think they should get a real medical staff. A staff that can actually diagnose head lice. “Yes” I first hand witnessed that the medical staff did not know what head lice looked like so a corrections officers had to diagnose the inmates. So when a woman has a medical problem that causes sever bleeding and blood cots that are the size of tennis balls how can the medical staff give her the proper diagnoses of her problem and treat her correctly. My heart goes out to Lorena. She is a woman and any woman would agree that when you are bleeding and discharging blood clots in such a manner as Lorena is the situation becomes extremely scary. The one thing that god solely blessed women with is the gift to be able to bear a child. How is anyone suppose to mentally cope knowing that, that one gift might be taking from them. Lorena has to deal with this day in and day out. Just because she has committed a nonviolent crime does that mean part of her punishment is to sit in jail with the chance that she could never bear children or lose her own life because she has a medical condition that if properly examined by a gynecologist the threat could be treated or cured for. Does it have to take a tragedy to happen for someone to finally hear her and help her… What kind of inhumane world do we live in???????
Update: Ann McHale Comes Through! Looks like prison officials are finally helping Lorena to see a doctor. According to Lorena's mom, Lorraine Russo, "[Prison laison] Ann McHale finally got to [Warden] Todd Buskirk and got the wheels in motion. Jan in medical just called and said they are going to set up an appointment for her today. Ann McHale is wonderful and compassionate. She always answered my letters and called me."
I've learned it's best to not be a criminal and end up in jail.
Addiction is a horrible disease and I have lost family members from it. I was fortunate enough to get access to treatment over two decades ago that was paid for by Northampton County. I have stayed clean since then and been grateful for the opportunity to be productive.
Research shows that treatment costs less than throwing people in jail. I hope this young woman gets access to basic medical services and treatment. We can do better than this story would suggest things are.
How in the world would she fake bleeding? And for what purpose? Incredible stupidity by the jail administration people. So much for contracted out medical care or is this a county lawyer trying to cover the counties butt so an abuse suit won't stick? Real nice..watching a woman bleed and count the pads..no one would believe it even if she swore on a stack of bibles. Thanks to Bill Argeros for moving the mountain here. God bless you.
Thanks again Bernie for keeping this story in front of the public as action finally has begun for this woman. If this story would have been covered by our beloved local newspaper..maybe we could have saved a weeks time or more in getting some action instead of having to use the back door to remedy a terrible situation.
what really distrubs me is ,several years ago a family member needed a lung transplant, he served in the Navy and due to exposer to some sort of a chemical while he was there he devopled a lung disease and he never smoked he died waiting,he was the father of two teenaged sons and had a wonderful wife....the day he died a prisioner on death row recieved a lung transplant... this country is screwed up... we can give a prisioner on death row a transplant but a woman with a bleeding problem is made a joke of. thankfully she is seeing a doctor... lorenas mom all of our prayers for your daughter have been answered, have a Happy Thanksgiving there is alot for all of us to be thankful for.
The newspapers would not touch the story. A reporter at the Prison Advisory Board advised there had a note written to her not to repeat anything I said that day. She wanted to talk to Lorena as soon as there was a Release and called a couple of times to see if I got it and when I tried several times to reach her she never returned the call. Now that the wheels MAY finally be put in motion for her to see a doctor they are not going to make her sit in that cell. Thank you to all who support us. By the way, you can go far and wide and no office or official, especially whom we elected, in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks or Bucks County cares about this. There is so much more, you have no idea. Yet somehow this story will be known. Lorena has always said maybe she was put there for some reason for good for someone and I am sure when this gets out she will have served that purpose. Many officials who were going to talk to her personally never saw her. I don't know if they were not allowed to speak to her or what. I was told by someone in the prison that Bill Aregeros has no say as to whether she gets to a doctor. It's not up to him and he should not have said it! Newspapers are only good for what they want to be heard. This blog is for anyone who wants to know the truth!!!! Thanks Bernie for letting this get out.
Since I just read the inmates story I might add that two women isolated with head lice were denied a comb by a CO who said medical combs your hair! She wouldn't even let them have combs. I am telling you this is a very sad story for this prison. I guess compassion isn't needed in your resume.
One more thought, Ann MacHale is the person who was a large advocate on Lorena seeing a doctor. She is the one who returned calls on letters I sent and had compassion on what was going on and actually got to Warden Buskirk to do someting. She has been a blessing!
Good to hear the Queen of county council was trying to be an advocate for Lorena and may have helped get this jail administration off their butts! We know this is just the tip of the iceberg at NCP. More needs to be done and we have to be vigilant.
Abe Atiyeh asking Easton to support a possible womens d%a treatment facility at the old Chipman mill in West Easton. Boy do we need that but watch and see the nimby naysayers run the idea into the ground.
Ann McHale should be credited in this instance for caring and working behind the scenes to help this young lady.
Prison officials are basically good people. But they really need to review some of the things they are doing and not doing with their female prison population.
Finally Lorena will be seen by a real doctor that is a huge relieve.. I can not believe that it has taken almost 2 months of trying.. I am one of her former inmates and i have seen the blood clots she has saved in milk carton containers so someone would believe and help her.. I perosnally had to go to one of the guards for her one day because Lorena was in so much pain. I informed the guard about her condtions and that she had the clots saved in her cell and to please come look. The guard responded "I don't want to see it what can I do about it i'm not a doctor". But i will call the medical department and let them know but Lorena has already seen the medical depatrment twice today so I don't know if they will see her again.. That day I sat with her in her cell and tried to keep her mind off of all the pain she was going through.. And never did anyone for medical come check her. It's hard to watch someone who is suffering and you cant help them and it's even harder to know that help is right there but "NO ONE" cares. What really upset me that day is not only Lorena's negelect but the fact that she has to pay each time she is seen by medical so what does it matter if she has already been there twice in one day... She had proof she wasn't lying and that her condition was out of the norm from her regular period flows... Thank you to everyone who has help her.. And to all the people who have a wise remark I want you to think about one thing before you go and post something ignorant. If you saw a livivng being (human, animal) who was in distress isn't your natural instint to help them in anyway you can.. If you saw a person laying on the ground in distress wouldnt you help them? I would? Anyone with a heart would but as we are doing so we know nothing about that person we found laying on the ground we don't have time to pass judgement on (who they are, what they did, where they come from) all we know is that they need are help.........
Where was your buddy Ron Angle?
my Christian faith tells me to comfort, clothe and care for the prisoner, even when he/she has wronged society. true compassion is what our society to demonstrate, even to those people who don't deserve it. Christ's compassion is not limited to those deserve anything. Like God's Grace, it is given to us freely. Unfortunately, it appears the leaders of Norco missed this message. Sadly, some of them are people who profess deep-seeded faith. I cry hypocrites.
"Where was your buddy Ron Angle?"
Ron does not read blogs, nor is he the prison laison. I never talked to him about this, although I should have done so.
Bernie, I know you are a compassionate person but please don't make excuses for Mr. Angle, he knew what was going on but it wasn't his thing, he can be vicious when it comes to the female world.
Ok, so we'll blame him for not doing something he knows nothing about. That makes sense.
Bernie, I'd like to blame Ron for the next problem, whatever it is. Happy Thanksgiving.
Ok, you've got it. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
Congratulations to Ann McHale !
You did good!
Anon 448 beat me to the punch - can I call dibs on blaming the problem after that on Angle?
Also, I never saw a season wrap-up for Dat's football team, how'd they do?
Happy Thanksgiving Bernie, enjoy it!
The Banker
Banker, Guess who we lost to in the playoffs? We made it thru the season 5 and 3. Having lost the first three games by very close scores, the team decided to start winning nd made the playoffs. We won the first 2 playoff games, but went down to Emmaus. Nobody had even scored on Emmaus all year. The Steelers changed that, but lost the gane 13-6. In the chamionship game, Emmaus lost to N Parkland.
I decided not to write about it for a little while because of the hurtful things some trolls write. Last time, my grandson saw some of that, and I did not want to see a repetition.
By the way, Banker, Happy Thanksgiving to you and thank you for your many useful contributions here and elsewhere.
Angle must have some Bush blood in him. Both of them are blamed for everything past, present and yet to come!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Bernie, and to all.
Why is she in prison ? When does she get out or are there detainers on her ? From the description of her bleeding she should be hospitalized by now .Did this just start in jail or has she always been a heavy bleeder ? Didn`t mom do anything for her befre she entered jail ? I think there are untold parts of this story missing.
To all:
I have such a great deal to be thankful for on this day of thanks.
May each and everyone of you have a safe, peaceful, and blessed Thanksgiving. Not only for today, but everyday. Happy Thanksgiving Day! And, go Rovers!
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Anonymous 10:26 No she was not always a bleeder. She was never one to complain and tell me what was going on, even when someone punished her in her face and she couldn't be recognized, and someone cut her foot, or threatened her with a gun. Not till much later on.She doesn't like to worry me. She was not always with me because of the addiction. As much as I worried about her and prayed constantly, I could only wait for her to contact me. Never knowing if she were dead or alive. It killed me. But no, I am a very loving, caring mother. I would give my life for my kids. But you can't help someone if you don't know where they are or don't want help. I believe she is past that point now.
Well now I get a call at 10:00 p.m., Lorena is in lock down for 24 hours for a pad count, even though she is now just spotting. She is told she cannot see a doctor either, even though she had an appointment made by Jen today and it was approved by Ann McHale and Todd Buskirk. What is going on down there???? I have left messages for all three, including the nurse responsible. I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS PLACE. Just when you think you made some lead way you get the rug pulled out from under you. I did not call Exec. Stoffa because I get no answers at all. Just because she is not bleeding right now and has a two week reprieve does not mean there is not a problem.
Sorry to hear this news. Doesn't surprise me but still.. Will you be returning to the prison board meeting on Monday? A lot of them need to hear an update from you or they will conveniently forget about you and Lorena. Keep up the pressure and hopefully now that Ann and Bill are actively involved..more good will come for all the inmates.
I will definitely be there. Just found out apparently no one in charge on weekends. The doctor who lied and said she had syphilis and refused to be treated on the day she arrived, who by the way she never saw, and someone falsely signed Lorena's signature, gave her surprise, uncovered speculum, visit in her room last night and told to cover up with her jumper and told her she will not see a doctor she is fine but placed her in lock down for 24 hrs. for a pad count. Does that make sense or am I whacky? Lorena is at the whim of whatever all weekend until some authoritative figure steps up. I am going all out on this one no matter what.
Ok, now I have to call Bulls**t. There is no way someone is walking around in there giving out uncovered speculum exams in the cells. I think you are being fed a line of bull by your daughter. I know I will be the bad guy for saying that, but that is way to far fetched to be true. Let me get this straight....someone from the medical dept. entered her cell on the friday night after Thanksgiving with a speculum and gave her an exam in her cell? LMAO...now that is a vivid imagination.
And to answer your question, yes...you are wacky!!
As incompetent as you make this medical department sound I don't think they would be that careless. Have you ever considered the fact that you were not getting the whole truth?
Anonymous 12:56 & 3:57
There is no reason for my daughter to lie about this because she knows that I am taking all dates, times and names down and it will all come out in the end and why would she make me look like a fool? Sorry I don't follow LMAO and that lingo. Well we'll just have to wait and see how is lieing won't we? Before all this name calling continues. It shouldn't be long now. For one thing the Dr. administering the speculum may have other charges and holding a grudge, and she is not a gynecologist who can cancel out a real Gynecologist. There are many reasons why a woman would bleed so much so often, because she stops now and then means nothing. Tests need to be taken (and not just to see how much she has left). Forget it why do I bother trying to get some of you dummies to understand. Like I said, we will get to the bottom of this. This Dr. thinks she can go over the Warden and Council President's head who already set up the appt. to see a real doctor? We'll see.
Is the person examining Lorena a real phyesician? Why would any doctor object to allowing Lorena to see someone else?
I have just spoken to my daughter, yesterday around 3 P.M. she was called to medical for no reason, no complaints. Dr. said she was going to give her an internal.Said she ordered a pad count on the 30th, last day of bleeding. Lorena said "didn't they show you all the pads I gave them on Monday or Tuesday?" She said "no I don't know anything about that I ordered it". She said, "Your blood level is more than fine". So she said she wouldn't give her a Pap smear. Lorena was told to lie down on the table while someone got a light. The Dr. pushed on her stomach and said, "Is that uncomfortable?" and Lorena said, "yes". The Dr. said "Sorry.! She pulled her bottoms around her stomach area and going to do an internal exam. Lorena said she had a pad on and was at the end of her bleeding and still spotting. She was told to take her jumper off. Lorena asked if she could have a sheet or gown. The Dr. said they don't have any, cover up with your jumper. She had to take off her panties with a dirty pad and hand it to a woman there. This was all very degrading. She was naked by the waist down with a jumper covering her. On the floor next to her was an open box with a bag of plastic speculums, all unwrapped. As the girl handed one to the Dr. she noticed they were all scratched up. The Dr. did the internal and said "yeh, you're still bleeding." "I'm not doing a a Pap smear on you just an internal exam." Lorena asked if she was a GYN and the Dr. stated "no." She removed the speculum, inserted her fingers and pushed down. It was very painful. The Dr. said, "everything feels OK." I am opposing you seeing a Gyn. She was going to be put in cell restriction for a pad count. Lorena said she was at the end of her bleeding and the Dr. said "that's OK." Lorena asked why she was going to be put in cell restriction at the end of her bleeding. Dr. said "You can stay in your cell if they can arrange that." Lorena asked CO why is she being punished, who is observing her and the CO said she would be observing her. Lorena told the CO, "you aren't medical." They removed her cellmate to another room and let her stay there alone for 24 hours. Never checking her once. When finally she went to the bathroom she had to wait for a nurse to get her a pad from another unit because she had none. For 24 hours no one came or checked on her. Before any of this happened, Lorena was apparently told they weren't going to do a pad count because she was seeing a GYN. She did not refuse to do a cell restriction, she was all packed to go before. A Mrs. Beers had told her awhile ago she would see a doctor and not do a cell restriction and pad count. Lorena will take a lie detector test to all of what she says. This is the story she just told me when she got out of 24 hour lock down.
I just gave the full account of her story after the 24 hour lock down and she will take lie detector tests to this. But I don't see it yet.
Executive Stoffa told me he had trouble finding medical help! He wasn't kidding on that one!
Lorena's Mom,
The latest edition of your story directly conflicts your earlier account. Earlier it was a surprise exam in her room, now you say this was done in medical. Far to many inconsistencies in the stories. And what does it matter what they asked her to cover up with? I am liking the idea of a lie detector test...when can we make this happen?
It is pretty safe to assume that a directive from the Warden and a Prison Board Member will be followed.
According to the PA answering Amelia's phone, in the nurse administration's office, the "supposed" Dr. is called Dr. Genser She is a woman
The first story came second hand from someone at 10 p.m. and I was half asleep and not feeling well. Now Lorena is out of lock up and told me herself. When you cover up with a dirty jumper you wear all day for an internal exam is not exactly sterile you moron.
I thought you would delete personal attacks? Could you please take care of Lorena's mom calling me a moron. I am simply reading the blog and following up and she is not liking what she is reading. I did not personally attack her or make off topic remarks and I get called a moron.
What does it matter if the jumper is not sterile if they used a speculum out of a "box full of speculum?" or would that be a box of speculie?
I am sure the needles she used to shoot up with were sterile too!!
Anyone who speaks to this woman, who has identified herself, the way that you have, is a moron. What's worse, you're a coward, not even willing to identify yourself when speaking to a woman who is obviously upset. I find people like you disgusting.
What was it that I said wrong? I was simply pointing out inconsistencies in the stories. I have also said in past posts that if she need medical attention she should get it. I never said that she shouldn't get seen by a GYN. Not once did I say that. In fact I hope that she does so this can be put to rest. I am at a loss as to what you are referring to when you say I am disgusting. And the fact is I don't have to identify myself to anyone because YOUR blog gives me that option!!
After all you said it yourself:
"I welcome your thoughts and love to argue. Feel free to disagree. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks."
Maybe you should heed your own advice and delete the post in which she personally attacked me with name calling. Thank You.
"What was it that I said wrong? I was simply pointing out inconsistencies in the stories. I have also said in past posts that if she need medical attention she should get it. I never said that she shouldn't get seen by a GYN. Not once did I say that. In fact I hope that she does so this can be put to rest. I am at a loss as to what you are referring to when you say I am disgusting. And the fact is I don't have to identify myself to anyone because YOUR blog gives me that option!!"
My blog gives you the option to reman anonymous, but not to attack a woman who already is in some distress. Your comment about the needles her daughter used, is way beyond what I consider appropriate. Frankly, I'd like to know what doctor would want to stop someone from getting another opinion. That astonishes me. Even if this girl just thinks she is sick, she obviously needs help beyond what she is getting.
People like you do disgust me.
Ok so remove the needle remark as I would agree it may have been out of bounds. So is the name calling. You can't have it both ways either you allow it or you don't. I also have never disagreed that she should see a Dr. If what was said is true then she should. But everything I have read on this situation has been conflicting so I thought I would bring that out. As is my right to do so.
Authority problem at NCP. Everybody thinks they are in charge when truly no one is! And who pays the price for this ineptitude? You got it..the inmate. Try following institution rules under this regime..impossible because every other day/hour..the rules change without notice. Anarchy is the norm at our jail and Lorena is bearing the brunt of that system of control. I would have snapped by now and been put in solitary! So much for hiring capable/professional staff.
"everything I have read on this situation has been conflicting so I thought I would bring that out. As is my right to do so."
Bullshit. In addition to Lorena, two other recently released female inamtes have posted comments about the poor quality of medical care at the jail. If Lorraine's understanding about what the doctor said is accurate, then I question that doctor's professionalism. No doctor should overrule anyone who wants a second opinion, especially when that person is paying for it. The whole situation cries out for a performance review. Your mean-spirited comments betray an unwillingness to treat a prison inmate like a human being. Hell, you even disparage her mother. You's be the first to complain if one of yout loved ones was in a similar situation, assuming you have any loved ones.
Never once did I say she should not see a Dr. In fact I agree that the Dr should not deny one a 2nd opinion.
Also..."In addition to Lorena, two other recently released female inamtes have posted comments about the poor quality of medical care at the jail." Not the best sources as far as credibility goes, be give them the benefit of the doubt I suppose.
It is my understanding that your blog is about debate and stating one's opinion. Just because you don't agree with mine does not make me wrong. Lord knows I disagree with a lot that you have to say, and I state that on your blog. I thought you encouraged discussion? Remember just because we don't feel the same way or have the same views does not mean either of us are wrong. It means we disagree. As do her mother and I, but she gets away with calling me a moron whereas had I done the name calling I would have been deleted.
She will get away with it because this is one of the hottest discussions on your blog, and you want to keep it going. If you censor her you will lose the info she is giving you which is not good for your blog. And I get that. In fact I have to respect it to a degree. But I do not respect her name calling and getting away with it. And yet you jump on me for "out of line comments"
Also I have plenty of loved ones, thank you for asking. They not only love me but they love my opinions and views, or at least respect the fact that I am entitled to mine.
First, do yourself a favor and look up the word "censor." I censor no one on this blog. I delete inappropriate comments after they've been posted, and don't review them in advance.
Second, not only do I agree with Lorraine's comments, but consider them self-defense from bullies like you who have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than anonymously slam a mother who at one time worked for the DA and a prominent local att'y. That needles crack was inappropriate, and so is your claim that Lorraine herself is being inconsistent. Her story has actually been corroborated.
Third, I will always write about people who claim they are being treated unfairly by those in authority, even if these are people who have themselves made mistakes. That's one of the reasons for this blog.
Fourth, you will be respectful to this woman or you will find your own remarks deleted. I have no problem w/ questioning Lorena's story, although it is increasingly becoming more difficult to do so. But i will not tolerate offensdive remarks from an anon. I am more willing to tolerate them from someone who identifies herself and is defending both herself and a duaghter that she feels is being mistreated. She is a mother and is entitled to the respect we should all give to mothers.
For everyone's information, my daughter NEVER used a needle in her life. I actually woke up feeling this attack going on and wanted to apologize to Bernie if I said anything wrong. Stop calling him a troll. HE HAS A HEART!! Now go to bed.
First call it what you want, you clearly state your rules and only follow them when they benefit you and your blog.
Second where she worked and who she worked for is not relevant to this conversation. The things she is saying are not from her, they are from her daughter. She is putting her own credibility on the line. Unfortunately her daughter is in jail and has done wrong, therefore her credibility has to be questioned. You would be a fool not to. But if you just pass her accusations off you have no blog and therefore nothing to talk about. As I said I get it.
Third I just covered above. Again you will delete/censor/moderate in whichever way benefits your blog. If people say something that goes against these accusations they are bullies and trolls. If they agree they are your best friend.
Fourth I don't feel I disrespected her by questioning her daughters story. You said yourself that is what this blog is about. I simply pointed out the inconsistencies in her story and I got called names. If disagreeing is disrespect then every post should be deleted.
Fifth the only mother I HAVE to respect is my own. (Even though I never disrespected Lorraine.) I already admitted the needle comment was out of line. What more do you want?
Sixth, Again it is your blog and you make the rules. If you don't want people to have the option of being anon then don't give them the option. Seems quite simple to me.
Now you have graduated from smearing Lorena and Lorraine to telling me how to run my blog. I do set the rules, and you are now far OT. You can appeal my decision to the Supreme Court of Blogging, but my decision on my blog is that Lorraine's comment stays and you are a coward who hides behind a veil of anonymity to smear a mother anonymously. Nobody is twisting your arm to read this blog, especially on a late Saturday night. I suggest you find some other outlets. Go for a little walk or something.
I think I will hit the bottle like you did.
How very clever!
If and when this topic surfaces at tomorrows prison board meeting..will some one from the prison admin. finally go on the record and start clearing this situation up for the public and us county taxpayers? It has now been over a month since the story came to light and still no resolution or solution to the problem at hand. Is cover your butt still the only issue they care about? Is the county so afraid of a law suit that they would continue to stone wall the public and the issue? Time for our elected officals to step up to the plate and be accountable to the taxpayers about the way we treat our inmates. Anybody listening there in the halls of justice? I thought so..
Looks like I'm going to my first ever Prison Advisory Board meeting.
Rather than the usual political debate or a pro or con situation that is the norm for this blog..this is a human rights case. As such it is important or should be..to all of us as Americans. Just because a person is behind bars does not mean that they cease to be Americans with legal rights that supercede their sentences for a crime. Serving time is one thing..being medically ignored and possibly abused is another. Time to stand up for what is right and just and merciful under the law.
Anonymous 7:56 & ---
Please forgive me for calling you a moron. I simply mean that if you were a woman you would understand that you do not give internals underneath dirty, worn all day, jumpers. They are definitely unsterile. She could at least have had something clean laid over her body!! To think anything else is just stupid. I honestly think you need to talk to a real GYN to clear this all up. Now I hope you can sleep well tonight. However, leave Bernie out of it. At least he has compassion.
Say whatever you want it will not change the fact he has compassion and without him my story and the problems in NCP would never have come out. I am sure I am not the only one who likes Bernie. You are a bitter person.
I am not the least bit bitter. Again because we don't see eye to eye does not make me a bad or bitter person. We can just agree to disagree. You have your views and I have mine. And we are both allowed to express them as we each see fit. I am simply playing the devils advocate roll. Someone has to look at both sides of the coin. As I said before it makes for an interested conversation, which at times can become heated. You are entitled to your opinion that I am bitter, as I am entitled to my opinion that not everything adds up. Just because things don't add up does not mean nothing happened!!
I am glad they have finally agreed for Lorena to see a GYN, so now maybe you can get some questions answered from the "PRIVATIZED" medical department.
One observation, the County of Northampton has entered into a contract for this "COMPANY" to provide medical care for these inmates. And now they are talking about "PRIVATIZING" Gracedale!!!
REMEMBER YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!! And everyday we each get a bit older, you may have to rely on that care at some point.
Very valid point.
I love these letters they try to stress it was a "non violent" crime. A crime is a crime is a crime. Non violent or not you are charged with something illegal!!
Now that the county wide regime change is upon us..who will sit at the prison board table as councils representative? How about Ron Angle for board liaison? Maybe then some things would change..no more business as usual behind closed doors? Or will the Queen be reappointed? She did try to sabotage the Beth. Twsp. treatment facility plans..remember? Business as usual just ain't gonna cut it anymore. The place is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Bernie, occurrently I'm getting more info from NCP. Lorena has Athlete's feet for some while now. They say it is not bad enough but she asked if she could get some cream before it gets worse. She keeps asking, they keep saying ok and doing nothing and now she has been using bleach so it doesn't get worse. Also another inmate with diabetes is refused her pump for awhile now, is going blind as well as many other things. THIS IS A LAWSUIT WAITING TO HAPPEN!! I am going to get the truth from all of these poor women being mistreated and ignored and do whatever I have to do. I will not back down.
Again, let me remind all of you, we did not ask for all of this misstreatmeant but will not longer sit idly by. We are not trouble makers but want to see justice prevail no matter what the costs. Most of these women have no one that cares. I am not sure if these women will be writing to you or me. But I am sure they will be collaborated.
If you want to see how bad 'privatized' prison medical care can get, read the In These Times article 'Death by Privatization', which tells of the death of a woman who was denied medical care.
As for those who make clever comments like 'I've learned it's best to not be a criminal and end up in jail.', they should remember two things: (1) Many of those in Northampton County Prison are awaiting trial and have not been convicted of anything; (2) even those who have been convicted deserve decent conditions and proper medical care. If anyone disagrees, you might want to read the Constitution or the Universal Declaration of Civil Rights.
If anyone out there can tell me who I could contact that cares at all about inmates and their rights such as in the handbook that they have a right to sufficient warmth, please tell me who to call. So far no one cares. I have signatures of all the women who are freezing in there and would like to get some heat. They can't even use their blankets without getting punished!!! One woman has a very bad diabetic problem and going blind and she can't even get glasses to help a little. She is supposed to use a diabetic pump but they draw blood instead and took the pump. Lorena's knee from falling has never been looked at and she has constant problems with cracking and crunching, not to mention the athlete's feet a little cream might help, but no she has to resort to bleach! She showed me. It looks horrible. She says they just give up because nothing ever gets done when they complain. Also that grievances are a joke. WHY DOES NO ONE CARE????????
In the United States of America there should be someone to call but I can't seem to find anyone who cares,including the newspapers!! Lorena never even had a trial yet. By the way, we are still waiting to hear about a doctor's visit for the bleeding. She has had an ultrasound but that was it. No results yet in about a week now. I also have to say at the Prison Advisory Meeting, when bringing up sharing the prison yard with everyone getting outside a little bit, it was laughed at and dismissed. No more about it. I was just told that they get air and that it's the way the building was built!! Very responsible answer to sharing a prison yard and a little outside sunshine! It is a well known fact that sunshine can make a big impression n depression and a persons well being. Guess it's too much trouble for insignificant women.
They care.
I'm not sure who Bill is but the Prison Society never even contacted me back!
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