Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Will Power Slams Dertinger's Unprofessional Behavior on Council

LWV Moderator: County Council regularly functions in a state of dysfunction and unprofessionalism. How do you think this has hurt the community? How would you maintain decorum while engaging in civil, political discourse?

Charles Dertinger: "I would love to address that. Remarkably, it's - and this is no disrespect to the reporters - remarkably they report the arguments. There have been time and again when there are issues that do breed quite a bit of animosity. There are issues that we see as completely opposite to one another. And then, right after that, you'll see two or three unanimous votes.

"These issues are important. These issues need to be debated. People who have strong feelings about them should voice their opinions. If we think for a second that anything else is going to be appropriate here, I don't think people are going to be given their full measure when they arrive here.

"You need to advocate for what people have sent you here for. I ran on a very clear ticket of open space preservation, farmland preservation, park development. Every time that issue comes up, I will fight it to the very end. I'm a building trades professional. I know how those projects should be done. When those issues come up, I will fight them with every bit that I have as well. And those who disagree with me, I expect them to do the same."

Will Power: "I promote debate rather than fights. The very last meeting I went to, my stomach had never been turned so much before at a public meeting. And I attend a lot of them. I'm no Ron Angle, but I attend a lot of meetings. I walked away sometimes ashamed of my own behavior. But I was never more ashamed of you [referring to Dertinger] and Lamont McClure that night. That was just horrendous. And both of you ...

Dertinger: "Dare we be specific?"

Power: "This is an example ..."

Dertinger: "Well ...

Power: "Nobody interrupted while you were talking ...

Dertinger: "I didn't tell a story ..."

LVW Moderator: "You'll have a statement at the end."

Power: "While not being disagreeable, I'm pointing out that I thought your behavior was irresponsible."

If you'd like to hear the thuggish behavior of Charles Vanderbilt Dertinger during a County Council meeting, just click here, look for the 64Kbps M3U (Lo-Fi) at the left sidebar and enjoy. A verbatim transcript is located here.


  1. Power like Stoffa just talks about nothing. All puff no action. That exchange made Power come off as an uninformed goof.
    Surprise, good for Charles!

  2. Actually, Dertinger demonstrated the very kind of unprofessional behavior being condemned by the question. Power, to his credit, pointed it out.

  3. As an outsider it Looks like you spend alot of effort on a guy who you claim to be unprofessional. Or as I have heard he holds you in low esteem and you can't take it

  4. Wow. I wish I would have gone to this.

  5. I respect Will Power's willingness to change. He has the right idea in life. If things aren't going so great one way, let's try something new. He didn't just sit around feeling sorry for himself. He changed his name and changed some of his persona. He seems willing to listen to others and consider different options. Isn't that what we hope for politicans?

  6. I spend a lot of time covering Northampto County, not Dertinger. This is him, in his own words. He is very much what is wrong w/ governmenmt. He very nearly was a Congressman. He'd like to be somehere else now. I don't cover him enough, to be honest.

  7. I hope all of the Angle and Stoffa friends one shot Will Power in this election. If Stoffa gets elected he is going to need help from Council to get anything done.

  8. Angel's own words say it best, when he was in the hospital with a heart problem years ago, a reporter interviewed him from the Morning Call, don't remember his exact words but basically he said, I am the greatest or best conman around, he is also the best pot stirrer, one can stir forever and the pot still burns, how many law suits?

  9. how were the other council (Dem and Rep) candidates? Neither the Call, Express, nor LVR reported anything beyond Stoffa, McHale, and "Charles!" (and Will Power). Five slots open on Council, but not info reported by anyone.

    Without the papers reporting, it is going to be folks voting on party lines, name recognition, or what they've heard through the grape vine.

  10. Anon 9:04,

    This post has nothing to do w/ Ron Angle, who was not even in the building last night. This is all about Dertinger's own unprofessional behavior. He not only defended his antics, but actually displayed that behavior last night in his interruption of Will Power.

  11. Lighthouse, one of the videos I am uploading will include the D council candidates. I do not have the Rs and was not present during the forum.

  12. Whatever happened w/ those 600 signs? Bernie?

  13. Bernie ate the signs!

  14. You'll have to ask McHale's goons. They'll knw.

  15. I heard that Will let everyone know that "Mrs. Powers" was ovulating...I guess he is pro-life??

    On the more serious candidates, hopefully the Call and Express will have an article on.

  16. Will probably could have avoided the reference to ovulation.

  17. Power ovulating means Dems salivating for McHale et al.

  18. Will Power, Ovulation Party Candidate!

  19. Former Liberal God John EdwardsMay 6, 2009 at 8:25 PM

    I'm personally opposed to ovulation, but believe it's a decision to made in private wit yo ho.


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