* Joe Capozzolo was the sole dissenter to Mary Ensslin's appointment to the newly reconstituted Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board. More astute readers will recognize Ensslin as the council member who resigned to become John Stoffa's Director of Court Services. But she didn't last long there either, jumping ship right after an embezzlement was discovered for a better-paying job at Lehigh Valley Hospital. Some council members noted that Ensslin was the driving force behind the health bureau, but Capozzolo noted her political appointments with Toomey and Santorum. He felt someone more qualified should be appointed. A video link is here.
* Locking in a Power Rate: When PPL rates go up in January, Northampton County will have a rate that is already locked in, thanks to its participation with Lancaster County in a cooperative. Some of the intial discussion is linked here. Jerry Seyfried told Stoffa he should have had someone from the cooperative to explain things to Council. Lamont McClure, who insisted he does not oppose progressive solutions, just progressive solutions that come from Stoffa. McClure, McHale and Dertinger apparently want to run a giant extension cord from Gracedale instead of locking in PPL's electricity rate.
* We Can't Afford Anything: McClure claimed we can't afford a new treatment center in Bethlehem Township or a child advocacy center that is mostly funded by federal grants. He's got a point. Kids and prisoners can't vote. But as Easton Blogger Noel Jones observes, "At some point our City and County have got to realize that the enforcement-only model is outdated and not working. We need a rehab center to reduce the number of addicts buying drugs on our streets."
* Angle: Bi-County health Department Supporters are Gutless: I posted Angle's actual video on Friday, and it was well-received, but he's wrong. I support a bicounty health department and have one of the largest guts in the world.
* Cusick: Allegheny County Has Good Livestreaming program: John Cusick describes a decent livestreaming program in Allegheny County that might be less expensive than the proposal being considered in Northampton County.
Mea Culpa: Contrary to what I reported here, Lamont McClure did join Joe Cap in voting against Mary Ensslin.
Bernie, you do a great service by taping these meetings, even if I must take a Dramamine before I watch them. If you keep posting videos every month, their arguments against transparency will seem more and more ridiculous and moot and they'll just give up and webcam since they're being filmed anyway.
Yes, my hands shake uncontrollably. It's really hard to pick my nose.
But you can still manage to talk from your ass.
DantheMan says,
Bernie, Capozzolo wasn't the only no vote. McClure got it right, after questioning Joe Cap, he also voted no. Any prediction as to how long Ensslin will last at this appointment.I say she doesn't last a year.
Dan the Man,
I stand corrected. McClure did vote against Ensslin, and I won't take your bet.
She is a Stoffa crony who helped him win in 2005.
Mary Ennselin worked very hard on the Stoffa campaign in 2005. Her job was a payoff by Stoffa. She and the Country Club set like Chairman Shuman worked against Bob Nyce because he was a real Republican unlike Shuman and Enslin.
Let Stoffa have her.
Bob Nyce is a real Reublican? Last I heard, he works for Severson, which means he stands only for money. Is that a real Republican?
Stoffa works for Angle and Shuman. Really can't throw rocks at others.
Ennslin is a political whore who will switch sides with no regard for loyalty. The word is, she's kissing Dents ass for her next job.
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