On Friday, I got word that Ken Matthews, who was managing Tony Phillips' Allentown mayoral campaign, had suddenly called it a day. I tried contacting him, but all I had was one of his rather cryptic emails. He's not talking, at least not yet. While wondering about that, I received news that Tony had been caught, red-handed, trolling the Internet on his Facebook page, seeking sexual favors from women.
Ah ha!
Suddenly, the pieces game together. Tony Phillips is a sex maniac, and Ken Matthews must have left in righteous indignation. I immediately visited Tony's Facebook page, but the site has been scrubbed. All I could see were innocuous exchanges, which even included props for joining some group called Keep Sex Offenders Off Of Facebook.
Today, I digged for the dirt like the bottom feeder you all know and love. Sure, I'm no King Edwin fan, but I sure as hell don't want to see Allentown ruled by some pimp daddy who uses the city web page to solicit his victims.
Last night, after scouring the Internet, I finally got the goods. Sure, it's been deleted, but with a cache search, it popped up. What I found is exactly one Facebook conversation between Tony, a single guy, and some unhappily married woman from North Carolina. Someone with access to Tony's Facebook page plastered it on Get Satisfaction, a community powered customer service group, where it was just as promptly removed as inappropriate.
What a disappointment!
Instead of all kinds of salacious talk, this conversation reveals a rather lonely single guy who has spent a lot of time on the campaign trail without female companionship. Yes, the woman says "mmmmmmmmm" an awful lot. Yes, it ends with a rather strange discussion of scuba gear and tossed salad, but hey, it could have been worse. It could have been gerbils, which always enter into my private conversations. This was no sex-crazed maniac, just some guy who expresses concerns about even speaking to a married woman and who is initially so prudish he's called a virgin.
Most importantly, he thought his conversation was private.
9:22pmCouncilman Tony
didn't you say this was visible to others
only if u write on the wall
9:22pmCouncilman Tony
wanted to b clear
u got something to hide
9:23pmCouncilman Tony
So if this private conversation is so innocent, why link to it and invade his privacy? Because I'm a miserable bastard. Until I saw it, I had assumed the worst. I was expecting inflatable dolls, cheerleader outfits and leather boots. But it's a real let down, especially from someone rumored to be such a womanizer. Even I could do better. But if I left this conversation to your imagination, many of you might think the worst, too.
Some of you are probably shocked, just shocked, that Tony Phillips would dare speak to a woman. He's running for Mayor, not Pope. You might also argue that, regardless of Tony's innocuous behavior, a mayoral candidate should know better than to engage in a conversation like that online. He's running for Mayor, not IT Director.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an online date.
9:21pmCouncilman Tony
just checking to see if you were on
hey sexy
9:22pmCouncilman Tony
didn't you say this was visible to others
only if u write on the wall
9:22pmCouncilman Tony
wanted to b clear
u got something to hide
9:23pmCouncilman Tony
r u married?
9:23pmCouncilman Tony
9:23pmCouncilman Tony
u noticed that immediately
sure did
9:24pmCouncilman Tony
sharp eye
read up on u but nothing about family
9:24pmCouncilman Tony
never to sure about net
what do u mean
9:25pmCouncilman Tony
there is more to the story
talk to me
9:26pmCouncilman Tony
not sure what is accessible
i like a direct medium of communication
well since u r runnin 4 mayor i figure u would be married w a family n so on
9:27pmCouncilman Tony
well not sure what to say
the truth
9:28pmCouncilman Tony
what truth
tell me about urself
r u single?
9:29pmCouncilman Tony
i think i start with the truth with no to ur question
so u play
9:29pmCouncilman Tony
u can
would u travel to play
9:30pmCouncilman Tony
yes, where?
to talk......
9:31pmCouncilman Tony
i have family there, where?
9:32pmCouncilman Tony
provide another medium of communication if u can
excuz me
9:33pmCouncilman Tony
where is willin exactly in nc
9:34pmCouncilman Tony
a more direct form of communication if u can or like
about an hour south of Kinston
i married too
9:34pmCouncilman Tony
u r married?
9:35pmCouncilman Tony
y r u playing
y r u playin
9:35pmCouncilman Tony
dangerous game
thought u said yes that u r married
9:36pmCouncilman Tony
when asked I said NO
u mean when i asked
9:36pmCouncilman Tony
9:37pmCouncilman Tony
hav u ever been married?
9:37pmCouncilman Tony
hav u ever cheated?
9:38pmCouncilman Tony
is that where u r, about cheating
u did not answer my quest.?
9:39pmCouncilman Tony
do u do that alot?
9:39pmCouncilman Tony
to ur question
what do i do alot
all men cheat
9:41pmCouncilman Tony
i guess all the men u know
hav u ever dated a latin woman before?
9:41pmCouncilman Tony
all this is flattering but u r not available
yes i have dated several and they r etched i my memory
i could make myself avail. in a quickness
u couldn't handle this one.lol
u scared
9:44pmCouncilman Tony
how so AVAILABLE in a qiuckness explain
well, this ahole doesn't deserve me
need to move on
r u there
9:47pmCouncilman Tony
ok what this mean
well, u know that u had no clue who i was wheen i rquested u
u liked mine pic n me u
9:49pmCouncilman Tony
what does that mean
u came back online to chat
9:49pmCouncilman Tony
thanks for requesting me i never left the chat
what did u8 want to chat about?
9:50pmCouncilman Tony
that was a nice pic of u workout much
i compete
2nd place twice
9:51pmCouncilman Tony
compete awesome
how fit r u?
i read that u teach
my husband does too
9:53pmCouncilman Tony
former athlete wrestler, body weight appropriate to height
9:53pmCouncilman Tony
still maintain tone
i bet
9:54pmCouncilman Tony
what's with ur relationship
he is verbally abusive
calls me all kinds of names
when does a wman say enough
9:55pmCouncilman Tony
sounds like u r comfortable and he provides but sounds like he adventures out
u think
9:55pmCouncilman Tony
sorry he is abusive
just reading into ur cheating comments
poeple cheat for a reason
9:56pmCouncilman Tony
hey if you have a cell can u call me
do u think he is cheating or that where u want to go
no response
i hav no clue w him. i used to love him
now i am wonderin how to get out
9:58pmCouncilman Tony
so what kind of ans to the second part of the question
just make up ur mind and do it.
do u work
wish it was that easy
only me to do is compete when he ssays so
r u there
10:00pmCouncilman Tony
he's controling
right now he is sleepin
u could say that
10:01pmCouncilman Tony
what r u looking for
lookin for?
10:02pmCouncilman Tony
yeah looking for
in a relationship?
10:03pmCouncilman Tony
ok then r u looking for a sounding board
i do not understand
bigmike is ur friend
10:04pmCouncilman Tony
no on this conversation and chat session
what don't u understand
he wants to be my friend
is my pic on ur wall?
10:05pmCouncilman Tony
hey r u seeking something other than conversation
yes ur pic is on my wall
a friend
plz take off
10:06pmCouncilman Tony
all ur friends wants to be my friend
10:06pmCouncilman Tony
if u want me to do so
10:07pmCouncilman Tony
do u think it is because of how u look
i hav no clue
10:07pmCouncilman Tony
don't friend them if they r men for the apparent reason
what do u think?
10:08pmCouncilman Tony
as i said before it is awesome
10:08pmCouncilman Tony
thank u 4 the complement
10:08pmCouncilman Tony
what was that ty
thank you
u must not chat much
i like
10:09pmCouncilman Tony
hey friend i am flatter but u must be clear as to ur intentions
u got me
to be ur friend
10:10pmCouncilman Tony
r u still chatting with me
10:11pmCouncilman Tony
so u want to be my friend?
10:11pmCouncilman Tony
u r a pleasure to chat with
that a good start
u too
10:12pmCouncilman Tony
u were very forward and now u r in reserve mode
that's ok
i will remove u from my wall now
i told u about my relationship. u haven't told me about u
ever been married?
10:14pmCouncilman Tony
can i save it there is not much to tell. it went south and two adults went their seperate ways
I told u i had been married but u missed it
what happen
10:15pmCouncilman Tony
no blame history book closed
10:15pmCouncilman Tony
some people cut their losses and move on
i feel like a fool
10:16pmCouncilman Tony
u got do what have too
so u r datin
10:16pmCouncilman Tony
no campaigning
no play
10:16pmCouncilman Tony
u too ine
come on
10:17pmCouncilman Tony
NONE at all
what a waste
10:17pmCouncilman Tony
don't think about play
where r u going with this
u must be a strong man
10:18pmCouncilman Tony
i do my best
just small talk
10:18pmCouncilman Tony
i hear u
i need focus
u playing
be honest
playin w wht
a man
10:19pmCouncilman Tony
this is the 1st time i ever chatted w a man online.
hav not yet played.
10:20pmCouncilman Tony
seeking a playmate
i do fine w myself
i dj alote
10:21pmCouncilman Tony
dj as in music
on myself
10:22pmCouncilman Tony
i got it
10:22pmCouncilman Tony
u go girl
u like
10:23pmCouncilman Tony
me too
10:24pmCouncilman Tony
just got a visual
i guess u could call me a freak
here too
10:25pmCouncilman Tony
long or short moments
u freak
o baby, long n hard
10:25pmCouncilman Tony
o yes
10:26pmCouncilman Tony
too much for me
come on i know u can hang
10:27pmCouncilman Tony
moisture pasture
we hav been chattin for awhile
10:27pmCouncilman Tony
can only wish i was a digit
do u like salad
10:28pmCouncilman Tony
u r correct
ur salad toss
10:28pmCouncilman Tony
yes like a rabbit
very much so
10:29pmCouncilman Tony
u would have to dig me out of the rabbit hole by my ears
scuba gear required
I'm sorry, but does this not seem a bit suspect to anyone else? This woman seems to be leading Tony along, trying to get him to incriminate him in some way. Then "Delores" posts an ostensibly private conversation with Tony to Get Satisfaction, showing a reasonable amount of tech savvy. Not only that, but "she" created a Get Satisfaction account for this very purpose.
Although I think his politics are foolish in many ways, and I know there seems to be a lot of animosity towards the guy, but up until now, I had nothing against Ed Pawlowski. However, just the possibility that this was a political hit job puts an awful taste in my mouth towards the guy. I can only hope there's another explanation for this.
Also, sorry for my poor grammer in the last comment. It's 2 am, cut me some slack.
I'd buy into this theory except for one thing - I called a friend who is in the Pawlowski camp and he/she had no idea what I was talking about.
Also, I'm not certain Delores created that account, but she asked to have it taken down.
Who knows? But I don't consider the private conversation damaging to Tony.
I agree with you that the actual conversation isn't damaging. Unfortunately, I think the potential for rumors and slander could be. Let's hope people use their heads on this one.
Also, did Delores ask to have it taken down, or did the people at Get Satisfaction flag it and take it down?
Chris, I went back and looked. It looked like "Delores" set up the account herself, then filed a reply claiming she was upset, after it had been removed. So someone was trying to set up Tony. Could have been Bruno, for all we know.
He should quit the mayoral race this is disgusting and offensive to women
"He should quit the mayoral race this is disgusting and offensive to women"
I did not think so.
Yeah the rumors will spread that he is a pervert and he will surely get defeated
Is this better than hanging out with prostitutes in a city park after closing.
In ohare world it is.
Nice High School picture of Ron angle.
Just one reaction - imagine for a moment that Philips is the democratic candidate...incident would live forever in local right wing blogs, radio, letters to the editor as a smear on all demorcratic candidates. A little monica lewinsky anyone?
Tony should leave the race immediately or the local Republican Committee should ask him to. When one is a candidate for an office of responsibility one must act in a fashion that demonstrates the trust of the voters is deserved. Tony has demonstrated bad judgment here, no doubt about it .
Scott Armstrong
Bernie -
Bad judgment (if any) on Tony's part, but the conversation itself? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
I do think it's obvious that someone in the Pawlowski camp set this up. I can't imagine that there are many people in NC who would just happen to contact a candidate for Mayor in Allentown, lead him on, and then post it for all to see.
Whether Pawlowski himself had direct knowledge of it is not known, but Ed is a very small person. He will find a person's weakness and use it against them. Ed is not just a bad Mayor - he is simply not a good person.
I was expecting inflatable dolls, cheerleader outfits and leather boots.
If there was at least one of the above involved, he might have had my vote.
this is all kind of creepy. nothing illegal or even immoral, but the creepy factor is quite high.
I hope he stays in the race. But really, pawloweski's campaign manager is Mike Fleck! You really think Fleck is that smart? I don't!
When you use the Facebook "chat" function w/ another member, I don't believe that it is visible on either person's "wall" unless they post it? (If not, please alert me immediately to this fact.)
I can't imagine that Tony would've posted it to his wall. However, the person who somehow had access to his Facebook account (the same one who posted in on the community portal) probably did, correct? If so, he was set up.
So Bernie, Yesterday entries on your blog indicated failure by Phillips to even return phone calls or campaign door-to-door.
Now we know why. Can only imagine Pawlowski smiling all day long and the Mrs. ordering new city hall furniture. Disgusting.
To Chris Vasquez:
Even if this was deliberate and not far fetched at all, no one
forced Phillips. He must resign today. What kind of example is he for the city's children!
How did I know this blog would defend and rationalize Tony's appalling lack of judgment? Because his name is Tony, not Ed.
Whether Pawlowski himself had direct knowledge of it is not known, but Ed is a very small person. He will find a person's weakness and use it against them. Ed is not just a bad Mayor - he is simply not a good person."
From everything heard around town, this statement is the most accurate. Never met one individual who says Pawlowski is nice.
This ploy is not beyond the scope of a politician of any party.
Smells like palowski and his smear-master robby hopkins are getting an early start, I cannot wait to hear the robo-calls or the mailings on this one!!
This has been fast eddy's tactic for the past three years, smear the other guy, then hide in the rose garden and post cute u-tube videos. When will this guy get called out on the debt, the parks etc. When are the debates???
This is his weakness. Everyone knows.
Whether or not Tony was set up, it's clear the man has a serious lack of judgement. This isn't the only detail of his "private" life that has leaked to the public, and Tony really only has himself to blame.
Although, if Pawlowski's camp baited Phillips, that would make Pawlowski's trolls WORSE than Tony. But there's not a shred of proof to support this conspiracy theory.
What I don't get is the fact that Tony is "working so hard" at his teaching job, commuting, and going door to door - he's too busy to return campaign calls, yet....he's not too busy to talk salad and scuba gear WITH A STRANGER.
Sorry - this is exactly what Allentown does NOT need. Bad judgement from a mayor won't be limited to lame internet chats. Tony needs to stay out of public life.
sad the best the GOP can do is phillips, no matter what, palowski wins 3-1, done deal; only question now is whether or not hershman can know off julio.....
if not, 4 more years or one-party, rubber stamp rule in allentown.
just wait, we will be chasing hizzoner to the hills in a couple of years just like we did with his former boss and messiah roy afflerbach!
Tony a single guy is talking to a woman who is of age, interested, but married. If anything Delores is wrong for initiating the contact. Tony is resistant.
I am suspect because chats on Facebook are private so it was posted to a wall at some point so it was visable to the world.
This would not be so creapy if we did not all know about the girl after hours in the park.
Fkeck and Ed are scum and if you dig deep enough they are behind this somehow!
You "digged"? YOU DUG YOUNG MAN!
1. Well, he's obviously a Democrat because if he were Republican, Dolores would have been a man.
2. This seems like a setup. Delores? First of all, Latinos spell it Dolores not Delores and the last time Delores was a popular name was for babies born in 1932. http://www.nameplayground.com/Delores
3. I don't see what he did so wrong. He's single and lonely and willing to chat with someone in NC and seems to be very conservative in his conversation. I don't get the scandal. Does being mayor of Allentown require a promise of celibacy?
About a decade ago, a wonderfully successful local politican was a shoe-in to win and the night before dirty politics destroyed
the campaign.
Thought Tony was married. Are you sure he's single? Why then was the "park" issue any news.
Dolores spelled her own name wrong. Dolores with an "o" is a Spanish name going back centuries that means "sufferings". In the 30s Americans anglicized it to "Delores" so either Delores is an 80 year American woman posing as a Latin woman or a young Latin woman who hasn't learned to spell her own name. Or it's some ignorant americano trying to set up Tony.
Bernie I think you need to spell out to your readers who do not think this convo was scandalous that it ends with Tony fantasizing about this "woman" masturbating and then telling her that he would like to lick her asshole so deep that it would require scuba gear to get him out.
Personally, I do not find the convo offensive, its sad that people's private interests ever are part of the electoral discussion - that said, I didn't think he showed the kind of good judgment to be Mayor before, and this doesn't help that image. Even if he thought the convo was private, if he was serious about his campaign he would refrain from having any kind of dirty talk with strangers between now and November.
Sister Mary Alice, I dig what you're telling me, but believe either digged or dug is grammatically correct.
Dolores spelled her own name wrong. Dolores with an "o" is a Spanish name going back centuries that means "sufferings". In the 30s Americans anglicized it to "Delores" so either Delores is an 80 year American woman posing as a Latin woman or a young Latin woman who hasn't learned to spell her own name. Or it's some ignorant americano trying to set up Tony.
Spelling is immaterial and if anything, you used this blog as a platform for your racial dogma.
The real question is, was Phillips set up?
No reason for Phillips to quit the race, his conversation is pretty mild stuff, smells like he was set up and in the age of eharmony and Yahoo personals, chatting with the opposite sex via the internet is as common as chatting at a bar.
I agree with Mr. O'Hare on this one.
"Whether or not Tony was set up, it's clear the man has a serious lack of judgement."
By having an online chat with a woman that he thought was private?
Just yesterday folks were outraged with Obama addressing our school kids. Yet no outrage was expressed over M. Vicks school appearance yesterday in Philly.
Now what we have here is not only a candidate for mayor but a 'teacher' as well who is exhibiting questionable behavior and teaching in those same Philly schools. It matters little whether he was 'set up' or not... what we have here is hypocrisy if people aren't just as upset with this situation.
It wasn't right in 1991 when Democrats did it to Bush Sr., nor it is right in 2009 when it's done either. However in neither of those cases was a convicted felon (Vick) doing the speaking. Yet sooo few have spoken against it.
I'm Just saying...I'd be far more concerned about having my kids in the classroom with either of these two men then Obama's 25 minutes.
Like everything else on the internet... nothing ever goes away. You can still read it in it's entirety...
It's still on "get satisfaction"
"it ends with Tony fantasizing about this 'woman' masturbating and then telling her that he would like to lick her asshole so deep that it would require scuba gear to get him out."
I'd laugh my ass off if Delores turned out to be someone named Bill or Fred. This is a private conversation that only gets racy towards the end, after an hour of very obvious temptation. I was actually somewhat impressed by how Tony conducted himself.
I don't think that running for Mayor requires him to take an oath of celibacy.
It was explained to me by a die hard Democrat that to be a Democrat you have to have a mistress or you can't become a party member.
Maybe he's just in the wrong party after all.
"Now what we have here is not only a candidate for mayor but a 'teacher' as well who is exhibiting questionable behavior and teaching in those same Philly schools."
What is "questionable" about a single man having an online chat with a woman, especially one that he thought was private?
I'd be embarrassed as hell if some of my performances with women appeared on the Internet, and perhaps the lesson here is that one can never be too cautious, but I find nothing offensive about that conversation between two consenting adults.
" Are you sure he's single? Why then was the "park" issue any news."
At the time of the Bucky Boyle park incident, Tony was separated. A police report was leaked to a blog. That leak could have been some A-town cops who hate Tony for complaining about their swastikas and cute little things like that. Or it could have been Pawlowski.
But no charges were ever filed because there was no criminal behavior. Tony was talking to a distraught woman with whom he attended Junior High. She was a prostitute and her life is a mess.
After the incident, police visited her home on three separate occasions, attempting to get her to say something happened.
No good deed goes unpunished.
"How did I know this blog would defend and rationalize Tony's appalling lack of judgment? Because his name is Tony, not Ed."
This blog gave you all the details and you are free to reach your own conclusions. Had it been Ed and not Tony, I would have slammed him bc he is married. I suspect Lady MacBeth would slam him harder. But if Ed were a single dude, I'd leave him alone.
This is ridiculous. Aside from poor Tony admitting that he "tosses the salad like a rabbit," which is funny, this is nothing. It's someone named Delores badgering him to put htings in writing. He REPEATEDLY asks her to call him or to take it offline, she's just gunning to pin him down.
First of all, he never really says anything. Second, she's clearly fishing for something to hook him with. Clearly planrted, and what a low opinion I have of ken Matthews for jumping ship on him over this.
I thought Tony would have had the intelligence to create a Facebook page using an alias.Do him and Matthews live in a different universe.I thought Tony would self-destruct but to get trapped with this con.It makes folks wonder how he ever passed the A.P.D. civil service test
If he was married had driven his olds off a bridge drunk with a another woman in the car and let her die in the waters off Cape Cod, he could be a Senator!
Err uhh, I think I resent thaaat.
I guess now we're stuck with fatboy and his Bible banging wife, Boris and Natasha Pawlowksi.
It is clear that someone in Pawlowski team is behind this. I just spoke to some good people who are behind Tony for the election and they are even more angry at the smear tactics/setup (which is very clear) . This is nothing compared to any of the lies and trickery that Mayor Ed has inflicted on Allentown residents. From the budget lies to the the lies he told chuch goers in regards to cedar beach, the distributing of funds and jobs to all of his friends (pay to play). I could go on and on!!
For all you holy people out there passing judgement. "God sees all sin as the same" and its kind of funny Bill Clinton was caught in the act and everybody thinks hes the greatest president ever! We are all human. This is erelevant to being a Mayor in Allentown. We need to get rid of the pond scum of A Mayor named Edwin Pawlowski! Nice try Eddie Boy!
Ed really thinks he has this election in the bag! He is so blind! He doesn't understand that people hate him very deeply. Alot of his friends are just keeping our enemy close to all of us! WE can't wait to stab him with the pitchfork in the back. Times running out Special ED!
Awful lapse of judgement. Like Clinton he can't restrain himself long enough to serve as a major public figure. Shouldn't have become public but now that it has, he's done.
He is behind this. No doubt about it.
Nice speach yesterday Ed !
You are a Liar!
A wolf in sheeps clothes!
Dolores is spelled wrong.
After the incident, police visited her home on three separate occasions, attempting to get her to say something happened.
No good deed goes unpunished.
9:44 AM
Thanks Bernie, Never heard what really happened. Your version makes sense. You're right about the good deeds too.
THe REpublican party can't handle a politician who is not a closeted homosexual or cheating on his wife or both. Silly rabbit, single heterosexuals are for Democrats.
everyone needs to look past the dirty politics that The Mayor is Orchestrating.
Lets Base our choice for Mayor on The Facts.
The facts demonstrate that Ed Pawlwoski has not had a great term as our Mayor and he is not good for the issues the people of Allentown need addressed. He is all about himself and does not care about our city. He is licking his chops if elected, getting a $30,000 pay raise. But thats probably peanuts for how much he has probably stolen right from under us!
I am certainly not a fan of either candidate, but there are a whole lot of unsubstantiated accusations flying around this.
Facts are..
(1) Someone logged the chat who may or may not be "Delores". And posted the chat (Because anyone can create a comment account)
(2) Tony has not denied the claims
(3) Tony used his formal "Facebook" account
I don't give a rats.. what was discussed nor that he even did it (right or wrong). But rather the lack of understanding as to what was at stake. A $95,000 job. The trust of those who supported him. The fact that Allentown needs someone of caliber that wouldn't do something that he wouldn't do in front of his students, the public or his family.
I'm sorry if this sounds over the top for condemnation, but you mean to tell me out of 106,000 people living in Allentown, we can't find one damn person more competent, forthright, ethical and transparent then these two!
Then again if they were... who the hell would want the job of being mayor of this mess? Perhaps they do represent the current state of Allentown. How sad is that!
I also want to add... blogs get a bad name when they attack a man's reputation without facts. I'm entirely against that no matter how a feel about a man or his politics. So unless someone can prove to me these accusations.. that's all they are.
Accusations that come from unsubstantiated claims are vile! No matter who they're directed at. It's just plain wrong and doesn't contribute to getting at the bottom of this one iota!
So as I understand it, you're condemning Phillips because he had a private conversation with a person who apparently posted it for the entire world to see, or leaked it to someone else to do precisely that. You characterize it as a "betrayal" of the trust of those who support Tony, although you concede you don't.
As I mentioned on my blog, he's running for Mayor, not Pope or IT Director. I just had someone blab about the contents of a private email exchange, too. Does that mean I'm an idiot, too?
Sorry, but your condemnation does not just sound over the top, it is over the top.
I do not think he should be held to a higher standard than we impose on ourselves. He is a single male, and his sole flaw was to believe this woman was actually interested in him as a person. Would he be the first person to have made that mistake?
Sorry, but you're a tad too harsh in my view, but your opinion is certainly welcome here.
Tony must resign from city council also. Who will respect anything he says? He should move to Philly and get a fresh start.
LVCI, The conversation occurred. Tony acknowledged that in a phone conversation yesterday, and I'll be meeting him today to discuss it.
Have you ever heard their shitty music for tone deaf drunks?
bernie you wrote,
"I just had someone blab about the contents of a private email exchange, too. Does that mean I'm an idiot, too?"
we didn't have an exchange, although you sent me something, you blocked receiving return mail.
for someone involved in a sex accusation at bucky boyle park last year, founded or unfounded, it's very unattractive and unwise for him to engage in such chat room activity. you may not be offended, but many of us, perhaps more prudish, are.
Ah, Lehigh Valley Nobody still can't find anything to do...
It's amazing the lengths people will go to, to be mayor of a dump like Allentown. If I were mayor of Allentown, I wouldn't want anyone to know.
So the front page story in the Mediocre Call today was that a straight single man running for mayor was chatting with someone on Facebook? What, there's no German shepherd in peril somewhere?
Bernie; If I took a vote of everyone here.. I would have to ask how many spent time on the internet yakking it up some woman (At least what may be a woman).
I bet there would be few... knowing how police troll the internet and other wackos in a chat room.
Even if there were, there is a difference. We are not running for office. Nor teaching.
I REPEAT... this is the best we can do between the two of them???
Nice story on channel 69, I bet Villa spit nails at the mention of your name O'hare. I would like to have seen that!
Bernie O'Hare said... LVCI, The conversation occurred. Tony acknowledged that in a phone conversation yesterday, and I'll be meeting him today to discuss it.
I meant that towards all the commenters accusing Pawalowski as being behind it w/o the facts. I do agree with the facts that you presented regarding Tony are 100%
I don't watch TV, but just caught the 69 show online. They did a very nice job and make the point that someone (we don't know who) is trying very hard to undermine Phillips' campaign.
Why did you delete the link to Lehigh Valley Political Blog?
Yes, the fact that someone would spell their own name wrong isn't suspicious at all that it was a plant. RIght, Mr. Birny O'Hair?
I deleted the link to LVPoliblog bc two of the bloggers there (half of them) have devoted most of their recent posts to personal attacks. In addition to slammng me, VDSM states this: "As for Bernie O'Hare, I moderate the comments, and I refuse to give him a voice here. I hope that many of you will do the same." I'm not going to link to a blog that bears such ill will towards me.
The quality of writing and content on that LV blog is simply unreadable. Aside from the personal crap, of which I don't know and don't care, the blog is like some half-baked high school project.
And what about our friends at the newspaper that is not even worthy of my dog's droppings, wonder if they will print an article tomorrow clarifying all the unverified b.s. they rushed to print today? Yeah right.
Pawloser owns the MCall.
Clearly another Pawloser tactic to keep the attention off of him. he bailed on Afflerbach when Afflerbach bankrupt the city and now hides behind smear tactics and powerpoint - when are we going to get Pawloswer in plain view and an unfiltered and unprepared environement where he has to answer the tough questions.
Morning Call is nothing more than the bad tabloid. The guys who cover city hall must be on life support...
Thank God for this blog!
anon 8:40, the guy covering city hall is actually doing a terrific job, he actually has conducted several investigations. just as he reported on contributions to pawlowski, he reported this chat room occurrence. under the staffing circumstances, we're lucky to have him.
I agree w/ MM's observations about the MC's recent coverage of Allentown. Jarrett Renshaw is excellent. He does not determine placement or write the headlines. The substance of the article is quite good. What really blew me away was Channel 69, which focused on the motives driving the person or persons who posted this exchange on the Internet. It was first class work.
“I do not think he should be held to a higher standard than we impose on ourselves”
Bernie, On this we disagree. For reasons related to trust and judgment those who seek to represent the whole must hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior in order to govern in their constituents best interests. Can one be simultaneously honest and dishonest? Can one make good judgments for their constituents and at the same time make reckless ones for themselves?
No one is forced to represent the greater good and best interests of their neighbors, if one thinks themselves capable and responsible enough to do this job they had better demonstrate through their own actions that they are.
Scott Armstrong
Dude! You made 69 News! And you didn't get arrested! Congrats!
Peace, ~~Alex
He has already been arrested plenty of times.
True, but only rarely convicted.
Ask Pawlowski about his former campaign manager in the last election, ( Bar Johnson, not the one who later submarined a city council candidate of his own party with Robo Calls) who later worked for him as his assistant. They were known to be on quite friendly terms until Lady MacBeth put a stop to it.
This is Chicago style politics. If Allentown votes for it, knowing what we know of Pawlowski, then they deserve what they get.
Sources tell me that Delores is Mike Fleck.
O'Hare Disbarred for "Evil Intent" Activity
O'Hare Disbarred for "Evil Intent" Activity
if he was a married democrat in office he'd get re-elected.. but since he's a single republican that's gaining on pawlowski in momentum .. this is a bad thing. still a stupid move when you know that the media is watching everything your doing but i think lying about budgets being balanced for 4 years and creating facades while denying everything in the name of christianity should scare people more. and i'd highly suggest people watch the movie "An American President" with Michael Douglas for a similar scenario and think twice.
I like Ron Angles High School picture.
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