Since that time, Neiper was absent from both a June county council meeting as well as an important meeting of the newly formed Lehigh Valley Health Commission, which consists of the legislative bodies of both counties. An ardent proponent of a regionalized health board, Neiper's absence could only mean that she was already effectively gone.
Inside sources tell me Council Prez Ann McHale already has Neiper's resignation, but as of Friday, it is still unavailable to the public.
Neiper is the sixth member of Northampton County's legislature, perhaps the most erratic in the Lehigh Valley, to have left in the last three years. Under our home rule charter, council members must appoint her successor within thirty days, or the appointment will be made by the court.
Neiper was all too often the third wheel on the Dertinger-McClure bicycle, but she also was one of Council's hardest working members. She's leaving for the best of reasons - to be closer to her grandchildren. I hope she enjoys her new life in Cumberland County.
I hate long goodbyes. How long is this one going to go on?
I suspect on Thursday, the process for a new council member will start again. It will be interesting to see whether four Dems and four Rs can agree on someone.
Bernie, I think they should be required to live in a house together while being filmed. Who do we talk to about making this happen?
Now you are trolling people's Facebook accounts for "news?" Really Bernie? That is what your up to now. I offer support to a good and I make your blog?
Slow weekend for you I guess.
oops I posted on the wrong post.
Feel free to delete or move to your Facebook spying post.
Jacob, Facebook is public - kinda hard to "spy" on a public site isn't it?
As has been said here many times, if you don't want someone to read it, then don't post it.
The Banker
Is that the same Oberholtzer who is the Treasurer of the Lehigh County Democratic Committee?
DantheMann says,
Funny, now Joe Cap holds the vote for a new member. He fell in shit!
To 1:00 am who thinks they should be required to live in a house together and be filmed, how about they should be required to attend meeting and have them filmed first like every other local municipal body in the United States. Let's start there. That will be entertaining enough just to watch them at the meeting, but "Honey Girl McHale" won't have herself be filmed. She needs the right lighting like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard so she can get ready for her closeup.
Diane's contribution to council's dysfunction makes her a forgettable figure in the gridlock that has served taxpayers quite well and improved NorCo's financial standing under the often thwarted Stoffa administration.
The taxpayers will be best served by another contentious appointment squabble. I can't wait. Angle should fire an opening salvo by nominating Bernie. Let's the games begin!
They need to consider someone who is not running. That would be unfair to all of the other candidates. It should be easy to find someone out there with County Council experience to fill in until the election. Hopefully we won't have such a farce this time when they choose someone..
Diane did a good job espially in regard to human servies. She'll be missed.
"Is that the same Oberholtzer who is the Treasurer of the Lehigh County Democratic Committee?"
Yep, he's a lever puller who is mighty ticked that I shared his exchanges with Lorraine Pasquali on Facebook. But as he demonstrates pretty convincingly himself, he's not too careful about how he shares information on the Internet.
Tom Foolery,
Diane did work hard for Human Services. I think she was way too partisan and sided all to often with a mean-spirited bunch, making colossal errors. But you are right about her work ethic. I wish her the best.
The work ethic stuff is tiring. Hitler and Pol Pot had unquestioned work ethics. And both liked dogs, too! Of course, Pol Pot liked his medium rare.
Don't forget your birdfeeder and don't let the door hit your.....on the way out.
Will her resignation letter be read aloud and available via video?
Oh yeah. I guess not.
No one of quality is going to be interested in the seat after that last fiasco nor will be considered. Sad. But that's what they want. Anyone adequate would stick out like a sore thumb up there. They'll drag someone on his or her way back to the jail from work release to fill that position.
Beenie and Angler smearing another woman. See a pattern ?
Damn Diane looks happy to be out of there. What a smile!
Is crazy and uneducated considered strengths for that body?
Whoever Angle wants is an immediate danger sign.
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