Pawlowski's post primary campaign finance report, which spans just a one month period, reveals he's raked in another $20,857.33, approximately the same sum of money that Northampton County Executive John Stoffa used to finance his entire campaign. I've posted Pawlowski's report online and you can access it here.
It's the usual suspects of vendors, attorneys and developers. Philadelphia law Cozen Connor, for example, kicked in $3,000. This is in addition to the $2,500 contributed last year. That firm has received huge sums from Allentown for negotiating police contracts. No pay to play there.
Bennett Toyota was recently given $4.5 million in public grants and loans to move to the Old Exide Battery plant. That's according to the city's own web page. Bennett donated $2,500 to Pawlowski's campaign. This wheeler dealer also provided Pawlowski with a car and two minivans on election day. No pay to play there, either.
What kind of Bible School did he go to, anyway?
Update: The $4.5 million in public funding I mention did not go directly into bennett's pocket, but to remediate the land. So Bennett benefits, but only indirectly.
Update #2: The Morning Call's Jarrett Renshaw has his own account concerning Pawlowski's plunder. Jarrett also has Tony Phillips' report, and was able to compare the two.
This sort of prolific fund raising betrays a larger political ambition than just being mayor of Allentown. Many agree that he seems to hold a very high opinion of himself. The question is this, once he completely destroys this city what will be his next target.
Scott Armstrong
Suspect Pawlowski is headed to Washington. Perhaps to direct a nonprofit low income housing
"What kind of Bible School did he go to, anyway?"
whaaata i win?
The mere fact that he went to Bible School and keeps mentioning it scares me.
I think it's only a matter of time before the fall. If only half of this is true (about play to pay), it will not be long before there is disclosure by one of Ed's pay pals. All he has to do is reneg or disappoint someone one time and everything will come spilling out, like a good whack from a pinata.
He's genuinely a creepy character, don't you think?
$20K....sort of penny-ante, don't you think. doesn't sound as if there is much playing or paying going on!!!
20k in one month translates to $240k per year.
He doesn't give a shit abut the appearance of propriety. Accepting that money and cars from Bennett is disgusting. I need a shower.
I must have missed Janet Street-Porter's much older quote; "The nations media is clogged with newspapers; the written diarrhea of left wing elitists"
Funny, your comments appear same day Allentown to host ethics committee meeting.
To: 9:26.
Doubt it will happen. So many profit from his elected post.
When is Pawlowski's pay raise going into effect? Has he mentioned forgoing this raise in light of the city's financial trouble?
To Monkey Momma:
Are you sure he said he won't accept that raise?
"Has he mentioned forgoing this raise in light of the city's financial trouble?"
He hasn't indicated, but his opponent said he will take it... even though he voted against it while on city council. Typical politicial.
The Mayor of Pa.'s third largest city should be well compensated, but should be required to forego all those consulting gigs.
$240k sounds like a lot, but it would be an underfunded Congressional number, not a heavyweight Mayor number. Let's not get into comparing this with a Northampton County Exec race, where even the supposedly "good fundraiser" can't raise $30k. It's not the amount raised that really matters in the end anyway, it's the content of WHO gives, and if they get anything in return. That is the question I think you want to get at, and you should.
Scott A,
Even if he does have higher ambitions, is that a bad thing? Within my lifetime, a young guy got elected to the state house and state senate on the way to being our current congressman. Wasn't he fairly ambitious too? It's not like you guys drug him into that 2004 race kicking and screaming.
Cunningham makes Pawlowski look like a piker. So does BO's favorite Morganelli.
Callahan is running for Congress, yea!!
Bernie what will you do? Your mancrush on Dent will be tested by your mancrush on Callahan
Rising Sun, who is the "good fundraiser" in Norco you refer to?
I wouldn't consider Joe Long a good fundraiser. I've seen better.
Nice self-portarait there O'Hare.
RE Bible School. I agree. I think the worst thing a politician can do is brag that he or she has some religious connection because I automatically, when I hear that, assume that the politician is unethical or unfaithful or something "un".
Just Curious,
I don't think there was a real good fundraiser in the race. I was being mocking of the 2nd place finisher in the executive primary.
Chicago shake-down artist moves to the country and becomes king!
Mayor Daley taught him well.
Eddy go home......
I met Ed's wife once. All I can say is Allentown got the wrong Pawlawski in the mayor's office.
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