Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Charles Dertinger: My Best Work is Behind Closed Doors

The Express Times Voter Guide asks Northampton County Council candidates, "Did you attend county council meetings before you considered running? Why or why not?" I like that question. I posted a blog asking whether municipal candidates should attend meetings. Someone at the LV LWV liked that question, too. It was posed to council candidates last night.

Incumbent Charles Dertinger uses that question to launch a bizarre personal attack aimed at me. In doing so, he demonstrates why Northampton County Council is so dysfunctional. He also incredibly claims that council's real work is done away from the prying eyes of the public. So much for the Sunshine Act. Here's his amazing answer.

"Not having a moment to imagine that that question was submitted by Bernie O'Hare. [Laughter]. Bernie O'Hare has a very high opinion of himself. The truth of the matter is I have an excellent - as he has pointed out - an excellent attendance record at council meetings.

"Committee meetings, although they are very important, I do not serve on standing committees that meet constantly. I serve as Chairman of Open Space. We meet probably three times a year - two times a year - because that's when the projects come to us.

"I sit on Economic Development for which I haven't missed too terribly many meetings. This past week, because they put one in the middle of the day that I could not attend.

"Our work is done outside of the committee meetings. We were able to move things along at Keystone Cement because I attended meetings with Keystone at their facility a number of times.

"So, it's a silly question."

Council has eight standing committees. Every member of council is encouraged to participate in every committee. So it's a pretty accurate gauge of the time and effort each councilperson devotes to government service. In 2008, Dertinger's 8% attendance record put him in a tie for last place. In 2007, he was among the bottom three. In 2006, he was tied for last place again.

Now we know why. Instead of putting up with pesky members of the public, Dertinger prefers private meetings with corporate execs. I heard he was related to the Vanderbilts. Must be true.

Incidentally, I never posed that question. So Dertinger managed to insult another prospective voter instead of me. I pointed that out to him on his way out last night. He called me a drunk and told me to get a job.


  1. Charles gave you great insight into yourelf and great advice. Sober up, take a shower and get a job.
    Kissing Stoffa and Angles ass is really not a job but a pleasurable hobby.

  2. I'm delighted to know you conside kissing assesto bea pleasurable hobby.

    Dertinger's post meeting behavior demonstrates what his council behavior demonstrates - he is a thug.

    He admits an abysmal attendance record at committee meetings. He also demonstrates a contempt for public participation in government.

  3. Dertinger must have done well last nite you seem unusually rattled about him did he say anthing about your benefactor Stoffa that would cause this concentration on him. I have read his comments you have posted here they don't seem thuggish or irresponsible.
    There were 14 candidates advertised to appear and all you can talk about is your buddy Stoffa (expected) Machale and Dertinger. Nice objectivity, you may need to take seriously the idea of therapy.

  4. Express Times Voter Guide.

    After more than 100 MC employees recently fired, wonder if these guides will be available in the future?

  5. "I have read his comments you have posted here they don't seem thuggish or irresponsible." - Thank you, Charles. Let's see. First, in response to a question having nothing to do w/ me, he slams me. Second, he calls me names on his way out of the building. He is a thug. He belongas on a goon squad, not Northampton County's second largest government.

    As far as objectivity is concerned, I make no claim to being objective. I have a point of view and will express it. But my facts will be right. My accounting of what Dertinger said is verbatim. My accounting of Dertinger's post meeting behavior is factually accurate.

  6. Anon 8:07, The ET Voter Guide is an online production and I have a link at my left sidebar. Because it is online, there is room for more than one question to candidates. I recommend it to anyone looking for background information on the candidates.

  7. "behind closed doors" might also include lining votes up before any honest public discussion....of course maybe both camps are guilty?? A phone call here, a phone call there, no quorum technically involved.

    I will grant that "CHARLES!" makes a very valid point that there will be issues of legitimate, sharp, divisions, but is it possible to disagree agreeably?....that advice could probably apply down the dais, though.

  8. Lightbulb, all County Executives have had to deal with independent Councils. Stoffa is a mean and stubborn old man. He has been unable and unwilling to work well with Council, he has failed.

  9. To Anon 12:46,

    How do you "work" with Council, when the Council is dysfunctional itself? Has been for years.

    As Ron Angle said, and I'm not a fan of Ron Angle, the only real power that Council has is the budget. But you have 9 people who want to be County Exec, all with different opinions.

  10. Anon 12:46

    Who said I was defending Stoffa?? I was offering a critique on "CHARLES!" and others, who choose (by his own words) to operate outside of the public eye, thus outside of accountablity....until election time when all the cliches come out.

    I agree with Anon 2:57 in that the Home Rule charter really doesn't create a particularly strong council. That's difficult to accept for some who either perceive (or like to portray) that council has more authority than it really does. The power of the purse is where its main function/power lie. But with a long history of Exec-wannabes on Council it creates some clash of egos.

  11. Lighthouse, you are correct. It is a strong exec form of government, and exists in LC as well. Basically, it is the power of the purse.

  12. Bernie, unfortunately it is very obvious that even if Dertinger sprouted a halo, you would find fault with the circumference, everyone who monday morning quarterbacks should serve in public office, the time spent behind the scenes in working with a problem is humungous, it is humanly impossible to accomplish all at a meeting, Heidi Ho

  13. Sure, it is humanly impossible to accomplish everything at a meeting. but that's no excuse for not having them. It's also no excuse for the personal shot.


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