"As you probably know, my proposed 2010 Lehigh County budget includes funding for 28 arts and culture and community organizations, including organizations of interest to you. Despite difficult economic times, I chose not to cut funding for the arts and community groups for next year. Arts and community groups, which are so vital to the quality of life in Lehigh County, are suffering enough cuts from state government and other entities.
"These programs, once again, are under assault by Lehigh County Commissioner Dean Browning. At tonight's (Tuesday 10/6) budget hearing, Commissioner Browning is scheduled to introduce a 50 percent across the board cut to the program, which would result in a 50 percent funding reduction to your organization.
"We are talking with the other eight Commissioners to have this proposal rejected. We could use your help.
"Now is the time to let the Board of Commissioners know that these cuts would be damaging to the arts and cultural groups and community organizations that are supported by Lehigh County.
"The proposed cuts will be discussed at tonight's Board of Commissioners' budget hearing at 6 pm in the public hearing room of the Lehigh County Government Center,
7th and Hamilton streets, Allentown. There is time alloted on the agenda for public comment on proposed budget items. Please help us fight to retain full funding for arts and community organizations in Lehigh County."
For more information, contact the executive office at 610-782-3001 or the
commissioners' office at 610-782-3051.
Don Cunningham
Why not bag Pip the Mouse?
Americans hate their history these days, unless it involves the Civil Rights Revolution.
Worst-read stuff out of over 1600 articles posted in nine months the stats would prove, the history articles.
We wrote plenty of stuff about Liberty Bell, Old Zion Church, John Mickley, etc.
Our stats will prove, worst-read stuff out of over 1600 articles posted in nine months, the history articles.
Articles on watching paint dry would draw more interest from contemporary society.
Perhaps Pip IS a waste of taxpayer money.
Think how many kids could eat a free breakfast before school...
10% unemployment. 17% real unemployment. The worst economy in a generation. A large tax increase looms next year. Many of us are struggling with job loss and bill paying and Cunningham is fighting to save stuff like this?
I've had to cut back on almost all of the nice things I like and concentrate on necessities. I hope for better times ahead, but will wait until they materialize before loosening my spending.
You've said he's shrewd. He clearly understands the power of incumbency when it comes to delivering goodies prior to an election. The government that robs Peter to pay Paul will always enjoy the support of Paul.
Good politics. Very poor public service.
We don't need history
We need more compassion, empathy and social programs
What is wrong with people these days
Government is good at telling us what we should value, what we should pay for. No need to even think about it for ourselves.
The problem with Browning's move is that he is only going for 50%.
The budget will be a disater this year. Cuts are always painful. Support Dean Browning.
Bob Romancheck
Anon 4:17
You sound a little cranky, did you miss "nap time"?
Anon 4:17 is deleted.
yup... bring on the crowd that wants to eliminate gov't. I'm sure gov't has never helped you to succeed in life. Nope. Not once.
I would comment on this but Ohare you are on a real censorship rip lately. Any opposing views go to the electronic ovel file.
LEt's see, Pip the Mouse...35% tax increase...which one should we choose. C'mon people this is a no brainer. The silos of grain have been ravished...aka the raiding of county reserves. There's no where else to go but to ask for the tax payers to foot ANOTHER increase, Browning has it right, it's time to control the spending, by spending on what's really important RIGHT NOW. Guess what? When you look at county unemplyment rates increasing by 50%since December of 2007, the ALlentown Poice Department understaffed by almost 100 officers, and the infrastructure of the county literally falling apart all around...Pip doesn't seem to be the most important issue. Then again, we have a leader of the D party focused/failingto bring the Olympics to his corrupt adopted hometown. It's no wonder our own County Executive doesn't understand what's truly important right now.
I suggest that bloggers reader Ken Petrini'S blog post, "Profiles in cowardice: the Lehigh County budget hearings". I would include Mr Cunningham and his advisers read it, also. Would like to hear their response.
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