Local Government TV

Monday, July 13, 2009

Severson Bound Over on All Charges

After a preliminary hearing featuring nine different witnesses, political consultant Tom "Scissorhands" Severson was today bound over on ALL charges relating to deceptive campaign practices in Northampton County. These include 12 third-degree felony counts of tampering with public records or information; 12 second-degree misdemeanor counts of false swearing, 12 third-degree misdemeanor counts of false swearing, 12 second-degree misdemeanor counts of unsworn falsification to authorities and five third-degree felony counts of criminal conspiracy. He is also charged with two misdemeanors related to the Election Code.

I'll have a detailed report tomorrow. For now, I'll leave you with the reaction of Northampton County Bulldog Ron Angle, who attended today's hearing at Dauphin County Prison.


  1. Bernie and friends, Please excuse me for a repeat comment from your last post but here goes: hope Severson gets jail time in cell next to Joe Long and others who violated law(s) but normally these kinds of nitwits only receive "slap on wrists". very unfortunate. Hope I'm wrong in this extraordinary case. John Morganelli should be ashamed of himself for his association with millionaire nitwit, Severson. I warned public and press about devious Severhands decades ago to no avail. I guess crime pays afterall, is my opinion. Go figure!

  2. What did the LongDems testify? I'll bet it was fascinating. Was Larry there? Sounds like he has a handle on all of this, as former Republican Chair for Northampton County. Didn't he pay Severnson for deeds done in the past, as he was the Republican Party campaign guru? How did he answer that question?

  3. Bernie, who are the people that Angle says will rest in peace and why?

  4. Emma & John Turtzo were close friends of Ron Angle. In fact, Angle credits Turtzo with teaching him what he knows about business. When Emma died, Ron attended her funeral. Severson also came, and when he saw Angle, he disrupted the funeral mass with yelling and threats and foul language. John Turtzo died not long after his wife. Severson was charged and convicted of misdemeanor harassment.

  5. Anon 11:37,

    I will have a separate blog concerning the testimony, but Kisslinger was complaining about Severson long before he wa under investigation. So no, he did NOT encourage Severson's deceptive campaign practices when they were being done for local Rs.

  6. Bernie,

    1.) could you recap McClure's connection here? Angle specifically asks if he would be doing jail time. What is the exact connection here?

    2.) is there any connection with Angelos? (McClure's Baltimore boss who has contributed to him, and was in NorCo to be solicited by Dems for money--and gave to Dertinger, Wallace, and Garvin) or is that unrelated?

    3.) did Severson ever work with money from Dertinger's Parsippany, NJ union?

    4.) Morganelli...you have praised him as the "best DA" we've had in a while. Yet, I thought I've read here that he used Severson?? Any problems there?

  7. (1) I will relate McClure's involvement in a post that will be published in an hour or so.

    (2) Angelos money has gone to pay for Severson bills.

    (3) Dertinger's union money was used to pay Severson's bills.

    (4) John Morganelli is the best DA I've seen in NC, but I really hate his connection to Severson and have written about it numerous times. It is my strongest criticism of him as DA.

  8. I wonder why Angle specifically mentioned McClure and not Joe Long and Steve Barron, they were there as well.

  9. In case anyone thinks that NorCo Republicans are hopping up and down in glee, let me just say that this is a sad waste of money and talent. No one wanted to have to even deal with this nonsense, but Severson was getting out of control in his behaviors. It just had to be stopped. All of this also wasted a lot of people's time and distracted from real issues.

  10. Fasten your seatbelts, Northampton County. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

  11. Anonymous 11:37 PM said: What did the LongDems testify? I'll bet it was fascinating. Was Larry there? Sounds like he has a handle on all of this, as former Republican Chair for Northampton County. Didn't he pay Severnson for deeds done in the past, as he was the Republican Party campaign guru? How did he answer that question?
    I was not at the hearing! Waste of time and I would not have learned anything I didn't already know!

    I fired Severson during my '86-'88 NC R Chairmanship. It was mcall Sunday front page news then. I never paid him ten cents but he charged much to the Party without my or anybody else's permission. As soon as I learned what he was doing on his own, he was toast with Party and me! I warned all about sleazeball Severson, including Morganelli but few listened. Now they all know I was correct about him & his nonsense.

  12. Larry is our own Martha Mitchell. We get it.

  13. "1 ANGLE" I'm thinking after his radio show that angle is right.

  14. Didn't Lisa Boscola use one of Severson's shell companies for one of her Senate races?

  15. Boscoloa did indeed use Severson in her last race. Payments went to Political Strategies. She had previously condemned Severson, then started using him.

  16. Angle the moral compass of Northampton County? Excuse me while I drink some hemlock.

  17. NEWS RELEASE: McClure replacing Angle on prison advisory board. Both cite extensive experience

  18. Anon 12:01

    FOTFLMAOPIMP!!! Very Good. Bernie and Angle will be our moral compass to lead us to a better life. LOL


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