Local Government TV

Monday, July 27, 2009

John Callahan: Charlie Dent Supporter in 2006

“Anyone that says a freshman congressman cannot deliver for his district has never met Charlie Dent.”

That's what Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan said in 2006, when LV Congressman Charlie Dent presented him with a $15 million for Route 412 improvements, helping spark the development of Bethlehem's south side.


  1. but wasn't it supposed to be $25 million? i love it.....starting already

  2. Actually it was originally only $10 million and Dent worked with the Senators to bump it up to $15 million.

    Not a bad day's work.

  3. These two outstanding politicians have had a strong professional relationship for years. Both Dent and Callahan pride themselves on being able to publicly work with anybody.
    It has worked to both of their advantages.

    Now, everything is different.

  4. " i love it.....starting already"

    This is no cheap shot. Callahan owns his words. In '06, Dent was still feeling his way around and was at his most conservative. Since then, he's become much more of a moderate.

  5. At least it will be a race this time compared to what we've been offered the past two election cycles by the local D's! Need to hear what Charlie brings to the table concerning the healthcare debate. The days of jamming spending plans down the R's throats seems to be waning a bit so please tell us what your ideas are to save the healthcare system as it is!

  6. Bernie, Charlie put that out in a mailer the last weekend of the 2006 election. John put out a statement during the final 48 hours saying he supported Dertinger.

  7. did John say he supported Charlie Dent? When a politician says he supports another politician, I expect he would vote for him. Did John vote for Charlie? If he didn't, he didn't support him.

    Sounds to me that John was supportive of receiving a check. What mayor wouldn't support that kind of change coming to his city?

  8. From the news release:
    “I especially want to thank Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Rick Santorum, whose assistance in the overall bill gave much needed help the 15th District’s growing needs.”

    So, using the flimsy logic that Callahan was a Dent supporter, we can now safely assume that Dent is an Arlene Specter supporter.

    Thanks for doing that research Bernie. Or did somebody from Charlie Dent's office pass that on to you as a "tip".

  9. The scumy Dent machine is in full swing. Wait till the dirt hits the fan on Charlie.

    John C will win next year because he represents the new, honest and competent representation we need in the Lehigh Valley.

    He is one of the top rated mayors in the nation. I think that speaks volumes.

  10. Bernie,
    Is this an example of bipartisanship?
    The same bipartisanship you have trouble finding. (see your comments to the post below).

    Callahan has been willing to work with Republicans to help the people of Bethlehem. And he will extend a hand across the aisle to help the people of the 15th when elected to congress.

    That is more than I can say for Dent. Since Obama has been office, Dent's votes have consistently been in his party's interest rather than his constituents interests.

  11. I hope this is evidence of a clean, respectful campaign devoid of personal attacks. There's nothing wrong with saying "My opponent is good, but I'm better."

  12. "Is this an example of bipartisanship?"

    That's a very valid point. Callahan's complimentary remarks in 2006 do show some bipartisanship. In addition, they plainly reveal that even when he was a mere freshman, Callahan had high praise for Dent. Since then, Dent has only gotten better.

  13. " Since Obama has been office, Dent's votes have consistently been in his party's interest rather than his constituents interests."

    I believe what you mean to say is that Dent has refused to go along w/ a Dem party agenda that includes voting on bills w/o even reading them. That is not in his constituents' best interests. Nor is the cap and trade energy bill, which was rammed down Congressmen's throats and will cost 36,000 Pa jobs, good jobs. Nor is Orwellian health care reform that may actually cut off care to some seniors. I will be very interested to learn how Callahan feels about these vital issues.

  14. Anon 5:54, You cannot claim that Callahan represents a "new, honest and competent" kind of politics and simultaneously slam Dent as "scum." That's LongDem politics, or Spacy Casey politics, but certainly is nothing new. It's just more of the vitriol and is unworthy of Callahan or Dent.

  15. Dent's fine with abortions, executions, and lots of war (note his silence on Obama's bombing of collateral Pakistani innocents).

    Charlie seems to be consistently for death - by whatever form it takes.

    Is Callahan as ghastly?

    It's the death, Charlie. It's all the death you support. It's just a whole lot of death.

    And I'm one who largely agrees with all of Charlie's economic views. I just can't countenance all the death.

  16. If you feel that Charlie Dent stand for death, you should not support him unless you're an undertaker. But that's a pretty silly conclusion to reach.

  17. "So, using the flimsy logic that Callahan was a Dent supporter, we can now safely assume that Dent is an Arlene Specter supporter."

    Dent certainly was an Arlen Specter supporter in 2006.

    "Thanks for doing that research Bernie. Or did somebody from Charlie Dent's office pass that on to you as a 'tip'."

    I found it independently. I spent some time this morning googling to see instances of them talking about each other in the past. You will note that the link is actually a cache link bc the original is gone from Congressman Dent's web page. I don't think Dent's office was even aware it was still there.

    They are now.

  18. "did John say he supported Charlie Dent? When a politician says he supports another politician, I expect he would vote for him."

    That's why ballots are secret, aren't they? I suspect Callahan, who is after all a former R, voted for Dent over Dertinger in '06 and would bet the ranch he picked Dent over Bennett in the voting booth.

  19. "There's nothing wrong with saying 'My opponent is good, but I'm better.'"

    Well, in this case there is something wrong with it. The last part isnt true.

  20. Callahan has accomplesed things in both the private and public sectors. Dent has only suckled at the public tit.

  21. They both just want the job for the health insurance. If you work in Congress you get free insurance paid by tax money with no premiums and you can't be denied for pre-existing conditions. THey should both run by refusing their government run universal healthcare and venturing into the lean mean expensive individual markets that the rest of us peasants have.

  22. Both could make far more money in the private sector and have the best medical insurance money could buy, too. I do not understand why a public official needs to take a vow of poverty.

  23. I don't think they should have a vow of poverty but they should have the same insurance options their constituents have. I think it's truly ironic that Dent is against universal health insurance but has it. I think he can afford the regular insurance that his constituents have. I'm sure a lot of those old COngressmen and Senators have a lot of pre-existing conditions. If they're so pro insurance company, they should be paying into the till like we are.

  24. Bernie,

    I beg to differ with you on that 36,000 jobs lost from cap-and-trade bill. Those numbers came from a minority caucus committee report on the bill. In other words, GOP staffers concluded that. The majority caucus report disagreed. After the last 8 years, I'm going with my guys over their's.

  25. Actually, the figures come from a nonprofit that reputedly has ties to the energy industry. I linked to it in a post several weeks ago. It deeply concerns me and I would be very reluctant to pass legislation in a recession that drives up utility bills and costs jobs.

    And Rich, it makes sense. Pa is the third largest coal consumer and the 4th largest coal producer. That legislation will be a kick in the teeth. It defies common sense to argue that we will not be negatively impacted, although the job loss may have been inflated.

  26. Bernie,

    I do not doubt that a non-profit said those numbers, but the House GOP committee report started pushing similar numbers last winter. I don't trust it. I think green jobs will off-set much smaller losses over the next 3-5 years.

  27. "I think green jobs will off-set much smaller losses over the next 3-5 years."

    Only those who have a job are willing to take that gamble. For those who dont (almost 10% of the nation now and increasing), taking more, definite job losses for 'potential' green job offsets doesnt sound like a great idea. Especially since it has been proven that the number of 'green jobs' never really account for the number of jobs lost.

  28. "That's why ballots are secret, aren't they? I suspect Callahan, who is after all a former R, voted for Dent over Dertinger in '06 and would bet the ranch he picked Dent over Bennett in the voting booth."

    Never mind that he endorsed Dertinger in 2006? I guess we can suspect that John is also a woman parading around in nice suits and that Charlie is interested in stamp collecting. That is, after all, suspect... unless you really profess to know what happens in a voting booth.

  29. I never said I knew how Callahan voted. That was my point tyo those claiming he voted for dertinger. i really doubt it. Having seen this statement and knowing that Dertinger and Long were insulting Cunningham at the time, I doubt it very much.

  30. BO-

    But is Callahan supported by Long?


  31. Long may "support" Callahan because he goes with the party...but I do not think Long will be out raising money or knocking on doors for Callahan. Long and Dertinger still hold grudges becuase Cunningham and Callahan hosted a fundraiser for the Murphys (Lois and Pat) in 2006 and did nothing for Charles!.

  32. "If you feel that Charlie Dent stand for death, you should not support him unless you're an undertaker. But that's a pretty silly conclusion to reach."

    Is this some sick joke? I've attended a young Marine's funeral recently and am saddened and and angered by the flip undertaker reference. Sick.

  33. Some of us might be saddened, angered and sickened by the ridiculous allegation that Dent is somehow a merchant of death. That's ridiculous and deserves a ridiculous response.

  34. "Long may "support" Callahan because he goes with the party...but I do not think Long will be out raising money or knocking on doors for Callahan. Long and Dertinger still hold grudges becuase Cunningham and Callahan hosted a fundraiser for the Murphys (Lois and Pat) in 2006 and did nothing for Charles!"

    Anonymous 12:41,
    They did not host a fundraiser for Charles because Charles NEVER asked them to - and the Murphy's did ask. The whole Long grudge is ridiculous and an indication of his arrogance that he thinks things should be GIVEN to his chosen ones because he decrees it so. All Charles had to do was ask...and he never did.

  35. Dent's problems point to the need for Callahn to be our congressman.

    He is a proven leader for the future.

  36. Both are likeable guys and both do well with a microphone at public functions.

    The reality is that Callahan as mayor, through his efforts and success within Bethlehem, has benefited the Greater Lehigh Valley more than Dent has been able to do as Congressman.

    One has a distinguished record of solid achievement in government and the other an undistinguished record as a legislator at multiple levels.

    It's kind of early in this process but the choice seems clear to me.


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