But Nazareth is a strange town. People kept coming and coming. What started as a crowd of 26 grew to well over 50 people of diverse backgrounds. They just kept coming. The place was packed. This was no crowd of sycophants, either. Libertarian Jake Towne, who actually intends to challenge Congressman Dent next year, came at him from the right. There was also a well-spoken liberal in the crowd, who challenged Dent's votes from the left. It was a diverse and informed crowd. Charlie fielded thoughtful questions for well over two hours and seemed to love it.
Cap and trade legislation dominated the first hour of this town hall, followed by some interesting exchanges on health care reform. I plan on telling you about both, but first I really have to highlight some nice news about Nazareth. An elderly gentleman named Mr. Altemose walked in the room, holding something wrapped in a plastic bag. When he saw Congressman Dent, he proudly removed a carefully framed picture of his son, Justin Altmose. You see, Justin was recently nominated by Congressman Dent to West Point.
Dent has a committee of local people interview prospective applicants and write up a report for each student. Wendell Phillips, who serves on that committee, has told Congressman Dent that "the process has reinvigorated my faith in our youth."
Dent then told us "Nazareth had a bumper crop this year." He nominated four high school seniors from Nazareth to the service academies.
I probably inspired those kids. After all, they see my Jeep and military haircut all the time.
Bernie, you likely inspired them to move up and out and not end up like you. I've used your example to frighten two (now) college graduates. I told them you're holed up in a Nazareth apartment under a dangling, bare light bulb, wearing urine stained boxers and banging angrily on your Commodore 64 about kazoos and councils and such. You are a great American to inspire by your example. I'm a fan.
Sad but true picture.
Thank you. You forgot to mention all the strange smells in here.
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