Here's an example. After the primary, when campaign manager Jude Denis was dumped in favor of Easton City Council candidate Mike Fleck, Lady MacBeth told Denis she could stay to clean HQs. Condescending remarks like that tend to be bad for morale.
What really set Lady MacBeth off recently was some little bastard, probably Michael Molovinsky, who surreptitiously spraypainted "SKATE OR DIE" all over the restroom walls at campaign HQs. That really got to her.
King Edwin: "This is a sorry sight."
Lady MacBeth: "A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight."
Lady MacBeth got all kinds of cleaning supplies and ordered her volunteers to wash out that offensive graffiti.
Lady MacBeth: "Yet here's a spot."
Pastors Charles and Randy: "Hark, she speaks. We will set down what comes from her, to satisfy our remembrance the more strongly."
Lady MacBeth: "Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then 'tis time to do't. — Hell is murky. — Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our pow'r to accompt? — Yet who would have thought this old wall to have had so much paint in it?"
Lady MacBeth blames "inner city" campaign volunteers for this offense, apparently forgetting that skateboarding is pretty much a middle class (and white) activity. Now, they're all pissed and jumping ship. I have a few names but will keep their identities to myself. One of them is a young lady who recently managed to put herself through college despite the handicap of two parents addicted to crack cocaine. She was deeply offended by Lady MacBeth's accusations, and will apply her talents where they are appreciated.
Skaters are white middle class kids from the burbs, who are usually blonde and have plenty of places in the burbs to skate, unlike inner city kids. I had two "inner cities" moms who worked with me and though their inner city kids wanted skateboards, they could never afford them.
Does it make you feel like a big man attacking this woman. You certainly are living up or down to your reputation.
Inner city kids BAD!
Inner city churches GOOD!
Relgious people scare me. I don't think they should be allowed to be part of mainstream society or have positions of power.
I guess Martin Luther King would have had two strikes against him on this blog. He was an African American and he was a religious leader that used the pulpit to push necessary political reforms.
MLK, not wanted here.
Bernie O'hare attacking a strong, intelligent, opinionated woman.
Nothing new about that. Must be his inferiority complex.
Maybe Pawlowski will have his pastors chastise the Mrs.
You're a creep, O'Hare. I know you are sick.
If Pawlowski can't protect the interior of a building from vandalism, how ever will he protect a 19,000 sq.ft. outside playground?
Anonymous said...
Does it make you feel like a big man attacking this woman. You certainly are living up or down to your reputation.
The "first lady" has stepped forward and into the limelight. She is now fair game.
Anonymous said...
Does it make you feel like a big man attacking this woman. You certainly are living up or down to your reputation.
12:38 AM
Sorry. It seems like "this woman" attacked her staff.
Anon: 12:38, 6:24 & 7:05 - People like you are the scary ones. Pawlowski's camp is full of pseudo moralistic minions like you.
What has this mayor done for the people of center city? Nothing but exploit them over and over?
He knows not what they do. His neglect of "the people" will backfire on him.
Over the next four years, assuming, his kingdom continues you will see Allentown become the Atlantic City of eastern PA.
This is a joke. The City Council acts like it is calling the Mayor to task on the park thing and the mayor treats it like a campaign rally / party. The citizens of Allentown have been duped again.
Onward Christian soldiers marching onto war. The crusades have begun.
While not related to the Mrs. comments,
Kids all over the place of all races skate board nowadays. You really need to get out more and get these stereotypes out of your head.
There are tons of kids who skateboard in Allentown, including center city. I see them all the time.
Anon 8:15, please don't disturb O'Hare's twisted view of the world.
There are skater dudes in factory district by America On Wheels Museum.
They are white, black and hispanic and all mixed together.
Just for the record.
Sometimes they skate in our lot. We don't view skateboarding as a crime, as some do.
Graffiti is another matter. The skateboarders I see in factory district, however, DO NOT carry spray paint. It is easy to ascertain that.
See skateboarders everywhere. Seems to behave very well but they face awful discrimination. few businesses that have expanses of concrete want them anywhere near and they are constantly being thrown out. We do need a skateboard park. We support that. As long as all wear helmets.
Is this the same First Lady that wrote off a charged $250.00 Kohl's tablecloth?
"Kids all over the place of all races skate board nowadays. You really need to get out more and get these stereotypes out of your head."
I'm telling the tale the way it was told to me byu a politico who lives in the "inner city," and he tells me they are more concerned about putting food on the table than skate boarding.
"Is this the same First Lady that wrote off a charged $250.00 Kohl's tablecloth?"
You can see that in P's campaign finance reports.
"I guess Martin Luther King would have had two strikes against him on this blog. He was an African American"
Actually, I think Lisa P' disgust at the "inner city" crowd has something to do w/ their ethnicity. They clearly feel that she treats them differently.
MLK would never allo some mayor to dictate what messages to preach from the pulpit. he was concerned w/ human rights, which pastors Charles and Randy seem more focused on helping King Edwin win elections.
Don't blame businesses for not allowing skateboarders to use their concrete. There are dozens of ambulance chasers just waiting for a kid to get hurt on property owned by perceived "Deep pocketed" businesses.
As for Pawlowski exploiting the people, that's what today's libs do. Passing out placating, taxpayer funded morsels like destination playgrounds and midnight basketball in exchange for votes, using minorities as props in their misguided endeavors. They never deliver any real leadership, never create an environment where people can thrive and improve their lives.
However, the peasants in King Edwin's dominion eat cake and, as evidenced by the fact that they voted this hack into office (and likely will do so again), appear to be satisfied with cake.
The exploitation won't stop as long as those being exploited see it as their ticket to ride.
I've never seen a skater who wasn't white.
Such graffiti is very prevalent nowadays. I visited my great grandmother at Cedarbrook and someone had spraypainted "MAHJONG OR DIE" on the wall.
with all respect ANON 11:49:
Not all skateboarders are white. Just not the fact. Come to factory district after 5 PM (which is soon).
Easily verifiable - not all skateboarders are white.
Sort of like not all hockey players are white - another common and silly misconception.
GRANT FUHR was the goalie for the powerhouse Edmonton Oilers with Wayne Gretzky in 80s.
Former Penn State great and New York Giants and Los Angeles Rams legendary defensive lineman ROSEY GRIER --- his nephew is MIKE GRIER, a 12-year NHL veteran currently with San Jose Sharks.
WILLIE O'REE was first black player in to appear in National Hockey League for the Boston Bruins during the 1957-58 season.
A serious eye injury greatly affected O'Ree's career progress, as did the fact that there were only SIX teams in the NHL at that time and, therefore, less than 120 jobs available with a zillion players competing firecely for them.
O'Ree had a long and successful career in the old Western Hockey League (a top minor league at that time) bascially playing with one eye.
Had O'Ree come around in the early 70s, after the great NHL expansion which started in earnest in the 1967-68 season, O'Ree would have easily claimed a regular NHL place.
Honestly, it is disturbing that Lady MacBeth has an obvious problem with people who don't look like her - despite (or maybe because of) her deep evangelical roots (the thank you jesus folks who feel the need to share their every prayer with the world at large, yet don't treat others the way Christ commanded them to). And yes, she prob did treat her employees like this (but there are two things i don't understand - 1) why was she in charge, isn't Pawlowski supposed to be running his own campaign or does she in fact where the pants in the family and 2) it doesn't matter so much what she does since we didnt elect her, but it does matter what her husband does--to decide to build a playground for disabled kids and NOT consider the need to have constant supervision and maintenance for that playground is criminal! Also, I don't think it is minorities who are mostly responsible for voting pawlowski in, we in the west end bear a lot of responsibility for that and I for one won't do it again.
Okay, BO's at the Lehigh County Commissioner's meeting, so we can post comments that will stay up until he gets home.
Like What?
Oh, I don't know, how about how we follow him around in a black helicopter all day?
Don't say that! He will believe it!
Maybe it is true?
O'Hare is a shameful bigoted racist, anti-semite misogynyist nut. He is out of the Angle camp where all that is normal behavior. The Mayors wife has a right to her opinion. O'Hater is the one who decided to attack her and putting motives to her words that he has no proof of.
Bonnes doens't like stong intelligent women thats one reason why his ex-wife tossed his sorry azz out.
He is a sad and angry bitter little man who gets delight in playing God on his blog. To all his enablers, you are like spectators at a train wreck, or patrons of an old freak show. If you really cared about him you would confront him on his bizzare behavior
Looks an awful lot to me like someone is trying desperately to shut me up. Tht's been tried for over three years. But it is people like you who give me all the motivation I need to continue pointing out these inconvenient little truths.
Bill and Hillary, Adolph and Eva, be glad you do not have to live with Lady McP.
Now maybe we know the issue with Ed; he is second fiddle at home and takes it out with his ranting and raving at work, just ask his council cronies!!
keep going bernie, mr and mrs hizzoner can see the sharks circling.
I think after the hizzoner is done at cedar beach and the rose garden, the next initiative should be to turn the parkway into a series of day camps/resorts/campgrounds for the homeless of the lehigh valley.
It might be considered a little creepy that someone (Anon 8:04 through Anon 8:29), knows my schedule so well. It's likely one of the many women I've rejected.
since the royal family was probably at woodstock, I can envision the parkway turning into a festival/concert arena! Bethlehem has musikfest and we can have palowskifest in the parkway (the palowskiland)!
hizzoner undoubtedly will play and pay the concessions contract to one of his cronies for big political contributions!!
BOHARE is an anti-Pakistani, anti-Irish, anti-American Indian, anti-African American, anti-Semite
PIJANAs (Pakistani-Irish-Jewish-African-Native Americans)UNITE!!!!!
O'Hare is anti-Windish.
But I do like kids if they're properly cooked.
On Thursday night many families with special needs children will be at the meeting to confront the narrow minded bigots.
Hopefully they will convince City Council that this latest attempt by haters with no information is like the shouters at the town hall meetings, all noise and no substance.
Booby walsh and o'hare will get their butts handed to them by these courageos mothers.
God bless them all.
Since you haven't identified yourself, I suspect you're not one of those courageous mothers. There certainly has been misinformation, and nearly all of it comes from Mayor Pawlowski. In addition to talking, he would do well to listen.
nice lady, mean blogger
Very classy lady. She has an opinion and is not afraid of ohare.
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