Cunningham proposes fixing ten bridges in 2010, including the Pine Street Bridge over Lehigh River, Rex’s Covered Bridge over Jordan Creek and the Basin Street Bridge. This is in addition to 22 bridges repaired or replaced over the last four years.
“When I took office four years ago, nearly two-thirds of the county’s 47 bridges had a deficiency rating or were closed,” Cunningham said. “Maintaining and improving public infrastructure is a core responsibility of government. I’m pleased to report that by the end of this year all of those closed bridges will be reopened and dozens of other bridges have been repaired.”
Of the $16.5 million in projects scheduled for 2010, two-thirds goes for bridges or open space preservation and parks projects. No new building projects are planned, but the county continues retrofit work in county buildings to reduce energy consumption and utility costs. The goal is to reduce energy consumpton 20%, which will translate to $1 million in annual savings.
“Although this plan is significantly less than previous years, we continue to fix what’s broken and use our money wisely to enhance the quality of life for Lehigh County residents and not push problems back for future leaders and taxpayers,” Cunningham said.
Very financially ambitious projects for a county that can't afford $39k for webcasts.
What a transparent panderer. I'm tired of smiling liars who are always running for something else. I have Cunningham Fatigue. I wish he's go away.
Credit is due for the ongoing work on the Linden St bridge.
Why doesnt Don run for congress he has money, bridges getting fixed, no tax hike to date...makes sense to run for an office he can win. He is also likely pro-life so can cut into Dent's R base.
As long as we don't have another budget with a $12 million operating deficit, this is a good idea.
However, government wants to do everything for everybody and they use credit cards to make everyone happy. This practice MUST stop because we, and our children and grandchildren can't afford our fiscal irresponsibility.
If Don presents a budget that is truly balanced and accomplishes thes goal, he deserves praise.
If it is another scheme to justify a huge deficit, he deserves condemnation.
It is that simple and all citizens must demand such accountability. I will await his budget before I pronounce a final judgment.
This guy needs to be tossed out on his ear. He did a horrible job on the Trexler Game Preserve for wild Animals and he wants to continue that work further. What an embarrassment.
Cunningham = Special Ed Spendell = Ewww, I need a shower.
Stop it anon 8:35, that is an official O'Hare mancrush you are attacking. That is not allowed. That means you must be a Pawlowski Dem or a Long Dem or a P2P Dem or a ..oh you know, all the stuff O'Hare says when he gets mad.
I agree with Joe, on fiscal responsibility. I wonder however if Joe will translate that fiscal responsibility on military spending on a national level.
Joe supported a President who ran two wars using a credit card.
I hate war, it is sometime necessary, however I am a man that understands common sense and if you cut taxes and go to war you end up in bad financial shape.
At least FDR had the sense to have the American People to buy into the wars using war bonds.
At the end of the day, if we take on debt to repair our bridges, we still have our bridges.
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