In a nearly hysterical news release, the NRCC quotes from a supposed 2005 telephone conversation between then Congressman Rahm Emmanuel and Hizzoner.
"John Callahan, the attractive, up-and-coming mayor of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, had never spoken to Emanuel when he got his call. ‘Are you tired of being ****ing mayor yet?’ Emanuel asked without a preface. Callahan, who had no problem with salty language, was amused, and he responded in kind. ‘It’s better than being a ****ing congressman,’ he said." (Naftali Bendavid, The Thumpin’, Doubleday, 2007, p. 20)
How the hell do we know this was the actual telephone exchange? Hey Republicans, you're not wiretapping again, are you?
Four years after that phone call, Bethlehem Sands is a reality that even includes Emeril Lagasse. Bam! So Callahan is kicking things up a notch and giving that Congressional bid a little more thought. But national Republicans, who apparently thought Callahan would be Bethlehem's Mayor for the next thousand years, are screaming foul. They call him a "puppet-in-waiting" blindly following "Democratic insiders."
And he said a naughty word.
The news release ends by asking, "During these tough times, don’t Pennsylvania families deserve to know that they will have someone in Washington who answers to them instead of Democrat insiders?" Well, yeah, but doesn't their own damn evidence show that Callahan thumbed his nose at Democratic insiders in 2005?
So what the hell's the point? Frankly, this news release is a big pile of &*)$#.
Pennsylvania Avenue picks up on this news release, too. The National Republican Congressional Committee is apparently predicting that the sky will fall if Callahan runs.
Unlike some of my Democratic friends, I think Charlie Dent is an excellent Congressman whose views on most issues reflect those of his consituents. If Callahan does decide to challenge, it will be an uphill battle. But the NRCC should think twice before slamming someone because he said a naughty word. That's frickin' bullshit.
Give me a $%#@^& break. This is #$%^&#* ridiculous.
Let's just hope they don't find out about Hickey.
Mormons believe ingesting caffeine is a sin. I once saw Callahan eating a Hershey's Bar over a cup of coffee. "Is this the kind of person we want in office?" TO THE GALLOWS! After Mark Sanford, Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Jeff Gannon, Clinton and Lewinsky, etc....etc...etc... I think the public isn't going to pay any attention to the family values BS anymore and they're going to stick to the issues, like every other country does...if that's what this ploy about the cursing is.
He's just another fucking Rendell clone - in any language.
callahan said a naughty word? is anyone surprised? he's a friend of Hickey we're lucky it wasn't worse...
Anon 1236, I do think family values matter - goes to the core of who someone is.
That being said, this is not family values, this is two guys talking. If we rule out people who curse we're done.
The BAnker
Who cares if Callahan cursed? Who has not uttered a f-bomb at some point?
Callahan would be the first real challenger for Dent. Dent should be scared. The district leans Democratic.
Also, Dent's negative BS won't work against a strong candidate. And Callahan won't bend over and take it like Bennett and Driscoll did. Callahan had a real political strategies firm working for him.
I hope Charlie is pristine. Pure white as the driven snow. Without sin. It is obvious they are signaling that they are going to run a "character" campaign against John probably in an attempt to discourage John from running. Burne - your mancrush on Dent is going to be seriously tested in this campaign because they are going to attempt to smear John. They are going to treat John they way say you would be treated. Except, you deserve it Boonie and John does not.
I'm really $%#@*&%^ tired of you $%#@^&%'S picking on my little brother and his %^$#ng language.
Ahhh, go %%$) yourself. And Anon 8:08, %^(* on this!
Callahan would be crazy to run in 2010. He is not that dumb. He should wait until 2012 when the district will hopefully be redistricted into its former boundaries and when there is a presidential race. The midterm elections don't usually go well for the party in power. Too small a turnout..
Dent is more of a D than he an R.
allegedly said the f word four years ago in a private conversation. yeah, that disqualifies him, and everyone in the united states. it's not like he gave them the finger with a smirky smarmy face, oh wait, that was fearless leader W, who singlehandedly has brought America to the brink of moral and financial bankruptcy, subscriber to the "it's not a crime if i do it" theory of presidential power. i tried to post the pic of W giving the finger, but all you have to do is google bush giving the finger and there are about 2 million links to photos of him giving the finger.
This is ridiculous, but...
...it could be a portent of things to come. Could it be that some will make "values", family and otherwise an issue for those who dare to run? Could it be that Cunningham and Callahan are having a shot fired over the bow, anticipating such strategies?
Can't really say I am surprised.
God, I hope not. I doubt Dent will allow the NRCC to run his campaign.
Again, he's really not considered a Republican by most Republicans. He's just not accumulated the same level of animus as Arlen Specter - yet.
That's bull. He's not considered a Republican by far right standards. The far left hates him, too. But CQ has consistently rated Charlie Dent as what he is - a centrist who tends to tilt to the right.
what about the callahan Utube video, I think from the talley ho, poor family values plus a history of over- induldence in south Bethlehem ain't so good
he will fit in well in our nation's Capitol , he can get some real work done for our district in the pubs of DC
OMG! He said a naughty word four years ago and drinks, too?? When will it end?
The Dems need someone pure, holy and without a single blemish or fault.
Hey, I know! Let's nominate San Bennett!
She'd be puuurfect!
If you ever bump into Hickey, please do me a favor. Try to find out what company is his service provider for his mobile phone.
I am paying through the nose and he is always on his. I want to make sure my contract is at least close to his.
And this one goes out to my friend, Jordan!!!
Peace, ~~Alex
"In tough times like these..." who cares if someone curses if they can get us out of these "tough times!"
I want a politician who will one day say, "The &^%$*&^ recession is over and the %$#@#$% troops are coming home!"
There aren't enough Rs in his district to get Dent elected. Democrats have put him in because he closely resembles one of them. The fringe left doesn't like him. Plenty of D's apparently do, however.
Shhh. Don't tell Joe Long.
Say what you will about Dent, he voted "No" on the cap-and-trade bill. For those of you who don't know about cap-and-trade and its devastating impact on jobs (avg. 2.2 existing jobs lost for every 1 "green" job created), shame on you. There's no doubt in my mind that had Callahan been in Congress he would have voted "Yes" with a big shi. . . stuff-eating grin on his face.
Bernie - we can see he is your boy, but there is only so much good looks and a great supporting cast can do.
So he drinks and has no family values versus what - he hired a great firm to win the casino, or was it a present from Gov. Ed R. Bethlehem was well on its was back long before he showed up....
Also, Dent will be helped by Toomey.....and the Independents are leaning heavy GOP!
Who care about his language. The sense of enttitlement and the arrogance are what has me. I have worked with this man and he is always charming but a bit above it all to your face . This is just another pompous ass running his mouth
Anon 6:46,
Actually, the only time I ever spoke to Callahan was at Bethlhehm's dog park. Callahan is on a first name basis w/ my grandson's dog, but that's the extent of it.
Bethlehem is doing great and getting better every day. All the qualities that pawlowski pretends are present in Peanutville, actually exist in the Christmas City.
But I have voted for Dent twice now. I see no reason to change that. He is an excellent Congressman.
But that news release from the NRCC was just plain silly. I doubt Dent or Shawn Millan would be so foolish as to run a news release that actually defeats its own point. And bringing up a curse word? So the frick what? And a reader suggests that Callahan was drinking at Tally Ho? Give me a break. That's just nonsense.
As far as Toomey's help is concerned, I hope it's from a distance. Dent can run his own campaign. Toomey should worry about whatever he's running for this week.
Ooh, talk dirty to me, John.
a couple good candidates tried to defeat professor don Ritter and mchale finally did after a couple of attempts. And that was when was the unions were strong and the union hall wAs always filled.
Ps - while character may not count in Bethlehem machine politics, it will count in this race
The only poor character in this race has been exhibited by Boonie. He claims to be a progressive yet he shills for the most regressive politicians. For example, he constantly puffs the detestable Rong Angle. Boonie, what gives you your moral authority. Was it the time while working at the Justice Department you lied to your superiors and cost a family who lost their husband and father millions of dollars of compensation because of it. Call Joe Quinn in Scranton to confirm the story.
Ahhh, the usual anonymous personal attack, which just inspires me to continue. Thanks.
THe woman with the soap looks like Sam BEnnett.
Anon 11:16 pm:
Nah! The woman with the soap looks more like Boscola.
If it was Sam Bennett she would be giving the kid a sip from a bottle of red wine.
My thought is that Callaham just told the world that he would rather be a mayor than a COngessman. INteresting! I will remember that.
You know that Callahan likes being a big fish in a small pond which he is now, but being "needed" by the big boys in DC is just too ego-stroking to be ignored. Folks, the idea is to have someone who wants to SERVE in Congress, not someone who looks at it like a trophy.
Callahan can win which is why silly season has ensued. One need only go back to his 1990 campaign about not taking a pay raise, a taxpayer financed car etc to see Charlie has a bunch of "character" issues.
Really the race will come down to seeing if Callahan can run an effective campaign which fits the district which despite alot of new voters, change etc it is still culturally conservative. Hint: Callahan should show his "independence" on immigration,trade and energy. Charlie is going to be on the attack so get ready John peeps.
Fyi--callahan is from the same kind of swing base McHale was from in west bethlehem. If he John carried Norco, wins the eastern half of Lehigh (whall, catty, coplay) and wins in Allentown (not easy against Dent). He wins.
Millan will lay it on Cally big time over the character issues. To many bones in that closet.
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