Washington- Now that Washington Democrats have found their hand-picked candidate in Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan to make a run for Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional district, it’s important for Lehigh Valley voters to take a close look at his record. As a strong supporter of the Democrats’ so-called “stimulus” package, Callahan would be a perfect fit among budget-busting Democrats in Washington:
“The federal stimulus package, now headed to a congressional conference committee, will bring a quick infusion of funds into Pennsylvania that will assist with the Commonwealth’s own budget crisis, as well as create jobs, encourage investment, lift consumer confidence, and begin the long road back to nationwide economic stability. Immediate action to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is vital not only to the future of our nation, but to the future of Pennsylvania and its local government units, stated Mayor John Callahan.” (PLCM Press Release, “Mayors and Local Officials, Representing the PA League of Cities and Municipalities, Call for Support of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)
In fact, Callahan pushed to institute a 17 percent sales tax increase on already-suffering middle class families (Jeff Hawkes, “Mayors Must Go to Town to Save Cities,” Intelligencer Journal, April 10, 2009). Meanwhile, unemployment in Bethlehem has skyrocketed more than 36 percent since Callahan has been calling the shots (Source: Department of Labor).
“It’s no surprise that Nancy Pelosi pulled out all the stops to get John Callahan in this race,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “As a promoter of the Democrat’s failed stimulus bill and the architect of a massive tax increase on Lehigh Valley families, Callahan would fit right in with the fiscally irresponsible crowd in Washington. Unfortunately for him, Pennsylvania voters don’t want another Pelosi rubberstamp in Congress – they want jobs.”
The hard-working taxpayers of Lehigh Valley need to ask themselves one question when it comes to a potential Callahan candidacy: Why is John Callahan so eager to spend their money?
Americans Lack Confidence in Liberal Agenda: The Bloomberg Professional Global Confidence Index declined to 39.13 in July from 43.57 in June. A reading below 50 means pessimists outnumber optimists. A measure of U.S. participants’ confidence in the world’s largest economy fell to 29.5 from 36.7, the survey showed. “No one can wave a magic wand,” said David Semmens, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank in New York and a regular survey participant. “We aren’t pulling out of the recession in the same way as in past recessions. The economic outlook isn’t improving as strongly as people would have hoped.” (Shamim Adam, Global Confidence Drops as Unemployment Surge Counters Stimulus, Bloomberg, 7/15/09)
Unemployment Soars: The MSCI World Index is down about 2 percent since the U.S. Labor Department on July 2 reported higher-than-expected job losses and an unemployment rate approaching 10 percent. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said July 14 the world will probably suffer “more than the usual” setbacks in exiting the worst slowdown since the Great Depression. (Shamim Adam, Global Confidence Drops as Unemployment Surge Counters Stimulus, Bloomberg, 7/15/09)
A “Misread” Worth $1 Trillion And Thousands Of Jobs: The U.S. lost 467,000 jobs last month and Vice President Joe Biden said the administration “misread the economy” when it predicted unemployment would peak at 8 percent once the stimulus package was passed. President Barack Obama said the jobless rate, now at 9.5 percent, will “tick up” over the next several months. (Shamim Adam, Global Confidence Drops as Unemployment Surge Counters Stimulus, Bloomberg, 7/15/09)
Global Confidence Falters: The survey of more than 2,700 Bloomberg users was conducted between July 6 and July 10. Since the previous survey, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank lowered their forecasts for global growth this year, while leaders from advanced nations say the recovery is too fragile to consider reversing more than $2 trillion in stimulus efforts. (Shamim Adam, Global Confidence Drops as Unemployment Surge Counters Stimulus, Bloomberg, 7/15/09)
Wow, Bernie, can you fit any more doom and gloom into one article?
There is pretty much doom and gloom in there. Somehow I don't think we can spend our way out of this mess. But I like the news release bc it shows where Callahan stands on both the stimulus and proposed sales tax increase option.
Dent has his smear machine in top form. He must go, he is attacking the smartest young leader in the Lehigh Vally.
30 years of bad economic policy is all the democrats fault?
First, this news release is from the NRCC, not the Dent camp. Second, I do not consider it anything close to a smear. It certainly is partisan, but shows a pretty clear division between Dent and Callahan on the stimulus. I do not know Dent's position on increased sales tax, although that is really a state issue.
It may not be a smear, but is close to it. The article does fail to state that the 36% percent increase in unemployment (which is a distorted number because more than 5,000 jobs have been created in Bethlehem since Callahan became mayor) came while a REPUBLICAN administration was in the White House. Bush's policies and tax cuts led to many business to relocate.
When is Dent going to comment, rather than his puppet Shawne Milane? Why doesn't Dent have anything to say about Callahan? How about the money coming to Easton for the police force? Dent was against that. Dent is against improving the infrastructure of the Lehigh Valley, as he voted against the Stimulus package, which would benefit the citizens of the LV, but, he voted for the package while Bush was there to support the bank bailout (TARP). And this is not a SMEAR against Callahan, heh! heh!, Bernie.
Bernie isn't it interesting that the Ford Motor Company is making significant profits selling cars. What is more amazing it the fact that Ford did not take one penney of money under the so called stimulus. Is the stimulus working? Give me a break. Let's try again Ms and Mr Callahan.
Bob Romancheck
I also would like to compliment the people of Bethlehem for their working to a committment to keeping Bethlehem the Christmas city.
What a joke. Maybe they'd feel better if he did what all the Republican's are doing now, including Dent. Just put on your blinders and vote no on every program Obama supports. Why even go to Washington. Just Email the no vote in. This Republican party of today is a pathetically sick joke controlled by right wingnuts.
"How about the money coming to Easton for the police force? Dent was against that."
Dent voted against the stimulus as a poorly conceived spending measure that would fail to help our economy. He certainly does not oppose the grant to Easton any more than Callahan supports the denial of money to every other community in the LV.
It's important to know where candidates stand on the issues. It's important to know their record. When somebody brings up Charlie's voting record in a negative way, that's no smear even if it is negative. The NRCC is bringing up Callahan's record as mayor in a negative way. It's important to know where the criticism is coming from and it certainly is negative, but it's no smear.
"It may not be a smear, but is close to it"
I once watched my dad try a case and he kept trying to make a point that the judge thought was irrelevant. After trying six ways to Sunday, an exasperated judge warned him, "Mr. O'Hare, you're close to being in contempt."
My dad smiled and said, "Close is not enough."
What if you like Nancy Pelosi?
When we talk about the hardworking families of the lehigh valley, these are the same families Dent voted against the a huge tax break for? On the other hand he thought it was ok for AIG executives to get huge bonuses. There is something wrong with this man's priorities.
True, Dent did vote for the Wall Street bailout, which was also supported by Obama and his then opponent, Sam Bennett. But the provision of the bill providing for executive compensdation was later added by Chris Dodd when it went to to the Senate, so Dent did NOT support that portion of the bill or vote for it.
What huge tax breaks did Dent oppose? If you're talking about the meager tax breaks in the stim bill, Dent did oppose them bc they were not large enough. Rs pretty much believe all the world's problems can be solved by tax cuts.
just so I get this straight no relief is better then some relief for the middle class families, that makes tremendous sense.
Sure, some relief is better than none, but I see none. That'smy point. it's not working. We need the jolt now, not ten years from now.
My last point is this. I understand that there exists a fundamental disagreement in economic theories over the role of government spending. True fiscal conservatives oppose any government spending and opposed the TARP bill, Dent did not. Once you have conceded that government has a role in stabilizing the economy in extraordinary times, then I find it convenient when one makes their decision along party lines. I respect core political beliefs, Tommey would have never supported TARP or the Recovery Act. However, Dent chose one over the other. In my opinion, once you chose to have government help the rich guys, then government should find a way to help the not so rich. The impact of the Recovery Act has yet to be told, but my guess is that we will be better off for it then we would be without it. It was not an ideal bill, but anything from Washington hardly is because it includes stuff that shouldn't be there. In the end however the good outweighed the bad.
It appears that the impact of the TARP is actually being felt by the government for gov't bldgs and cops thuis far. As you and I will both agree, it is not a perfect bill. Will you condemn someone merely bc he believes the bad in it outweighs the good? I don't get your point. Because he deviates from the party line on some items, must he always do so?
I supported this bill, but it appears to be a disaster in progress. In the meantime, our economy continues to founder.
As a Bethlehem resident for the past two years, the Mayor has held the property taxes steady. He hasn't rushed to spend the 7 million annually from the Sands. I hope some of this goes to property tax reduction, but I doubt it.
Callahan has certainly been a good mayor for Bethlehem.
Anon 9:21
You mean like the pathetically sick joke that is the radical Left (who are signing legislation before even reading and WRITING) currently destroying the once-great UNITED States of America?
You have repeatedly suggested that Obama has some mysterious final solution for our seniors. It's a myth. Mandatory end of life counseling is also a myth. Do your homework before you make misleading statements.
Hey Bernie,
Did you notice the NRCC and Dent slam Callahan for job loss in the City of Bethlehem? That is a gross distortion of the facts. Even you would agree that he has a solid record of creating jobs in Bethlehem. During the meltdown 1000 new jobs opened at the Sands, a project Callahan championed and something Dent was against.
I thought you were a fair guy? I guess not.
Callahan is abandoning Bethlehem right at the beginning of his casino project... he's probably worried and scared its going to fail. It would have been better to wait until the next election... where he'd only have 1 year left on his final mayor term... but he's completely self-motivated to increase in the political world he's definitely worried that in 3 years everyone in the US will be just as mad at the Democrats as there were with the Republicans during the last presidental election and he's concerned his casino will fail... run from Bethlehem before it happens.. is his mind set. Let's also not forgot that Callahan met with Pelosi in DC and received numerous calls from Biden telling him he needed to run again Dent NOW.
I believe in Charlie Dent! He is a wonderful politician, a good family man and always has the Lehigh Valley in the forefront. Callahan on the other hand is self-interested egotistical sleaze and womanizer with way TOO much baggage. I will do anything to make sure Callahan does not beat Dent.
Dent seems nervous about Callahan. He's really coming out swinging even before Callahan has even said anything.
I wonder how Bethlehem's mayor would vote on the new House health care billif he was in Charlie's seat? Maybe someone should ask.
Scott Armstrong
"I thought you were a fair guy? I guess not."
I posted a NRCC news release, identified it as such and noted its partisan tone. My reason for doing so is bc, despite that, it shows how Callahan feels about the stimulus as well as the sales tax option. It's important to find out as much as we can about each candidate. The news release also backs up every claim made.
I think posting it was fair. Your response to the claim is fair, too.
" Callahan on the other hand is self-interested egotistical sleaze and womanizer with way TOO much baggage. I will do anything to make sure Callahan does not beat Dent."
You could start by not making anonymous claims that you don't back up w/ any evidence. I will not tolerate baseless personal attacks against either candidate.
"I wonder how Bethlehem's mayor would vote on the new House health care billif he was in Charlie's seat? Maybe someone should ask."
This is exactly the kind of thing this campaign should be based on - issues.
Dent has his smear machine in high gear and o"hare is part of the effort. It is clear he will help destroy John.
The unions will get rid of Dent and we will all celebrate Congressman Callahan.
Charlie Dent is recently on record as saying that the scientific evidence just isn't there to support a link between human activities and climate change. Jeepers, even Bush finally admitted that science solidly backs the connection.
John Callahan has made sweeping changes in how Bethlehem does business and the effects it has on climate change. He monitors the city's carbon footprint, has established baseline data, and has set clear targets in line with the Mayor's Climate Change Agreement, which he not only signed, he is living up to his promises.
Does anyone know Dent's voting record on environmental issues? Does he always side with Big Oil or does he occasionally step out on his own?
Dude, I don't know where you get your informationn, but Charlie Dent has never, to my knowledge, suggested there is no connection between climate change and human activity. He is one of the Rs who voted for increased CAFE standards, contrary to what was wanted then by Bush. At the tme, he said "There is a real appetite to increase CAFE standards. The only question has been how much and how fast." Those are not the words of someone who thinks climate change is no big deal.
Anon 8:06 - Take your carbon footprint drivel and shove it! Climate Change Agreement- what the hell is that left-wing pablum? Do you remember what Bethlehem was like when steel was king? It was an environmental cesspool! Our air is 900% better now and yet you libs want to shove even greater emission standards down our throats, ruining our economy in the process. You
"Cap and Tax" nut jobs will ruin America's economy in the end. You will ban all smoke, all vapors, gases and other human emissions including farts. All so that you can experience the Shangri-la of a perfect environment. Follow the late King of Pop's lead and wear a mask in the open and hide out in a hyperbaric chamber to extend your life span. Ooops- guess that didn't work either...
Here is a tough question if the race was between Stoffa and Dent, who would Bernie support.
That's easy. Depends on the race. I'd support Stoffa over Dent for county exec and Dent over Stoffa for Congress. I'd support Callahan over Dent for Bethlehem mayor and support Dent over Callahan for Congress.
This is the problem with Party politics when it is based on "winning elections no matter what" instead of politics based on principles and ideas.
When Republican Senator Specter voted for the stimulus plan, some of the the local Republicans supported a formal censure of his position - because we knew it would not work and because it flied in the face of Republican principles.
Party leadership circled the wagons, opposed the effort and we heard that we had to support him simply because he was a "Republican".
When we get past candidates and party labels, we can fix many problems. When we justify (which both sides do) that it doesn't matter what any politician does as long as they have the right letter by their name, we will improve as a country.
meant "when we justify that it doesn't matter what any politician does as long as they have the right letter by their name, we will NOT improve as a country."
While I am in broad agreement with Joe on party politics the real problem with government today is the career politician. Both parties are dominated by them and their main concern is perpetuating their "careers" rather than pursue any notion of public service.
To address this voters should demand an end to all tax payer subsidized pensions for all elected officials. That would clean out the rats nest.
Scott Armstrong
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